7 research outputs found

    Serialized Asynchronous Links for NoC

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    This paper proposes an asynchronous serialized link for NoC that can achieve the same levels of performance in terms of flits per second as a synchronous link but with a reduced number of wires in the point to point switch links and reduced power consumption. This is achieved by employing serialization in the asynchronous domain as opposed to synchronous to facilitate the removal of global clocking on the serial links. Based on transistor level simulations using 0.12 ?m foundry models it has been shown that it is possible to achieve the same level of performance as synchronous but with 75% reduction in wires and 65% reduction in power for a 300 MFlit/s link with 8 buffers with a switch clock speed of 300 MHz. Furthermore the paper presents the design requirements arising from interfacing switches of synchronous NoC and asynchronous serial links

    Proxy Circuits for Fault-Tolerant Primitive Interfacing in Reconfigurable Devices Targeting Extreme Environments

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    Continuous interface access to device-level primitives in reconfigurable devices in extreme environments is key to reliable operation. However, it is possible for a primitive's interface controller, which is static to be rendered non-operational by a permanent damage in the controller's circuitry. In order to mitigate this, this paper proposes the use of relocatable proxy circuits to provide remote interfacing capability to primitives from anywhere on a reconfigurable device. A demonstration with device register read controller shows that an improvement in fault-tolerance can be achieved

    Diseño e implementación del módulo analógico de recepción para un SerDes en tecnología CMOS de 130nm

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    Las comunicaciones seriales de datos de alta velocidad han sido utilizadas de múltiples formas en diferentes aplicaciones, tales como la comunicación entre microprocesadores y memorias. Los dispositivos SerDes (Serializador/De-Serializador) de alta velocidad son una de las formas dominantes de entradas/salidas de la mayoría de los circuitos integrados de alta integración, pues transfieren datos seriales entre circuitos integrados a velocidades de hasta 10 gigabits por segundo. Los principales bloques funcionales de un SerDes son: la etapa analógica de recepción, la etapa analógica de transmisión, el sistema digital de deserialización, el sistema digital de serialización y el módulo de pruebas. En ese trabajo se presenta el diseño y la implementación física de la etapa analógica de recepción para un SerDes con una velocidad de datos de 10|100|1000Mbps adecuado para el Protocolo SMGII. La etapa de recepción analógica propuesta consiste en tres bloques principales: un amplificador diferencial de alta velocidad, un circuito CML a CMOS y un circuito de polarización. En este trabajo también se presenta la metodología de diseño de cada uno de los bloques de la etapa analógica de recepción, así como su verificación pre-layout, implementación de layout e integración con el chip SerDes.The high speed data serial communication has been used in many applications, such as microprocessors, memories, and off-chip communications. High Speed SerDes devices have become the dominant form of the input/outputs interfaces of most high density integrated circuits, transferring serial data between chips at rates up to 10 gigabits per second. The main blocks of a SerDes device are: analog receiver, analog transmitter, deserializer digital system, serializer digital system and test module. This work presents the design and physical implementation of the analog receiver for a SerDes chip with a data rate of 10/100/1000Mbps adequate for a SGMII protocol. The proposed analog receiver consists of three main modules: a high-speed differential amplifier, a CML to CMOS circuit and a bias circuit. Also in this work, a design methodology of each of the blocks of the analog receiver is presented. A pre-layout verification and layout implementation is performed in order to finally integrate it into a SerDes chipITESO, A. C.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    A Probabilistic Spatial Distribution Model for Wire Faults in Parallel Network-on-Chip Links

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    High-performance chip multiprocessors contain numerous parallel-processing cores where a fabric devised as a network-on-chip (NoC) efficiently handles their escalating intertile communication demands. Unfortunately, prolonged operational stresses cause accelerated physically induced wearout leading to permanent metal wire faults in links. Where only a subset of wires may malfunction, enduring healthy wires are leveraged to sustain connectivity when a partially faulty link recovery mechanism is utilized, where its data recovery latency overhead is proportional to the number of consecutive faulty wires. With NoC link failure models being ultimately important, albeit being absent from existing literature, the construction of a mathematical model towards the understanding of the distribution of wire faults in parallel on-chip links is very critical. This paper steps in such a direction, where the objective is to find the probability of having a “fault segment” consisting of a certain number of consecutive “faulty” wires in a parallel NoC link. First, it is shown how the given problem can be reduced to an equivalent combinatorial problem through partitions and necklaces. Then the proposed algorithm counts certain classes of necklaces by making a separation between periodic and aperiodic cases. Finally, the resulting analytical model is tested successfully against a far more costly brute-force algorithm

    Enabling Dynamic Communication for Runtime Circuit Relocation

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    Dynamic reconfiguration frameworks for high-performance reliable real-time reconfigurable computing

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    The sheer hardware-based computational performance and programming flexibility offered by reconfigurable hardware like Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) make them attractive for computing in applications that require high performance, availability, reliability, real-time processing, and high efficiency. Fueled by fabrication process scaling, modern reconfigurable devices come with ever greater quantities of on-chip resources, allowing a more complex variety of applications to be developed. Thus, the trend is that technology giants like Microsoft, Amazon, and Baidu now embrace reconfigurable computing devices likes FPGAs to meet their critical computing needs. In addition, the capability to autonomously reprogramme these devices in the field is being exploited for reliability in application domains like aerospace, defence, military, and nuclear power stations. In such applications, real-time computing is important and is often a necessity for reliability. As such, applications and algorithms resident on these devices must be implemented with sufficient considerations for real-time processing and reliability. Often, to manage a reconfigurable hardware device as a computing platform for a multiplicity of homogenous and heterogeneous tasks, reconfigurable operating systems (ROSes) have been proposed to give a software look to hardware-based computation. The key requirements of a ROS include partitioning, task scheduling and allocation, task configuration or loading, and inter-task communication and synchronization. Existing ROSes have met these requirements to varied extents. However, they are limited in reliability, especially regarding the flexibility of placing the hardware circuits of tasks on device’s chip area, the problem arising more from the partitioning approaches used. Indeed, this problem is deeply rooted in the static nature of the on-chip inter-communication among tasks, hampering the flexibility of runtime task relocation for reliability. This thesis proposes the enabling frameworks for reliable, available, real-time, efficient, secure, and high-performance reconfigurable computing by providing techniques and mechanisms for reliable runtime reconfiguration, and dynamic inter-circuit communication and synchronization for circuits on reconfigurable hardware. This work provides task configuration infrastructures for reliable reconfigurable computing. Key features, especially reliability-enabling functionalities, which have been given little or no attention in state-of-the-art are implemented. These features include internal register read and write for device diagnosis; configuration operation abort mechanism, and tightly integrated selective-area scanning, which aims to optimize access to the device’s reconfiguration port for both task loading and error mitigation. In addition, this thesis proposes a novel reliability-aware inter-task communication framework that exploits the availability of dedicated clocking infrastructures in a typical FPGA to provide inter-task communication and synchronization. The clock buffers and networks of an FPGA use dedicated routing resources, which are distinct from the general routing resources. As such, deploying these dedicated resources for communication sidesteps the restriction of static routes and allows a better relocation of circuits for reliability purposes. For evaluation, a case study that uses a NASA/JPL spectrometer data processing application is employed to demonstrate the improved reliability brought about by the implemented configuration controller and the reliability-aware dynamic communication infrastructure. It is observed that up to 74% time saving can be achieved for selective-area error mitigation when compared to state-of-the-art vendor implementations. Moreover, an improvement in overall system reliability is observed when the proposed dynamic communication scheme is deployed in the data processing application. Finally, one area of reconfigurable computing that has received insufficient attention is security. Meanwhile, considering the nature of applications which now turn to reconfigurable computing for accelerating compute-intensive processes, a high premium is now placed on security, not only of the device but also of the applications, from loading to runtime execution. To address security concerns, a novel secure and efficient task configuration technique for task relocation is also investigated, providing configuration time savings of up to 32% or 83%, depending on the device; and resource usage savings in excess of 90% compared to state-of-the-art