162 research outputs found

    A branch and bound approach for the design of decentralized supervisors in Petri net models

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    The paper addresses the design of compact and maximally permissive decentralized supervisors for Petri nets, based on generalized mutual exclusion constraints. Decentralization constraints are formulated with respect to the net transitions, instructing each local supervisor to detect and disable transitions of its own control site only. A solution is characterized in terms of the states it allows and its feasibility is assessed by means of two separate tests, one checking the required behavioral properties (e.g., liveness, reversibility and controllability) of the induced reachability subgraph and the other ensuring the existence of a decentralized supervisor enforcing exactly the considered set of allowed states. The second test employs an integer linear programming formulation. Maximal permissivity is ensured by efficiently exploring the solution space using a branch and bound method that operates on the reachable states. Particular emphasis is posed on the obtainment of the controllability property, both in the structural and the behavioral interpretation

    Petri net controllers for Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints with floor operators

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    In this paper a special type of nonlinear marking specifications called stair generalized mutual exclusion constraints (stair-GMECs) is defined. A stair-GMEC can be represented by an inequality whose left-hand is a linear combination of floor functions. Stair-GMECs have higher modeling power than classical GMECs and can model legal marking sets that cannot be defined by OR–AND GMECs. We propose two algorithms to enforce a stair-GMEC as a closed-loop net, in which the control structure is composed by a residue counter, remainder counters, and duplicate transitions. We also show that the proposed control structure is maximally permissive since it prevents all and only the illegal trajectories of a plant net. This approach can be applied to both bounded and unbounded nets. Several examples are proposed to illustrate the approach

    Supervisory Control and Analysis of Partially-observed Discrete Event Systems

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    Nowadays, a variety of real-world systems fall into discrete event systems (DES). In practical scenarios, due to facts like limited sensor technique, sensor failure, unstable network and even the intrusion of malicious agents, it might occur that some events are unobservable, multiple events are indistinguishable in observations, and observations of some events are nondeterministic. By considering various practical scenarios, increasing attention in the DES community has been paid to partially-observed DES, which in this thesis refer broadly to those DES with partial and/or unreliable observations. In this thesis, we focus on two topics of partially-observed DES, namely, supervisory control and analysis. The first topic includes two research directions in terms of system models. One is the supervisory control of DES with both unobservable and uncontrollable events, focusing on the forbidden state problem; the other is the supervisory control of DES vulnerable to sensor-reading disguising attacks (SD-attacks), which is also interpreted as DES with nondeterministic observations, addressing both the forbidden state problem and the liveness-enforcing problem. Petri nets (PN) are used as a reference formalism in this topic. First, we study the forbidden state problem in the framework of PN with both unobservable and uncontrollable transitions, assuming that unobservable transitions are uncontrollable. For ordinary PN subject to an admissible Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraint (GMEC), an optimal on-line control policy with polynomial complexity is proposed provided that a particular subnet, called observation subnet, satisfies certain conditions in structure. It is then discussed how to obtain an optimal on-line control policy for PN subject to an arbitrary GMEC. Next, we still consider the forbidden state problem but in PN vulnerable to SD-attacks. Assuming the control specification in terms of a GMEC, we propose three methods to derive on-line control policies. The first two lead to an optimal policy but are computationally inefficient for large-size systems, while the third method computes a policy with timely response even for large-size systems but at the expense of optimality. Finally, we investigate the liveness-enforcing problem still assuming that the system is vulnerable to SD-attacks. In this problem, the plant is modelled as a bounded PN, which allows us to off-line compute a supervisor starting from constructing the reachability graph of the PN. Then, based on repeatedly computing a more restrictive liveness-enforcing supervisor under no attack and constructing a basic supervisor, an off-line method that synthesizes a liveness-enforcing supervisor tolerant to an SD-attack is proposed. In the second topic, we care about the verification of properties related to system security. Two properties are considered, i.e., fault-predictability and event-based opacity. The former is a property in the literature, characterizing the situation that the occurrence of any fault in a system is predictable, while the latter is a newly proposed property in the thesis, which describes the fact that secret events of a system cannot be revealed to an external observer within their critical horizons. In the case of fault-predictability, DES are modeled by labeled PN. A necessary and sufficient condition for fault-predictability is derived by characterizing the structure of the Predictor Graph. Furthermore, two rules are proposed to reduce the size of a PN, which allow us to analyze the fault-predictability of the original net by verifying that of the reduced net. When studying event-based opacity, we use deterministic finite-state automata as the reference formalism. Considering different scenarios, we propose four notions, namely, K-observation event-opacity, infinite-observation event-opacity, event-opacity and combinational event-opacity. Moreover, verifiers are proposed to analyze these properties

    Koostööäriprotsesside läbiviimine plokiahelal: süsteem

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    Tänapäeval peavad organisatsioonid tegema omavahel koostööd, et kasutada ära üksteise täiendavaid võimekusi ning seeläbi pakkuda oma klientidele parimaid tooteid ja teenuseid. Selleks peavad organisatsioonid juhtima äriprotsesse, mis ületavad nende organisatsioonilisi piire. Selliseid protsesse nimetatakse koostööäriprotsessideks. Üks peamisi takistusi koostööäriprotsesside elluviimisel on osapooltevahelise usalduse puudumine. Plokiahel loob detsentraliseeritud pearaamatu, mida ei saa võltsida ning mis toetab nutikate lepingute täitmist. Nii on võimalik teha koostööd ebausaldusväärsete osapoolte vahel ilma kesksele asutusele tuginemata. Paraku on aga äriprotsesside läbiviimine selliseid madala taseme plokiahela elemente kasutades tülikas, veaohtlik ja erioskusi nõudev. Seevastu juba väljakujunenud äriprotsesside juhtimissüsteemid (Business Process Management System – BPMS) pakuvad käepäraseid abstraheeringuid protsessidele orienteeritud rakenduste kiireks arendamiseks. Käesolev doktoritöö käsitleb koostööäriprotsesside automatiseeritud läbiviimist plokiahela tehnoloogiat kasutades, kombineerides traditsioonliste BPMS- ide arendusvõimalused plokiahelast tuleneva suurendatud usaldusega. Samuti käsitleb antud doktoritöö küsimust, kuidas pakkuda tuge olukordades, milles uued osapooled võivad jooksvalt protsessiga liituda, mistõttu on vajalik tagada paindlikkus äriprotsessi marsruutimisloogika muutmise osas. Doktoritöö uurib tarkvaraarhitektuurilisi lähenemisviise ja modelleerimise kontseptsioone, pakkudes välja disainipõhimõtteid ja nõudeid, mida rakendatakse uudsel plokiahela baasil loodud äriprotsessi juhtimissüsteemil CATERPILLAR. CATERPILLAR-i süsteem toetab kahte lähenemist plokiahelal põhinevate protsesside rakendamiseks, läbiviimiseks ja seireks: kompileeritud ja tõlgendatatud. Samuti toetab see kahte kontrollitud paindlikkuse mehhanismi, mille abil saavad protsessis osalejad ühiselt otsustada, kuidas protsessi selle täitmise ajal uuendada ning anda ja eemaldada osaliste juurdepääsuõigusi.Nowadays, organizations are pressed to collaborate in order to take advantage of their complementary capabilities and to provide best-of-breed products and services to their customers. To do so, organizations need to manage business processes that span beyond their organizational boundaries. Such processes are called collaborative business processes. One of the main roadblocks to implementing collaborative business processes is the lack of trust between the participants. Blockchain provides a decentralized ledger that cannot be tamper with, that supports the execution of programs called smart contracts. These features allow executing collaborative processes between untrusted parties and without relying on a central authority. However, implementing collaborative business processes in blockchain can be cumbersome, error-prone and requires specialized skills. In contrast, established Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) provide convenient abstractions for rapid development of process-oriented applications. This thesis addresses the problem of automating the execution of collaborative business processes on top of blockchain technology in a way that takes advantage of the trust-enhancing capabilities of this technology while offering the development convenience of traditional BPMSs. The thesis also addresses the question of how to support scenarios in which new parties may be onboarded at runtime, and in which parties need to have the flexibility to change the default routing logic of the business process. We explore architectural approaches and modelling concepts, formulating design principles and requirements that are implemented in a novel blockchain-based BPMS named CATERPILLAR. The CATERPILLAR system supports two methods to implement, execute and monitor blockchain-based processes: compiled and interpreted. It also supports two mechanisms for controlled flexibility; i.e., participants can collectively decide on updating the process during its execution as well as granting and revoking access to parties.https://www.ester.ee/record=b536494

    Property Enforcement for Partially-Observed Discrete-Event Systems

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    Engineering systems that involve physical elements, such as automobiles, aircraft, or electric power pants, that are controlled by a computational infrastructure that consists of several computers that communicate through a communication network, are called Cyber-Physical Systems. Ever-increasing demands for safety, security, performance, and certi cation of these critical systems put stringent constraints on their design and necessitate the use of formal model-based approaches to synthesize provably-correct feedback controllers. This dissertation aims to tackle these challenges by developing a novel methodology for synthesis of control and sensing strategies for Discrete Event Systems (DES), an important class of cyber-physical systems. First, we develop a uniform approach for synthesizing property enforcing supervisors for a wide class of properties called information-state-based (IS-based) properties. We then consider the enforcement of non-blockingness in addition to IS-based properties. We develop a nite structure called the All Enforcement Structure (AES) that embeds all valid supervisors. Furthermore, we propose novel and general approaches to solve the sensor activation problem for partially-observed DES. We extend our results for the sensor activation problem from the centralized case to the decentralized case. The methodology in the dissertation has the following novel features: (i) it explicitly considers and handles imperfect state information, due to sensor noise, and limited controllability, due to unexpected environmental disturbances; (ii) it is a uniform information-state-based approach that can be applied to a variety of user-speci ed requirements; (iii) it is a formal model-based approach, which results in provably correct solutions; and (iv) the methodology and associated theoretical foundations developed are generic and applicable to many types of networked cyber-physical systems with safety-critical requirements, in particular networked systems such as aircraft electric power systems and intelligent transportation systems.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137097/1/xiangyin_1.pd

    From Security Enforcement to Supervisory Control in Discrete Event Systems: Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses

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    Cyber-physical systems are technological systems that involve physical components that are monitored and controlled by multiple computational units that exchange information through a communication network. Examples of cyber-physical systems arise in transportation, power, smart manufacturing, and other classes of systems that have a large degree of automation. Analysis and control of cyber-physical systems is an active area of research. The increasing demands for safety, security and performance improvement of cyber-physical systems put stringent constraints on their design and necessitate the use of formal model-based methods to synthesize control strategies that provably enforce required properties. This dissertation focuses on the higher level control logic in cyber-physical systems using the framework of discrete event systems. It tackles two classes of problems for discrete event systems. The first class of problems is related to system security. This problem is formulated in terms of the information flow property of opacity. In this part of the dissertation, an interface-based approach called insertion/edit function is developed to enforce opacity under the potential inference of malicious intruders that may or may not know the implementation of the insertion/edit function. The focus is the synthesis of insertion/edit functions that solve the opacity enforcement problem in the framework of qualitative and quantitative games on finite graphs. The second problem treated in the dissertation is that of performance optimization in the context of supervisory control under partial observation. This problem is transformed to a two-player quantitative game and an information structure where the game is played is constructed. A novel approach to synthesize supervisors by solving the game is developed. The main contributions of this dissertation are grouped into the following five categories. (i) The transformation of the formulated opacity enforcement and supervisory control problems to games on finite graphs provides a systematic way of performing worst case analysis in design of discrete event systems. (ii) These games have state spaces that are as compact as possible using the notion of information states in each corresponding problem. (iii) A formal model-based approach is employed in the entire dissertation, which results in provably correct solutions. (iv) The approaches developed in this dissertation reveal the interconnection between control theory and formal methods. (v) The results in this dissertation are applicable to many types of cyber-physical systems with security-critical and performance-aware requirements.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150002/1/jiyiding_1.pd


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    In many real-world systems, due to limitations of sensors or constraints of the environment, the system dynamics is usually not perfectly known. However, the state information of the system is usually crucial for the purpose of decision making. The state of the system needs to be determined in many applications. Due to its importance, the state estimation problem has received considerable attention in the discrete event system (DES) community. Recently, the state estimation problem has been studied systematically in the framework of detectability. The detectability properties characterize the possibility to determine the current and the subsequent states of a system after the observation of a finite number of events generated by the system. To model and analyze practical systems, powerful DES models are needed to describe the different observation behaviors of the system. Secondly, due to the state explosion problem, analysis methods that rely on exhaustively enumerating all possible states are not applicable for practical systems. It is necessary to develop more efficient and achievable verification methods for detectability. Furthermore, in this thesis, efficient detectability verification methods using Petri nets are investigated, then detectability is extended to a more general definition (C-detectability) that only requires that a given set of crucial states can be distinguished from other states. Formal definitions and efficient verification methods for C-detectability properties are proposed. Finally, C-detectability is applied to the railway signal system to verify the feasibility of this property: 1. Four types of detectability are extended from finite automata to labeled Petri nets. In particular, strong detectability, weak detectability, periodically strong detectability, and periodically weak detectability are formally defined in labeled Petri nets. 2. Based on the notion of basis reachability graph (BRG), a practically efficient approach (the BRG-observer method) to verify the four detectability properties in bounded labeled Petri nets is proposed. Using basis markings, there is no need to enumerate all the markings that are consistent with an observation. It has been shown by other researchers that the size of the BRG is usually much smaller than the size of the reachability graph (RG). Thus, the method improves the analysis efficiency and avoids the state space explosion problem. 3. Three novel approaches for the verification of the strong detectability and periodically strong detectability are proposed, which use three different structures whose construction has a polynomial complexity. Moreover, rather than computing all cycles of the structure at hand, which is NP-hard, it is shown that strong detectability can be verified looking at the strongly connected components whose computation also has a polynomial complexity. As a result, they have lower computational complexity than other methods in the literature. 4. Detectability could be too restrictive in real applications. Thus, detectability is extended to C-detectability that only requires that a given set of crucial states can be distinguished from other states. Four types of C-detectability are defined in the framework of labeled Petri nets. Moreover, efficient approaches are proposed to verify such properties in the case of bounded labeled Petri net systems based on the BRG. 5. Finally, a general modeling framework of railway systems is presented for the states estimation using labeled Petri nets. Then, C-detectability is applied to railway signal systems to verify its feasibility in the real-world system. Taking the RBC handover procedure in the Chinese train control system level 3 (CTCS-3) as an example, the RBC handover procedure is modeled using labeled Petri nets. Then based on the proposed approaches, it is shown that that the RBC handover procedure satisfies strongly C-detectability

    Model-based supervisory control synthesis of cyber-physical systems

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