5,420 research outputs found

    Рыночное поведение финансовых компаний и защита прав потребителей финансовых услуг

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    The article considers the key aspects of the mechanism of implementation of supervision over the market behavior of financial companies and disclosed its tasks in order to protect the rights of consumers of financial services, in particular, the advertising of consumer loans for individuals. Thus, basic principles of proper display of advertising of financial services on sites of financial companies are defined. In particular, the signs of advertising, which disperse the consumer's attention, as well as signs of advertising, which hinder a clear and unambiguous interpretation of information on financial services, are characterized. The comparative analysis of the information located on the sites of Ukrainian and foreign aggregators of financial services is carried out. As a result of the review of the top 10 sites of Ukrainian aggregators of sites concluded that the information on the real interest rate of consumer loans is provided only on a few websites. The review of foreign sites of financial services aggregators - Great Britain, Poland, Australia, Germany, Switzerland and the United States - has shown that all of them provide full information on the real rate of consumer loans. On the basis of the presented material the conclusion is made about legislative introduction of restrictions at registration of the advertising message for consumers of financial services.POLAND W artykule rozważono kluczowe aspekty mechanizmu wdrażania nadzoru nad zachowaniami rynkowymi firm finansowych oraz ujawniono jego zadania w celu ochrony praw konsumentów usług finansowych, w szczególności reklamy kredytów konsumenckich dla osób fizycznych. W ten sposób definiuje się podstawowe zasady prawidłowego wyświetlania reklamy usług finansowych na stronach internetowych firm finansowych. W szczególności charakteryzuje się oznaki reklamy, które rozpraszają uwagę konsumenta, a także oznaki reklamy, które utrudniają jasną i jednoznaczną interpretację informacji o usługach finansowych. Przeprowadza się analizę porównawczą informacji znajdujących się na stronach ukraińskich i zagranicznych agregatorów usług finansowych. W wyniku przeglądu 10 najlepszych stron ukraińskich agregatorów stron internetowych stwierdzono, że informacje o rzeczywistym oprocentowaniu kredytów konsumenckich są podawane tylko na kilku stronach internetowych. Przegląd zagranicznych stron agregatorów usług finansowych - Wielkiej Brytanii, Polski, Australii, Niemiec, Szwajcarii i Stanów Zjednoczonych - pokazał, że wszystkie one dostarczają pełnych informacji na temat rzeczywistej stopy oprocentowania kredytów konsumenckich. Na podstawie przedstawionego materiału wyciągnięto wniosek o wprowadzeniu ograniczeń prawnych przy rejestracji przekazu reklamowego dla konsumentów usług finansowych.В статье рассмотрены ключевые аспекты механизма реализации надзора за рыночным поведением финансовых компаний и раскрыто его задания с целью защиты прав потребителей финансовых услуг, в частности рекламы потребительских кредитов для физических лиц. При этом определены, базовые принципы надлежащего отображения рекламы финансовых услуг на сайтах финансовых компаний. В частности, охарактеризованы признаки рекламы, рассеивающие внимание потребителя, а также признаки рекламы, которые мешают четкой и однозначной интерпретации информации о финансовых услугах. Проведен сравнительный анализ информации, расположенной на сайтах украинских и зарубежных агрегаторов финансовых услуг. В результате обзора топ-10 сайтов украинских агрегаторов сайтов сделан вывод о том, что информация о реальной процентной ставке потребительских кредитов предоставляется только на нескольких веб-сайтах. Обзор иностранных сайтов агрегаторов финансовых услуг - Великобритании, Польши, Австралии, Германии, Швейцарии и США показал, что все они предоставляют полную информацию о реальной ставке потребительских кредитов. На основании представленного материала сделан вывод о законодательном внедрении ограничений при оформлении рекламного сообщения для потребителей финансовых услуг

    Digital exclusion as a hindrance to the emergence of the information society: the case of Poland

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    There is no doubt, that digital transformation (knowledge-based transformation) has emerged as the crucial megatrend in modern civilization. Artificial intelligence (AI), machines and autonomous vehicles, the Internet of Things (IoT), financial technology (Fin/Tech), smart investing and the analysis and processing of big data are the most recent manifestations of this trend, but not the only ones. All of these phenomena have led to the emergence and continuing development of the so-called ‘Information Society’ (IS), which refers to a new type of social organization that is clearly distinct from the earlier forms of society. In this new society, information and knowledge play an essential role in facilitating the Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE), where information is collected, transmitted and processed in a faster and more effective manner, and can subsequently be used to foster accelerated economic growth. Unfortunately, the problem of digital exclusion still occurs, also in Poland. The author in the conclusion comes to opinion that people who are digitally excluded find it much more difficult to overcome psychological rather than technical barriers to having access to the Internet and learning basic computer skills. This situation calls for urgent improvement. In the modern information society, a lack of basic knowledge about computers translates into partial or total digital illiteracy and makes it difficult to perform a range of everyday tasks. It is therefore essential in Poland to prevent digital exclusion. People who do not use the Internet are socially and professionally limited, or virtually handicapped, which results in quantifiable economic losses. This translates to lower creativity and innovativeness and reduced revenue of state budget, and impedes the competitiveness of the economy and the development of a post-modern, post-industrial social model. The main research goal is to show the causes of the phenomenon of digital exclusion in Poland and ways to counteract it. In the course of the research, the most frequently used method was causal and effect analysis as well as institutional and legal analysis. Elements of the decision-making, historical, comparative and statistical methods were also used

    Understanding Critical Variables for Customer Relationship Management in Higher Education Institution from Employees Perspective

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the critical success factors and investigate the benefits that might be gained once implementing Electronic Customer Relationship Management at HEI from employee perspective. The study conducted at Al Quds Open University in Palestine and data collected from (300) employee through a questionnaire which consist of four variables. A number of statistical tools were intended for hypotheses testing and data analysis, including Spearman correlation coefficient for Validity, reliability correlation using Cronbach’s alpha, and Frequency and Descriptive analysis. The overall findings of the current study show that all the features were important for staff and it was critical success factors, at the same time, websites were providing all the features discussed by the theory whereas staff showed their willingness to use those features if provided. It is also discovered that implementing Electronic Customer Relationship Management can cause staff retention, were provided efficiently and needed to be improved. Research limitations: The survey findings were based on QOU employee in Palestine, UAE and KSA branches not included in the study

    Knowledge Management, Trust and Communication in the Era of Social Media

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    The article entitled "Selected Aspects of Evaluating Knowledge Management Quality in Contemporary Enterprises" broadens the understanding of knowledge management and estimates select aspects of knowledge management quality evaluations in modern enterprises from theoretical and practical perspectives. The seventh article aims to present the results of pilot studies on the four largest Information Communication Technology (ICT) companies' involvement in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through social media. Studies examine which communication strategy is used by companies in social media. The primary purpose of the eighth article is to present the relationship between trust and knowledge sharing, taking into account the importance of this issue in the efficiency of doing business. The results showed that trust is vital in sharing knowledge and essential in achieving a high-performance efficiency level. The ninth article presents the impact of social media on consumer choices in tourism and tourist products' specificity. The study's main purpose was to indicate the most commonly used social media in selecting a tourist destination and implementing Generation Y's journey. The 10th article aims to identify the most critical purposes of using social media by responding to women's attitudes according to age and their respective countries' economic development. The research was done through an online survey in 2017–2018, followed by an analysis of eight countries' results. The article entitled "Integrated Question-Answering System for Natural Disaster Domains Based on Social Media Messages Posted at the Time of Disaster" presents the framework of a question-answering system that was developed using a Twitter dataset containing more than 9 million tweets compiled during the Osaka North Earthquake that occurred on 18 June 2018. The authors also study the structure of the questions posed and develop methods for classifying them into particular categories to find answers from the dataset using an ontology, word similarity, keyword frequency, and natural language processing. The book provides a theoretical and practical background related to trust, knowledge management, and communication in the era of social media. The editor believes that the collection of articles can be relevant to professionals, researchers, and students' needs. The authors try to diagnose the situation and show the new challenges and future directions in this area

    The Risk Landscape within FinTech and InsurTech Business Models

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    The FinTech/InsurTech-based business models are gradually maturing and disrupting the offering and management of financial services (banking, financial and insurance) on the global stage. However, understanding of the risk landscape of the FinTech and InsurTech business models remains at an early stage due to the diverse nature of their activities and the rapid development of the field. Although FinTech and InsurTech offer the opportunity to accelerate economic growth and expand financial affordability/inclusion in all countries, they pose new risks to financial stability and integrity. This book contains five articles that offer a discussion of state-of-the-art developments or introduce new theoretical or practical advances in the identification, measurement and management of the risks arising from the FinTech/InsurTech-based business models

    Assessing web content accessibility of E-commerce websites for people with disabilities

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    In recent years online shopping has grown significantly. Due to the rapid growth of technology, companies also continuing to extend the functionality and design of their Business-to-Consumer (B2C) e-business websites. However, it is also important to adopt web accessibility such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines in B2C websites to increase the consumer's satisfaction of all ages and with disabilities. This study analyses 30 Australian B2C websites in accordance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) using an automated web service. The result shows that B2C websites in Australia are not paying attention to web accessibility for people with disabilities. However, e-commerce will succeed in meeting WCAG 2.0 by making B2C e-commerce websites accessible to consumer of all ages and with disabilities. Recommendations are proposed in order to improve web accessibility for people with sensory (hearing and vision), motor (limited use of hands) and cognition (language and learning) disabilities in B2C e-commerce websites

    E-Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups: Review of International Documents from 1990 until 2020

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    An ageing population is a global problem that carries with it significant implications for the economy and society. The older population makes nearly a third of the population. In the last thirty years, public policy has been finding solutions to alleviate the economic and social problems that arise as a result of the aging of nations. A present in which the digitalization of all domains of life is the primary theme for profitability and consistency of economic entities imposes new standards of behaviour and habits of citizens. This particularly affects the elderly population, which is expected to be e-inclusive in the digital society and economy, which often makes it difficult to use digital services, whether public or commercial. The results of the analysis of public policies for the period from 1990 to 2020 show that of all four key constructs of the General Theoretical Conceptual Model for e-inclusion (“Access”, “Usage”, “Empowerment” and “Impact on the quality of life”), the most represented constructs are “Usage” and “Impact on the quality of life”. What is somewhat worrisome is that in the observed period, a very small percentage (19%) of public policies included the connection of all four key constructs, and that public policies were related to vulnerable population groups, such as the elderly population. The results related to the institutions that most encouraged the e-inclusion of especially vulnerable groups in their strategies are the European Commission, the OECD and the European Parliament. It is precisely e-inclusion that is a necessary prerequisite for independence, active involvement in society and for improving the quality of life, especially for vulnerable groups of the population. All stakeholders should be aware of this, because otherwise, if digital transformation is carried out without e-inclusion of all groups, especially vulnerable groups, those who are already empowered are additionally strengthened, and those who could benefit the most from digital transformation benefits, “vulnerable groups” remain somewhere on the sidelines and continue to be underpowered and neglected

    Between old broadcast media and new networked media: materiality and media consumption practices

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    Past tensions between content and materiality have prevented communication researchers from forming a deeper conceptualization of the role played by the material character of communication technologies in shaping social arrangements and cultural forms of expression. Drawing on the findings of a comparative research project on European audiences, we examine the interrelation between material facets of media technologies and the practices they afford on the audience side. Relations between "old" mass media, such as television, and "new" networked and individualized media, such as the Internet, are discussed, focusing on the transitions between different media technologies and the processes of substitution or supplementation occurring in these transitions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio