3,724 research outputs found

    Visual and Textual Programming Languages: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    It is well documented, and has been the topic of much research, that Computer Science courses tend to have higher than average drop out rates at third level. This is a problem that needs to be addressed with urgency but also caution. The required number of Computer Science graduates is growing every year but the number of graduates is not meeting this demand and one way that this problem can be alleviated is to encourage students at an early age towards studying Computer Science courses. This paper presents a systematic literature review on the role of visual and textual programming languages when learning to program, particularly as a first programming language. The approach is systematic, in that a structured search of electronic resources has been conducted, and the results are presented and quantitatively analysed. This study will give insight into whether or not the current approaches to teaching young learners programming are viable, and examines what we can do to increase the interest and retention of these students as they progress through their education.Comment: 18 pages (including 2 bibliography pages), 3 figure

    Block-Based Development of Mobile Learning Experiences for the Internet of Things

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    The Internet of Things enables experts of given domains to create smart user experiences for interacting with the environment. However, development of such experiences requires strong programming skills, which are challenging to develop for non-technical users. This paper presents several extensions to the block-based programming language used in App Inventor to make the creation of mobile apps for smart learning experiences less challenging. Such apps are used to process and graphically represent data streams from sensors by applying map-reduce operations. A workshop with students without previous experience with Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile app programming was conducted to evaluate the propositions. As a result, students were able to create small IoT apps that ingest, process and visually represent data in a simpler form as using App Inventor's standard features. Besides, an experimental study was carried out in a mobile app development course with academics of diverse disciplines. Results showed it was faster and easier for novice programmers to develop the proposed app using new stream processing blocks.Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) - ERDF fund

    Evaluation of a Frame-based Programming Editor

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    Frame-based editing is a novel way to edit programs, which claims to combine the benefits of textual and block-based programming. It combines structured ‘frames’ of preformatted code, designed to reduce the burden of syntax, with ‘slots’ that allow for efficient textual entry of expressions. We present an empirical evaluation of Stride, a frame-based language used in the Greenfoot IDE. We compare two groups of middle school students who worked on a short programming activity in Greenfoot, one using the original Java editor, and one using the Stride editor. We found that the two groups reported similarly low levels of frustration and high levels of satisfaction, but students using Stride progressed through the activity more quickly and completed more objectives. The Stride group also spent significantly less time making purely syntactic edits to their code and significantly less time with non-compilable code

    Engineering Language-Parametric End-User Programming Environments for DSLs

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    Human-computer communication can be achieved through different interfaces such as Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs), command-line interfaces, and programming languages. In this thesis, we used some of these inter- faces; however, we focused on programming languages which are artificial languages consisting of instructions written by humans and executed by computers. In order to create these programs, humans use specialized tools called programming environments that offer a set of utilities that ease human-computer communication. When creating programs, users must learn the language’s syntax and get acquainted with the pro- gramming environment. Unfortunately, programming languages usually offer a single user interface or syntax, which is not ideal considering different types of users with varied backgrounds and expertise will use it. Given the increasing number of people performing any kind of programming activity, it is important to offer different inter- faces depending on the programming task and the background of the users. However, from the language engineering point of view, offering multiple user interfaces for the same language is expensive, and if we specifically consider Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), it is even more expensive given their audience and development teams’ size. Therefore, we study how to engineer different user interfaces for DSLs in a practical way.This thesis presents different mechanisms to engineer different language-parametric programming environments for end-users. These mechanisms rely heavily on reusing existing language components for existing languages or helping language engineers define these interfaces for new languages. We mainly studied four technological spaces, namely, Grammarware, Computational Notebooks, Block-based environments, and Projec- tional editors. We present three different language-parametric interfaces for interacting with DSLs, namely computational notebooks, projectional editors, and block-based editors. These interfaces offer different user experiences and rely upon different technological spaces. Different notations are associated with different technological spaces; for in- stance, grammarware is associated with text files, while block-based environments are associated with Blockly and JavaScript files. Therefore, to provide different notations for their languages, we have to "space travel" so that language engineers can select the most appropriate technological space and interface for their target audience. To support this, we defined grammarware as a common starting point to allow traveling to different technological spaces (e.g., computational notebooks space, projectional editors space, or block-based space). Based on this idea, we developed three tools that allowed language engineers to generate different interfaces for their DSLs based on a grammar definition of the language. Our results show that it is possible to generate these different user interfaces and decrease the effort required to create these. However, additional research is required to improve the usability of the generated interfaces and make the generation of these interfaces more flexible so that users’ data can be used as part of the generated interfaces

    Visual iconic object-oriented programming to advance computer science education and novice programming

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    Learning how to program a computer is difficult for most people. Computer programming is a cognitively challenging, time consuming, labor intensive, and frustrating endeavor. Years of formal study and training are required to learn a programming language\u27s world of algorithms and data structures. Instructions are coded in advance before the computer demonstrates the desired behavior. Seeing all the programming steps and instruction code is complicated. There exists a tremendous gap between the representations the human brain uses when thinking about a problem and the representations used in programming a computer. Often people are much better at dealing with specific, concrete objects than working with abstract ideas. Concrete and specific programming examples and demonstrations can be very useful. When cleverly chosen and properly used, programming examples and demonstrations help people understand the abstract concepts. Programming by example or demonstration attempts to extend these novel ideas to novice programming

    Learning Dimensions: Lessons from Field Studies

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    In this paper, we describe work to investigate the creation of engaging programming learning experiences. Background research informed the design of four fieldwork studies involving a range of age groups to explore how programming tasks could best be framed to motivate learners. Our empirical findings from these four studies, described here, contributed to the design of a set of programming "Learning Dimensions" (LDs). The LDs provide educators with insights to support key design decisions for the creation of engaging programming learning experiences. This paper describes the background to the identification of these LDs and how they could address the design and delivery of highly engaging programming learning tasks. A web application has been authored to support educators in the application of the LDs to their lesson design


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    Programming can be a daunting task from a beginner’s perspective. Since earlier times of computer programming, tools have been designed and developed in order to make programming friendlier to beginners. However the majority of these tools target beginners that are already motivated and have an idea of what computer programming is. This allows these tools to skip the initial requirements for learning how to program since these beginners will compensate with their motivation and effort. This thesis describes a learning tool called Botbeans. By using a new hybrid visual programming language with a tangible interface, Botbeans creates a highly motivating and collaboration friendly environment to present what is programming to a user that never had previously contact with it. The design and implementation of Botbeans are described and the results of some initial experiments with students are analysis.Aprender a programar pode ser uma tarefa difícil e assustadora do ponto de vista de um iniciante. Desde dos tempos iniciais da programação diversas ferramentas foram desenvolvidas com o intuito de tornar a aprendizagem da programação mais amigável a iniciantes. Algumas destas ferramentas têm como publico alvo iniciantes já altamente motivados para a programação e já com uma ideia do que esta é e para que serve. Isto permite a estas ferramentas saltar alguns dos pré-requisitos necessários para começar a aprender a programar, visto que este tipo de iniciante irá compensar com a sua motivação e empenho. Esta tese descreve uma ferramenta de aprendizagem chamada Botbeans que utilizando uma linguagem gráfica híbrida e uma interface tangível cria um ambiente altamente motivante para demonstrar o que é a programação e para que serve a um utilizador que nunca teve contacto com esta. O design e desenvolvimento do Botbeans são descritos ao longo da tese assim como os testes inicias já efectuados

    Novice programming environments: lowering the barriers, supporting the progression

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    In 2011, the author published an article that looked at the state of the art in novice programming environments. At the time, there had been an increase in the number of programming environments that were freely available for use by novice programmers, particularly children and young people. What was interesting was that they offered a relatively sophisticated set of development and support features within motivating and engaging environments, where programming could be seen as a means to a creative end, rather than an end in itself. Furthermore, these environments incorporated support for the social and collaborative aspects of learning. The article considered five environments—Scratch, Alice, Looking Glass, Greenfoot, and Flip— examining their characteristics and investigating the opportunities they might offer to educators and learners alike. It also considered the broader implications of such environments for both teaching and research. In this chapter, the author revisits the same five environments, looking at how they have changed in the intervening years. She considers their evolution in relation to changes in the field more broadly (e.g., an increased focus on “programming for all”) and reflects on the implications for teaching, as well as research and further development