15 research outputs found

    Bioinformatics tools and database resources for systems genetics analysis in mice—a short review and an evaluation of future needs

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    During a meeting of the SYSGENET working group ‘Bioinformatics’, currently available software tools and databases for systems genetics in mice were reviewed and the needs for future developments discussed. The group evaluated interoperability and performed initial feasibility studies. To aid future compatibility of software and exchange of already developed software modules, a strong recommendation was made by the group to integrate HAPPY and R/qtl analysis toolboxes, GeneNetwork and XGAP database platforms, and TIQS and xQTL processing platforms. R should be used as the principal computer language for QTL data analysis in all platforms and a ‘cloud’ should be used for software dissemination to the community. Furthermore, the working group recommended that all data models and software source code should be made visible in public repositories to allow a coordinated effort on the use of common data structures and file formats

    Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci in Experimental Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita

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    Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is a chronic mucocutaneous autoimmune skin blistering disease. Several lines of evidence underscore the contribution of autoantibodies against type VII collagen (COL7) to the pathogenesis of EBA. Furthermore, EBA susceptibility is associated with the MHC haplotype in patients (HLA-DR2) and in immunization-induced EBA in mice (H2s). The latter study indicated an additional contribution of non-MHC genes to disease susceptibility. To identify non-MHC genes controlling EBA susceptibility, we intercrossed EBA-susceptible MRL/MpJ with EBA-resistant NZM2410/J and BXD2/TyJ as well as Cast mice. Mice of the fourth generation of this four-way autoimmune-prone advanced intercross line were immunized with a fragment of murine COL7 to induce EBA. Anti-COL7 autoantibodies were detected in 84% of mice, whereas deposition of complement at the dermal–epidermal junction (DEJ) was observed in 50% of the animals; 33% of immunized mice presented with overt clinical EBA. Onset of clinical disease was associated with several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) located on chromosomes 9, 12, 14, and 19, whereas maximum disease severity was linked to QTLs on chromosomes 1, 15, and 19. This more detailed insight into the pathogenesis of EBA may eventually lead to new treatment strategies for EBA and other autoantibody-mediated diseases

    Using bio.tools to generate and annotate workbench tool descriptions

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    Workbench and workflow systems such as Galaxy, Taverna, Chipster, or Common Workflow Language (CWL)-based frameworks, facilitate the access to bioinformatics tools in a user-friendly, scalable and reproducible way. Still, the integration of tools in such environments remains a cumbersome, time consuming and error-prone process. A major consequence is the incomplete or outdated description of tools that are often missing important information, including parameters and metadata such as publication or links to documentation. ToolDog (Tool DescriptiOn Generator) facilitates the integration of tools - which have been registered in the ELIXIR tools registry (https://bio.tools) - into workbench environments by generating tool description templates. ToolDog includes two modules. The first module analyses the source code of the bioinformatics software with language-specific plugins, and generates a skeleton for a Galaxy XML or CWL tool description. The second module is dedicated to the enrichment of the generated tool description, using metadata provided by bio.tools. This last module can also be used on its own to complete or correct existing tool descriptions with missing metadata

    Cloud Prediction of Protein Structure and Function with PredictProtein for Debian

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    Towards a better understanding of the bacterial pan-genome

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    The bacterial pan-genome is a relatively new concept that refers to the number of genes observed in a given set of bacterial genome sequences, either at the intra- or inter-species level. Determining the pan-genome of a given species of bacteria using a large number of strains allows one to compare multiple genes and to determine evolutionary links between isolates. This information can help to determine population structure, diversity in terms of prevalence in a given environment and pathogenicity of microorganisms. Within this review, we explain the most important issues related to pan-genome studies. We also include a brief description of some selected bacterial pan-genomes. Finally, we propose an easy-toperform workflow to study bacterial pan-genomes that will facilitate nonexperts in a pan-genome-based investigation