96 research outputs found

    A CNN-based fusion method for feature extraction from sentinel data

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    Sensitivity to weather conditions, and specially to clouds, is a severe limiting factor to the use of optical remote sensing for Earth monitoring applications. A possible alternative is to benefit from weather-insensitive synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. In many real-world applications, critical decisions are made based on some informative optical or radar features related to items such as water, vegetation or soil. Under cloudy conditions, however, optical-based features are not available, and they are commonly reconstructed through linear interpolation between data available at temporally-close time instants. In this work, we propose to estimate missing optical features through data fusion and deep-learning. Several sources of information are taken into account—optical sequences, SAR sequences, digital elevation model—so as to exploit both temporal and cross-sensor dependencies. Based on these data and a tiny cloud-free fraction of the target image, a compact convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained to perform the desired estimation. To validate the proposed approach, we focus on the estimation of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), using coupled Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time-series acquired over an agricultural region of Burkina Faso from May–November 2016. Several fusion schemes are considered, causal and non-causal, single-sensor or joint-sensor, corresponding to different operating conditions. Experimental results are very promising, showing a significant gain over baseline methods according to all performance indicators

    A remote sensing approach to the quantification of local to global scale social-ecological impacts of anthropogenic landscape changes

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Geographic Information SystemsLanduse and Landcover (LULC) is the common aspect that influences several ecological issues, environmental degradations, changes in Land Surface Temperature (LST), hydrological changes and ecosystem function at regional to global level. Research on the drivers and progressions of LULC change has been key to developing models that can project and predict future LULC extent, level and patterns under different assumptions of socioeconomic, ecological and environmental situations. Rapid and extensive urbanization and Urban Sprawl (US), propelled by rapid population growth leads to the shrinkage of productive agricultural lands, boosting mining, decrease in surface permeability and the emergence of Urban Heat Islands (UHI), and in turn, adversely affects the provision of ecosystem services. Mining for resources extraction may lead to geological and associated environmental changes due to ground movements, collision with mining cavities, and deformation of aquifers. Geological changes may continue in a reclaimed mine area, and the deformed aquifers may entail a breakdown of substrates and an increase in ground water tables, which may cause surface area inundation. Consequently, a reclaimed mine area may experience surface area collapse, i.e., subsidence, and degradation of vegetation productivity. The greater changes in LULC, US, LST and vegetation dynamics due to increasing human population not only affects inland forest and wetland, it also directly influences coastal forest lands such as mangroves, peat swamps and riparian forest and threats to ecosystem services. Mangroves provide valuable provisioning (e.g. aquaculture, fisheries, fuel, medicine, textiles), regulation (e.g. shoreline protection, erosion control, climate regulation), supporting (nutrient cycling, nursery habitat), and cultural (recreation and tourism) ecosystem services with an important impact on human well-being. However, the mangrove forest is highly threatened due to climate changes, and human activities which ignore the ecological and economic value of these habitats, contributing to its degradation. There is an increasing number of studies about mangrove distribution, changes and re-establishment activities, denoting a growing attentiveness on the value of these coastal wetland ecosystems. Most of these studies address mangrove degradation drivers at regional or local levels. However, there has not been yet enough assessment on the drivers of mangrove degradation at global level. Thus, complexity of inland and coastal landscape degradation should be addressed using multidisciplinary methodology and conditions. Therefore, this dissertation aimed to assess the impact of LULC associated with vegetation, temperature and wetland changes. To understand the relation among three different types of landscape changes associated with anthropogenic activities: Urbanization, Geological changes and Forest degradation at local to global level, we have selected thirty-three global regions. In chapter 2, We employed the Random Forest (RF) classification on Landsat imageries from 1991, 2003, and 2016, and computed six landscape metrics to delineate the extent of urban areas within a 10km suburban buffer of Chennai city, Tamilnadu, India. The level of US was then quantified using Renyi’s entropy. A land change model was subsequently used to project land cover for 2027. A 70.35% expansion in urban areas was observed mainly towards the suburban periphery of Chennai between 1991 and 2016. The Renyi’s entropy value for year 2016 was 0.9, exhibiting a two-fold level of US when compared to 1991. The spatial metrics values indicate that the existing urban areas became denser and the suburban agricultural, forests and particularly barren lands were transformed into fragmented urban settlements. The forecasted land cover for 2027 indicates a conversion of 13,670.33 ha (16.57% of the total landscape) of existing forests and agricultural lands into urban areas with an associated increase in the entropy value to 1.7, indicating a tremendous level of US. Our study provides useful metrics for urban planning authorities to address the social-ecological consequences of US and to protect ecosystem services. In chapter 3, We studied landscape dynamics in Kirchheller Heide, Germany, which experienced extensive soil movement due to longwall mining without stowing, using Landsat imageries between 2013 and 2016. A Random Forest image classification technique was applied to analyse landuse and landcover dynamics, and the growth of wetland areas was assessed using a Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA). We also analyzed the changes in vegetation productivity using a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). We observed a 19.9% growth of wetland area within four years, with 87.2% growth in the coverage of two major waterbodies in the reclaimed mine area. NDVI values indicate that the productivity of 66.5% of vegetation of the Kirchheller Heide was degraded due to changes in ground water tables and surface flooding. Our results inform environmental management and mining reclamation authorities about the subsidence spots and priority mitigation areas from land surface and vegetation degradation in Kirchheller Heide. In chapter 4, We demonstrated the advantage of fusing imageries from multiple sensors for LULC change assessments as well as for assessing surface permeability and temperature and UHI emergence in a fast-growing city, i.e. Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India. IRS-LISSIII and Landsat-7 ETM+ imageries were fused for 2007 and 2017, and classified using a Rotation Forest (RF) algorithm. Surface permeability and temperature were then quantified using Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) index, respectively. Finally, we assessed the relationship between SAVI and LST for entire Tirunelveli as well as for each LULC zone, and also detected UHI emergence hot spots using a SAVI-LST combined metric. Our fused images exhibited higher classification accuracies, i.e. overall kappa coefficient values, than non-fused images. We observed an overall increase in the coverage of urban (dry, real estate plots and built-up) areas, while a decrease for vegetated (cropland and forest) areas in Tirunelveli between 2007 and 2017. The SAVI values indicated an extensive decrease in surface permeability for Tirunelveli overall and also for almost all LULC zones. The LST values showed an overall increase of surface temperature in Tirunelveli with the highest increase for urban built-up areas between 2007 and 2017. LST also exhibited a strong negative association with SAVI. South-eastern built-up areas in Tirunelveli were depicted as a potential UHI hotspot, with a caution for the Western riparian zone for UHI emergence in 2017. Our results provide important metrics for surface permeability, temperature and UHI monitoring, and inform urban and zonal planning authorities about the advantages of satellite image fusion. In chapter 5, We identified mangrove degradation drivers at regional and global levels resulted from decades of research data (from 1981 to present) of climate variations (seal-level rising, storms, precipitation, extremely high water events and temperature), and human activities (pollution, wood extraction, aquaculture, agriculture and urban expansion). This information can be useful for future research on mangroves, and to help delineating global planning strategies which consider the correct ecological and economic value of mangroves protecting them from further loss.O uso e a cobertura da Terra (UCT) são o aspeto comum que influencia várias questões ecológicas, degradações ambientais, mudanças na temperatura da superfície terrestre, mudanças hidrológicas, e de funções dos ecossistemas a nível regional e global. A investigação sobre os determinantes e progressão da mudança de UCT tem sido fundamental para o desenvolvimento de modelos que podem projetar e prever a extensão, o nível e os padrões futuros de UCT sob diferentes hipóteses de situações socioeconómicas, ecológicas e ambientais. A rápida e extensa urbanização e expansão urbana impulsionada pelo rápido crescimento populacional, levou ao encolhimento de terras agrícolas produtivas, impulsionando a mineração, a diminuição da permeabilidade da superfície e o surgimento de ilhas urbanas. Por outro lado, tem afetado negativamente a produção de serviços de ecossistemas. A mineração para extração de recursos pode levar a mudanças geológicas e ambientais devido a movimentos do solo, colisão com cavidades de mineração e deformação de aquíferos. As mudanças geológicas podem continuar numa área de mina recuperada, e os aquíferos deformados podem acarretar uma quebra de substratos e um aumento nos lençóis freáticos, causando a inundação na superfície. Consequentemente, uma área de mina recuperada pode sofrer um colapso à superfície, provocando o afundamento e a degradação da produtividade da vegetação. As mudanças na UCT, no crescimento urbano rápido, na temperatura da superfície terrestre e na dinâmica da vegetação devido ao aumento da população humana não afetam apenas a floresta interior e as zonas húmidas. Estas também influenciam diretamente as terras florestais costeiras, tais como mangais, pântanos e florestas ribeirinhas, ameaçando os serviços de ecossistemas. Os mangais proporcionam um aprovisionamento valioso (por exemplo, aquacultura, pesca, combustível, medicamentos, têxteis), a regulação (por exemplo, proteção da linha de costa, controlo da erosão, regulação do clima), os serviços de ecossistema de apoio (ciclo de nutrientes, habitats) e culturais (recreação e turismo) com um impacto importante no bem-estar humano. No entanto, a floresta de mangal é altamente ameaçada devido às mudanças climáticas e às atividades humanas que ignoram o valor ecológico e económico desses habitats, contribuindo para a sua degradação. Há um número crescente de estudos sobre distribuição, mudança e atividades de restabelecimento de mangais, denotando uma crescente atenção sobre o valor desses ecossistemas costeiros de zonas húmidas. A maioria desses estudos aborda os fatores de degradação dos mangais a nível regional ou local. No entanto, ainda não há avaliação suficiente sobre os determinantes da degradação dos mangais a nível global. Assim, a complexidade da degradação da paisagem interior e costeira deve ser abordada usando uma metodologia multidisciplinar. Portanto, esta dissertação teve, também, como objetivo avaliar o impacto do UCT associado à vegetação, temperatura e mudanças de zonas húmidas. Para compreender a relação entre a dinâmica da paisagem associada às atividades antrópicas a nível local e global, selecionámos quatro áreas de estudo, duas da Ásia, uma da Europa e outro estudo a nível global. No capítulo 2, empregamos a classificação Random Forest (RF) nas imagens Landsat de 1991, 2003 e 2016, e computamos seis métricas de paisagem para delinear a extensão das áreas urbanas numa área de influência suburbana de 10 km da cidade de Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Índia. O nível de crescimento urbano rápido foi quantificado usando a entropia de Renyi. Um modelo de UCT foi posteriormente usado para projetar a cobertura de terra para 2027. Uma expansão de 70,35% nas áreas urbanas foi observada principalmente para a periferia suburbana de Chennai entre 1991 e 2016. O valor de entropia do Renyi para 2016 foi de 0,9, exibindo uma duplicação do nível de crescimento urbano rápido quando comparado com 1991. Os valores das métricas espaciais indicam que as áreas urbanas existentes se tornaram mais densas e as terras agrícolas, florestas e terras particularmente áridas foram transformadas em assentamentos urbanos fragmentados. A previsão de cobertura da Terra para 2027 indica uma conversão de 13.670,33 ha (16,57% da paisagem total) de florestas e terras agrícolas existentes em áreas urbanas, com um aumento associado no valor de entropia para 1,7, indicando um tremendo nível de crescimento urbano rápido. O nosso estudo fornece métricas úteis para as autoridades de planeamento urbano para lidarem com as consequências socio-ecológicas do crescimento urbano rápido e para proteger os serviços de ecossistemas. No capítulo 3, estudamos a dinâmica da paisagem em Kirchheller Heide, Alemanha, que experimentou um movimento extensivo do solo devido à mineração, usando imagens Landsat entre 2013 e 2016. Uma técnica de classificação de imagem Random Forest foi aplicada para analisar dinâmicas de UCT e o crescimento das áreas de zonas húmidas foi avaliado usando uma Análise de Mistura Espectral. Também analisámos as mudanças na produtividade da vegetação usando um Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI). Observámos um crescimento de 19,9% da área húmida em quatro anos, com um crescimento de 87,2% de dois principais corpos de água na área de mina recuperada. Valores de NDVI indicam que a produtividade de 66,5% da vegetação de Kirchheller Heide foi degradada devido a mudanças nos lençóis freáticos e inundações superficiais. Os resultados informam as autoridades de gestão ambiental e recuperação de mineração sobre os pontos de subsidência e áreas de mitigação prioritárias da degradação da superfície e da vegetação da terra em Kirchheller Heide. No capítulo 4, demonstramos a vantagem de fusionar imagens de múltiplos sensores para avaliações de mudanças de UCT, bem como para avaliar a permeabilidade, temperatura da superfície e a emergência do ilhas de calor numa cidade em rápido crescimento, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, Índia. As imagens IRS-LISSIII e Landsat-7 ETM + foram fusionadas para 2007 e 2017, e classificadas usando um algoritmo de Random Forest (RF). A permeabilidade de superfície e a temperatura foram então quantificadas usando-se o Índice de Vegetação Ajustada pelo Solo (SAVI) e o Índice de Temperatura da Superfície Terrestre (LST), respectivamente. Finalmente, avaliamos a relação entre SAVI e LST para Tirunelveli, bem como para cada zona de UCT, e também detetamos a emergência de pontos quentes de emergência usando uma métrica combinada de SAVI-LST. As nossas imagens fusionadas exibiram precisões de classificação mais altas, ou seja, valores globais do coeficiente kappa, do que as imagens não fusionadas. Observámos um aumento geral na cobertura de áreas urbanas (áreas de terrenos secos e construídas), e uma diminuição de áreas com vegetação (plantações e florestas) em Tirunelveli entre 2007 e 2017. Os valores de SAVI indicaram uma extensa diminuição na superfície de permeabilidade para Tirunelveli e também para quase todas as classes de UCT. Os valores de LST mostraram um aumento global da temperatura da superfície em Tirunelveli, sendo o maior aumento para as áreas urbanas entre 2007 e 2017. O LST também apresentou uma forte associação negativa com o SAVI. As áreas urbanas do Sudeste de Tirunelveli foram representadas como um potencial ponto quente, com uma chamada de atenção para a zona ribeirinha ocidental onde foi verificada a emergência de uma ilha de calor em 2017. Os nossos resultados fornecem métricas importantes sobre a permeabilidade da superfície, temperatura e monitoramento de ilhas de calor e informam as autoridades de planeamento sobre as vantagens da fusão de imagens de satélite. No capítulo 5, identificamos os fatores de degradação dos mangais a nível regional e global resultantes de décadas de dados de investigação (de 1981 até o presente) de variações climáticas (aumento do nível das águas do mar, tempestades, precipitação, eventos extremos de água e temperatura) e atividades humanas (poluição, extração de madeira, aquacultura, agricultura e expansão urbana). Estas informações podem ser úteis para investigações futuras sobre mangais e para ajudar a delinear estratégias de planeamento global que considerem o valor ecológico e económico dos mangais, protegendo-os de novas perdas

    Common Practices and Taxonomy in Deep Multi-view Fusion for Remote Sensing Applications

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    The advances in remote sensing technologies have boosted applications for Earth observation. These technologies provide multiple observations or views with different levels of information. They might contain static or temporary views with different levels of resolution, in addition to having different types and amounts of noise due to sensor calibration or deterioration. A great variety of deep learning models have been applied to fuse the information from these multiple views, known as deep multi-view or multi-modal fusion learning. However, the approaches in the literature vary greatly since different terminology is used to refer to similar concepts or different illustrations are given to similar techniques. This article gathers works on multi-view fusion for Earth observation by focusing on the common practices and approaches used in the literature. We summarize and structure insights from several different publications concentrating on unifying points and ideas. In this manuscript, we provide a harmonized terminology while at the same time mentioning the various alternative terms that are used in literature. The topics covered by the works reviewed focus on supervised learning with the use of neural network models. We hope this review, with a long list of recent references, can support future research and lead to a unified advance in the area.Comment: appendix with additional tables. Preprint submitted to journa

    Remote sensing satellite image processing techniques for image classification: a comprehensive survey

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    This paper is a brief survey of advance technological aspects of Digital Image Processing which are applied to remote sensing images obtained from various satellite sensors. In remote sensing, the image processing techniques can be categories in to four main processing stages: Image preprocessing, Enhancement, Transformation and Classification. Image pre-processing is the initial processing which deals with correcting radiometric distortions, atmospheric distortion and geometric distortions present in the raw image data. Enhancement techniques are applied to preprocessed data in order to effectively display the image for visual interpretation. It includes techniques to effectively distinguish surface features for visual interpretation. Transformation aims to identify particular feature of earth’s surface and classification is a process of grouping the pixels, that produces effective thematic map of particular land use and land cover

    Combining Multitemporal Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Data. Mapping of Land Use / Land Cover, Crop Type, and Crop Traits

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    Humanity has changed the earth’s surface to a dramatic extent. This is especially true for the area used for agricultural production. Against the background of a growing world population and the associated increased demand for food, it is precisely this area that will become even more important in the future. In order not to have to allocate even more land to agricultural use, optimization and intensification is the only way out of the dilemma. In this context, precise Geoinformation of the agriculturally used area is of central importance. It is utilized for improving land use, producing yield forecasts for more stable food security, and optimizing agricultural management. Rapid developments in the field of satellite-based remote sensing sensors make it possible to monitor agricultural areas with increased spatial, spectral and temporal resolution. However, to retrieve the needed information from this data, new methods are needed. Furthermore, the quality of the data has to be verified. Only then can the presented geodata help to grow crops more sustainably and more efficiently. This thesis develops new approaches for monitoring agricultural areas using the technology of microwave remote sensing in combination with optical remote sensing and existing geodata. It is framed by the overall objective to obtain knowledge on how this combination of data can provide the necessary geoinformation for land use studies, precision farming, and agricultural monitoring systems. Hundreds of remote sensing images from more than eight different satellites were analyzed in six research studies from two different Areas of Interest (AOIs). The studies guide through various spatial scales. First, the general Land Use / Land Cover (LULC) on a regional level in a multi-sensor scenario is derived, evaluating different sensor combinations of varying resolutions. Next, an innovative method is proposed, through which the high geometric accuracy of radar-imaging satellite sensors is exploited to update the spatial accuracy of any external geodata of lower spatial accuracy. Such external data is then used in the next two studies, which focus on cost-effective crop type mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. The resulting enhanced LULC maps present the annually changing crop types of the region alongside external, official geoinformation that is not retrievable from remote sensing sensors. The last two research studies deal with a single maize field, on which high resolution optical WorldView-2 images and experimental bistatic SAR observations from TanDEM-X are assessed and combined with ground measurements. As a result, this thesis shows that, depending on the AOI and the application, different resolution demands need to be fulfilled before LULC, crop type, and crop traits mapping can be performed with adequate accuracy. The spatial resolution needs to be adapted to the particularities of the AOI. Evaluation of the sensors showed that SAR sensors proved beneficial for the study objective. Processing the SAR images is complicated, and the images are unintuitive at first sight. However, the advantage of SAR sensors is that they work even in cloudy conditions. This results in an increased temporal resolution, which is particularly important for monitoring the highly dynamic agricultural area. Furthermore, the high geometric accuracy of the SAR images proved ideal for implementing the Multi-Data Approach (MDA). Thus information-rich external geodata could be used to lower the remote sensing resolution needs, improve the accuracy of the LULC-maps, and to provide enhanced LULC-maps. The first study of the maize field demonstrates the potential of the WorldView-2 data in predicting in-field biomass variations, and its increased accuracy when fused with plant height measurements. The second study shows the potential of the TanDEM-X Constellation (TDM) to retrieve plant height from space. LULC, crop type and information on the spatial distribution of biomass can thus be derived efficiently and with high accuracy from the combination of SAR, optical satellites and external geodata. The shown analyses for acquiring such geoinformation represent a high potential for helping to solve the future challenges of agricultural production

    Predicting Building Functions by Fusing Social Media and Remote Sensing Data

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    Die Funktionen von Gebäuden lassen sich nicht direkt messen, sondern erfordern die Interpretation von Daten. In dieser Arbeit werden drei neue Methoden zur Vorhersage von Gebäudefunktionen vorgestellt, die auf Daten aus sozialen Medien und Fernerkundungsdaten beruhen. Die Methoden basieren auf Ansätzen des maschinellen Lernens und wurden auf kulturell diversifizierten Datensätzen entwickelt und getestet. Die Vorhersage lässt sich durch die Kombination mehrerer Modelle um bis zu 6,9% erhöhen

    ELULC-10, a 10 m European land use and land cover map using Sentinel and landsat data in Google Earth Engine

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    Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) maps can be effectively produced by cost-effective and frequent satellite observations. Powerful cloud computing platforms are emerging as a growing trend in the high utilization of freely accessible remotely sensed data for LULC mapping over large-scale regions using big geodata. This study proposes a workflow to generate a 10 m LULC map of Europe with nine classes, ELULC-10, using European Sentinel-1/-2 and Landsat-8 images, as well as the LUCAS reference samples. More than 200 K and 300 K of in situ surveys and images, respectively, were employed as inputs in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing platform to perform classification by an object-based segmentation algorithm and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). A novel ANN-based data preparation was also presented to remove noisy reference samples from the LUCAS dataset. Additionally, the map was improved using several rule-based post-processing steps. The overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of 2021 ELULC-10 were 95.38% and 0.94, respectively. A detailed report of the classification accuracies was also provided, demonstrating an accurate classification of different classes, such as Woodland and Cropland. Furthermore, rule-based post processing improved LULC class identifications when compared with current studies. The workflow could also supply seasonal, yearly, and change maps considering the proposed integration of complex machine learning algorithms and large satellite and survey data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Mapping a Brazilian deforestation frontier using multi-temporal TerraSAR-X data and supervised machine learning

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    Satellite remote sensing enables a repeated survey of the earth’s surface. With machine learning it is possible to recognize complex patterns from extensive data sets. Using methods from machine learning, remote sensing images are utilized to derive large scale land use and land cover (LULC) maps, carrying discrete information on the human management of land and intact primary forests, as well as change processes. Such information is particularly relevant in little developed regions, and areas which are undergoing transformation. Therefore, satellite remote sensing is generally the preferred method for generating LULC products within tropical regions, and particularly useful to assist tracking of change processes with regard to deforestation or land management. The Amazon is the largest area of continuous tropical forest in the world, and of substantial importance with regard to biodiversity, its influence on global climate, as well as providing living space for a large number of indigenous tribes. As tropical region, the Amazon is particularly affected by cloudy conditions, which pose a serious challenge to many remote sensing efforts. Utilization of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) hence is promoted, as this warrants data availability at fixed intervals. Performing land cover mapping at the deforestation frontier in the Brazilian states of Pará and Mato Grosso, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate latest concepts from machine learning and SAR remote sensing in the light of real world applicability. As a cumulative effort, this thesis provides a scalable method based on Markov Random Fields, to increase classification performance. This method is especially useful to enhance the outcome of SAR classifications, as it directly addresses inherent SAR properties such as multi-temporality and speckle. Furthermore, ALOS-2, RADARSAT-2, and TerraSAR-X, which are current SAR sensors fulfilling different properties with regard to ground resolution and wavelength, are being investigated concerning their synergetic potentials for the mapping of vegetated LULC classes of the Brazilian Amazon. Here, the additional value of combining multiple frequencies is evaluated using reliable validation techniques based on area adjustment. Additionally, single performance of the three sensors is evaluated and their potentials concerning the task of tropical mapping are estimated. Lastly, different potentials of TanDEM-X for the purpose of tropical mapping are investigated. TanDEM-X is the first continuous spaceborne missionvi to offer a bi-static acquisition of data, enabling the generation of height models and the collection of coherence layers via a single pass

    Fusing Small-footprint Waveform LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data for Canopy-level Species Classification and Herbaceous Biomass Modeling in Savanna Ecosystems

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    The study of ecosystem structure, function, and composition has become increasingly important in order to gain a better understanding of how impacts wrought by natural disturbances, climate, and human activity can alter ecosystem services provided to a population. Research groups at Rochester Institute of Technology and Carnegie Institution for Science are focusing on characterization of savanna ecosystems and are using data from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO), which integrates advanced imaging spectroscopy and waveform light detection and ranging (wLiDAR) data. This component of the larger ecosystem project has as a goal the fusion of imaging spectroscopy and small-footprint wLiDAR data in order to improve per-species structural parameter estimation towards classication and herbaceous biomass modeling. Waveform LiDAR has proven useful for extracting high vertical resolution structural parameters, while imaging spectroscopy is a well-established tool for species classication and biochemistry assessment. We hypothesize that the two modalities provide complementary information that could improve per-species structural assessment, species classication, and herbaceous biomass modeling when compared to single modality sensing systems. We explored a statistical approach to data fusion at the feature level, which hinged on our ability to reduce structural and spectral data dimensionality to those data features best suited to assessing these complex systems. The species classification approach was based on stepwise discrimination analysis (SDA) and used feature metrics from hyperspectral imagery (HSI) combined with wLiDAR data, which could help nding correlated features, and in turn improve classiers. It was found that fusing data with the SDA did not improve classication signicantly, especially compared to the HSI classication results. The overall classication accuracies were 53% for both original and PCA-based wLiDAR variables, 73% for the original HSI variables, 71% for PCA-based HSI variables, 73% for the original fusion of wLiDAR and HSI data set, and 74% for the PCA-based fusion variables. The kappa coecients achieved with the original and PCA-based wLiDAR variable classications were 0.41 and 0.44, respectively. For both original and PCA-based HSI classications, the kappa coecients were 0.63 and 0.60, respectively and 0.62 and 0.64 for original and PCA-based fusion variable classications, respectively. These results show that HSI was more successful in grouping important information in a smaller number of variables than wLiDAR and thus inclusion of structural information did not signicantly improve the classication. As for herbaceous biomass modeling, the statistical approach used for the fusion of wLiDAR and HSI was forward selection modeling (FSM), which selects signicant independent metrics and models those to measured biomass. The results were measured in R2 and RMSE, which indicate the similar ndings. Waveform LiDAR performed the poorest with an R2 of 0.07 for original wLiDAR variables and 0.12 for PCA-based wLiDAR variables. The respective RMSE were 19.99 and 19.41. For both original and PCA-based HSI variables, the results were better with R2 of 0.32 and 0.27 and RMSE of 17.27 and 17.80, respectively. For the fusion of original and PCA-based data, the results were comparable to HSI, with R2 values of 0.35 and 0.29 and RMSE of 16.88 and 17.59, respectively. These results indicate that small scale wLiDAR may not be able to provide accurate measurement of herbaceous biomass, although other factors could have contributed to the relatively poor results, such as the senescent state of grass by April 2008, the narrow biomass range that was measured, and the low biomass values, i.e., the limited laser-target interactions. We concluded that although fusion did not result in signicant improvements over single modality approaches in those two use cases, there is a need for further investigation during peak growing season

    Spatio-temporal appraisal of water-borne erosion using optical remote sensing and GIS in the Umzintlava catchement (T32E), Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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    Globally, soil erosion by water is often reported as the worst form of land degradation owing to its adverse effects, cutting across the ecological and socio-economic spectrum. In general, soil erosion negatively affects the soil fertility, effectively rendering the soil unproductive. This poses a serious threat to food security especially in the developing world including South Africa where about 6 million households derive their income from agriculture, and yet more than 70% of the country’s land is subject to erosion of varying intensities. The Eastern Cape in particular is often considered the most hard-hit province in South Africa due to meteorological and geomorphological factors. It is on this premise the present study is aimed at assessing the spatial and temporal patterns of water-borne erosion in the Umzintlava Catchment, Eastern Cape, using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model together with geospatial technologies, namely Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing. Specific objectives were to: (1) review recent developments on the use of GIS and remote sensing technologies in assessing and deriving soil erosion factors as represented by RUSLE parameters, (2) assess soil erosion vulnerability of the Umzintlava Catchment using geospatial driven RUSLE model, and (3) assess the impact of landuse/landcover (LULC) change dynamics on soil erosion in the study area during the period 1989-2017. To gain an understanding of recent developments including related successes and challenges on the use of geospatial technologies in deriving individual RUSLE parameters, extensive literature survey was conducted. An integrative methodology, spatially combining the RUSLE model with Systeme Pour l’Obsevation de la Terre (SPOT7) imagery within a digital GIS environment was used to generate relevant information on erosion vulnerability of the Umzintlava Catchment. The results indicated that the catchment suffered from unprecedented rates of soil loss during the study period recording the mean annual soil loss as high as 11 752 t ha−1yr−1. Topography as represented by the LS-factor was the most sensitive parameter to soil loss occurring in hillslopes, whereas in gully-dominated areas, soil type (K-factor) was the overriding factor. In an attempt to understand the impact of LULC change dynamics on soil erosion in the Umzintlava Catchment from the period 1989-2017 (28 years), multi-temporal Landsat data together with RUSLE was used. A post-classification change detection comparison showed that water bodies, agriculture, and grassland decreased by 0.038%, 1.796%, and 13.417%, respectively, whereas areas covered by forest, badlands, and bare soil and built-up area increased by 3.733%, 1.778%, and 9.741% respectively, during the study period. The mean annual soil loss declined from 1027.36 t ha−1yr−1 in 1989 to 138.71 t ha−1yr−1 in 2017. Though soil loss decreased during the observed period, there were however apparent indications of consistent increase in soil loss intensity (risk), most notably, in the elevated parts of the catchment. The proportion of the catchment area with high (25 – 60 t ha−1yr−1) to extremely high (>150 t ha−1yr−1) soil loss risk increased from 0.006% in 1989 to 0.362% in 2017. Further analysis of soil loss results by different LULC classes revealed that some LULC classes, i.e. bare soil and built-up area, agriculture, grassland, and forest, experienced increased soil loss rates during the 28 years study period. Overall, the study concluded that the methodology integrating the RUSLE model with GIS and remote sensing is not only accurate and time-efficient in identifying erosion prone areas in both spatial and temporal terms, but is also a cost-effective alternative to traditional field-based methods. Although successful, few issues were encountered in this study. The estimated soil loss rates in Chapter 3 are above tolerable limits, whereas in Chapter 4, soil loss rates are within tolerable limits. The discrepancy in these results could be explained by the differences in the spatial resolution of SPOT (5m * 5m) and Landsat (30m * 30m) images used in chapters 3 and 4, respectively. Further research should therefore investigate the impact of spatial resolution on RUSLE-estimated soil loss in which case optical sensors including Landsat, Sentinel, and SPOT images may be compared