1,609 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing for Monitoring the Mountaintop Mining Landscape: Applications for Land Cover Mapping at the Individual Mine Complex Scale

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    The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the potential for mapping land cover associated with mountaintop mining in Southern West Virginia using high spatial resolution aerial- and satellite-based multispectral imagery, as well as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) elevation data and terrain derivatives. The following research themes were explored: comparing aerial- and satellite-based imagery, combining data sets of multiple dates and types, incorporating measures of texture, using nonparametric, machine learning classification algorithms, and employing a geographical object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) framework. This research is presented as four interrelated manuscripts.;In a comparison of aerial National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) orthophotography and satellite-based RapidEye data, the aerial imagery was found to provide statistically less accurate classifications of land cover. These lower accuracies are most likely due to inconsistent viewing geometry and radiometric normalization associated with the aerial imagery. Nevertheless, NAIP orthophotography has many characteristics that make it useful for surface mine mapping and monitoring, including its availability for multiple years, a general lack of cloud cover, contiguous coverage of large areas, ease of availability, and low cost. The lower accuracies of the NAIP classifications were somewhat remediated by decreasing the spatial resolution and reducing the number of classes mapped.;Combining LiDAR with multispectral imagery statistically improved the classification of mining and mine reclamation land cover in comparison to only using multispectral data for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. This suggests that the reduced spectral resolution of high spatial resolution data can be combated by incorporating data from another sensor.;Generally, the support vector machines (SVM) algorithm provided higher classification accuracies in comparison to random forests (RF) and boosted classification and regression trees (CART) for both pixel-based and GEOBIA classification. It also outperformed k-nearest neighbor, the algorithm commonly used for GEOBIA classification. However, optimizing user-defined parameters for the SVM algorithm tends to be more complex in comparison to the other algorithms. In particular, RF has fewer parameters, and the program seems robust regarding the parameter settings. RF also offers measures to assess model performance, such as estimates of variable importance and overall accuracy.;Textural measures were found to be of marginal value for pixel-based classification. For GEOBIA, neither measures of texture nor object-specific geometry improved the classification accuracy. Notably, the incorporation of additional information from LiDAR provided a greater improvement in classification accuracy then deriving complex textural and geometric measures.;Pre- and post-mining terrain data classified using GEOBIA and machine learning algorithms resulted in significantly more accurate differentiation of mine-reclaimed and non-mining grasslands than was possible with spectral data. The combination of pre- and post-mining terrain data or just pre-mining data generally outperformed post-mining data. Elevation change data were shown to be of particular value, as were terrain shape parameters. GEOBIA was a valuable tool for combining data collected using different sensors and gridded at variable cell sizes, and machine learning algorithms were particularly useful for incorporating the ancillary data derived from the digital elevation models (DEMs), since these most likely would not have met the basic assumptions of multivariate normality required for parametric classifiers.;Collectively, this research suggests that high spatial resolution remotely sensed data are valuable for mapping and monitoring surface mining and mine reclamation, especially when elevation and spectral data are combined. Machine learning algorithms and GEOBIA are useful for integrating such diverse data

    Research on enhancing the utilization of digital multispectral data and geographic information systems in global habitability studies

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    The University of Kansas Applied Remote Sensing (KARS) program is engaged in a continuing long term research and development effort designed to reveal and facilitate new applications of remote sensing technology for decision makers in governmental agencies and private firms. Some objectives of the program follows. The development of new modes of analyzing multispectral scanner, aerial camera, thermal scanner, and radar data, singly or in concert in order to more effectively use these systems. Merge data derived from remote sensing with data derived from conventional sources in geographic information systems to facilitate better environmental planning. Stimulation of the application of the products of remote sensing systems to problems of resource management and environmental quality now being addressed in NASA's Global Habitability directive. The application of remote sensing techniques and analysis and geographic information systems technology to the solution of significant concerns of state and local officials and private industry. The guidance, assistance and stimulation of faculty, staff and students in the utilization of information from the Earth Resources Satellite (LANDSAT) and Aircraft Programs of NASA in research, education, and public service activities carried at the University of Kansas

    Optimal land cover mapping and change analysis in northeastern oregon using landsat imagery.

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    Abstract The necessity for the development of repeatable, efficient, and accurate monitoring of land cover change is paramount to successful management of our planet’s natural resources. This study evaluated a number of remote sensing methods for classifying land cover and land cover change throughout a two-county area in northeastern Oregon (1986 to 2011). In the past three decades, this region has seen significant changes in forest management that have affected land use and land cover. This study employed an accuracy assessment-based empirical approach to test the optimality of a number of advanced digital image processing techniques that have recently emerged in the field of remote sensing. The accuracies are assessed using traditional error matrices, calculated using reference data obtained in the field. We found that, for single-time land cover classification, Bayes pixel-based classification using samples created with scale and shape segmentation parameters of 8 and 0.3, respectively, resulted in the highest overall accuracy. For land cover change detection, using Landsat-5 TM band 7 with a change threshold of 1.75 standard deviations resulted in the highest accuracy for forest harvesting and regeneration mapping

    Dynamics of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Harare, Zimbabwe: A Case Study on the Linkage between Drivers and the Axis of Urban Expansion

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    With increasing population growth, the Harare Metropolitan Province has experienced accelerated land use and land cover (LULC) changes, influencing the city’s growth. This study aims to assess spatiotemporal urban LULC changes, the axis, and patterns of growth as well as drivers influencing urban growth over the past three decades in the Harare Metropolitan Province. The analysis was based on remotely sensed Landsat Thematic Mapper and Operational Land Imager data from 1984–2018, GIS application, and binary logistic regression. Supervised image classification using support vector machines was performed on Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI data combined with the soil adjusted vegetation index, enhanced built-up and bareness index and modified difference water index. Statistical modelling was performed using binary logistic regression to identify the influence of the slope and the distance proximity characters as independent variables on urban growth. The overall mapping accuracy for all time periods was over 85%. Built-up areas extended from 279.5 km2 (1984) to 445 km2 (2018) with high-density residential areas growing dramatically from 51.2 km2 (1984) to 218.4 km2 (2018). The results suggest that urban growth was influenced mainly by the presence and density of road networks

    Monitoring Cloud-prone Complex Landscapes At Multiple Spatial Scales Using Medium And High Resolution Optical Data: A Case Study In Central Africa

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    Tracking land surface dynamics over cloud-prone areas with complex mountainous terrain and a landscape that is heterogeneous at a scale of approximately 10 m, is an important challenge in the remote sensing of tropical regions in developing nations, due to the small plot sizes. Persistent monitoring of natural resources in these regions at multiple spatial scales requires development of tools to identify emerging land cover transformation due to anthropogenic causes, such as agricultural expansion and climate change. Along with the cloud cover and obstructions by topographic distortions due to steep terrain, there are limitations to the accuracy of monitoring change using available historical satellite imagery, largely due to sparse data access and the lack of high quality ground truth for classifier training. One such complex region is the Lake Kivu region in Central Africa. This work addressed these problems to create an effective process for monitoring the Lake Kivu region located in Central Africa. The Lake Kivu region is a biodiversity hotspot with a complex and heterogeneous landscape and intensive agricultural development, where individual plot sizes are often at the scale of 10m. Procedures were developed that use optical data from satellite and aerial observations at multiple scales to tackle the monitoring challenges. First, a novel processing chain was developed to systematically monitor the spatio-temporal land cover dynamics of this region over the years 1988, 2001, and 2011 using Landsat data, complemented by ancillary data. Topographic compensation was performed on Landsat reflectances to avoid the strong illumination angle impacts and image compositing was used to compensate for frequent cloud cover and thus incomplete annual data availability in the archive. A systematic supervised classification, using the state-of-the-art machine learning classifier Random Forest, was applied to the composite Landsat imagery to obtain land cover thematic maps with overall accuracies of 90% and higher. Subsequent change analysis between these years found extensive conversions of the natural environment as a result of human related activities. The gross forest cover loss for 1988-2001 and 2001- 2011 periods was 216.4 and 130.5 thousand hectares, respectively, signifying significant deforestation in the period of civil war and a relatively stable and lower deforestation rate later, possibly due to conservation and reforestation efforts in the region. The other dominant land cover changes in the region were aggressive subsistence farming and urban expansion displacing natural vegetation and arable lands. Despite limited data availability, this study fills the gap of much needed detailed and updated land cover change information for this biologically important region of Central Africa. While useful on a regional scale, Landsat data can be inadequate for more detailed studies of land cover change. Based on an increasing availability of high resolution imagery and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data from manned and unmanned aerial platforms (\u3c1m \u3eresolution), a study was performed leading to a novel generic framework for land cover monitoring at fine spatial scales. The approach fuses high spatial resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data to produce land cover maps with high spatial detail using object-based image analysis techniques. The classification framework was tested for a scene with both natural and cultural features and was found to be more than 90 percent accurate, sufficient for detailed land cover change studies

    A Study of Feature Extraction Using Divergence Analysis of Texture Features

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    An empirical study of texture analysis for feature extraction and classification of high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery (10 meters) is presented in terms of specific land cover types. The principal method examined is the use of spatial gray tone dependence (SGTD). The SGTD method reduces the gray levels within a moving window into a two-dimensional spatial gray tone dependence matrix which can be interpreted as a probability matrix of gray tone pairs. Haralick et al (1973) used a number of information theory measures to extract texture features from these matrices, including angular second moment (inertia), correlation, entropy, homogeneity, and energy. The derivation of the SGTD matrix is a function of: (1) the number of gray tones in an image; (2) the angle along which the frequency of SGTD is calculated; (3) the size of the moving window; and (4) the distance between gray tone pairs. The first three parameters were varied and tested on a 10 meter resolution panchromatic image of Maryville, Tennessee using the five SGTD measures. A transformed divergence measure was used to determine the statistical separability between four land cover categories forest, new residential, old residential, and industrial for each variation in texture parameters

    The roles of textural images in improving land-cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon.

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    Texture has long been recognized as valuable in improving land-cover classification, but how data from different sensors with varying spatial resolutions affect the selection of textural images is poorly understood. This research examines textural images from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar), the SPOT (Satellite Pour l?Observation de la Terre) high-resolution geometric (HRG) instrument, and the QuickBird satellite, which have pixel sizes of 30, 12.5, 10/5, and 0.6 m, respectively, for land-cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon. GLCM (grey-level co-occurrence matrix)-based texture measures with various sizes of moving windows are used to extract textural images from the aforementioned sensor data. An index based on standard deviations and correlation coefficients is used to identify the best texture combination following separability analysis of land-cover types based on training sample plots. A maximum likelihood classifier is used to conduct the land-cover classification, and the results are evaluated using field survey data. This research shows the importance of textural images in improving land-cover classification, and the importance becomes more significant as the pixel size improved. It is also shown that texture is especially important in the case of the ALOS PALSAR and QuickBird data. Overall, textural images have less capability in distinguishing land-cover types than spectral signatures, especially for Landsat TM imagery, but incorporation of textures into radiometric data is valuable for improving landcover classification. The classification accuracy can be improved by 5.2?13.4% as the pixel size changes from 30 to 0.6 m

    Earth Resources: A continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 475 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between January 1 and March 31, 1984. Emphasis is placed on the use of remote sensing and geophysical instrumentation in spacecraft and aircraft to survey and inventory natural resources and urban areas. Subject matter is grouped according to agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economical analysis

    Remote sensing and GIS in support of sustainable agricultural development

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    Over the coming decades it is expected that the vast amounts of area currently in agricultural production will face growing pressure to intensify as world populations continue to grow, and the demand for a more Western-based diet increases. Coupled with the potential consequences of climate change, and the increasing costs involved with current energy-intensive agricultural production methods, meeting goals of environmental and socioeconomic sustainability will become ever more challenging. At a minimum, meeting such goals will require a greater understanding of rates of change, both over time and space, to properly assess how present demand may affect the needs of future generations. As agriculture represents a fundamental component of modern society, and the most ubiquitous form of human induced landscape change on the planet, it follows that mapping and tracking changes in such environments represents a crucial first step towards meeting the goal of sustainability. In anticipation of the mounting need for consistent and timely information related to agricultural development, this thesis proposes several advances in the field of geomatics, with specific contributions in the areas of remote sensing and spatial analysis: First, the relative strengths of several supervised machine learning algorithms used to classify remotely sensed imagery were assessed using two image analysis approaches: pixel-based and object-based. Second, a feature selection process, based on a Random Forest classifier, was applied to a large data set to reduce the overall number of object-based predictor variables used by a classification model without sacrificing overall classification accuracy. Third, a hybrid object-based change detection method was introduced with the ability to handle disparate image sources, generate per-class change thresholds, and minimize map updating errors. Fourth, a spatial disaggregation procedure was performed on coarse scale agricultural census data to render an indicator of agricultural development in a spatially explicit manner across a 9,000 km2 watershed in southwest Saskatchewan for three time periods spanning several decades. The combination of methodologies introduced represents an overall analytical framework suitable for supporting the sustainable development of agricultural environments

    Land use/cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon using satellite images.

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    Land use/cover classification is one of the most important applications in remote sensing. However, mapping accurate land use/cover spatial distribution is a challenge, particularly in moist tropical regions, due to the complex biophysical environment and limitations of remote sensing data per se. This paper reviews experiments related to land use/cover classification in the Brazilian Amazon for a decade. Through comprehensive analysis of the classification results, it is concluded that spatial information inherent in remote sensing data plays an essential role in improving land use/cover classification. Incorporation of suitable textural images into multispectral bands and use of segmentation?based method are valuable ways to improve land use/cover classification, especially for high spatial resolution images. Data fusion of multi?resolution images within optical sensor data is vital for visual interpretation, but may not improve classification performance. In contrast, integration of optical and radar data did improve classification performance when the proper data fusion method was used. Of the classification algorithms available, the maximum likelihood classifier is still an important method for providing reasonably good accuracy, but nonparametric algorithms, such as classification tree analysis, has the potential to provide better results. However, they often require more time to achieve parametric optimization. Proper use of hierarchical?based methods is fundamental for developing accurate land use/cover classification, mainly from historical remotely sensed data
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