40 research outputs found

    Identifying Medicinal Plant Leaves Using Textures and Optimal Colour Spaces Channel

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    This paper presents an automated medicinal plant leaf identification system. The Colour Texture analysis of the leaves is done using the statistical, the Grey Tone Spatial Dependency Matrix(GTSDM) and the Local Binary Pattern(LBP) based features with 20 different colour spaces(RGB, XYZ, CMY, YIQ, YUV, YCbCrYC_{b}C_{r}, YES, U∗V∗W∗U^{*}V^{*}W^{*}, L∗a∗b∗L^{*}a^{*}b^{*}, L∗u∗v∗L^{*}u^{*}v^{*}, lms, lαβl\alpha\beta, I1I2I3I_{1} I_{2} I_{3}, HSV, HSI, IHLS, IHS, TSL, LSLM and KLT). Classification of the medicinal plant is carried out with 70\% of the dataset in training set and 30\% in the test set. The classification performance is analysed with Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD), kNearest Neighbour(kNN), Support Vector Machines based on Radial basis function kernel(SVM-RBF), Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis(QDA) classifiers. Results of classification on a dataset of 250 leaf images belonging to five different species of plants show the identification rate of 98.7 \%. The results certainly show better identification due to the use of YUV, L∗a∗b∗L^{*}a^{*}b^{*} and HSV colour spaces

    Identifying Medicinal Plant Leaves using Textures and Optimal Colour Spaces Channel

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    A comprehensive review of scab disease detection on Rosaceae family fruits via UAV imagery

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    Disease detection in plants is essential for food security and economic stability. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery and artificial intelligence (AI) are valuable tools for it. The purpose of this review is to gather several methods used by our peers recently, hoping to provide some knowledge and assistance for researchers and farmers so that they can employ these technologies more advantageously. The studies reviewed in this paper focused on Scab detection in Rosaceae family fruits. Feature extraction, segmentation, and classification methods for processing the UAV-obtained images and detecting the diseases are discussed briefly. The advantages and limitations of diverse kinds of UAVs and imaging sensors are also explained. The widely applied methods for image analysis are machine learning (ML)-based models, and the extensively used UAV platforms are rotary-wing UAVs. Recent technologies that cope with challenges related to disease detection using UAV imagery are also detailed in this paper. Some challenging issues such as higher costs, limited batteries and flying time, huge and complex data, low resolution, and noisy images, etc., still require future consideration. The prime significance of this paper is to promote automation and user-friendly technologies in Scab detection

    KNN Algorithm for Identification of Tomato Disease Based on Image Segmentation Using Enhanced K-Means Clustering

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    Image segmentation is an important process in identifying tomato diseases. The technique that is often used in this segmentation is k-means clustering. One of the main problems in this technique is the case of local minima, where the cluster that is formed is not suitable due to the incorrect selection of the initial centroid. In image data, this case will have an impact on poor segmentation results because it can erase parts that are actually important to be lost or there is still background in the recognition process, which has an impact on decreasing accuracy results. In this research, a method for image segmentation will be proposed using the k-means clustering algorithm, which has been added with the cosine similarity method as the proposed contribution. The use of the cosine method will determine the initial centroid by calculating the level of similarity of each image feature based on color and dividing them into several categories (low, medium, and high values). Based on the results obtained, the proposed algorithm is able to segment and distinguish between leaf and background images with good results, with the kNN reaching a value of 94.90% for accuracy, 99.50% for sensitivity, and 93.75% for specificity. The results obtained using the kNN method with k-means segmentation obtained a value of 92.46% for accuracy, 96.30% for sensitivity, and 91.50% for specificity. The results obtained using the kNN method without segmentation obtained a value of 90.22% for accuracy, 93.30% for sensitivity, and 89.45% for specificity

    Automatic Field Monitoring and Detection of Plant Diseases Using IoT

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    This research presents a GSM-based system for automatic plant disease diagnosis and describes its use in the creation of ACPS. Traditional farming methods were largely ineffective against microbial diseases. In addition, farmers can't keep up with the ever-changing nature of infections, so a reliable disease forecasting system is essential. To circumvent this, we employ a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model that has been trained to examine the crop image recorded by a health maintenance system. The solar sensor node is in charge of taking pictures, sensing continuously, and automating smartly. An agricultural robot is sometimes known as an agribot or agbot. An autonomous robot with agricultural applications. It helps the farmer improve crop productivity while decreasing the need for manual labour. In the future, these agricultural robots could replace human labour in a variety of farming tasks, including tilling, planting, and harvesting. These agricultural robots will manage pests and diseases as well as perform tasks like weeding. In order to keep an eye on the crops and streamline the irrigation process, this system is equipped with disease prediction technology for plants and intelligent irrigation controls. The energy required to provide disease prediction and irrigation systems separately is reduced by combining them in this project

    A survey on different plant diseases detection using machine learning techniques

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    Early detection and identification of plant diseases from leaf images using machine learning is an important and challenging research area in the field of agriculture. There is a need for such kinds of research studies in India because agriculture is one of the main sources of income which contributes seventeen percent of the total gross domestic product (GDP). Effective and improved crop products can increase the farmer's profit as well as the economy of the country. In this paper, a comprehensive review of the different research works carried out in the field of plant disease detection using both state-of-art, handcrafted-features- and deep-learning-based techniques are presented. We address the challenges faced in the identification of plant diseases using handcrafted-features-based approaches. The application of deep-learning-based approaches overcomes the challenges faced in handcrafted-features-based approaches. This survey provides the research improvement in the identification of plant diseases from handcrafted-features-based to deep-learning-based models. We report that deep-learning-based approaches achieve significant accuracy rates on a particular dataset, but the performance of the model may be decreased significantly when the system is tested on field image condition or on different datasets. Among the deep learning models, deep learning with an inception layer such as GoogleNet and InceptionV3 have better ability to extract the features and produce higher performance results. We also address some of the challenges that are needed to be solved to identify the plant diseases effectively.Web of Science1117art. no. 264

    Advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition Technology

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    For many decades, researchers have been trying to make computers’ analysis of images as effective as the system of human vision is. For this purpose, many algorithms and systems have previously been created. The whole process covers various stages, including image processing, representation and recognition. The results of this work can be applied to many computer-assisted areas of everyday life. They improve particular activities and provide handy tools, which are sometimes only for entertainment, but quite often, they significantly increase our safety. In fact, the practical implementation of image processing algorithms is particularly wide. Moreover, the rapid growth of computational complexity and computer efficiency has allowed for the development of more sophisticated and effective algorithms and tools. Although significant progress has been made so far, many issues still remain, resulting in the need for the development of novel approaches

    Metrics of Graph-Based Meaning Representations with Applications from Parsing Evaluation to Explainable NLG Evaluation and Semantic Search

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    "Who does what to whom?" The goal of a graph-based meaning representation (in short: MR) is to represent the meaning of a text in a structured format. With an MR, we can explicate the meaning of a text, describe occurring events and entities, and their semantic relations. Thus, a metric of MRs would measure a distance (or similarity) between MRs. We believe that such a meaning-focused similarity measurement can be useful for several important AI tasks, for instance, testing the capability of systems to produce meaningful output (system evaluation), or when searching for similar texts (information retrieval). Moreover, due to the natural explicitness of MRs, we hypothesize that MR metrics could provide us with valuable explainability of their similarity measurement. Indeed, if texts reside in a space where their meaning has been isolated and structured, we might directly see in which aspects two texts are actually similar (or dissimilar). However, we find that there is not much previous work on MR metrics, and thus we lack fundamental knowledge about them and their potential applications. Therefore, we make first steps to explore MR metrics and MR spaces, focusing on two key goals: 1. Develop novel and generally applicable methods for conducting similarity measurements in the space of MRs; 2. Explore potential applications that can profit from similarity assessments in MR spaces, including, but (by far) not limited to, their "classic" purpose of evaluating the quality of a text-to-MR system against a reference (aka parsing evaluation). We start by analyzing contributions from previous works that have proposed MR metrics for parsing evaluation. Then, we move beyond this restricted setup and start to develop novel and more general MR metrics based on i) insights from our analysis of the previous parsing evaluation metrics and ii) our motivation to extend MR metrics to similarity assessment of natural language texts. To empirically evaluate and assess our generalized MR metrics, and to open the door for future improvements, we propose the first benchmark of MR metrics. With our benchmark, we can study MR metrics through the lens of multiple metric-objectives such as sentence similarity and robustness. Then, we investigate novel applications of MR metrics. First, we explore new ways of applying MR metrics to evaluate systems that produce i) text from MRs (MR-to-text evaluation) and ii) MRs from text (MR parsing). We call our new setting MR projection-based, since we presume that one MR (at least) is unobserved and needs to be approximated. An advantage of such projection-based MR metric methods is that we can ablate a costly human reference. Notably, when visiting the MR-to-text scenario, we touch on a much broader application scenario for MR metrics: explainable MR-grounded evaluation of text generation systems. Moving steadily towards the application of MR metrics to general text similarity, we study MR metrics for measuring the meaning similarity of natural language arguments, which is an important task in argument mining, a new and surging area of natural language processing (NLP). In particular, we show that MRs and MR metrics can support an explainable and unsupervised argument similarity analysis and inform us about the quality of argumentative conclusions. Ultimately, we seek even more generality and are also interested in practical aspects such as efficiency. To this aim, we distill our insights from our hitherto explorations into MR metric spaces into an explainable state-of-the-art machine learning model for semantic search, a task for which we would like to achieve high accuracy and great efficiency. To this aim, we develop a controllable metric distillation approach that can explain how the similarity decisions in the neural text embedding space are modulated through interpretable features, while maintaining all efficiency and accuracy (sometimes improving it) of a high-performance neural semantic search method. This is an important contribution, since it shows i) that we can alleviate the efficiency bottleneck of computationally costly MR graph metrics and, vice versa, ii) that MR metrics can help mitigate a crucial limitation of large "black box" neural methods by eliciting explanations for decisions