1,234 research outputs found

    Towards Accurate Forecasting of Epileptic Seizures: Artificial Intelligence and Effective Connectivity Findings

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    L’épilepsie est une des maladies neurologiques les plus fréquentes, touchant près d’un pourcent de la population mondiale. De nos jours, bien qu’environ deux tiers des patients épileptiques répondent adéquatement aux traitements pharmacologiques, il reste qu’un tiers des patients doivent vivre avec des crises invalidantes et imprévisibles. Quoique la chirurgie d’épilepsie puisse être une autre option thérapeutique envisageable, le recours à la chirurgie de résection demeure très faible en partie pour des raisons diverses (taux de réussite modeste, peur des complications, perceptions négatives). D’autres avenues de traitement sont donc souhaitables. Une piste actuellement explorée par des groupes de chercheurs est de tenter de prédire les crises à partir d’enregistrements de l’activité cérébrale des patients. La capacité de prédire la survenue de crises permettrait notamment aux patients, aidants naturels ou personnels médical de prendre des mesures de précaution pour éviter les désagréments reliés aux crises voire même instaurer un traitement pour les faire avorter. Au cours des dernières années, d’importants efforts ont été déployés pour développer des algorithmes de prédiction de crises et d’en améliorer les performances. Toutefois, le manque d’enregistrements électroencéphalographiques intracrâniens (iEEG) de longue durée de qualité, la quantité limitée de crises, ainsi que la courte durée des périodes interictales constituaient des obstacles majeurs à une évaluation adéquate de la performance des algorithmes de prédiction de crises. Récemment, la disponibilité en ligne d’enregistrements iEEG continus avec échantillonnage bilatéral (des deux hémisphères) acquis chez des chiens atteints d’épilepsie focale à l’aide du dispositif de surveillance ambulatoire implantable NeuroVista a partiellement facilité cette tâche. Cependant, une des limitations associées à l’utilisation de ces données durant la conception d’un algorithme de prédiction de crises était l’absence d’information concernant la zone exacte de début des crises (information non fournie par les gestionnaires de cette base de données en ligne). Le premier objectif de cette thèse était la mise en oeuvre d’un algorithme précis de prédiction de crises basé sur des enregistrements iEEG canins de longue durée. Les principales contributions à cet égard incluent une localisation quantitative de la zone d’apparition des crises (basée sur la fonction de transfert dirigé –DTF), l’utilisation d’une nouvelle fonction de coût via l’algorithme génétique proposé, ainsi qu’une évaluation quasi-prospective des performances de prédiction (données de test d’un total de 893 jours). Les résultats ont montré une amélioration des performances de prédiction par rapport aux études antérieures, atteignant une sensibilité moyenne de 84.82 % et un temps en avertissement de 10 %. La DTF, utilisée précédemment comme mesure de connectivité pour déterminer le réseau épileptique (objectif 1), a été préalablement validée pour quantifier les relations causales entre les canaux lorsque les exigences de quasi-stationnarité sont satisfaites. Ceci est possible dans le cas des enregistrements canins en raison du nombre relativement faible de canaux. Pour faire face aux exigences de non-stationnarité, la fonction de transfert adaptatif pondérée par le spectre (Spectrum weighted adaptive directed transfer function - swADTF) a été introduit en tant qu’une version variant dans le temps de la DTF. Le second objectif de cette thèse était de valider la possibilité d’identifier les endroits émetteurs (ou sources) et récepteurs d’activité épileptiques en appliquant la swADTF sur des enregistrements iEEG de haute densité provenant de patients admis pour évaluation pré-chirurgicale au CHUM. Les générateurs d’activité épileptique étaient dans le volume réséqué pour les patients ayant des bons résultats post-chirurgicaux alors que différents foyers ont été identifiés chez les patients ayant eu de mauvais résultats postchirurgicaux. Ces résultats démontrent la possibilité d’une identification précise des sources et récepteurs d’activités épileptiques au moyen de la swADTF ouvrant la porte à la possibilité d’une meilleure sélection d’électrodes de manière quantitative dans un contexte de développement d’algorithme de prédiction de crises chez l’humain. Dans le but d’explorer de nouvelles avenues pour la prédiction de crises épileptiques, un nouveau précurseur a aussi été étudié combinant l’analyse des spectres d’ordre supérieur et les réseaux de neurones artificiels (objectif 3). Les résultats ont montré des différences statistiquement significatives (p<0.05) entre l’état préictal et l’état interictal en utilisant chacune des caractéristiques extraites du bi-spectre. Utilisées comme entrées à un perceptron multicouche, l’entropie bispectrale normalisée, l’entropie carré normalisée, et la moyenne ont atteint des précisions respectives de 78.11 %, 72.64% et 73.26%. Les résultats de cette thèse confirment la faisabilité de prédiction de crises à partir d’enregistrements d’électroencéphalographie intracrâniens. Cependant, des efforts supplémentaires en termes de sélection d’électrodes, d’extraction de caractéristiques, d’utilisation des techniques d’apprentissage profond et d’implémentation Hardware, sont nécessaires avant l’intégration de ces approches dans les dispositifs implantables commerciaux.----------ABSTRACT Epilepsy is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent “unpredictable” seizures. While the first line of treatment consists of long-term drug therapy about one-third of patients are said to be pharmacoresistant. In addition, recourse to epilepsy surgery remains low in part due to persisting negative attitudes towards resective surgery, fear of complications and only moderate success rates. An important direction of research is to investigate the possibility of predicting seizures which, if achieved, can lead to novel interventional avenues. The paucity of intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) recordings, the limited number of ictal events, and the short duration of interictal periods have been important obstacles for an adequate assessment of seizure forecasting. More recently, long-term continuous bilateral iEEG recordings acquired from dogs with naturally occurring focal epilepsy, using the implantable NeuroVista ambulatory monitoring device have been made available on line for the benefit of researchers. Still, an important limitation of these recordings for seizure-prediction studies was that the seizure onset zone was not disclosed/available. The first objective of this thesis was to develop an accurate seizure forecasting algorithm based on these canine ambulatory iEEG recordings. Main contributions include a quantitative, directed transfer function (DTF)-based, localization of the seizure onset zone (electrode selection), a new fitness function for the proposed genetic algorithm (feature selection), and a quasi-prospective assessment of seizure forecasting on long-term continuous iEEG recordings (total of 893 testing days). Results showed performance improvement compared to previous studies, achieving an average sensitivity of 84.82% and a time in warning of 10 %. The DTF has been previously validated for quantifying causal relations when quasistationarity requirements are met. Although such requirements can be fulfilled in the case of canine recordings due to the relatively low number of channels (objective 1), the identification of stationary segments would be more challenging in the case of high density iEEG recordings. To cope with non-stationarity issues, the spectrum weighted adaptive directed transfer function (swADTF) was recently introduced as a time-varying version of the DTF. The second objective of this thesis was to validate the feasibility of identifying sources and sinks of seizure activity based on the swADTF using high-density iEEG recordings of patients admitted for pre-surgical monitoring at the CHUM. Generators of seizure activity were within the resected volume for patients with good post-surgical outcomes, whereas different or additional seizure foci were identified in patients with poor post-surgical outcomes. Results confirmed the possibility of accurate identification of seizure origin and propagation by means of swADTF paving the way for its use in seizure prediction algorithms by allowing a more tailored electrode selection. Finally, in an attempt to explore new avenues for seizure forecasting, we proposed a new precursor of seizure activity by combining higher order spectral analysis and artificial neural networks (objective 3). Results showed statistically significant differences (p<0.05) between preictal and interictal states using all the bispectrum-extracted features. Normalized bispectral entropy, normalized squared entropy and mean of magnitude, when employed as inputs to a multi-layer perceptron classifier, achieved held-out test accuracies of 78.11%, 72.64%, and 73.26%, respectively. Results of this thesis confirm the feasibility of seizure forecasting based on iEEG recordings; the transition into the ictal state is not random and consists of a “build-up”, leading to seizures. However, additional efforts in terms of electrode selection, feature extraction, hardware and deep learning implementation, are required before the translation of current approaches into commercial devices

    A Controlled Thermoalgesic Stimulation Device for Exploring Novel Pain Perception Biomarkers

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    Objective: To develop a new device for identifying physiological markers of pain perception by reading the brain's electrical activity and hemodynamic interactions while applying thermoalgesic stimulation. Methods: We designed a compact prototype that generates well-controlled thermal stimuli using a computer-driven Peltier cell while simultaneously capturing electroencephalography (EEG) and photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. The study was performed on 35 healthy subjects (mean age 30.46 years, SD 4.93 years; 20 males, 15 females). We first determined the heat pain threshold (HPT) for each subject, defined as the maximum temperature that the subject can withstand when the Peltier cell gradually increased the temperature. Next, we defined the painful condition as the one occurring at temperature equal to 90% of the HPT, comparing this to the no-pain state (control) in the absence of thermoalgesic stimulation. Results: Both the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional spectral entropy (SE) obtained from both the EEG and PPG signals differentiated the condition of pain. In particular, the SE for PPG was significantly reduced in association with pain, while the SE for EEG increased slightly. Moreover, significant discrimination occurred within a specific range of frequencies, 26-30 Hz for EEG and about 5-10 Hz for PPG. Conclusion: Hemodynamics, brain dynamics and their interactions can discriminate thermal pain perception. Significance: The possibility of monitoring on-line variations in thermal pain perception using a similar device and algorithms may be of interest to study different pathologies that affect the peripheral nervous system, such as small fiber neuropathies, fibromyalgia or painful diabetic neuropathy

    Artifact Removal Methods in EEG Recordings: A Review

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    To obtain the correct analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, non-physiological and physiological artifacts should be removed from EEG signals. This study aims to give an overview on the existing methodology for removing physiological artifacts, e.g., ocular, cardiac, and muscle artifacts. The datasets, simulation platforms, and performance measures of artifact removal methods in previous related research are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique are discussed, including regression method, filtering method, blind source separation (BSS), wavelet transform (WT), empirical mode decomposition (EMD), singular spectrum analysis (SSA), and independent vector analysis (IVA). Also, the applications of hybrid approaches are presented, including discrete wavelet transform - adaptive filtering method (DWT-AFM), DWT-BSS, EMD-BSS, singular spectrum analysis - adaptive noise canceler (SSA-ANC), SSA-BSS, and EMD-IVA. Finally, a comparative analysis for these existing methods is provided based on their performance and merits. The result shows that hybrid methods can remove the artifacts more effectively than individual methods

    Identification of the General Anesthesia Induced Loss of Consciousness by Cross Fuzzy Entropy-Based Brain Network.

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    Although the spatiotemporal complexity and network connectivity are clarified to be disrupted during the general anesthesia (GA) induced unconsciousness, it remains to be difficult to exactly monitor the fluctuation of consciousness clinically. In this study, to track the loss of consciousness (LOC) induced by GA, we first developed the multi-channel cross fuzzy entropy method to construct the time-varying networks, whose temporal fluctuations were then explored and quantitatively evaluated. Thereafter, an algorithm was further proposed to detect the time onset at which patients lost their consciousness. The results clarified during the resting state, relatively stable fuzzy fluctuations in multi-channel network architectures and properties were found; by contrast, during the LOC period, the disrupted frontal-occipital connectivity occurred at the early stage, while at the later stage, the inner-frontal connectivity was identified. When specifically exploring the early LOC stage, the uphill of the clustering coefficients and the downhill of the characteristic path length were found, which might help resolve the propofol-induced consciousness fluctuation in patients. Moreover, the developed detection algorithm was validated to have great capacity in exactly capturing the time point (in seconds) at which patients lost consciousness. The findings demonstrated that the time-varying cross-fuzzy networks help decode the GA and are of great significance for developing anesthesia depth monitoring technology clinically

    Advanced Signal Processing and Control in Anaesthesia

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    This thesis comprises three major stages: classification of depth of anaesthesia (DOA); modelling a typical patient’s behaviour during a surgical procedure; and control of DOAwith simultaneous administration of propofol and remifentanil. Clinical data gathered in theoperating theatre was used in this project. Multiresolution wavelet analysis was used to extract meaningful features from the auditory evoked potentials (AEP). These features were classified into different DOA levels using a fuzzy relational classifier (FRC). The FRC uses fuzzy clustering and fuzzy relational composition. The FRC had a good performance and was able to distinguish between the DOA levels. A hybrid patient model was developed for the induction and maintenance phase of anaesthesia. An adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system was used to adapt Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy models relating systolic arterial pressure (SAP), heart rate (HR), and the wavelet extracted AEP features with the effect concentrations of propofol and remifentanil. The effect of surgical stimuli on SAP and HR, and the analgesic properties of remifentanil were described by Mamdani fuzzy models, constructed with anaesthetist cooperation. The model proved to be adequate, reflecting the effect of drugs and surgical stimuli. A multivariable fuzzy controller was developed for the simultaneous administration of propofol and remifentanil. The controller is based on linguistic rules that interact with three decision tables, one of which represents a fuzzy PI controller. The infusion rates of the two drugs are determined according to the DOA level and surgical stimulus. Remifentanil is titrated according to the required analgesia level and its synergistic interaction with propofol. The controller was able to adequately achieve and maintain the target DOA level, under different conditions. Overall, it was possible to model the interaction between propofol and remifentanil, and to successfully use this model to develop a closed-loop system in anaesthesia

    The speechless brain

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    The speechless brain

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    Functional integration in the cortical neuronal network of conscious and anesthetized animals

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    General anesthesia consists of amnesia, analgesia, areflexia and unconsciousness. How anesthetics suppress consciousness has been a mystery for more than one and a half centuries. The overall goal of my research has been to determine the neural correlates of anesthetic-induced loss of consciousness. I hypothesized that anesthetics induce unconsciousness by interfering with the functional connectivity of neuronal networks of the brain and consequently, reducing the brain\u27s capacity for information processing. To test this hypothesis, I performed experiments in which neuronal spiking activity was measured with chronically implanted microelectrode arrays in the visual cortex of freely-moving rats during wakefulness and at graded levels of anesthesia produced by the inhalational anesthetic agent desflurane. I then applied linear and non-parametric information-theoretic analyses to quantify the concentration-dependent effect of general anesthetics on spontaneous and visually evoked spike firing activity in rat primary visual cortex. Results suggest that desflurane anesthesia disrupts cortical neuronal integration as measured by monosynaptic connectivity, spike burst coherence and information capacity. This research furthers our understanding of the mechanisms involved with the anesthetic-induced LOC which may facilitate in the development of better anesthetic monitoring devices and the creation of effective anesthetic agents that will be free of unwanted side effects

    Analysis of consciousness for complete locked-in syndrome patients

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    This thesis presents methods for detecting consciousness in patients with complete locked-in syndrome (CLIS). CLIS patients are unable to speak and have lost all muscle movement. Externally, the internal brain activity of such patients cannot be easily perceived, but CLIS patients are considered to be still conscious and cognitively active. Detecting the current state of consciousness of CLIS patients is non-trivial, and it is difficult to ascertain whether CLIS patients are conscious or not. Thus, it is vital to develop alternative ways to re-establish communication with these patients during periods of awareness, and a possible platform is through brain–computer interface (BCI). Since consciousness is required to use BCI correctly, this study proposes a modus operandi to analyze not only in intracranial electrocorticography (ECoG) signals with greater signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and higher signal amplitude, but also in non-invasive electroencephalography (EEG) signals. By applying three different time-domain analysis approaches sample entropy, permutation entropy, and Poincaré plot as feature extraction to prevent disease-related reductions of brainwave frequency bands in CLIS patients, and cross-validated to improve the probability of correctly detecting the conscious states of CLIS patients. Due to the lack a of 'ground truth' that could be used as teaching input to correct the outcomes, k-Means and DBSCAN these unsupervised learning methods were used to reveal the presence of different levels of consciousness for individual participation in the experiment first in locked-in state (LIS) patients with ALSFRS-R score of 0. The results of these different methods converge on the specific periods of consciousness of CLIS/LIS patients, coinciding with the period during which CLIS/LIS patients recorded communication with an experimenter. To determine methodological feasibility, the methods were also applied to patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). The results indicate that the use of sample entropy might be helpful to detect awareness not only in CLIS/LIS patients but also in minimally conscious state (MCS)/unresponsive wakefulness syndrome (UWS) patients, and showed good resolution for both ECoG signals up to 24 hours a day and EEG signals focused on one or two hours at the time of the experiment. This thesis focus on consistent results across multiple channels to avoid compensatory effects of brain injury. Unlike most techniques designed to help clinicians diagnose and understand patients' long-term disease progression or distinguish between different disease types on the clinical scales of consciousness. The aim of this investigation is to develop a reliable brain-computer interface-based communication aid eventually to provide family members with a method for short-term communication with CLIS patients in daily life, and at the same time, this will keep patients' brains active to increase patients' willingness to live and improve their quality of life (QOL)

    Exploring the pharmacodynamics of multidrug combinations and using the advances in technology to individualise anaesthetic drug titration

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    In current practice, pharmacokinetic-dynamic (PK/PD) models are frequently used to describe the combined relationship between the time course of drug plasma concentrations (PK) and the time independent relationship between the drug concentration at the receptor site and the clinical effect (PD). This thesis contributes to the knowledge in anaesthetic pharmacology and explores the dose-response relationships of propofol and sevoflurane (with and without the coadministration of remifentanil) in greater detail using PK/PD models. Our studies show that PK/PD models are useful in clinical practice. The concept of neural inertia could have an influence on these models, but is still controversial in humans and it does not break down the essence and applicability of these PK/PD models. Subsequently, we used these models to compare the pharmacodynamics of propofol and sevoflurane (with and without remifentanil) at both a population level as well as at an individual level. This comparison let us describe potency ratios between both hypnotics which is very helpful for anaesthetist when switching between these drugs for any reason during a case. We applied the same PK/PD models and similar potency ratios in clinical practice using the SmartPilot® View, a drug advisory system, to guide anaesthetic drug titration, and we assessed its clinical utility. Finally, we evaluated a novel method to analyse the cerebral drug effect on the EEG using Artificial Intelligence in order to explore the feasibility of whether a single index can quantify the hypnotic effect in a drug-independent way
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