12 research outputs found

    On the performance of routing algorithms in wormhole-switched multicomputer networks

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    This paper presents a comparative performance study of adaptive and deterministic routing algorithms in wormhole-switched hypercubes and investigates the performance vicissitudes of these routing schemes under a variety of network operating conditions. Despite the previously reported results, our results show that the adaptive routing does not consistently outperform the deterministic routing even for high dimensional networks. In fact, it appears that the superiority of adaptive routing is highly dependent to the broadcast traffic rate generated at each node and it begins to deteriorate by growing the broadcast rate of generated message

    Performance analysis of wormhole routing in multicomputer interconnection networks

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    Perhaps the most critical component in determining the ultimate performance potential of a multicomputer is its interconnection network, the hardware fabric supporting communication among individual processors. The message latency and throughput of such a network are affected by many factors of which topology, switching method, routing algorithm and traffic load are the most significant. In this context, the present study focuses on a performance analysis of k-ary n-cube networks employing wormhole switching, virtual channels and adaptive routing, a scenario of especial interest to current research. This project aims to build upon earlier work in two main ways: constructing new analytical models for k-ary n-cubes, and comparing the performance merits of cubes of different dimensionality. To this end, some important topological properties of k-ary n-cubes are explored initially; in particular, expressions are derived to calculate the number of nodes at/within a given distance from a chosen centre. These results are important in their own right but their primary significance here is to assist in the construction of new and more realistic analytical models of wormhole-routed k-ary n-cubes. An accurate analytical model for wormhole-routed k-ary n-cubes with adaptive routing and uniform traffic is then developed, incorporating the use of virtual channels and the effect of locality in the traffic pattern. New models are constructed for wormhole k-ary n-cubes, with the ability to simulate behaviour under adaptive routing and non-uniform communication workloads, such as hotspot traffic, matrix-transpose and digit-reversal permutation patterns. The models are equally applicable to unidirectional and bidirectional k-ary n-cubes and are significantly more realistic than any in use up to now. With this level of accuracy, the effect of each important network parameter on the overall network performance can be investigated in a more comprehensive manner than before. Finally, k-ary n-cubes of different dimensionality are compared using the new models. The comparison takes account of various traffic patterns and implementation costs, using both pin-out and bisection bandwidth as metrics. Networks with both normal and pipelined channels are considered. While previous similar studies have only taken account of network channel costs, our model incorporates router costs as well thus generating more realistic results. In fact the results of this work differ markedly from those yielded by earlier studies which assumed deterministic routing and uniform traffic, illustrating the importance of using accurate models to conduct such analyses

    Performance analysis of wormhole switched interconnection networks with virtual channels and finite buffers

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    An efficient interconnection network that provides high bandwidth and low latency interprocessor communication is critical to harness fully the computational power of large scale multicomputer. K-ary n-cube networks have been widely adopted in contemporary multicomputers due to their desirable properties. As such, the present study focuses on a performance analysis of K-ary n-cubes employing wormhole switching, virtual channels, and adaptive routing. The objective of this dissertation is twofold: to examine the performance of these networks, and to compare the performance merits of various topologies under different working conditions, by means of analytical modelling. Most existing analytical models reported in the literature have used a method originally proposed by Dally to capture the effects of virtual channels on network performance. This method is based on a Markov chain and it has been shown that its prediction accuracy degrades as traffic increases. Moreover, these studies have also constrained the buffer capacity to a single flit per channel, a simplifying assumption that has often been invoked to ease the derivation of the analytical models. Motivated by these observations, the first part of this research proposes a new method for modelling virtual channels, based on an M/G/1 queue. Owing to the generality of this method. Daily's method is shown to be a special case when the message service time is exponentially distributed. The second part of this research uses theoretical results of queuing systems to relax the single-flit buffer assumption. New analytical models are then proposed to capture the effects of deploying arbitrary size buffers on the performance of deterministic and adaptive routing algorithms. Simulation experiments reveal that results from the proposed analytical models are in close agreement with those obtained through simulation. Building on these new analytical models, the third part of this research compares the relative performance merits of K-ary n-cubes under different operating conditions, in the presence of finite size buffers and multiple virtual channels. Namely, the analysis first revisits the relative performance merits of the well-known 2D torus, 3D torus and hypercube under different implementation constraints. The analysis has then been extended to investigate the performance impact of arranging the total buffer space, allocated to a physical channel, into multiple virtual channels. Finally, the performance of adaptive routing has been compared to that of deterministic routing. While previous similar studies have only taken account of channel and router costs, the present analysis incorporates different intra-router delays, as well, and thus generates more realistic results. In fact, the results of this research differ notably from those reported in previous studies, illustrating the sensitivity of such studies to the level of detail, degree of accuracy and the realism of the assumptions adopted

    Efficient processor management strategies for multicomputer systems

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    Multicomputers are cost-effective alternatives to the conventional supercomputers. Contemporary processor management schemes tend to underutilize the processors and leave many of the processors in the system idle while jobs are waiting for execution;Instead of designing faster processors or interconnection networks, a substantial performance improvement can be obtained by implementing better processor management strategies. This dissertation studies the performance issues related to the processor management schemes and proposes several ways to enhance the multicomputer systems by means of processor management. The proposed schemes incorporate the concepts of size-reduction, non-contiguous allocation, as well as job migration. Job scheduling using a bypass-queue is also studied. All the proposed schemes are proven effective in improving the system performance via extensive simulations. Each proposed scheme has different implementation cost and constraints. In order to take advantage of these schemes, judicious selection of system parameters is important and is discussed

    New fault-tolerant routing algorithms for k-ary n-cube networks

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    The interconnection network is one of the most crucial components in a multicomputer as it greatly influences the overall system performance. Networks belonging to the family of k-ary n-cubes (e.g., tori and hypercubes) have been widely adopted in practical machines due to their desirable properties, including a low diameter, symmetry, regularity, and ability to exploit communication locality found in many real-world parallel applications. A routing algorithm specifies how a message selects a path to cross from source to destination, and has great impact on network performance. Routing in fault-free networks has been extensively studied in the past. As the network size scales up the probability of processor and link failure also increases. It is therefore essential to design fault-tolerant routing algorithms that allow messages to reach their destinations even in the presence of faulty components (links and nodes). Although many fault-tolerant routing algorithms have been proposed for common multicomputer networks, e.g. hypercubes and meshes, little research has been devoted to developing fault-tolerant routing for well-known versions of k-ary n-cubes, such as 2 and 3- dimensional tori. Previous work on fault-tolerant routing has focused on designing algorithms with strict conditions imposed on the number of faulty components (nodes and links) or their locations in the network. Most existing fault-tolerant routing algorithms have assumed that a node knows either only the status of its neighbours (such a model is called local-information-based) or the status of all nodes (global-information-based). The main challenge is to devise a simple and efficient way of representing limited global fault information that allows optimal or near-optimal fault-tolerant routing. This thesis proposes two new limited-global-information-based fault-tolerant routing algorithms for k-ary n-cubes, namely the unsafety vectors and probability vectors algorithms. While the first algorithm uses a deterministic approach, which has been widely employed by other existing algorithms, the second algorithm is the first that uses probability-based fault- tolerant routing. These two algorithms have two important advantages over those already existing in the relevant literature. Both algorithms ensure fault-tolerance under relaxed assumptions, regarding the number of faulty components and their locations in the network. Furthermore, the new algorithms are more general in that they can easily be adapted to different topologies, including those that belong to the family of k-ary n-cubes (e.g. tori and hypercubes) and those that do not (e.g., generalised hypercubes and meshes). Since very little work has considered fault-tolerant routing in k-ary n-cubes, this study compares the relative performance merits of the two proposed algorithms, the unsafety and probability vectors, on these networks. The results reveal that for practical number of faulty nodes, both algorithms achieve good performance levels. However, the probability vectors algorithm has the advantage of being simpler to implement. Since previous research has focused mostly on the hypercube, this study adapts the new algorithms to the hypercube in order to conduct a comparative study against the recently proposed safety vectors algorithm. Results from extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that our algorithms exhibit superior performance in terms of reachability (chances of a message reaching its destination), deviation from optimality (average difference between minimum distance and actual routing distance), and looping (chances of a message continuously looping in the network without reaching destination) to the safety vectors

    Exploration and Design of Power-Efficient Networked Many-Core Systems

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    Multiprocessing is a promising solution to meet the requirements of near future applications. To get full benefit from parallel processing, a manycore system needs efficient, on-chip communication architecture. Networkon- Chip (NoC) is a general purpose communication concept that offers highthroughput, reduced power consumption, and keeps complexity in check by a regular composition of basic building blocks. This thesis presents power efficient communication approaches for networked many-core systems. We address a range of issues being important for designing power-efficient manycore systems at two different levels: the network-level and the router-level. From the network-level point of view, exploiting state-of-the-art concepts such as Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS), Voltage/ Frequency Island (VFI), and 3D Networks-on-Chip approaches may be a solution to the excessive power consumption demanded by today’s and future many-core systems. To this end, a low-cost 3D NoC architecture, based on high-speed GALS-based vertical channels, is proposed to mitigate high peak temperatures, power densities, and area footprints of vertical interconnects in 3D ICs. To further exploit the beneficial feature of a negligible inter-layer distance of 3D ICs, we propose a novel hybridization scheme for inter-layer communication. In addition, an efficient adaptive routing algorithm is presented which enables congestion-aware and reliable communication for the hybridized NoC architecture. An integrated monitoring and management platform on top of this architecture is also developed in order to implement more scalable power optimization techniques. From the router-level perspective, four design styles for implementing power-efficient reconfigurable interfaces in VFI-based NoC systems are proposed. To enhance the utilization of virtual channel buffers and to manage their power consumption, a partial virtual channel sharing method for NoC routers is devised and implemented. Extensive experiments with synthetic and real benchmarks show significant power savings and mitigated hotspots with similar performance compared to latest NoC architectures. The thesis concludes that careful codesigned elements from different network levels enable considerable power savings for many-core systems.Siirretty Doriast

    Social Insect-Inspired Adaptive Hardware

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    Modern VLSI transistor densities allow large systems to be implemented within a single chip. As technologies get smaller, fundamental limits of silicon devices are reached resulting in lower design yields and post-deployment failures. Many-core systems provide a platform for leveraging the computing resource on offer by deep sub-micron technologies and also offer high-level capabilities for mitigating the issues with small feature sizes. However, designing for many-core systems that can adapt to in-field failures and operation variability requires an extremely large multi-objective optimisation space. When a many-core reaches the size supported by the densities of modern technologies (thousands of processing cores), finding design solutions in this problem space becomes extremely difficult. Many biological systems show properties that are adaptive and scalable. This thesis proposes a self-optimising and adaptive, yet scalable, design approach for many-core based on the emergent behaviours of social-insect colonies. In these colonies there are many thousands of individuals with low intelligence who contribute, without any centralised control, to complete a wide range of tasks to build and maintain the colony. The experiments presented translate biological models of social-insect intelligence into simple embedded intelligence circuits. These circuits sense low-level system events and use this manage the parameters of the many-core's Network-on-Chip (NoC) during runtime. Centurion, a 128-node many-core, was created to investigate these models at large scale in hardware. The results show that, by monitoring a small number of signals within each NoC router, task allocation emerges from the social-insect intelligence models that can self-configure to support representative applications. It is demonstrated that emergent task allocation supports fault tolerance with no extra hardware overhead. The response-threshold decision making circuitry uses a negligible amount of hardware resources relative to the size of the many-core and is an ideal technology for implementing embedded intelligence for system runtime management of large-complexity single-chip systems

    High-level services for networks-on-chip

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    Future technology trends envision that next-generation Multiprocessors Systems-on- Chip (MPSoCs) will be composed of a combination of a large number of processing and storage elements interconnected by complex communication architectures. Communication and interconnection between these basic blocks play a role of crucial importance when the number of these elements increases. Enabling reliable communication channels between cores becomes therefore a challenge for system designers. Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) appeared as a strategy for connecting and managing the communication between several design elements and IP blocks, as required in complex Systems-on-Chip (SoCs). The topic can be considered as a multidisciplinary synthesis of multiprocessing, parallel computing, networking, and on- chip communication domains. Networks-on-Chip, in addition to standard communication services, can be employed for providing support for the implementation of system-level services. This dissertation will demonstrate how high-level services can be added to an MPSoC platform by embedding appropriate hardware/software support in the network interfaces (NIs) of the NoC. In this dissertation, the implementation of innovative modules acting in parallel with protocol translation and data transmission in NIs is proposed and evaluated. The modules can support the execution of the high-level services in the NoC at a relatively low cost in terms of area and energy consumption. Three types of services will be addressed and discussed: security, monitoring, and fault tolerance. With respect to the security aspect, this dissertation will discuss the implementation of an innovative data protection mechanism for detecting and preventing illegal accesses to protected memory blocks and/or memory mapped peripherals. The second aspect will be addressed by proposing the implementation of a monitoring system based on programmable multipurpose monitoring probes aimed at detecting NoC internal events and run-time characteristics. As last topic, new architectural solutions for the design of fault tolerant network interfaces will be presented and discussed

    Topology Agnostic Methods for Routing, Reconfiguration and Virtualization of Interconnection Networks

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    Modern computing systems, such as supercomputers, data centers and multicore chips, generally require efficient communication between their different system units; tolerance towards component faults; flexibility to expand or merge; and a high utilization of their resources. Interconnection networks are used in a variety of such computing systems in order to enable communication between their diverse system units. Investigation and proposal of new or improved solutions to topology agnostic routing and reconfiguration of interconnection networks are main objectives of this thesis. In addition, topology agnostic routing and reconfiguration algorithms are utilized in the development of new and flexible approaches to processor allocation. The thesis aims to present versatile solutions that can be used for the interconnection networks of a number of different computing systems. No particular routing algorithm was specified for an interconnection network technology which is now incorporated in Dolphin Express. The thesis states a set of criteria for a suitable routing algorithm, evaluates a number of existing routing algorithms, and recommend that one of the algorithms – which fulfils all of the criteria – is used. Further investigations demonstrate how this routing algorithm inherently supports fault-tolerance, and how it can be optimized for some network topologies. These considerations are also relevant for the InfiniBand interconnection network technology. Reconfiguration of interconnection networks (change of routing function) is a deadlock prone process. Some existing reconfiguration strategies include deadlock avoidance mechanisms that significantly reduce the network service offered to running applications. The thesis expands the area of application for one of the most versatile and efficient reconfiguration algorithms available in the literature, and proposes an optimization of this algorithm that improves the network service offered to running applications. Moreover, a new reconfiguration algorithm is presented that supports a replacement of the routing function without causing performance penalties. Processor allocation strategies that guarantee traffic-containment commonly pose strict requirements on the shape of partitions, and thus achieve only a limited utilization of a system’s computing resources. The thesis introduces two new approaches that are more flexible. Both approaches utilize the properties of a topology agnostic routing algorithm in order to enforce traffic-containment within arbitrarily shaped partitions. Consequently, a high resource utilization as well as isolation of traffic between different partitions is achieved

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing