240 research outputs found

    Platform-based design, test and fast verification flow for mixed-signal systems on chip

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    This research is providing methodologies to enhance the design phase from architectural space exploration and system study to verification of the whole mixed-signal system. At the beginning of the work, some innovative digital IPs have been designed to develop efficient signal conditioning for sensor systems on-chip that has been included in commercial products. After this phase, the main focus has been addressed to the creation of a re-usable and versatile test of the device after the tape-out which is close to become one of the major cost factor for ICs companies, strongly linking it to model’s test-benches to avoid re-design phases and multi-environment scenarios, producing a very effective approach to a single, fast and reliable multi-level verification environment. All these works generated different publications in scientific literature. The compound scenario concerning the development of sensor systems is presented in Chapter 1, together with an overview of the related market with a particular focus on the latest MEMS and MOEMS technology devices, and their applications in various segments. Chapter 2 introduces the state of the art for sensor interfaces: the generic sensor interface concept (based on sharing the same electronics among similar applications achieving cost saving at the expense of area and performance loss) versus the Platform Based Design methodology, which overcomes the drawbacks of the classic solution by keeping the generality at the highest design layers and customizing the platform for a target sensor achieving optimized performances. An evolution of Platform Based Design achieved by implementation into silicon of the ISIF (Intelligent Sensor InterFace) platform is therefore presented. ISIF is a highly configurable mixed-signal chip which allows designers to perform an effective design space exploration and to evaluate directly on silicon the system performances avoiding the critical and time consuming analysis required by standard platform based approach. In chapter 3 we describe the design of a smart sensor interface for conditioning next generation MOEMS. The adoption of a new, high performance and high integrated technology allow us to integrate not only a versatile platform but also a powerful ARM processor and various IPs providing the possibility to use the platform not only as a conditioning platform but also as a processing unit for the application. In this chapter a description of the various blocks is given, with a particular emphasis on the IP developed in order to grant the highest grade of flexibility with the minimum area occupation. The architectural space evaluation and the application prototyping with ISIF has enabled an effective, rapid and low risk development of a new high performance platform achieving a flexible sensor system for MEMS and MOEMS monitoring and conditioning. The platform has been design to cover very challenging test-benches, like a laser-based projector device. In this way the platform will not only be able to effectively handle the sensor but also all the system that can be built around it, reducing the needed for further electronics and resulting in an efficient test bench for the algorithm developed to drive the system. The high costs in ASIC development are mainly related to re-design phases because of missing complete top-level tests. Analog and digital parts design flows are separately verified. Starting from these considerations, in the last chapter a complete test environment for complex mixed-signal chips is presented. A semi-automatic VHDL-AMS flow to provide totally matching top-level is described and then, an evolution for fast self-checking test development for both model and real chip verification is proposed. By the introduction of a Python interface, the designer can easily perform interactive tests to cover all the features verification (e.g. calibration and trimming) into the design phase and check them all with the same environment on the real chip after the tape-out. This strategy has been tested on a consumer 3D-gyro for consumer application, in collaboration with SensorDynamics AG

    UWB Antennas: Design and Modeling

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    Macromodels of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)

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    Simulation and Modeling of Silicon Based Emerging Nanodevices: From Device to Circuit Level

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    Nanostructure based devices are very promising candidates for the emerging nanotechnologies with advantage in terms of power consumption and functional density. Nanowire Field Effect Transistor (NWFET) and Single Electron Transistor (SET) are the focus of this work. The serious challenges faced by the MOSFET due to scaling limits can be solved by these devices. NWFET provides better gate control and overcomes the short channel effects. SET operates in the quantum confinement regime where the basic operation of MOSFET becomes a challenge. SET works better when the dimensions are small encouraging the process of scaling down. Because of these characteristics of the nanodevices, they have achieved a huge interest from the viewpoint of theoretical as well as applied electronics. The studies focus on the understanding of the basic transport characteristics of the devices. The necessity is to develop a model which is efficient, can be used at circuit level and also provides physical insights of the device. The first part of this work focuses on developing the model for SET and to implement it at the circuit level. The transport properties of SET are studied through quantum simulations. The behavioral characterization of the device is performed and the effect of different device parameters on the transport is studied. Furthermore, the impact of gate voltage is analyzed which modulates the current by shifting the energy levels of the device. After observing the transport through SET, a model is developed that efficiently evaluates the IV characteristics of the device. The quantum simulations are used as reference and a huge computational over-head is achieved while maintaining accuracy. Then the model is implemented in hardware descriptive language showing its functional variability at circuit level by designing some logic circuits like AND, OR and FA. In the second part, the performance of the nanoarrays based on NWFET is characterized. A device level model is developed to evaluate the gate capacitance and drain current of NWFET. Starting from the output of the model, in-house simulator is modified and used to evaluate the switching activity of the devices in nanoarray. A nanoarray implementation for bio-sequence alignment based on a systolic array is realized and its essential performance is evaluated. The power consumption, area and performance of the nanoarray implementation are compared with CMOS implementation. A wide solution space can be explored to find the optimal solution trading power and performance and considering the technological limitations of a realistic implementation

    Analog Defect Injection and Fault Simulation Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Since the last century, the exponential growth of the semiconductor industry has led to the creation of tiny and complex integrated circuits, e.g., sensors, actuators, and smart power. Innovative techniques are needed to ensure the correct functionality of analog devices that are ubiquitous in every smart system. The ISO 26262 standard for functional safety in the automotive context specifies that fault injection is necessary to validate all electronic devices. For decades, standardization of defect modeling and injection mainly focused on digital circuits and, in a minor part, on analog ones. An initial attempt is being made with the IEEE P2427 draft standard that started to give a structured and formal organization to the analog testing field. Various methods have been proposed in the literature to speed up the fault simulation of the defect universe for an analog circuit. A more limited number of papers seek to reduce the overall simulation time by reducing the number of defects to be simulated. This literature survey describes the state-of-the-art of analog defect injection and fault simulation methods. The survey is based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodological flow, allowing for a systematic and complete literature survey. Each selected paper has been categorized and presented to provide an overview of all the available approaches. In addition, the limitations of the various approaches are discussed by showing possible future directions

    SystemC-AMS Requirements, Design Objectives and Rationale

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    This paper presents and discusses the foundations on which the analog and mixed-signal extensions of SystemC, named SystemC-AMS, will be developed. First, requirements from targeted application domains are identified. These are then used to derive design objectives and related rationales. Finally, some preliminary seed work is presented and the outline of the analog and mixed-signal extensions development work is given

    Mixed-signal integrated circuits design and validation for automotive electronics applications

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    Automotive electronics is a fast growing market. In a field primarily dominated by mechanical or hydraulic systems, over the past few decades there has been exponential growth in the number of electronic components incorporated into automobiles. Partly thanks to the advance in high voltage smart power processes in nowadays cars is possible to integrate both power/high voltage electronics and analog/digital signal processing circuitry thus allowing to replace a lot of mechanical systems with electro-mechanical or fully electronic ones. High level modeling of complex electronic systems is gaining importance relatively to design space exploration, enabling shorter design and verification cycles, allowing reduced time-to-market. A high level model of a resistor string DAC to evaluate nonlinearities has been developed in MATLAB environment. As a test case for the model, a 10 bit resistive DAC in 0.18um is designed and the results were compared with the traditional transistor level approach. Then we face the analysis and design of a fundamental block: the bandgap voltage reference. Automotive requirements are tough, so the design of the voltage reference includes a pre-regulation part of the battery voltage that allows to enhance overall performances. Moreover an analog integrated driver for an automotive application whose architecture exploits today’s trends of analog-digital integration allowing a greater range of flexibility allowing high configurability and fast prototipization is presented. We covered also the mixed-signal verification approach. In fact, as complexity increases and mixed-signal systems become more and more pervasive, test and verification often tend to be the bottleneck in terms of time effort. A complete flow for mixed-signal verification using VHDL-AMS modeling and Python scripting is presented as an alternative to complex transistor level simulations. Finally conclusions are drawn

    Modelling and characterization of small photosensors in advanced CMOS technologies

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    The rapid scaling of CMOS technologies and the development of optimized CIS (CMOS Image Sensor) processes for CMOS vision products has not been met by a similar effort in a comprehensive study of the main physical phenomena dominating the behavior of pixels at these technological nodes. This work provides a study of the behaviour of small photodetectors in advanced CMOS technologies in order to evaluate the impact of the geometry on the pixel photoresponse. Several models were developed paying special attention to the peripheral collection. The results suggest that the largest active area no longer necessarily guarantees the optimum response and show the significance of the lateral contribution for small photodiodes. That is, they establish the need to find a trade-off between the active area and the collecting area surrounding the junction to maximize the response. Based on the solution of the two-dimensional steady-state equation in the surroundings of the junction, an analytical model for uniformly illuminated p-n+ junction photodiodes was proposed. It is compact, general and scalable. In order to be used in Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, the model was implemented in a Hardware Description Language (HDL) and used for circuit simulations to illustrate the potential of the model for the optimization of the pixel performance

    Predicting power scalability in a reconfigurable platform

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    This thesis focuses on the evolution of digital hardware systems. A reconfigurable platform is proposed and analysed based on thin-body, fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator Schottky-barrier transistors with metal gates and silicide source/drain (TBFDSBSOI). These offer the potential for simplified processing that will allow them to reach ultimate nanoscale gate dimensions. Technology CAD was used to show that the threshold voltage in TBFDSBSOI devices will be controllable by gate potentials that scale down with the channel dimensions while remaining within appropriate gate reliability limits. SPICE simulations determined that the magnitude of the threshold shift predicted by TCAD software would be sufficient to control the logic configuration of a simple, regular array of these TBFDSBSOI transistors as well as to constrain its overall subthreshold power growth. Using these devices, a reconfigurable platform is proposed based on a regular 6-input, 6-output NOR LUT block in which the logic and configuration functions of the array are mapped onto separate gates of the double-gate device. A new analytic model of the relationship between power (P), area (A) and performance (T) has been developed based on a simple VLSI complexity metric of the form ATσ = constant. As σ defines the performance “return” gained as a result of an increase in area, it also represents a bound on the architectural options available in power-scalable digital systems. This analytic model was used to determine that simple computing functions mapped to the reconfigurable platform will exhibit continuous power-area-performance scaling behavior. A number of simple arithmetic circuits were mapped to the array and their delay and subthreshold leakage analysed over a representative range of supply and threshold voltages, thus determining a worse-case range for the device/circuit-level parameters of the model. Finally, an architectural simulation was built in VHDL-AMS. The frequency scaling described by σ, combined with the device/circuit-level parameters predicts the overall power and performance scaling of parallel architectures mapped to the array
