5,651 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of human motion trajectory prediction using minimum variance curvature

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    Presentado al 6th HRI celebrado en Lausanne (Suiza) del 8 al 11 de marzo de 2011.The prediction of human motion intention is a key issue towards intelligent human robot interaction and robot navigation. In this work we present a comparative study of several prediction functions that are based on the minimum curvature variance from the current position to all the potential destination points, that means, the points that are relevant for people motion intention. The proposed predictor computes, at each interval of time, the trajectory from the present to the destination positions, and makes a prediction of the human motion at each interval of time using only the criterion of minimum curvature variation. The method has been validated in the Edinburgh Informatics Forum Pedestrian database.This research was conducted at the Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial (CSIC-UPC). It was partially supported by CICYT projects DPI2007-61452 and Ingenio Consolider CSD2007-018.Peer Reviewe

    Practical implementation of nonlinear time series methods: The TISEAN package

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    Nonlinear time series analysis is becoming a more and more reliable tool for the study of complicated dynamics from measurements. The concept of low-dimensional chaos has proven to be fruitful in the understanding of many complex phenomena despite the fact that very few natural systems have actually been found to be low dimensional deterministic in the sense of the theory. In order to evaluate the long term usefulness of the nonlinear time series approach as inspired by chaos theory, it will be important that the corresponding methods become more widely accessible. This paper, while not a proper review on nonlinear time series analysis, tries to make a contribution to this process by describing the actual implementation of the algorithms, and their proper usage. Most of the methods require the choice of certain parameters for each specific time series application. We will try to give guidance in this respect. The scope and selection of topics in this article, as well as the implementational choices that have been made, correspond to the contents of the software package TISEAN which is publicly available from http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisean . In fact, this paper can be seen as an extended manual for the TISEAN programs. It fills the gap between the technical documentation and the existing literature, providing the necessary entry points for a more thorough study of the theoretical background.Comment: 27 pages, 21 figures, downloadable software at http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~tisea

    Inter-Joint Coordination Deficits Revealed in the Decomposition of Endpoint Jerk During Goal-Directed Arm Movement After Stroke

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    It is well documented that neurological deficits after stroke can disrupt motor control processes that affect the smoothness of reaching movements. The smoothness of hand trajectories during multi-joint reaching depends on shoulder and elbow joint angular velocities and their successive derivatives as well as on the instantaneous arm configuration and its rate of change. Right-handed survivors of unilateral hemiparetic stroke and neurologically-intact control participants held the handle of a two-joint robot and made horizontal planar reaching movements. We decomposed endpoint jerk into components related to shoulder and elbow joint angular velocity, acceleration, and jerk. We observed an abnormal decomposition pattern in the most severely impaired stroke survivors consistent with deficits of inter-joint coordination. We then used numerical simulations of reaching movements to test whether the specific pattern of inter-joint coordination deficits observed experimentally could be explained by either a general increase in motor noise related to weakness or by an impaired ability to compensate for multi-joint interaction torque. Simulation results suggest that observed deficits in movement smoothness after stroke more likely reflect an impaired ability to compensate for multi-joint interaction torques rather than the mere presence of elevated motor noise

    Bayesian human motion intentionality prediction in urban environments

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    Human motion prediction in indoor and outdoor scenarios is a key issue towards human robot interaction and intelligent robot navigation in general. In the present work, we propose a new human motion intentionality indicator, denominated Bayesian Human Motion Intentionality Prediction (BHMIP), which is a geometric-based long-term predictor. Two variants of the Bayesian approach are proposed, the Sliding Window BHMIP and the Time Decay BHMIP. The main advantages of the proposed methods are: a simple formulation, easily scalable, portability to unknown environments with small learning effort, low computational complexity, and they outperform other state of the art approaches. The system only requires training to obtain the set of destinations, which are salient positions people normally walk to, that configure a scene. A comparison of the BHMIP is done with other well known methods for long-term prediction using the Edinburgh Informatics Forum pedestrian database and the Freiburg People Tracker database. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Optimal strategies for throwing accurately

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    Accuracy of throwing in games and sports is governed by how errors at projectile release are propagated by flight dynamics. To address the question of what governs the choice of throwing strategy, we use a simple model of throwing with an arm modelled as a hinged bar of fixed length that can release a projectile at any angle and angular velocity. We show that the amplification of deviations in launch parameters from a one parameter family of solution curves is quantified by the largest singular value of an appropriate Jacobian. This allows us to predict a preferred throwing style in terms of this singular value, which itself depends on target location and the target shape. Our analysis also allows us to characterize the trade-off between speed and accuracy despite not including any effects of signal-dependent noise. Using nonlinear calculations for propagating finite input-noise, we find that an underarm throw to a target leads to an undershoot, but an overarm throw does not. Finally, we consider the limit of the arm-length vanishing, i.e. shooting a projectile, and find that the most accurate shooting angle bifurcates as the ratio of the relative noisiness of the initial conditions crosses a threshold.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Automating Vehicles by Deep Reinforcement Learning using Task Separation with Hill Climbing

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    Within the context of autonomous driving a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed for the design of neural network-parameterized controllers. Classical model-based control methods, which include sampling- and lattice-based algorithms and model predictive control, suffer from the trade-off between model complexity and computational burden required for the online solution of expensive optimization or search problems at every short sampling time. To circumvent this trade-off, a 2-step procedure is motivated: first learning of a controller during offline training based on an arbitrarily complicated mathematical system model, before online fast feedforward evaluation of the trained controller. The contribution of this paper is the proposition of a simple gradient-free and model-based algorithm for deep reinforcement learning using task separation with hill climbing (TSHC). In particular, (i) simultaneous training on separate deterministic tasks with the purpose of encoding many motion primitives in a neural network, and (ii) the employment of maximally sparse rewards in combination with virtual velocity constraints (VVCs) in setpoint proximity are advocated.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Eye-Tracking Signals Based Affective Classification Employing Deep Gradient Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Utilizing biomedical signals as a basis to calculate the human affective states is an essential issue of affective computing (AC). With the in-depth research on affective signals, the combination of multi-model cognition and physiological indicators, the establishment of a dynamic and complete database, and the addition of high-tech innovative products become recent trends in AC. This research aims to develop a deep gradient convolutional neural network (DGCNN) for classifying affection by using an eye-tracking signals. General signal process tools and pre-processing methods were applied firstly, such as Kalman filter, windowing with hamming, short-time Fourier transform (SIFT), and fast Fourier transform (FTT). Secondly, the eye-moving and tracking signals were converted into images. A convolutional neural networks-based training structure was subsequently applied; the experimental dataset was acquired by an eye-tracking device by assigning four affective stimuli (nervous, calm, happy, and sad) of 16 participants. Finally, the performance of DGCNN was compared with a decision tree (DT), Bayesian Gaussian model (BGM), and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) by using indices of true positive rate (TPR) and false negative rate (FPR). Customizing mini-batch, loss, learning rate, and gradients definition for the training structure of the deep neural network was also deployed finally. The predictive classification matrix showed the effectiveness of the proposed method for eye moving and tracking signals, which performs more than 87.2% inaccuracy. This research provided a feasible way to find more natural human-computer interaction through eye moving and tracking signals and has potential application on the affective production design process

    Runway Exit Designs for Capacity Improvement Demonstrations. Phase 1: Algorithm Development

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    A description and results are presented of a study to locate and design rapid runway exits under realistic airport conditions. The study developed a PC-based computer simulation-optimization program called REDIM (runway exit design interactive model) to help future airport designers and planners to locate optimal exits under various airport conditions. The model addresses three sets of problems typically arising during runway exit design evaluations. These are the evaluations of existing runway configurations, addition of new rapid runway turnoffs, and the design of new runway facilities. The model is highly interactive and allows a quick estimation of the expected value of runway occupancy time. Aircraft populations and airport environmental conditions are among the multiple inputs to the model to execute a viable runway location and geometric design solution. The results presented suggest that possible reductions on runway occupancy time (ROT) can be achieved with the use of optimally tailored rapid runway designs for a given aircraft population. Reductions of up to 9 to 6 seconds are possible with the implementation of 30 m/sec variable geometry exits
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