123 research outputs found

    Through-Silicon Vias in SiGe BiCMOS and Interposer Technologies for Sub-THz Applications

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    Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation zum Thema „Through-Silicon Vias in SiGe BiCMOS and Interposer Technologies for Sub-THz Applications“ wurde auf Basis einer 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Technologie ein Through-Silicon Via (TSV) Technologiemodul zur Herstellung elektrischer Durchkontaktierungen für die Anwendung im Millimeterwellen und Sub-THz Frequenzbereich entwickelt. TSVs wurden mittels elektromagnetischer Simulationen modelliert und in Bezug auf ihre elektrischen Eigenschaften bis in den sub-THz Bereich bis zu 300 GHz optimiert. Es wurden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Modellierung, Fertigungstechnologie und den elektrischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf die technologischen Einflussfaktoren gelegt. Daraus schlussfolgernd wurde das TSV Technologiemodul entwickelt und in eine SiGe BiCMOS Technologie integriert. Hierzu wurde eine Via-Middle Integration gewählt, welche eine Freilegung der TSVs von der Wafer Rückseite erfordert. Durch die geringe Waferdicke von ca. 75 μm wird einen Carrier Wafer Handling Prozess verwendet. Dieser Prozess wurde unter der Randbedingung entwickelt, dass eine nachfolgende Bearbeitung der Wafer innerhalb der BiCMOS Pilotlinie erfolgen kann. Die Rückseitenbearbeitung zielt darauf ab, einen Redistribution Layer auf der Rückseite der BiCMOS Wafer zu realisieren. Hierzu wurde ein Prozess entwickelt, um gleichzeitig verschiedene TSV Strukturen mit variablen Geometrien zu realisieren und damit eine hohe TSV Design Flexibilität zu gewährleisten. Die TSV Strukturen wurden von DC bis über 300 GHz charakterisiert und die elektrischen Eigenschaften extrahiert. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass TSV Verbindungen mit sehr geringer Dämpfung <1 dB bis 300 GHz realisierbar sind und somit ausgezeichnete Hochfrequenzeigenschaften aufweisen. Zuletzt wurden vielfältige Anwendungen wie das Grounding von Hochfrequenzschaltkreisen, Interposer mit Waveguides und 300 GHz Antennen dargestellt. Das Potential für Millimeterwellen Packaging und 3D Integration wurde evaluiert. TSV Technologien sind heutzutage in vielen Anwendungen z.B. im Bereich der Systemintegration von Digitalschaltkreisen und der Spannungsversorgung von integrierten Schaltkreisen etabliert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde der Einsatz von TSVs für Millimeterwellen und dem sub-THz Frequenzbereich untersucht und die Anwendung für den sub-THz Bereich bis 300 GHz demonstriert. Dadurch werden neue Möglichkeiten der Systemintegration und des Packaging von Höchstfrequenzsystemen geschaffen.:Bibliographische Beschreibung List of symbols and abbreviations Acknowledgement 1. Introduction 2. FEM Modeling of BiCMOS & Interposer Through-Silicon Vias 3. Fabrication of BiCMOS & Silicon Interposer with TSVs 4. Characterization of BiCMOS Embedded Through-Silicon Vias 5. Applications 6. Conclusion and Future Work 7. Appendix 8. Publications & Patents 9. Bibliography 10. List of Figures and Table

    Investigating on Through Glass via Based RF Passives for 3-D Integration

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    Due to low dielectric loss and low cost, glass is developed as a promising material for advanced interposers in 2.5-D and 3-D integration. In this paper, through glass vias (TGVs) are used to implement inductors for minimal footprint and large quality factor. Based on the proposed physical structure, the impact of various process and design parameters on the electrical characteristics of TGV inductors is investigated with 3-D electromagnetic simulator HFSS. It is observed that TGV inductors have identical inductance and larger quality factor in comparison with their through silicon via counterparts. Using TGV inductors and parallel plate capacitors, a compact 3-D band-pass filter (BPF) is designed and analyzed. Compared with some reported BPFs, the proposed TGV-based circuit has an ultra-compact size and excellent filtering performance

    Common mode current estimation for cable bundle inside a vehicle

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    In the Section 1, it introduces a methodology to simulate the currents and fields during an air discharge ESD into a product by combining a linear description of the behavior of the DUT with a non-linear arc resistance equation. The most commonly used test standard IEC 61000-4-2 requires using contact mode discharges to metallic surfaces and air discharge mode to non-conducting surfaces. This paper proposes a method that combines the linear ESD generator full wave model and the non-linear arc model to simulate currents and fields in air discharge mode. In Section 2, when simulating surface and thin wire structures, full wave MoM method is accurate, but time consuming. On the other hand, conventional Mulit-conductor Transmission Line Theory (MTL) provides a very simple model, but can only deal with Transmission Line (TL-) mode current. A proposed Multi-Scattering method by hybrid of MTL and surface MoM can be used to calculate interactions between surface and thin wire structures. After only a few scattering, the wire current value can match the result obtained by full wave MoM method. In Section 3, a fast method to calculate the admittance matrix of Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) is proposed. The silicon dioxide layers are equivalently modeled using the positive bound charge on the conductor surfaces as well as the equal amount negative bound charge on the dielectric interface between the silicon dioxide and the silicon regions. Unknown densities of both the free and bound surface charge are expanded using the axial harmonics. Galerkin\u27s method is then applied to obtain the capacitance and conductance matrices --Abstract, page iii

    Macro-model of through silicon vias (tsvs) arrays

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    As continued scaling down of transistors becomes increasingly difficult due to physical and technical issues like the increase of leakage power and total power consumption, overall, 3D integration is now considered a viable solution to get a higher bandwidth and power efficiency. Use of Through-silicon-vias (TSVs), which connects stacked structures die-to-die, is expected to be one of the most important techniques enabling 3D integration. As the number of through silicon Vias (TSVs) exists in the same chip is increasing, an algorithm to build a macro-model is needed to find inter-relationship between TSVs. There are different coupling parameters that exist between TSVs like: capacitive, inductive and resistive coupling. This work provides an algorithm to build a macro-model of an array of TSVs where only capacitive coupling is considered, as it is expected to be the dominating parameter.Using a simulation based technique, where characterization for bundles of TSVs were done and a scaling equation that can give the variationsoccur to capacitance value with scaling the physical dimensions of the TSV (pitch, radius, length and dielectric thickness (tox)) is proposed. The considered ranges for the physical parameters are: radius (from 1um to 10um), tox (from 0.1um to 0.5 um), length (from 10um to 100um) and pitch (from 10um to 95um). Using theproposed algorithm, a macro model can be built in a negligible time, which provides lots of time saving compared to hours required by other tools such as EM simulators or device simulators. The average error range 3% to 6%and a maximum cumulative error of algorithm and usage of scaling equation is 18.2% that occurs at very few dimensions and in very few capacitances from the extracted capacitance values, for both self and coupling capacitance

    Analyse et caractérisation des couplages substrat et de la connectique dans les circuits 3D : Vers des modèles compacts

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    The 3D integration is the most promising technological solution to track the level of integration dictated by Moore's Law (see more than Moore, Moore versus more). It leads to important research for a dozen years. It can superimpose different circuits and components in one box. Its main advantage is to allow a combination of heterogeneous and highly specialized technologies for the establishment of a complete system, while maintaining a high level of performance with very short connections between the different circuits. The objective of this work is to provide consistent modeling via crossing, and / or contacts in the substrate, with various degrees of finesse / precision to allow the high-level designer to manage and especially to optimize the partitioning between the different strata. This modelization involves the development of multiple views at different levels of abstraction: the physical model to "high level" model. This would allow to address various issues faced in the design process: - The physical model using an electromagnetic simulation based on 2D or 3D ( finite element solver ) is used to optimize the via (materials, dimensions etc..) It determines the electrical performance of the via, including high frequency. Electromagnetic simulations also quantify the coupling between adjacent via. - The analytical compact of via their coupling model, based on a description of transmission line or Green cores is used for the simulations at the block level and Spice type simulations. Analytical models are often validated against measurements and / or physical models.L’intégration 3D est la solution technologique la plus prometteuse pour suivre le niveau d’intégration dictée par la loi de Moore (cf. more than Moore, versus more Moore). Elle entraine des travaux de recherche importants depuis une douzaine d’années. Elle permet de superposer différents circuits et composants dans un seul boitier. Son principal avantage est de permettre une association de technologies hétérogènes et très spécialisées pour la constitution d’un système complet, tout en préservant un très haut niveau de performance grâce à des connexions très courtes entre ces différents circuits. L’objectif de ce travail est de fournir des modélisations cohérentes de via traversant, ou/et de contacts dans le substrat, avec plusieurs degrés de finesse/précision, pour permettre au concepteur de haut niveau de gérer et surtout d’optimiser le partitionnement entre les différentes strates. Cette modélisation passe par le développement de plusieurs vues à différents niveaux d’abstraction: du modèle physique au modèle « haut niveau ». Elle devait permettre de répondre à différentes questions rencontrées dans le processus de conception :- le modèle physique de via basé sur une simulation électromagnétique 2D ou 3D (solveur « éléments finis ») est utilisé pour optimiser l’architecture du via (matériaux, dimensions etc.) Il permet de déterminer les performances électriques des via, notamment en haute fréquence. Les simulations électromagnétiques permettent également de quantifier le couplage entre via adjacents. - le modèle compact analytique de via et de leur couplage, basé sur une description de type ligne de transmission ou noyaux de Green, est utilisé pour les simulations au niveau bloc, ainsi que des simulations de type Spice. Les modèles analytiques sont souvent validés par rapport à des mesures et/ou des modèles physiques

    Optimal Power Delivery Strategy in Modern VLSI Design

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringIn a modern very-large-scale integration (VLSI) designs, heterogeneous architectural structures and various three-dimensional (3D) integration methods have been used in a hybrid manner. Recently, the industry has combined 3D VLSI technology with the heterogeneous technology of modern VLSI called chiplet. The 3D heterogeneous architectural structure is growing attention because it reduces costs and time-to-market by increasing manufacturing yield with high integration rate and modularization. However, a main design concern of heterogeneous 3D architectural structure is power management for lowering power consumption with maintaining the required power integrity from IR drop. Although the low-power design can be realized in front-end-of-line level by reduced power supply complementary metal???oxide???semiconductor technologies, the overall low-power system performance is available with a proper design of power delivery network (PDN) for chip-level modules and system-level architectural structure. Thus, there is a demand for both the coanalysis and optimization for both chip-level and system-level. We analyzed and optimized power delivery on-chip in various 3D integration environments, and we also have proposed a chip-package-PCB coanalysis methodology at the system level. For through-silicon-via (TSV)-based 3D integration circuit (IC), We have investigated and analyzed the voltage noise in a multi-layer 3D stacking with partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC)-based on-chip PDN and frequency-dependent TSV models. We also have proposed a wire-added multi-paired on-chip PDN structure to reduce voltage noise to reduce IR drop. The performance of TSV-based 3D ICs has also been improved by reducing wake-up time through our proposed adaptive power gating strategy with tapered TSVs. For die-to-wafer 3D IC, we have proposed a power delivery pathfinding methodology, which seeks to identify a nearly optimal PDN for a given design and PDN specification. Our pathfinding methodology exploits models for routability and worst IR drop, which helps reducing iterations between PDN design and circuit design in 3D IC implementation. We also have extended the observation to system-level, we have proposed a power integrity coanalysis methodology for multiple power domains in high-frequency memory systems. Our coanalysis methodology can analyze the tendencies in power integrity by using parametric methods with consideration of package-on-package integration. We have proved that our methodology can predict similar peak-to-peak ripple voltages that are comparable with the realistic simulations of high-speed low-power memory interfaces. Finally, we have proposed analysis and optimization methodologies that are generally applicable to various integration methods used in modern VLSI designs as computer-aided-design-based solutions.clos

    TSV placement optimization for liquid cooled 3D-ICs with emerging NVMs

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    Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D-ICs) are a promising solution to the performance bottleneck in planar integrated circuits. One of the salient features of 3D-ICs is their ability to integrate heterogeneous technologies such as emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs) in a single chip. However, thermal management in 3D-ICs is a significant challenge, owing to the high heat flux (~ 250 W/cm2). Several research groups have focused either on run-time or design-time mechanisms to reduce the heat flux and did not consider 3D-ICs with heterogeneous stacks. The goal of this work is to achieve a balanced thermal gradient in 3D-ICs, while reducing the peak temperatures. In this research, placement algorithms for design-time optimization and choice of appropriate cooling mechanisms for run-time modulation of temperature are proposed. Specifically, an architectural framework which introduce weight-based simulated annealing (WSA) algorithm for thermal-aware placement of through silicon vias (TSVs) with inter-tier liquid cooling is proposed for design-time. In addition, integrating a dedicated stack of emerging NVMs such as RRAM, PCRAM and STTRAM, a run-time simulation framework is developed to analyze the thermal and performance impact of these NVMs in 3D-MPSoCs with inter-tier liquid cooling. Experimental results of WSA algorithm implemented on MCNC91 and GSRC benchmarks demonstrate up to 11 K reduction in the average temperature across the 3D-IC chip. In addition, power density arrangement in WSA improved the uniformity by 5%. Furthermore, simulation results of PARSEC benchmarks with NVM L2 cache demonstrates a temperature reduction of 12.5 K (RRAM) compared to SRAM in 3D-ICs. Especially, RRAM has proved to be thermally efficient replacement for SRAM with 34% lower energy delay product (EDP) and 9.7 K average temperature reduction

    3D modeling and integration of current and future interconnect technologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed June 21, 2021Dissertation advisor: Masud H. ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 133-138)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering and Department of Physics and Astronomy. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2021To ensure maximum circuit reliability it is very important to estimate the circuit performance and signal integrity in the circuit design phase. A full phase simulation for performance estimation of a large-scale circuit not only require a massive computational resource but also need a lot of time to produce acceptable results. The estimation of performance/signal integrity of sub-nanometer circuits mostly depends on the interconnect capacitance. So, an accurate model for interconnect capacitance can be used in the circuit CAD (computer-aided design) tools for circuit performance estimation before circuit fabrication which reduces the computational resource requirement as well as the time constraints. We propose a new capacitance models for interconnect lines in multilevel interconnect structures by geometrically modeling the electrical flux lines of the interconnect lines. Closed-form equations have been derived analytically for ground and coupling capacitance. First, the capacitance model for a single line is developed, and then the new model is used to derive expressions for the capacitance of a line surrounded by neighboring lines in the same and the adjacent layers above and below. These expressions are simple, and the calculated results are within 10% of Ansys Q3D extracted values. Through silicon via (TSV) is one of the key components of the emerging 3D ICs. However, increasing number of TSVs in smaller silicon area leads to some severe negative impacts on the performance of the 3D IC. Growing signal integrity issues in TSVs is one of the major challenges of 3D integration. In this paper, different materials for the cores of the vias and the interposers are investigated to find the best possible combination that can reduce crosstalk and other losses like return loss and insertion loss in the TSVs. We have explored glass and silicon as interposer materials. The simulation results indicate that glass is the best option as interposer material although silicon interposer has some distinct advantages. For via cores three materials - copper (Cu), tungsten (W) and Cu-W bimetal are considered. From the analysis it can concluded that W would be better for high frequency applications due to lower transmission coefficient. Cu offers higher conductivity, but it has larger thermal expansion coefficient mismatch with silicon. The performance of Cu-W bimetal via would be in between Cu and W. However, W has a thermal expansion coefficient close to silicon. Therefore, bimetal Cu-W based TSV with W as the outer layer would be a suitable option for high frequency 3D IC. Here, we performed the analysis in terms of return loss, transmission coefficient and crosstalk in the vias. Signal speed in current digital systems depends mainly on the delay of interconnects. To overcome this delay problem and keep up with Moore’s law, 3D integrated circuit (vertical integration of multiple dies) with through-silicon via (TSV) has been introduced to ensure much smaller interconnect lengths, and lower delay and power consumption compared to conventional 2D IC technology. Like 2D circuit, the estimation of 3D circuit performance depends on different electrical parameters (capacitance, resistance, inductance) of the TSV. So, accurate modeling of the electrical parameters of the TSV is essential for the design and analysis of 3D ICs. We propose a set of new models to estimate the capacitance, resistance, and inductance of a Cu-filled TSV. The proposed analytical models are derived from the physical shape and the size of the TSV. The modeling approach is comprehensive and includes both the cylindrical and tapered TSVs as well as the bumps. On-chip integration of inductors has always been very challenging. However, for sub- 14nm on-chip applications, large area overhead imposed by the on-chip capacitors and inductors has become a more severe concern. To overcome this issue and ensure power integrity, a novel 3D Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) based inductor design is presented. The proposed TSV based inductor has the potential to achieve both high density and high performance. A new design of a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) utilizing the TSV based inductor is also presented. The implementation of the VCO is intended to study the feasibility, performance, and real-world application of the proposed TSV based inductor.Introduction -- Background of capacitance modeling of on-chip interconnect -- Accurate modeling of interconnect capacitance in multilevel interconnect structures for sub 22nm technology -- Analysis of different materials and structures for through silicon via and through glass via in 3D integrated circuits -- Impacts of different shapes of through-silicon-via core on 3D IC performance -- Accurate electrical modeling of cu-filled through-silicon-via (TSV) -- Design and characterize TSV based inductor for high frequency voltage-controlled oscillator design -- Conclusion and future wor

    CAD methodologies for low power and reliable 3D ICs

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    The main objective of this dissertation is to explore and develop computer-aided-design (CAD) methodologies and optimization techniques for reliability, timing performance, and power consumption of through-silicon-via(TSV)-based and monolithic 3D IC designs. The 3D IC technology is a promising answer to the device scaling and interconnect problems that industry faces today. Yet, since multiple dies are stacked vertically in 3D ICs, new problems arise such as thermal, power delivery, and so on. New physical design methodologies and optimization techniques should be developed to address the problems and exploit the design freedom in 3D ICs. Towards the objective, this dissertation includes four research projects. The first project is on the co-optimization of traditional design metrics and reliability metrics for 3D ICs. It is well known that heat removal and power delivery are two major reliability concerns in 3D ICs. To alleviate thermal problem, two possible solutions have been proposed: thermal-through-silicon-vias (T-TSVs) and micro-fluidic-channel (MFC) based cooling. For power delivery, a complex power distribution network is required to deliver currents reliably to all parts of the 3D IC while suppressing the power supply noise to an acceptable level. However, these thermal and power networks pose major challenges in signal routability and congestion. In this project, a co-optimization methodology for signal, power, and thermal interconnects in 3D ICs is presented. The goal of the proposed approach is to improve signal, thermal, and power noise metrics and to provide fast and accurate design space explorations for early design stages. The second project is a study on 3D IC partition. For a 3D IC, the target circuit needs to be partitioned into multiple parts then mapped onto the dies. The partition style impacts design quality such as footprint, wirelength, timing, and so on. In this project, the design methodologies of 3D ICs with different partition styles are demonstrated. For the LEON3 multi-core microprocessor, three partitioning styles are compared: core-level, block-level, and gate-level. The design methodologies for such partitioning styles and their implications on the physical layout are discussed. Then, to perform timing optimizations for 3D ICs, two timing constraint generation methods are demonstrated that lead to different design quality. The third project is on the buffer insertion for timing optimization of 3D ICs. For high performance 3D ICs, it is crucial to perform thorough timing optimizations. Among timing optimization techniques, buffer insertion is known to be the most effective way. The TSVs have a large parasitic capacitance that increases the signal slew and the delay on the downstream. In this project, a slew-aware buffer insertion algorithm is developed that handles full 3D nets and considers TSV parasitics and slew effects on delay. Compared with the well-known van Ginneken algorithm and a commercial tool, the proposed algorithm finds buffering solutions with lower delay values and acceptable runtime overhead. The last project is on the ultra-high-density logic designs for monolithic 3D ICs. The nano-scale 3D interconnects available in monolithic 3D IC technology enable ultra-high-density device integration at the individual transistor-level. The benefits and challenges of monolithic 3D integration technology for logic designs are investigated. First, a 3D standard cell library for transistor-level monolithic 3D ICs is built and their timing and power behavior are characterized. Then, various interconnect options for monolithic 3D ICs that improve design quality are explored. Next, timing-closed, full-chip GDSII layouts are built and iso-performance power comparisons with 2D IC designs are performed. Important design metrics such as area, wirelength, timing, and power consumption are compared among transistor-level monolithic 3D, gate-level monolithic 3D, TSV-based 3D, and traditional 2D designs.PhDCommittee Chair: Lim, Sung Kyu; Committee Member: Bakir, Muhannad; Committee Member: Kim, Hyesoon; Committee Member: Lee, Hsien-Hsin; Committee Member: Mukhopadhyay, Saiba

    Enabling Technologies for 3D ICs: TSV Modeling and Analysis

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    Through silicon via (TSV) based three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuit (IC) aims to stack and interconnect dies or wafers vertically. This emerging technology offers a promising near-term solution for further miniaturization and the performance improvement of electronic systems and follows a more than Moore strategy. Along with the need for low-cost and high-yield process technology, the successful application of TSV technology requires further optimization of the TSV electrical modeling and design. In the millimeter wave (mmW) frequency range, the root mean square (rms) height of the TSV sidewall roughness is comparable to the skin depth and hence becomes a critical factor for TSV modeling and analysis. The impact of TSV sidewall roughness on electrical performance, such as the loss and impedance alteration in the mmW frequency range, is examined and analyzed following the second order small perturbation method. Then, an accurate and efficient electrical model for TSVs has been proposed considering the TSV sidewall roughness effect, the skin effect, and the metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) effect. However, the emerging application of 3D integration involves an advanced bio-inspired computing system which is currently experiencing an explosion of interest. In neuromorphic computing, the high density membrane capacitor plays a key role in the synaptic signaling process, especially in a spike firing analog implementation of neurons. We proposed a novel 3D neuromorphic design architecture in which the redundant and dummy TSVs are reconfigured as membrane capacitors. This modification has been achieved by taking advantage of the metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) structure along the sidewall, strategically engineering the fixed oxide charges in depletion region surrounding the TSVs, and the addition of oxide layer around the bump without changing any process technology. Without increasing the circuit area, these reconfiguration of TSVs can result in substantial power consumption reduction and a significant boost to chip performance and efficiency. Also, depending on the availability of the TSVs, we proposed a novel CAD framework for TSV assignments based on the force-directed optimization and linear perturbation