8 research outputs found

    A case study on model checking and deductive verification techniques of safety-critical software

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    Due to the growing importance of the role that software plays in critical systems, software verification process is required to be rigorous and reliable. It is well-known that test activities cannot detect all the defects in safety-critical real time software systems. One way of complementing the test activities is through formal verification. Two useful formal verification techniques are deductive verification and model checking, which allow programs to be statically checked for defects. This paper explores both techniques, by employing the CBMC and Jessie/Frama-C tools in the context of a safety-critical real time software system.This work is funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020486

    Auto-Detection of Programming Code Vulnerabilities With Natural Language Processing

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    Security vulnerabilities in source code are traditionally detected manually by software developers because there are no effective auto-detection tools. Current vulnerability detection tools require great human effort, and the results have flaws in many ways. However, deep learning models could be a solution to this problem for the following reasons: 1. Deep learning models are relatively accurate for text classification and text summarization for source code. 2. After being deployed on the cloud servers, the efficiency of deep learning based auto-detection could be much higher than human effort. Therefore, we developed two Natural Language Processing(NLP) models: the first one is a text-classification model that takes source code as input and outputs the classification of the security vulnerability of the input. The second one is a text-to-text model that takes source code as input and outputs a completely machine-generated summary about the security vulnerability of the input. Our evaluation shows that both models get impressive results

    Estudio de PMD, integración y extensibilidad

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    Este proyecto consiste en el estudio de la herramienta de análisis estático de código PMD, la cual es usada ampliamente a la hora de detectar malas prácticas y vulnerabilidades a la hora de desarrollar aplicaciones. Esta herramienta admite como entradas varios tipos de lenguajes, principalmente Java, y el resultado de su análisis se puede obtener en distintos formatos para su posterior análisis o presentación. Además de contar con un catálogo muy amplio de reglas, PMD permite la creación de nuevas reglas para así satisfacer las necesidades del usuario.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic

    Symbolic execution of verification languages and floating-point code

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    The focus of this thesis is a program analysis technique named symbolic execution. We present three main contributions to this field. First, an investigation into comparing several state-of-the-art program analysis tools at the level of an intermediate verification language over a large set of benchmarks, and improvements to the state-of-the-art of symbolic execution for this language. This is explored via a new tool, Symbooglix, that operates on the Boogie intermediate verification language. Second, an investigation into performing symbolic execution of floating-point programs via a standardised theory of floating-point arithmetic that is supported by several existing constraint solvers. This is investigated via two independent extensions of the KLEE symbolic execution engine to support reasoning about floating-point operations (with one tool developed by the thesis author). Third, an investigation into the use of coverage-guided fuzzing as a means for solving constraints over finite data types, inspired by the difficulties associated with solving floating-point constraints. The associated prototype tool, JFS, which builds on the LibFuzzer project, can at present be applied to a wide range of SMT queries over bit-vector and floating-point variables, and shows promise on floating-point constraints.Open Acces


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    V diplomskem delu smo opisali in primerjali orodja za statično analizo kode. Dobra analiza napisane kode je ključnega pomena za zanesljivo in dolgo delovanje aplikacij. Danes si več ne predstavljamo podjetij ter domov brez računalnika in računalniške opreme, ki mora delovati brezhibno. Ravno iz tega razloga je pomemben faktor varne in zanesljive programske opreme dobra analiza ter odstranitev vseh pomanjkljivosti v kodi. Tako smo v začetnih poglavjih spoznali namen in zasnovo različnih orodij za statično analizo kode. Te smo v nadaljevanju primerjali med seboj glede funkcionalnosti, ki jih vsebujejo. V ospredje tega diplomskega dela smo postavili primerjavo dveh orodij, ki smo ju primerjali glede funkcionalnosti, števila pravil, ki ga obsegata, števila najdenih pomanjkljivosti, in splošno uporabnost in zanesljivost. Predvsem smo želeli prikazati, kaj ima eno orodje, česar drugo nima. Tako smo prišli do zanimivih dejstev, ki so prikazana in komentirana v različnih tabelah.In this diploma paper the tools for static code analysis were described and compared. A good analysis of the written code is essential for a long and reliable operation of the applications. Nowadays, one cannot imagine businesses and homes without a computer and computer equipment which must operate flawlessly. That is why a good analysis and the elimination of defects in the code are crucial factors for safe and reliable software. In the early chapters the purpose and the scheme of various tools for static code analysis were discussed. Afterwards, they were compared with each other, according to the functionality they contain. The focus of this diploma paper was the comparison of two tools, which were compared according to their functionality, the number of rules they cover, the number of found defects, and the overall usefulness and reliability. The aim was to demonstrate those features which, on one hand, one tool has and one the other hand, the other tool does not have. At the end interesting discoveries were made, commented on and presented in various tables

    Comparison of static code analysis tools

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    Comparison of static code analysis tools: A case study of static code analysis tools ability to find code vulnerabilities

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    Security deficiencies that occur in web applications can have major consequences. PHP is a language that is often used for web applications and it places high demands on how the language is used to ensure it is safe. There are several features in PHP that should be handled with care to avoid security flaws. Static code analysis can help find vulnerabilities in code, but there are some drawbacks that can occur with static code analysis tools. One disadvantage is false positives which means that the tool reports vulnerabilities that do not exist. There are also false negatives which means the tool cannot find the vulnerability at all which can lead to a false sense of security for the user of the tool. With the help of completed test cases, three tools have been investigated in a case study to find out if the tools differ in their ability to avoid false positives and false negatives. The study also examines whether the tools' rules consider the PHP language's vulnerable functions. To answer the research question, a document collection was conducted to obtain information about the tools and various vulnerabilities. The purpose of this study is to compare the ability of static code analysis tools to find PHP code vulnerabilities. The tools that were investigated were SonarQube, Visual Code Grepper (VCG) and Exakat. The study's analysis shows that VCG found the most vulnerabilities but failed to avoid false positive vulnerabilities. Exakat had zero false positives but could not avoid false negatives to the same extent as VCG. SonarQube avoided all false positives but did not find any of the vulnerabilities tested in the test cases. According to the rules of the tools, VCG had more consideration for the risky functions found in PHP. The study's results show that the tools' ability to avoid false positives and false negatives differed and their adaptation to the PHP language's vulnerable functions.Säkerhetsbrister som förekommer i webbapplikationer kan leda till stora konsekvenser. PHP är ett språk som ofta används för webbapplikationer och det ställer höga krav på hur språket används för att det ska vara säkert. Det finns flera funktioner i PHP som bör hanteras varsamt för att inte säkerhetsbrister ska uppstå. Statisk kodanalys kan hjälpa till med att hitta sårbarheter i kod men det finns vissa nackdelar som kan uppkomma med statiska kodanalysverktyg. En nackdel är falska positiva vilket betyder att verktyget rapporterar in sårbarheter som inte finns. Det finns också falska negativa som betyder att verktyget inte hittar sårbarheten alls vilket kan leda till en falsk trygghetskänsla för användaren av verktyget. Med hjälp av färdiga testfall så har tre verktyg utretts i en fallstudie för att ta reda på om verktygen skiljer sig i sin förmåga till att undvika falska positiva och falska negativa. Studien undersöker också om verktygens regler tar PHP-språkets sårbara funktioner i beaktning. För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan har en dokumentsinsamling genomförts för att få information om verktygen och olika sårbarheter. Studiens syfte är att jämföra statiska kodanalysverktygs förmåga att hitta sårbarheter i PHP-kod. De verktyg som utreddes var SonarQube, Visual Code Grepper (VCG) och Exakat. Studiens analys visar att VCG hittade mest sårbarheter men lyckades inte undvika falska positiva sårbarheter. Exakat hade noll falska positiva men kunde inte undvika falska negativa i lika stor utsträckning som VCG. SonarQube undvek alla falska positiva men hittade inte någon av de sårbarheter som testades i testfallen. Enligt verktygens regler visade sig VCG ta mest hänsyn till de riskfyllda funktioner som finns i PHP. Studiens resultat visar att verktygens förmåga att undvika falska positiva och falska negativa och deras anpassning för PHP språkets sårbara funktioner skiljde sig åt

    Comparison of static code analysis tools: A case study of static code analysis tools ability to find code vulnerabilities

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    Security deficiencies that occur in web applications can have major consequences. PHP is a language that is often used for web applications and it places high demands on how the language is used to ensure it is safe. There are several features in PHP that should be handled with care to avoid security flaws. Static code analysis can help find vulnerabilities in code, but there are some drawbacks that can occur with static code analysis tools. One disadvantage is false positives which means that the tool reports vulnerabilities that do not exist. There are also false negatives which means the tool cannot find the vulnerability at all which can lead to a false sense of security for the user of the tool. With the help of completed test cases, three tools have been investigated in a case study to find out if the tools differ in their ability to avoid false positives and false negatives. The study also examines whether the tools' rules consider the PHP language's vulnerable functions. To answer the research question, a document collection was conducted to obtain information about the tools and various vulnerabilities. The purpose of this study is to compare the ability of static code analysis tools to find PHP code vulnerabilities. The tools that were investigated were SonarQube, Visual Code Grepper (VCG) and Exakat. The study's analysis shows that VCG found the most vulnerabilities but failed to avoid false positive vulnerabilities. Exakat had zero false positives but could not avoid false negatives to the same extent as VCG. SonarQube avoided all false positives but did not find any of the vulnerabilities tested in the test cases. According to the rules of the tools, VCG had more consideration for the risky functions found in PHP. The study's results show that the tools' ability to avoid false positives and false negatives differed and their adaptation to the PHP language's vulnerable functions.Säkerhetsbrister som förekommer i webbapplikationer kan leda till stora konsekvenser. PHP är ett språk som ofta används för webbapplikationer och det ställer höga krav på hur språket används för att det ska vara säkert. Det finns flera funktioner i PHP som bör hanteras varsamt för att inte säkerhetsbrister ska uppstå. Statisk kodanalys kan hjälpa till med att hitta sårbarheter i kod men det finns vissa nackdelar som kan uppkomma med statiska kodanalysverktyg. En nackdel är falska positiva vilket betyder att verktyget rapporterar in sårbarheter som inte finns. Det finns också falska negativa som betyder att verktyget inte hittar sårbarheten alls vilket kan leda till en falsk trygghetskänsla för användaren av verktyget. Med hjälp av färdiga testfall så har tre verktyg utretts i en fallstudie för att ta reda på om verktygen skiljer sig i sin förmåga till att undvika falska positiva och falska negativa. Studien undersöker också om verktygens regler tar PHP-språkets sårbara funktioner i beaktning. För att kunna besvara forskningsfrågan har en dokumentsinsamling genomförts för att få information om verktygen och olika sårbarheter. Studiens syfte är att jämföra statiska kodanalysverktygs förmåga att hitta sårbarheter i PHP-kod. De verktyg som utreddes var SonarQube, Visual Code Grepper (VCG) och Exakat. Studiens analys visar att VCG hittade mest sårbarheter men lyckades inte undvika falska positiva sårbarheter. Exakat hade noll falska positiva men kunde inte undvika falska negativa i lika stor utsträckning som VCG. SonarQube undvek alla falska positiva men hittade inte någon av de sårbarheter som testades i testfallen. Enligt verktygens regler visade sig VCG ta mest hänsyn till de riskfyllda funktioner som finns i PHP. Studiens resultat visar att verktygens förmåga att undvika falska positiva och falska negativa och deras anpassning för PHP språkets sårbara funktioner skiljde sig åt