52 research outputs found


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    Microscopic traffic simulation models offer an effective way to analyze and assess different transportation systems thanks to their efficiency and reliability. As traffic management issues become more prevalent, notably in urban areas, simulation tools enable a significant opportunity to replicate real-world conditions before implementation. Therefore, the calibration of traffic simulation models plays a substantial role in obtaining accurate and confidential results. Nowadays, urban regions are facing the challenge of restricted space for developing traffic solutions. As a consequence of environmental restrictions, the use of mini-roundabouts rather than larger roundabouts is increasing. Based on the given literature review, it is seen that not much attention was given to the complex modeling and calibration of microsimulation models of mini-roundabouts and unsignalized intersections. The objective of this study is to offer the calibration of microscopic traffic simulation of urban road network, including closely located mini-roundabouts and unsignalized intersection. To this end, an open-source tool called SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) was utilized as a simulation environment in this study. The necessary data for developing a microsimulation model in SUMO was gathered using a videography technique. The traffic count data and speed were considered performance measures between field observations and simulation outputs. The routeSampler tool of SUMO, which has recently emerged in the literature, was used to match traffic count data and the corresponding time interval for traffic volume data calibration. The calibration of car-following model parameters using a trial-and-error approach was employed based on mean absolute percent error (MAPE) between simulated speeds and field-measured speeds. According to the findings of the study, the simulation model fulfilled the calibration aims of the FHWA guideline and is suitable for further research

    Variable Speed Limit Control at SAG Curves Through Connected Vehicles: Implications of Alternative Communications and Sensing Technologies

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    Connected vehicles (CVs) will enable new applications to improve traffic flow. This study’s focus is to investigate how potential implementation of variable speed limit (VSL) through different types of communication and sensing technologies on CVs may improve traffic flow at a sag curve. At sag curves, the gradient changes from negative to positive values which causes a reduction in the roadway capacity and congestion. A VSL algorithm is developed and implemented in a simulation environment for controlling the inflow of vehicles to a sag curve on a freeway to minimize delays and increase throughput. Both vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) options for CVs are investigated while implementing the VSL control strategy in a simulation environment. Through a feedback control algorithm, the speed of CVs are manipulated in the upstream of the sag curve to avoid the formation of bottlenecks caused by the change in longitudinal driver behavior. A modified version of the intelligent driver model (IDM) is used to simulate driving behavior on the sag curve. Depending on the traffic density at a sag curve, the feedback control algorithm adjusts the approach speeds of CVs so that the throughput of the sag curve is maximized. A meta-heuristic algorithm is employed to determine the critical control parameters. Various market penetration rates for CVs are considered in the simulations for three alternative communications and sensing technologies. It is demonstrated that for higher Market Penetration Rates (MPR) the performance is the same for all three scenarios which means there is no need for infrastructure-based sensing when the MPR is high enough. The results demonstrate that not only the MPR of CVs but also how CVs are distributed in the traffic stream is critical for system performance. While MPR could be high, uneven distribution of CVs and lack of CVs at the critical time periods as congestion is building up may cause a deterioration in system performance

    Application of Metaheuristics in Signal Optimisation of Transportation Networks: A Comprehensive Survey

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.With rapid population growth, there is an urgent need for intelligent traffic control techniques in urban transportation networks to improve the network performance. In an urban transportation network, traffic signals have a significant effect on reducing congestion, improving safety, and improving environmental pollution. In recent years, researchers have been applied metaheuristic techniques for signal timing optimisation as one of the practical solution to enhance the performance of the transportation networks. Current study presents a comprehensive survey of such techniques and tools used in signal optimisation of transportation networks, providing a categorisation of approaches, discussion, and suggestions for future research

    A Microscopic Simulation Study of Applications of Signal Phasing and Timing Information in a Connected Vehicle Environment

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    The connected vehicle technology presents an innovative way of sharing information between vehicles and the transportation infrastructure through wireless communications. The technology can potentially solve safety, mobility, and environmental challenges that face the transportation sector. Signal phasing and timing information is one category of information that can be broadcasted through connected vehicle technology. This thesis presents an in-depth study of possible ways signal phasing and timing information can be beneficial as far as safety and mobility are concerned. In total, three studies describing this research are outlined. The first study presented herein focuses on data collection and calibration efforts of the simulation model that was used for the next two studies. The study demonstrated a genetic algorithm procedure for calibrating VISSIM discharge headways based on queue discharge headways measured in the field. Video data was used to first compute intersection discharge headways for individual vehicle queue position and then to develop statistical distributions of discharge headways for each vehicle position. Except for the 4th vehicle position, which was best fitted by the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution, the Log-logistic distribution was observed to be the best fit distribution for the rest of vehicle positions. Starting with the default values, the VISSIM parameters responsible for determining discharge headways were heuristically adjusted to produce optimal values. The optimal solutions were achieved by minimizing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the simulated and observed data. Through calibration, for each vehicle position, it was possible to obtain the simulated headways that reflect the means of the observed field headways. However, calibration was unable to replicate the dispersion of the headways observed in the field mainly due to VISSIM limitations. Based on the findings of this study, future work on calibration in VISSIM that would account for the dispersion of mixed traffic flow characteristics is warranted. The second study addresses the potential of connected vehicles in improving safety at the vicinity of signalized intersections. Although traffic signals are installed to reduce the overall number of collisions at intersections, rear-end collisions are increased due to signalization. One dominant factor associated with rear-end crashes is the indecisiveness of the driver, especially in the dilemma zone. An advisory system to help the driver make the stop-or-pass decision would greatly improve intersection safety. This study proposed and evaluated an Advanced Stop Assist System (ASAS) at signalized intersections by using Infrastructure-to-Vehicle (I2V) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication. The proposed system utilizes communication data, received from Roadside Unit (RSU), to provide drivers in approaching vehicles with vehicle-specific advisory speed messages to prevent vehicle hard-braking upon a yellow and red signal indication. A simulation test bed was modeled using VISSIM to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed system. The results demonstrate that at full market penetration (100% saturation of vehicles equipped with on-board communication equipment), the proposed system reduces the number of hard-braking vehicles by nearly 50%. Sensitivity analyses of market penetration rates also show a degradation in safety conditions at penetration rates lower than 40%. The results suggest that at least 60% penetration rate is required for the proposed system to minimize rear-end collisions and improve safety at the signalized intersections. The last study addresses the fact that achieving smooth urban traffic flow requires reduction of excessive stop-and-go driving on urban arterials. Smooth traffic flow comes with several benefits including reduction of fuel consumption and emissions. Recently, more research efforts have been directed towards reduction of vehicle emissions. One such effort is the use of Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) systems which use wireless communications to provide individual drivers with information on the approaching traffic signal phase and advisory speeds to arrive at the intersection on a green phase. Previously developed GLOSA algorithms do not address the impact of time to discharge queues formed at the intersection. Thus, this study investigated the influence of formed intersection queues on the performance of GLOSA systems. A simulation test-bed was modeled inside VISSIM to evaluate the algorithm’s effectiveness. Three simulation scenarios were designed; the baseline with no GLOSA in place, scenario 2 with GLOSA activated and queue discharge time not considered, and scenario 3 with GLOSA activated and where queue dissipation time was used to compute advisory speeds. At confidence level the results show a significant reduction in the time spent in queue when GLOSA is activated (scenarios 2 and 3). The change in the average number of stops along the corridor was found not to be significant when the base scenario was compared against scenario 2. However, a comparison between scenarios 2 and 3 demonstrates a significant reduction in the average number of stops along the corridor, and also in the time spent waiting in queue

    Dispatching and Rescheduling Tasks and Their Interactions with Travel Demand and the Energy Domain: Models and Algorithms

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    Abstract The paper aims to provide an overview of the key factors to consider when performing reliable modelling of rail services. Given our underlying belief that to build a robust simulation environment a rail service cannot be considered an isolated system, also the connected systems, which influence and, in turn, are influenced by such services, must be properly modelled. For this purpose, an extensive overview of the rail simulation and optimisation models proposed in the literature is first provided. Rail simulation models are classified according to the level of detail implemented (microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic), the variables involved (deterministic and stochastic) and the processing techniques adopted (synchronous and asynchronous). By contrast, within rail optimisation models, both planning (timetabling) and management (rescheduling) phases are discussed. The main issues concerning the interaction of rail services with travel demand flows and the energy domain are also described. Finally, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive framework an overview of the main metaheuristic resolution techniques used in the planning and management phases is shown

    Operational effectiveness of connected vehicle smartphone technology on a signalized corridor

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    Over the last decade, extensive research efforts have been placed on performance evaluation and the benefits of innovative CV applications. Findings indicate that CV technology can effectively mitigate the safety, mobility, and environmental challenges experienced on transportation networks. Most of research evaluated CV technology through simulation studies. However, a field study provides a more ideal method of assessing CV technology effectiveness. Therefore, a field study to obtain the actual effectiveness of CV technology was warranted, to validate previous findings, and to add to the body of knowledge surrounding this topic. This thesis presents both a field study and simulation evaluation of the effectiveness of CV smartphone technology on a 1.1 mile segment of State Road 121, containing five intersections, in Gainesville, Florida. Field observations were conducted using a CV application, developed by Connected Signals, Inc., that uses a smartphone application, called EnLighten, to communicate intersection information to driver’s smartphone, which serves as a vehicle on-board unit. Traffic operation and safety performance was evaluated using start-up lost time, discharge distribution model, and speed harmonization. Findings show that the CV smartphone technology improved intersection performance with a reduction in start-up lost time of approximately 86%. Additionally, driving safety improved with a reduction in speed variability by nearly 61% between vehicles in a specific lane for a 100% CV penetration rate. Cost analyses of deploying CV smartphone technology indicate that implementation may result in an average total economic cost savings associated with crashes of nearly 6.8millionatthestudysite,andapproximately6.8 million at the study site, and approximately 5.6 billion statewide. Findings of the simulation evaluation revealed that the CV technology improved performance of intersections operating at a Level of Service (LOS) B or better, compared to lower operating levels. Operational performance improved at intersections operating at a LOS C with a 30% to 60% CV penetration rate

    Deep learning for real-time traffic signal control on urban networks

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    Real-time traffic signal controls are frequently challenged by (1) uncertain knowledge about the traffic states; (2) need for efficient computation to allow timely decisions; (3) multiple objectives such as traffic delays and vehicle emissions that are difficult to optimize; and (4) idealized assumptions about data completeness and quality that are often made in developing many theoretical signal control models. This thesis addresses these challenges by proposing two real-time signal control frameworks based on deep learning techniques, followed by extensive simulation tests that verifies their effectiveness in view of the aforementioned challenges. The first method, called the Nonlinear Decision Rule (NDR), defines a nonlinear mapping between network states and signal control parameters to network performances based on prevailing traffic conditions, and such a mapping is optimized via off-line simulation. The NDR is instantiated with two neural networks: feedforward neural network (FFNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN), which have different ways of processing traffic information in the near past. The NDR is implemented and tested within microscopic traffic simulation (S-Paramics) for a real-world network in West Glasgow, where the off-line training of the NDR amounts to a simulation-based optimization procedure aiming to reduce delay, CO2 and black carbon emissions. Extensive tests are performed to assess the NDR framework, not only in terms of its effectiveness in optimizing different traffic and environmental objectives, but also in relation to local vs. global benefits, trade-off between delay and emissions, impact of sensor locations, and different levels of network saturation. The second method, called the Advanced Reinforcement Learning (ARL), employs the potential-based reward shaping function using Q-learning and 3rd party advisor to enhance its performance over conventional reinforcement learning. The potential-based reward shaping in this thesis obtains an opinion from the 3rd party advisor when calculating reward. This technique can resolve the problem of sparse reward and slow learning speed. The ARL is tested with a range of existing reinforcement learning methods. The results clearly show that ARL outperforms the other models in almost all the scenarios. Lastly, this thesis evaluates the impact of information availability and quality on different real-time signal control methods, including the two proposed ones. This is driven by the observation that most responsive signal control models in the literature tend to make idealized assumptions on the quality and availability of data. This research shows the varying levels of performance deterioration of different signal controllers in the presence of missing data, data noise, and different data types. Such knowledge and insights are crucial for real-world implementation of these signal control methods.Open Acces

    Advisory Safety System for Autonomous Vehicles under Sun-glare

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    Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are expected to provide a large number of benefits such as improving comfort, vehicle safety and traffic flow. AVs use various sensors and control systems to empower driver’s decision-making under uncertainties as well as, assist the driving task under adverse conditions such as vision impairment. Excessive sunlight has been recognized as the primary source of the reduction in vision performance during daytime. Sun glare oftentimes leads to an impaired visibility for drivers and has been studied from different aspects on roadways. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the potential detrimental effects of natural light brightness differential, particularly sun glare on driving behavior and its possible risks. This dissertation addresses this issue by developing an integrated vehicle safety methodology as an advisory system for safe driving under sun glare. The main contribution of this research is to establish a real-time detection of the vision impairment area on roadways. This study also proposes a Collision Avoidance System Under Sun-glare (CASUS) in which upcoming possible vision impairment is detected, a warning message is sent, and the speed of vehicle is adjusted accordingly. In this context, real-world data is used to calibrate a psychophysical car-following model within VISSIM, a traffic microscopic simulation tool. Traffic safety impacts are explored through the number of conflicts extracted from the microsimulation tool and assessed by the time-to-collision indicator. Conventional/human-driven vehicles and different type of AVs are modeled for a straight segment of the TransCanada highway under various AVs penetration rates. The findings revealed a significant reduction in potential collisions due to adjustment of travel speed of AVs under the sun glare. The results also indicated that applying CASUS to the AVs with a failing sensory system improves traffic safety by providing optimal-safe speeds. Furthermore, the CASUS algorithm has the potential to be integrated into driving simulators or real vehicles to further evaluate and examine its benefits under different vision impairment scenarios

    Semi-Automated Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation Development Using Smart City Data

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    Microscopic traffic simulation models have been widely used by transportation planners and engineers for conducting various road network planning and traffic engineering tasks. Due to data limitations, traffic simulation models are often calibrated based on macroscopic traffic measures. Recently, emerging smart city sensor technologies are enabling continuous collection of large volume, high-resolution trajectory data of road users, making it possible to estimate some behavioral parameters of traffic simulation models directly from these data. This research is intended to explore this opportunity with the objective of developing a methodology to estimate traffic simulation model parameters from smart city data with semi-automated calibration procedures. A comprehensive set of calibration procedures are proposed, including both direct methods of estimating parameters from data and indirect methods of estimating some parameters using an optimization algorithm. Most of the proposed procedures are designed in such a way that they can be completed in a semi-automated way using simple Python scripts. The developed methodology is illustrated in a case study involving the calibration of a VISSIM model using an available dataset of vehicle trajectories - NGSIM (Next Generation Simulation) traffic data. While most parameters can be estimated directly from the dataset, some parameters from the selected parameter set are determined using a neutral neural network. The modelling results suggest that the best performing parameter set generates less than 10% error relative to the field measurements in term of travel time and speed

    Modelling of interactions between rail service and travel demand: a passenger-oriented analysis

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    The proposed research is situated in the field of design, management and optimisation in railway network operations. Rail transport has in its favour several specific features which make it a key factor in public transport management, above all in high-density contexts. Indeed, such a system is environmentally friendly (reduced pollutant emissions), high-performing (high travel speeds and low values of headways), competitive (low unitary costs per seat-km or carried passenger-km) and presents a high degree of adaptability to intermodality. However, it manifests high vulnerability in the case of breakdowns. This occurs because a faulty convoy cannot be easily overtaken and, sometimes, cannot be easily removed from the line, especially in the case of isolated systems (i.e. systems which are not integrated into an effective network) or when a breakdown occurs on open tracks. Thus, re-establishing ordinary operational conditions may require excessive amounts of time and, as a consequence, an inevitable increase in inconvenience (user generalised cost) for passengers, who might decide to abandon the system or, if already on board, to exclude the railway system from their choice set for the future. It follows that developing appropriate techniques and decision support tools for optimising rail system management, both in ordinary and disruption conditions, would consent a clear influence of the modal split in favour of public transport and, therefore, encourage an important reduction in the externalities caused by the use of private transport, such as air and noise pollution, traffic congestion and accidents, bringing clear benefits to the quality of life for both transport users and non-users (i.e. individuals who are not system users). Managing to model such a complex context, based on numerous interactions among the various components (i.e. infrastructure, signalling system, rolling stock and timetables) is no mean feat. Moreover, in many cases, a fundamental element, which is the inclusion of the modelling of travel demand features in the simulation of railway operations, is neglected. Railway transport, just as any other transport system, is not finalised to itself, but its task is to move people or goods around, and, therefore, a realistic and accurate cost-benefit analysis cannot ignore involved flows features. In particular, considering travel demand into the analysis framework presents a two-sided effect. Primarily, it leads to introduce elements such as convoy capacity constraints and the assessment of dwell times as flow-dependent factors which make the simulation as close as possible to the reality. Specifically, the former allows to take into account the eventuality that not all passengers can board the first arriving train, but only a part of them, due to overcrowded conditions, with a consequent increase in waiting times. Due consideration of this factor is fundamental because, if it were to be repeated, it would make a further contribution to passengers’ discontent. While, as regards the estimate of dwell times on the basis of flows, it becomes fundamental in the planning phase. In fact, estimating dwell times as fixed values, ideally equal for all runs and all stations, can induce differences between actual and planned operations, with a subsequent deterioration in system performance. Thus, neglecting these aspects, above all in crowded contexts, would render the simulation distorted, both in terms of costs and benefits. The second aspect, on the other hand, concerns the correct assessment of effects of the strategies put in place, both in planning phases (strategic decisions such as the realisation of a new infrastructure, the improvement of the current signalling system or the purchasing of new rolling stock) and in operational phases (operational decisions such as the definition of intervention strategies for addressing disruption conditions). In fact, in the management of failures, to date, there are operational procedures which are based on hypothetical times for re-establishing ordinary conditions, estimated by the train driver or by the staff of the operation centre, who, generally, tend to minimise the impact exclusively from the company’s point of view (minimisation of operational costs), rather than from the standpoint of passengers. Additionally, in the definition of intervention strategies, passenger flow and its variation in time (different temporal intervals) and space (different points in the railway network) are rarely considered. It appears obvious, therefore, how the proposed re-examination of the dispatching and rescheduling tasks in a passenger-orientated perspective, should be accompanied by the development of estimation and forecasting techniques for travel demand, aimed at correctly taking into account the peculiarities of the railway system; as well as by the generation of ad-hoc tools designed to simulate the behaviour of passengers in the various phases of the trip (turnstile access, transfer from the turnstiles to the platform, waiting on platform, boarding and alighting process, etc.). The latest workstream in this present study concerns the analysis of the energy problems associated to rail transport. This is closely linked to what has so far been described. Indeed, in order to implement proper energy saving policies, it is, above all, necessary to obtain a reliable estimate of the involved operational times (recovery times, inversion times, buffer times, etc.). Moreover, as the adoption of eco-driving strategies generates an increase in passenger travel times, with everything that this involves, it is important to investigate the trade-off between energy efficiency and increase in user generalised costs. Within this framework, the present study aims at providing a DSS (Decision Support System) for all phases of planning and management of rail transport systems, from that of timetabling to dispatching and rescheduling, also considering space-time travel demand variability as well as the definition of suitable energy-saving policies, by adopting a passenger-orientated perspective
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