169 research outputs found

    Harjattoman tasavirtamoottorin arviointi opto-mekaanisessa paikkasäätösovelluksessa

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    This thesis evaluates the applicability of a micro-sized brushless direct current (DC) mo- tor in an opto-mechanical positioning application. Brushless DC motors are electronically commutated motors that use permanent magnets to produce the airgap magnetic field. The motor is powered through an inverter or switching power supply which produces an AC electric current to drive each phase of the motor. Optimal current waveforms are determined by the motor controller based on the desired torque, speed or position requirements. The benefits of a brushless motor over conventional brushed DC motors are a high power to weight ratio, low noise and a long operating life. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the performance potential of such motors and determine methods to achieve it. Firstly, a motor model and an exact motor classification is presented. A literature review is made to discuss state of the art control methods and hardware configurations for dynamic position control. Based on the literature review, a control scheme with field-oriented control based torque control and cascaded PI controlled speed and position loops was selected for further evaluation. Experimental positioning tests were executed for two motors with different power transmission setups. Tests were performed with both, a hardware and software implemented, motor controllers. Results show promising performance. It was shown that the required acceleration is feasible with both, geared and direct drive, transmissions. Field-oriented control was shown as a well performing method to control torque but special caution was needed to implement a reliable position sensing solution in a small size as the control algorithm is intolerant for inaccurate and noisy position data. The conventional PI based position controller was effective in cases with no feedback related harmonics or motor related torque ripple but was not capable in handling ripple caused by a non-ideal system. Quality variances were seen between motors which were originated from mechanical defects and non-idealities in the stator structure. Further research is needed to achieve a better settling performance through filtering undesired feedback harmonics, better tuning and thus minimizing undesired vibrations.Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena on arvioida pienikokoisen harjattoman tasavirtamoottorin soveltuvuutta opto-mekaaniseen paikkasäätösovellukseen. Harjattomat tasavirtamoottorit ovat elektronisesti ohjattuja moottoreita, joissa ilmavälin magneettivuo luodaan kestomagneeteilla. Moottorille syötetään virtaa taajuusmuuttajalta, joka muodostaa halutunlaisen vaihtovirran jokaiselle moottorin vaiheelle. Syötettävää virtaa ohjataan moottorinohjaimelta määritettyjen vääntö-, nopeus- ja paikkavaatimusten perusteella. Harjattoman DC-moottorin edut verrattuna perinteiseen harjalliseen DC-moottoriin ovat hyvä teho-painosuhde, hiljainen käyntiääni ja pitkä käyttöikä. Diplomityön tavoitteena on kartoittaa kyseisen moottorityypin suorituskyky paikkasäädössä ja tutkia keinoja saavuttaa haluttu taso. Alan tutkimuksessa ja kirjallisuudessa tunnettuja suorituskykyisiä säätömenetelmiä ja laite- sekä komponenttikokoonpanoja on koostettu kirjallisuuskatsauksessa. Tämän perusteella kokeellisiin testeihin valittiin säätöarkkitehtuuri vektorisäätöön perustuvalla virransäädöllä sekä PI-pohjaisilla nopeus- ja paikkasäätimillä. Kokeellisilla paikoitustesteillä arvioitiin kahden moottorin suorituskykyä erilaisilla voimansiirtovaihtoehdoilla. Testit suoritettiin sekä ohjelmistopohjaisella että sovelluskohtaiseen mikropiiriin toteutetulla laitepohjaisella säätimellä. Tulokset osoittavat että vaaditun kiihtyvyyden saavuttaminen on mahdollista sekä vaihteellisella että suoravetoisella voimansiirrolla. Vektorisäätö osoittautui suorituskykyiseksi virransäätömenetelmäksi, mutta moottorin asentomittauksen luotettava toteutus vaati erityishuomiota, sillä vektorisäätöalgoritmi on herkkä paikkadatan tarkkuudelle. PI-säätimillä toteutettu paikkasäätö osoittautui toimivaksi, mutta herkäksi moottorin epäideaalisuuksille sekä häiriöille takaisinkytkennässä. Moottoreiden välillä havaittiin laatueroja mekaanisissa toleransseissa ja staattorin rakenteessa. Lopullisen asettumisajan saavuttaminen vaatii lisätutkimusta. Erityishuomiota on kiinnitettävä harmonisten komponenttien suodattamiseen sekä systeemin säätöön, jotta ei-toivotut värinät saadaan minimoitua

    Critical Aspects of Electric Motor Drive Controllers and Mitigation of Torque Ripple - Review

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are playing a vital role in sustainable transportation. It is estimated that by 2030, Battery EVs will become mainstream for passenger car transportation. Even though EVs are gaining interest in sustainable transportation, the future of EV power transmission is facing vital concerns and open research challenges. Considering the case of torque ripple mitigation and improved reliability control techniques in motors, many motor drive control algorithms fail to provide efficient control. To efficiently address this issue, control techniques such as Field Orientation Control (FOC), Direct Torque Control (DTC), Model Predictive Control (MPC), Sliding Mode Control (SMC), and Intelligent Control (IC) techniques are used in the motor drive control algorithms. This literature survey exclusively compares the various advanced control techniques for conventionally used EV motors such as Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), Brushless Direct Current Motor (BLDC), Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM), and Induction Motors (IM). Furthermore, this paper discusses the EV-motors history, types of EVmotors, EV-motor drives powertrain mathematical modelling, and design procedure of EV-motors. The hardware results have also been compared with different control techniques for BLDC and SRM hub motors. Future direction towards the design of EV by critical selection of motors and their control techniques to minimize the torque ripple and other research opportunities to enhance the performance of EVs are also presented.publishedVersio

    Performance analysis of electric drives using slotless motors

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    La tesi descrive le principali criticità nel controllo di macchine elettriche di tipo 'slotless'; con particolare riguardo alle prestazione della macchina stessa in relazione alle tecniche di controllo utilizzate (SVM o controllo trapezoidal e)

    Rotor Position Identification for Brushless DC motor

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    Permanent magnet BLDC motors are characterized by a central magnetic core, called the rotor, and fixed electric coils (usually six) equally spaced in a ring around the core, called the stator. Motor movement is controlled by alternately energizing and de-energizing the stator coils to create a rotating magnetic field that propels the rotor. In order for this process to work correctly, BLDC motors required a technology called electronic commutation, in which the coil currents must be very carefully synchronized to rotor position to ensure that the rotating field is correctly aligned with the permanent magnetic field in the rotor. Usually rotor position is measured by external sensors such as Hall-effect sensors and optical encoders and these external sensors increase the system cost and reduces reliability. In order to control the price and make it more reliable this thesis propose to infer the rotor position from voltage and current measurement of motor. The most common approaches to sensorless control are based on the measurement of the electromotive force (back-EMF), that is induced by the rotor motion. As the back-EMF is nearly zero at very low speed and at stationary position, and can not be measured. Therefore a separate algorithm is required for start-up and control at low speed. The other method of sensorless control involves the inference of rotor position from the variation in inductance caused by rotor position. This thesis presents a prototype system for sensorless control of BLDC motors over the entire speed range of the motor, including stall (zero speed) conditions using the voltage and current signals from the motor

    Traction control in electric vehicles

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Área de Especialização de Automação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Advances in Rotating Electric Machines

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    It is difficult to imagine a modern society without rotating electric machines. Their use has been increasing not only in the traditional fields of application but also in more contemporary fields, including renewable energy conversion systems, electric aircraft, aerospace, electric vehicles, unmanned propulsion systems, robotics, etc. This has contributed to advances in the materials, design methodologies, modeling tools, and manufacturing processes of current electric machines, which are characterized by high compactness, low weight, high power density, high torque density, and high reliability. On the other hand, the growing use of electric machines and drives in more critical applications has pushed forward the research in the area of condition monitoring and fault tolerance, leading to the development of more reliable diagnostic techniques and more fault-tolerant machines. This book presents and disseminates the most recent advances related to the theory, design, modeling, application, control, and condition monitoring of all types of rotating electric machines

    Performance Evaluation of a Cascaded H-Bridge Multi Level Inverter Fed BLDC Motor Drive in an Electric Vehicle

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    The automobile industry is moving fast towards Electric Vehicles (EV); however this paradigm shift is currently making its smooth transition through the phase of Hybrid Electric Vehicles. There is an ever-growing need for integration of hybrid energy sources especially for vehicular applications. Different energy sources such as batteries, ultra-capacitors, fuel cells etc. are available. Usage of these varied energy sources alone or together in different combinations in automobiles requires advanced power electronic circuits and control methodologies. An exhaustive literature survey has been carried out to study the power electronic converter, switching modulation strategy to be employed and the particular machine to be used in an EV. Adequate amount of effort has been put into designing the vehicle specifications. Owing to stronger demand for higher performance and torque response in an EV, the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine has been favored over the traditional Induction Machine. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the use of a multi level inverter fed Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) motor in a field oriented control fashion in an EV and make it follow a given drive cycle. The switching operation and control of a multi level inverter for specific power level and desired performance characteristics is investigated. The EV has been designed from scratch taking into consideration the various factors such as mass, coefficients of aerodynamic drag and air friction, tire radius etc. The design parameters are meant to meet the requirements of a commercial car. The various advantages of a multi level inverter fed PMSM have been demonstrated and an exhaustive performance evaluation has been done. The investigation is done by testing the designed system on a standard drive cycle, New York urban driving cycle. This highly transient driving cycle is particularly used because it provides rapidly changing acceleration and deceleration curves. Furthermore, the evaluation of the system under fault conditions is also done. It is demonstrated that the system is stable and has a ride-through capability under different fault conditions. The simulations have been carried out in MATLAB and Simulink, while some preliminary studies involving switching losses of the converter were done in PSIM

    Sensorless Rotor Position Estimation For Brushless DC Motors

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    Brushless DC motor speed is controlled by synchronizing the stator coil current with rotor position in order to acquire an accurate alignment of stator rotating field with rotor permanent-magnet field for efficient transfer of energy. In order to accomplish this goal, a motor shaft is instantly tracked by using rotating rotor position sensors such as Hall effect sensors, optical encoders or resolvers etc. Adding sensors to detect rotor position affects the overall reliability and mechanical robustness of the system. Therefore, a whole new trend of replacing position sensors with sensorless rotor position estimation techniques have a promising demand. Among the sensorless approaches, Back-EMF measurement and high frequency signal injection is the most common. Back-EMF is an electromotive force, directly proportional to the speed of rotor revolutions per second, the greater the speed motor acquires the greater the Back-EMF amplitude appears against the motion of rotation. However, the detected Back-EMF is zero at start-up and does not provide motor speed information at this instant. There-fore, Back-EMF based techniques are highly unfavourable for low speed application specially near zero. On the other hand, signal injection techniques are comparatively developed for low or near zero motor speed applications and they also can estimate the on-line motor parameters exploiting the identification theory on phase voltages and currents signals. The signal injection approach requires expensive additional hardware to inject high frequency signal. Since, motors are typically driven with pulse width modulation techniques, high frequency signals are naturally already present which can be used to detect position. This thesis presents rotor position estimation by measuring the voltage and current signals and also proposes an equivalent permanent-magnet synchronous motor model by fitting thedata to a position dependent circuit model

    Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motors with non-sinusoidal back-EMF

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    This work presents the direct torque control (DTC) techniques, implemented in four- and six-switch inverter, for brushless dc (BLDC) motors with non-sinusoidal back- EMF using two and three-phase conduction modes. First of all, the classical direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) with sinusoidal back-EMF is discussed in detail. Secondly, the proposed two-phase conduction mode for DTC of BLDC motors is introduced in the constant torque region. In this control scheme, only two phases conduct at any instant of time using a six-switch inverter. By properly selecting the inverter voltage space vectors of the two-phase conduction mode from a simple look-up table the desired quasi-square wave current is obtained. Therefore, it is possible to achieve DTC of a BLDC motor drive with faster torque response while the stator flux linkage amplitude is deliberately kept almost constant by ignoring the flux control in the constant torque region. Third, the avarege current controlled boost power factor correction (PFC) method is applied to the previously discussed proposed DTC of BLDC motor drive in the constant torque region. The test results verify that the proposed PFC for DTC of BLDC motor drive improves the power factor from 0.77 to about 0.9997 irrespective of the load. Fourth, the DTC technique for BLDC motor using four-switch inverter in the constant torque region is studied. For effective torque control in two phase conduction mode, a novel switching pattern incorporating the voltage vector look-up table is designed and implemented for four-switch inverter to produce the desired torque characteristics. As a result, it is possible to achieve two-phase conduction DTC of a BLDC motor drive using four-switch inverter with faster torque response due to the fact that the voltage space vectors are directly controlled.. Finally, the position sensorless direct torque and indirect flux control (DTIFC) of BLDC motor with non-sinusoidal back-EMF has been extensively investigated using three-phase conduction scheme with six-switch inverter. In this work, a novel and simple approach to achieve a low-frequency torque ripple-free direct torque control with maximum efficiency based on dq reference frame similar to permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives is presented