150 research outputs found

    A review article of multi-band, multi-mode microstrip filters for RF, WLAN, WiMAX, and wireless communication by using stepped impedance resonator (SIR)

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    Filters are the basic part in wired, and wireless telecommunications and radar system circuits and they play an important role in determining the cost and performance of a system. The increasing demand for high performance in the fields of RF, WLAN, WiMAX and other wireless communications led to the great revolution in the advancement of the development of a compact microstrip resonator filter design. All these have made a vital contribution to both the required performance specifications for filters and other commercial requirements in terms of low cost, large storage capacity and high-speed performance. This review paper presents several design examples for multi-band, multi - mode microstrip filter resonators to satisfy RF, WLAN, WiMAX, UWB and other wireless communication frequency bands. To analyse the resonant frequencies odd - mode and even -modes can be used for the symmetrical structure. In general, the multi-mode resonators can be designed by using different methods like cross-coupling resonators Structure, and the allocation of the fundamental resonant frequencies of the resonator as stated by the Chebyshev's insertion loss function

    Recent Trends on Dual- and Triple-Band Microwave Filters for Wireless Communications

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    In the past few years, several designs of dual- and triple-band microwave filters satisfying various objectives have been proposed for wireless communication. Several designs are new concepts, whereas others are inspired from previous works. The development trends of these designs can be reviewed from this compilation of studies. This paper begins with an explanation of dual- and triple-band microwave filters, followed by a discussion on several designs in terms of size, measurement, performance, and technology use. Among various designs, microstrip band-pass filters are extensively used because of their simple design procedures and because they can be integrated into circuits easily. Furthermore, most researchers use low frequencies in their designs because of the demands of current wireless applications. Finally, designs are proposed to produce compact microwave filters with good performance

    Novel miniature microwave quasi-elliptical function bandpass filters with wideband harmonic suppression

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    Filters are integral components in all wireless communication systems, and their function is to permit predefined band of frequencies into the system and reject all other signals. The ever-growing demand in the use of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum for new applications has resulted in the need for high performance microwave filters with strict requirements on both inband and out-of-band characteristics. High selectivity, high rejection, low loss and extremely wide spurious-free performance are required for both transmitter and receiver channels. In addition, these devices need to be highly compact, easy to integrate within transceivers and should be amenable to low cost manufacturing. High selectivity is essential to enable the guard band between adjacent channels to be reduced thus improving the efficiency of the RF spectrum and hence increasing the capacity of the system. A low insertion-loss, high return-loss and small group-delay in the passband are necessary to minimize signal degradation. A wide stopband is necessary to suppress spurious passbands outside the filter’s bandwidth that may allow spurious emissions from modulation process (harmonic, parasitic, intermodulation and frequency conversion products) and interfere with other systems. The EMC Directive 89/336/EEC mandates that all electronic equipment must comply with the applicable EN specification for EMI. This thesis presents the research work that has resulted in the development of innovative and compact microstrip bandpass filters that fulfil the above stringent requirements for wireless communication systems. In fact, the proposed highly compact planar microstrip filters provide an alternative solution for existing and next generation of wireless communications systems. In particular, the proposed filters exhibit a low-loss and quasi-elliptic function response that is normally only possible with filter designs using waveguides and high temperature superconductors. The selectivity of the filters has been improved by inserting a pair of transmission zeros between the passband edges, and implementing notched rejection bands in the filter’s frequency response to widen its stopband performance. The filter structures have been analysed theoretically and modelled by using Keysight Technologies’ Advanced Design System (ADS™) and Momentum® software. The dissertation is essentially composed of four main sections. In the first section, several compact and quasi-elliptic function bandpass filter structures are proposed and theoretically analysed. Selectivity and stopband performance of these filters is enhanced by loading the input and output feed-lines with inductive stubs that introduce transmission zeros at specified frequencies in the filter’s frequency response. This technique is shown to provide a sharp 3-dB roll-off and steep selectivity skirt with high out-of-band rejection over a wide frequency span. In addition, the 3-dB fractional bandwidth of the filters is shown to be controllable by manipulating the filter’s geometric parameters. Traditional microwave bandpass filters are designed using quarter-wavelength distributed transmission-line resonators that are either end-coupled or side-coupled. The sharpness of the filter response is determined by the number of resonators employed which degrades the filter’s passband loss performance. This results in a filter with a significantly larger footprint which precludes miniaturization. To circumvent these drawbacks the second section describes the development of a novel and compact wideband bandpass filter with the desired characteristics. The quasi-elliptic function filter comprises open-loop resonators that are coupled to each other using a stub loaded resonator. The proposed filter is shown to achieve a wideband 3-dB fractional bandwidth of 23% with much better loss performance, sharp skirt selectivity and very wide rejection bandwidth. The third section describes the investigation of novel ultra-wideband (UWB) microstrip bandpass filter designs. Parametric study enabled the optimization of the filter’s performance which was verified through practical measurements. The proposed filters meet the stringent characteristics required by modern communications systems, i.e. the filters are highly compact and miniature even when fabricated on a low dielectric constant substrate, possess a sharp quasi-elliptic function bandpass response with low passband insertion-loss, and ultra-wide stopband performance. With the rapid development of multi-band operation in modern and next generation wireless communication systems, there is a great demand for single frequency discriminating devices that can operate over multiple frequency bands to facilitate miniaturization. These multi-band bandpass filters need to be physically small, have low insertion-loss, high return-loss, and excellent selectivity. In the fourth section two miniature microstrip dual-band and triple-band bandpass filter designs are explored. A detailed parametric study was conducted to fully understand how the geometric parameters of the filters affected their performance. The optimized filters were fabricated and measured to validate their performance

    Miniaturized Ring Resonator Wideband Bandpass Filter with Wide Stop Band

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    In this paper miniaturized quarter wavelength rectangular shaped multimode ring resonator bandpass filter with extended diagonal corners and internally located high impedance perturbation stubs, is proposed. Input/output open stubs are tightly coupled to the extended diagonal corners running parallel to the two sides of the ring resonator, implemented to generate wide passband and wide stop-band. Cut-off frequencies can be shifted to the higher side by increasing the length of the sides of resonator. By inserting the perturbation stubs, rectangular ring resonator produces three degenerate modes out of which first two form a wide passband. Small square patch is attached to the opposite interior corners of the ring resonator and T-shaped stub attached to the opposite longer side of the resonator are tightly coupled with feeder line to improve the return loss, insertion loss and skirt-characteristics. Shorter sides of the rectangular ring resonator are bent in U-shaped to increase the effective length of the resonator eventually the bandwidth is widened. Filter is designed and simulated for the center frequency of            3.2 GHz, bandwidth from 2.0 GHz to 4.0 GHz, on dielectric constant 3.38 and thickness 0.508 mm. Electromagnetic simulator Ansoft HFSS is used to optimize the filter dimensions

    Miniaturised and reconfigurable planar filters for ultra-wideband applications

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    An increasing demand for electromagnetic spectrum has resulted from the emergence of feature-rich and faster throughputs wireless applications. This necessitates the developments of dynamic reconfigurable or multifunctional systems to better exploit the existing spectrum. Future wireless devices will be expected to communicate over several bands with various other devices in order to fine tune the services they provide to the user. Each band may require a separate RF transceiver and such modern wireless multi-band multi-mode communication systems call for high performance, highly integrated compact modules. Since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the unlicensed frequency band 3.1-10.6 GHz for ultra-wideband (UWB) commercial communications, the development race for commercialising UWB technology has seen a dramatic increase around the world. The aim of this research is to develop reconfigurable planar microwave filters for ultrawideband applications. The project investigates some key design issues of reconfigurable filters, which are being observed constantly in the latest development and realisation of microwave filters. Both analytical and numerical methods are performed to construct a realistic and functional design. Two different types of frequency reconfigurability are investigated in this thesis: discrete (e.g. PIN diode, Optical switch) and continuous (e.g. varactor diode). Using the equivalent circuits and considering the direct coupled filter structure in most cases, several topologies with attractive features are developed for future communication systems. The proposed works may be broadly categorised into three sections as follows. The first section explores a square ring shape close loop resonator along with an opencircuited stub in the symmetry plane. To realise a reconfigurable frequency states within the same spectrum, an innovative approach is developed for this case. An optical or photoconductive switch, comprised of a silicon die activated using near infrared light is investigated as a substitute of PIN diode and performances are evaluated to compare the feasibilities. In addition, a in-band interference rejection technique via externally coupled Tshape resonator is shown. However, it is observed that both structures achieve significant size reductions by utilising the inner part of the resonators. To improve the filter selectivity, a convenient design approach generating a pair of transmission zeros between both passband edges and a single zero in the stop band for harmonic suppression is discussed in the second section. Moreover, the development of notched rejection bands are studied and several novel methods to create a single and multiple notched bands employing the square ring shape structure are proposed. On inspection, it is found that the notch structure can be implemented without deteriorating the filter performances. The discussions are supplemented with detailed design examples which are accompanied by theoretical, simulated and experimental results in order to illustrate the filter development process and showcase practical filter performance. The third section reveals a novel highly compact planar dual-mode resonator with sharp rejections characteristics for UWB applications. A bandwidth reconfiguring technique is demonstrated by splitting its even-mode resonance. Filter structure with the dual-mode resonator is shown to have a relatively wide tuning range, significantly low insertion loss and a constant selectivity along with frequency variations in comparison to similar published works. Finally, the earlier dual-mode structure are modified to realise a dual wideband behaviour. A detail analysis with comprehensive design procedures is outlined and a solution for controlling the frequency bandwidths independently according to the application interest is provided. In line with the previous section, experimental verification is presented to support and supplement the discussions

    Switchable dual-band bandpass filter based on stepped impedance resonator with U-shaped defected microstrip structure for wireless applications

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    This paper presents a new technique in designing the switchable dual-band bandpass filter at 2.4 GHz and 3.5 GHz for WLAN and WiMAX applications. Wideband bandpass filter designed based on stepped impedance resonator at frequency of 3 GHz. To eliminate the interference from existing system that operates in the same frequency band, a defected microstrip structure applied and implemented to produce the notch response. In order to generate the switchable characteristic, the PIN diode was introduced at the dual-band filter. It exhibits that the measured results for switchable attributes when the diode is at OFF state, the wide passband is produced with the fractional bandwidth of 62.1 % centered at 2.9 GHz. Meanwhile, for the diode in ON state, the dual-passband has produced which centered at 2.5 GHz and 3.45 GHz. The experimental results showed good agreement with the simulation results. This structure is very useful for wireless communication systems and its applications

    Switchable Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Based On Stepped Impedance Resonator With U-Shaped Defected Microstrip Structure For Wireless Applications

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    This paper presents a new technique in designing the switchable dual-band bandpass filter at 2.4 GHz and 3.5 GHz for WLAN and WiMAX applications. Wideband bandpass filter designed based on stepped impedance resonator at frequency of 3 GHz. To eliminate the interference from existing system that operates in the same frequency band, a defected microstrip structure applied and implemented to produce the notch response. In order to generate the switchable characteristic, the PIN diode was introduced at the dual-band filter. It exhibits that the measured results for switchable attributes when the diode is at OFF state, the wide passband is produced with the fractional bandwidth of 62.1 % centered at 2.9 GHz. Meanwhile, for the diode in ON state, the dual-passband has produced which centered at 2.5 GHz and 3.45 GHz. The experimental results showed good agreement with the simulation results. This structure is very useful for wireless communication systems and its applications

    Miniaturised bandpass filters for wireless communications

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    The wireless industry has seen exceptional development over the past few decades due to years of sustained military and commercial enterprise. While the electromagnetic spectrum is becoming increasingly congested, there is a growing tendency to strive for higher bandwidths, faster throughputs, greater versatility, compatibility and interoperability in current and emerging wireless technologies. Consequently, an increasingly stringent specification is imposed upon the frequency utilization of wireless devices. New challenges are constantly being discovered in the development and realization of RF and microwave filters, which have not only sustained but fuelled microwave filter research over the many years. These developments have encouraged new solutions and techniques for the realization of compact, low loss, highly selective RF and microwave bandpass filters. The theme of this dissertation is the realization of planar compact performance microwave and RF bandpass filters for wireless communication systems. The work may be broadly categorised into three sections as follows. The first section presents a novel compact planar dual-mode resonator with several interesting and attractive features. Generally, planar microwave dual-mode resonators are known to half the filter footprint. However, it is found that the proposed resonator is capable of achieving further size reductions. In addition the resonator inherently possesses a relatively wide stopband as the lowest spurious harmonic resonance is observed at thrice the fundamental frequency. Properties of this resonator, such as these and more are explored in depth to arrive at an accurate electrical equivalent circuit, which is used as the basis for high order filter design. The application of these resonators in the design of bandpass filters is the subject of the second section. A general filter design procedure based on the equivalent circuit is presented to assist the design of all-pole filters. Alternatively, it is shown that generalised Chebyshev filters with enhanced selectivity may be developed with cross coupled resonator topologies. The discussions are supplemented with detailed design examples which are accompanied by theoretical, simulated and experimental results in order to illustrate the filter development process and showcase practical filter performance. The third section explores the possibility of employing these resonators in the development of frequency tunable bandpass filters. Preference is given to varactor diodes as the tuning element due to the numerous qualities of this device in contrast to other schemes. In particular, interest is paid to center frequency tuned filters with constant bandwidth. Tunable filters constructed with the dual-mode resonator are shown to have a relatively wide tuning range as well as significantly higher linearity in comparison to similar published works. In line with the previous section, experimental verification is presented to support and supplement the discussions

    Compact double notch coplanar and microstrip bandstop filters using metamaterial—inspired open ring resonators

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    Compact double notch coplanar and microstrip bandstop filters are described. They are based on a version of the open interconnected split ring resonator (OISRR) integrated in microstrip or coplanar waveguides. The OISRR introduces an RLC resonator connected in parallel with the propagating microstrip line. Therefore, this resonator can be modeled as a shunt circuit to ground, with the R, L and C elements connected in series. The consequence for the frequency response of the device is a notch band at the resonant frequency of the RLC shunt circuit. The number of notch bands can be controlled by adding more OISRRs, since each pair of rings can be modeled as a shunt circuit and therefore introduces an additional notch band. In this paper, we demonstrate that these additional rings can be introduced in a concentric way in the same cell, so the size of the device does not increase and a compact multi-notch bandstop response is achieved, with the same number of notch bands as pairs of concentric rings, plus an additional spurious band at a higher frequency.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain (grant no.: PID2019-103982RB-C42/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033)