20 research outputs found

    Modelování dopravního toku s využitím moderních stochastických nástrojů

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    The importance of traffic state prediction steadily increases together with growing volume of traffic. The ability to predict traffic speed and density in short to medium horizon is one of the main tasks of every Intelligent Transportation System. This prediction can be used to manage the traffic both to prevent the traffic congestions and to minimize their impact. This information is also useful for route planning. Traffic state prediction is not an easy task given that the traffic flow is very difficult to describe by numerical equations. Other possible approach to traffic state prediction is to use historical data about the traffic and relate them to the current state by application of some form of statistical approach. This task is, however, complicated by complex nature of the traffic data, which can, due to various reasons, be quite inaccurate. This thesis is focused on finding the algorithms that can exploit valuable information contained in traffic data from Czech Republic highways to make a short-term traffic speed predictions. My proposed algorithms are based on modern stochastic approaches like hidden Markov models, dynamic Bayesian networks, ensemble Kalman filters, Monte Carlo simulation and Markov chains. These models are naturally able to capture all complexities in the traffic and incorporate uncertainty of the traffic dataSpolu s rostoucím objemem provozu narůstá význam předpovědi stavu dopravního provozu. Schopnost předvídat dopravní rychlost a hustotu v krátkém až střednědobém horizontu je jednou z hlavních úkolů každého systému pro řízení dopravy. Tato predikce může být použita k řízení provozu, a to jak k prevenci vzniku dopravních zácp, tak k minimalizaci jejich dopadu. Tyto informace jsou také užitečné pro plánování jízdních tras. Předpověď stavu dopravního provozu není snadným úkolem, protože dopravní tok je velmi obtížné popsat numerickými rovnicemi. Dalším možným přístupem k předpovědi provozního stavu je použití historických údajů o provozu a jejich propojení s aktuálním stavem pomocí vhodného statistického přístupu. Tento úkol však komplikuje složitá povaha dopravních dat, která mohou být z různých důvodů poměrně nepřesná. Tato práce je zaměřena na nalezení algoritmů, které mohou využívat cenné informace obsažené v dopravních údajích z dálnic ČR za účelem vytvoření krátkodobých předpovědí rychlosti provozu. Mnou navrhované algoritmy jsou založeny na moderních stochastických přístupech jako jsou skryté Markovovy modely, dynamické bayesovské sítě a Kalmanovy filtry. Tyto modely dokáží přirozeně zachytit zákonitosti dopravního provozu a vzít v úvahu neznámou nejistotu zatěžující dopravní data.470 - Katedra aplikované matematikyvyhově

    Comparison of ASIM Traffic Profile Detectors and Floating Car Data During Traffic Incidents

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    Part 2: AlgorithmsInternational audienceIntelligent Transportation Systems are highly dependent on the quality and quantity of road traffic data. The complexity of input data is often crucial for effectiveness and sufficient reliability of such systems. Recent days, the fusion of various data sources is the topic which attracts attention of several researchers. The algorithms for data fusion take benefit of the advantages and disadvantages of each technology, resulting in an optimal solution for traffic management problems. The paper is focused on finding relations between two main data sources, floating car data and ASIM traffic profile detectors. Time series of speed and other information obtained from these data sources were analysed by Granger causality with intention to use both data sources efficiently for traffic monitoring and control during traffic incidents

    Anomalous behaviour detection for cyber defence in modern industrial control systems

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.The fusion of pervasive internet connectivity and emerging technologies in smart cities creates fragile cyber-physical-natural ecosystems. Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are intrinsic parts of smart cities and critical to modern societies. Not designed for interconnectivity or security, disruptor technologies enable ubiquitous computing in modern ICS. Aided by artificial intelligence and the industrial internet of things they transform the ICS environment towards better automation, process control and monitoring. However, investigations reveal that leveraging disruptive technologies in ICS creates security challenges exposing critical infrastructure to sophisticated threat actors including increasingly hostile, well-organised cybercrimes and Advanced Persistent Threats. Besides external factors, the prevalence of insider threats includes malicious intent, accidental hazards and professional errors. The sensing capabilities create opportunities to capture various data types. Apart from operational use, this data combined with artificial intelligence can be innovatively utilised to model anomalous behaviour as part of defence-in-depth strategies. As such, this research aims to investigate and develop a security mechanism to improve cyber defence in ICS. Firstly, this thesis contributes a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which helps analyse frameworks and systems that address CPS’ cyber resilience and digital forensic incident response in smart cities. The SLR uncovers emerging themes and concludes several key findings. For example, the chronological analysis reveals key influencing factors, whereas the data source analysis points to a lack of real CPS datasets with prevalent utilisation of software and infrastructure-based simulations. Further in-depth analysis shows that cross-sector proposals or applications to improve digital forensics focusing on cyber resilience are addressed by a small number of research studies in some smart sectors. Next, this research introduces a novel super learner ensemble anomaly detection and cyber risk quantification framework to profile anomalous behaviour in ICS and derive a cyber risk score. The proposed framework and associated learning models are experimentally validated. The produced results are promising and achieve an overall F1-score of 99.13%, and an anomalous recall score of 99% detecting anomalies lasting only 17 seconds ranging from 0.5% to 89% of the dataset. Further, a one-class classification model is developed, leveraging stream rebalancing followed by adaptive machine learning algorithms and drift detection methods. The model is experimentally validated producing promising results including an overall Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) score of 0.999 and the Cohen’s Kappa (K) score of 0.9986 on limited variable single-type anomalous behaviour per data stream. Wide data streams achieve an MCC score of 0.981 and a K score of 0.9808 in the prevalence of multiple types of anomalous instances. Additionally, the thesis scrutinises the applicability of the learning models to support digital forensic readiness. The research study presents the concept of digital witness and digital chain of custody in ICS. Following that, a use case integrating blockchain technologies into the design of ICS to support digital forensic readiness is discussed. In conclusion, the contributions of this research thesis help towards developing the next generation of state-of-the-art methods for anomalous behaviour detection in ICS defence-in-depth

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen

    IoT and Sensor Networks in Industry and Society

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    The exponential progress of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the main elements that fueled the acceleration of the globalization pace. Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data analytics are some of the key players of the digital transformation that is affecting every aspect of human's daily life, from environmental monitoring to healthcare systems, from production processes to social interactions. In less than 20 years, people's everyday life has been revolutionized, and concepts such as Smart Home, Smart Grid and Smart City have become familiar also to non-technical users. The integration of embedded systems, ubiquitous Internet access, and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications have paved the way for paradigms such as IoT and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) to be also introduced in high-requirement environments such as those related to industrial processes, under the forms of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT or I2oT) and Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS). As a consequence, in 2011 the German High-Tech Strategy 2020 Action Plan for Germany first envisioned the concept of Industry 4.0, which is rapidly reshaping traditional industrial processes. The term refers to the promise to be the fourth industrial revolution. Indeed, the first industrial revolution was triggered by water and steam power. Electricity and assembly lines enabled mass production in the second industrial revolution. In the third industrial revolution, the introduction of control automation and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) gave a boost to factory production. As opposed to the previous revolutions, Industry 4.0 takes advantage of Internet access, M2M communications, and deep learning not only to improve production efficiency but also to enable the so-called mass customization, i.e. the mass production of personalized products by means of modularized product design and flexible processes. Less than five years later, in January 2016, the Japanese 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan took a further step by introducing the concept of Super Smart Society or Society 5.0. According to this vision, in the upcoming future, scientific and technological innovation will guide our society into the next social revolution after the hunter-gatherer, agrarian, industrial, and information eras, which respectively represented the previous social revolutions. Society 5.0 is a human-centered society that fosters the simultaneous achievement of economic, environmental and social objectives, to ensure a high quality of life to all citizens. This information-enabled revolution aims to tackle today’s major challenges such as an ageing population, social inequalities, depopulation and constraints related to energy and the environment. Accordingly, the citizens will be experiencing impressive transformations into every aspect of their daily lives. This book offers an insight into the key technologies that are going to shape the future of industry and society. It is subdivided into five parts: the I Part presents a horizontal view of the main enabling technologies, whereas the II-V Parts offer a vertical perspective on four different environments. The I Part, dedicated to IoT and Sensor Network architectures, encompasses three Chapters. In Chapter 1, Peruzzi and Pozzebon analyse the literature on the subject of energy harvesting solutions for IoT monitoring systems and architectures based on Low-Power Wireless Area Networks (LPWAN). The Chapter does not limit the discussion to Long Range Wise Area Network (LoRaWAN), SigFox and Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) communication protocols, but it also includes other relevant solutions such as DASH7 and Long Term Evolution MAchine Type Communication (LTE-M). In Chapter 2, Hussein et al. discuss the development of an Internet of Things message protocol that supports multi-topic messaging. The Chapter further presents the implementation of a platform, which integrates the proposed communication protocol, based on Real Time Operating System. In Chapter 3, Li et al. investigate the heterogeneous task scheduling problem for data-intensive scenarios, to reduce the global task execution time, and consequently reducing data centers' energy consumption. The proposed approach aims to maximize the efficiency by comparing the cost between remote task execution and data migration. The II Part is dedicated to Industry 4.0, and includes two Chapters. In Chapter 4, Grecuccio et al. propose a solution to integrate IoT devices by leveraging a blockchain-enabled gateway based on Ethereum, so that they do not need to rely on centralized intermediaries and third-party services. As it is better explained in the paper, where the performance is evaluated in a food-chain traceability application, this solution is particularly beneficial in Industry 4.0 domains. Chapter 5, by De Fazio et al., addresses the issue of safety in workplaces by presenting a smart garment that integrates several low-power sensors to monitor environmental and biophysical parameters. This enables the detection of dangerous situations, so as to prevent or at least reduce the consequences of workers accidents. The III Part is made of two Chapters based on the topic of Smart Buildings. In Chapter 6, Petroșanu et al. review the literature about recent developments in the smart building sector, related to the use of supervised and unsupervised machine learning models of sensory data. The Chapter poses particular attention on enhanced sensing, energy efficiency, and optimal building management. In Chapter 7, Oh examines how much the education of prosumers about their energy consumption habits affects power consumption reduction and encourages energy conservation, sustainable living, and behavioral change, in residential environments. In this Chapter, energy consumption monitoring is made possible thanks to the use of smart plugs. Smart Transport is the subject of the IV Part, including three Chapters. In Chapter 8, Roveri et al. propose an approach that leverages the small world theory to control swarms of vehicles connected through Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication protocols. Indeed, considering a queue dominated by short-range car-following dynamics, the Chapter demonstrates that safety and security are increased by the introduction of a few selected random long-range communications. In Chapter 9, Nitti et al. present a real time system to observe and analyze public transport passengers' mobility by tracking them throughout their journey on public transport vehicles. The system is based on the detection of the active Wi-Fi interfaces, through the analysis of Wi-Fi probe requests. In Chapter 10, Miler et al. discuss the development of a tool for the analysis and comparison of efficiency indicated by the integrated IT systems in the operational activities undertaken by Road Transport Enterprises (RTEs). The authors of this Chapter further provide a holistic evaluation of efficiency of telematics systems in RTE operational management. The book ends with the two Chapters of the V Part on Smart Environmental Monitoring. In Chapter 11, He et al. propose a Sea Surface Temperature Prediction (SSTP) model based on time-series similarity measure, multiple pattern learning and parameter optimization. In this strategy, the optimal parameters are determined by means of an improved Particle Swarm Optimization method. In Chapter 12, Tsipis et al. present a low-cost, WSN-based IoT system that seamlessly embeds a three-layered cloud/fog computing architecture, suitable for facilitating smart agricultural applications, especially those related to wildfire monitoring. We wish to thank all the authors that contributed to this book for their efforts. We express our gratitude to all reviewers for the volunteering support and precious feedback during the review process. We hope that this book provides valuable information and spurs meaningful discussion among researchers, engineers, businesspeople, and other experts about the role of new technologies into industry and society

    Theology & technology: An Exploration of their relationship with special reference to the work of Albert Borgmann and intelligent transportation systems

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    This thesis summarizes a large body of literature concerning the sociology, рhilosophy, and history of technology and the specific set of technologies concerned with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It considers technologies of various kinds within the Old and New Testaments and how technology has been understood and occasionally discussed by contemporary theologians. Intelligent Transportation Systems are a very prominent area of modem technologies that will shape the future of society in profound ways. The overall field of ITS is described and then a specific case study concerning a set of automated highway systems applications within three states and two large national parks within the United States is presented. The case study then provides a backdrop to explore specific ways in which theology might engage in a conversation with intelligent transportation systems specifically and technology more generally. Since theologians have written relatively little about technology, we draw upon the work of a leading philosopher of technology who is informed by his Christian commitments, Albert Borgmaim. The extensive philosophy of Bergmann about technology and the character of contemporary life is described. Various considerations about how to create, foster, and maintain a sustained dialogue between disparate intellectual traditions and disciplines are suggested. This includes attention to goals for dialogue, respective strengths that various parties bring to the conversation, and the willingness to hear and learn from the other. A framework to categorize interactions between theology and technology is introduced. Borgmann's ideas, coupled with those of other theologians and philosophers are then applied to the case study. The worth of this approach is then assessed in light of what theologians might contribute to discussion and decision-making about technological systems and devices facing toward the future. Consideration is also given to what technology might contribute to the theological enterprise. The investigation demonstrates the importance of such dialogues and the viability of initiating them

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 258)

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    This bibliography lists 536 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in October 1990. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Chinese Feminism, Tibet, and Xinjiang

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