671,678 research outputs found

    Education Paradigm Reform for Quality and Equitable Learning: A Qualitative Analysis

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    Reforming the educational paradigm towards equitable and quality education is an imperative endeavor to establish a more effective and inclusive education system. This research adopts a qualitative approach, employing library research as the primary data collection technique. The sources utilized in this study encompass books, scientific journals, literature, and pertinent publications. The findings reveal a comprehensive reform agenda, encompassing inclusivity and accessibility, enhancements in learning quality, the implementation of competency-based education, resource provision and capacity building, as well as active engagement with the community and stakeholders. By embracing this educational paradigm reform, the aspiration is to foster a more equitable educational landscape, providing equal opportunities for all individuals, devoid of any form of discriminatio

    Understanding the Role of Sport for Development in Community Capacity Building in a Refugee Camp in Tanzania

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    In the past decade a rapid increase has been seen in the number of organizations using sport as a development tool in majority world communities. Specifically, Sport for Development programs have been promoted as a means to promote peace, a forum for social mobilization efforts and health initiatives, and a tool for sustainable community development (SDP IWG, 2008; UNIATF, 2003). Often, a fundamental goal of such programs is community capacity building. However, despite this increase in attention, data regarding benefits of these programs remains anecdotal, without a strong body of reliable evidence on the impact of Sport for Development programs on community capacity building. Informed by this context, the purpose of this study was to understand the effectiveness of a Sport for Development program in community capacity building in a refugee camp in Tanzania. The research was accomplished using a qualitative case study approach with 12 key stakeholders involved in the program. The principal method of data collection was a participatory workshop methodology using Laverack’s (1999) nine domains to assess community capacity. This qualitative workshop methodology also employed a quantitative tool vis-à-vis Laverack’s nine domains which acted as a participatory guide to evaluate the level of community capacity in the program. An initial workshop held with key stakeholders assessed current status, which was followed by the development and implementation of strategic plans for action by stakeholders based on the workshop assessment. A second workshop was held one year later to re-assess community capacity. Additional methods of data collection included individual interviews, observations, and field notes. Member checking, a prolonged time in the field, and triangulation were the primary procedures for verifying the accuracy of the findings. The results showed that community capacity was increased in eight of the nine domains. Specifically, these eight were community participation, local leadership, organizational structures, problem assessment capacities, resource mobilization, ability to ‘ask why’, role of outside agents, and program management. The findings from this study demonstrate that a Sport for Development program can be effective in increasing community capacity; this was attributed to the specific participatory methodology used to assess community capacity, structural changes in the program, and a change in approach to programming by project coordinators

    Innovation Development to Increase Local Competitive Advantage in Mojokerto Regency

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    Becoming more competitive on the local and national levels can be seen as a strategy that will boost economic growth and, in turn, will improve the welfare of the community. Therefore, local government should make it a priority to draw up a grand plan for local development. The roles of resource-based and local potency in planning, therefore, become critical to improve the performance of local development. With accurate planning, the direction of regional development will be more focused. This paper will examine innovation strategy as an effort to increase local competitiveness, especially in Mojokerto Regency. This study utilizes a qualitative research method, where data is extracted from bureaucrats, community leaders, politicians, and academicians. Interactive data analysis methods, which take place continuously through the processes of data collection, data presentation, and conclusion are used to ensure well-considered results. Research indicates that the success of Mojokerto Regency in building local innovation can be attributed to the development of infrastructure and innovation in public services. This two-pronged approach to spearhead local development allowed Mojokerto Regency to increase its economic growth at an impressive rate. The strategies used to encourage the development of innovation at the local level are threefold, beginning with the alignment of regional development strategy to design long, medium, and short term innovation plans. Secondly, innovation is developed based on regional priorities that support economic growth in sectors that will benefit the wider community. Finally, the success of innovation in Mojokerto Regency is dependent on the support and commitment of local political leaders and apparatus resources

    Collaboration Enabling Internet Resource Collection-Building Software and Technologies

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    Over the last decade the Library of the University of California, Riverside and its collaborators have developed a number of systems, service designs, and projects that utilize innovative technologies to foster better Internet finding tools in libraries and more cooperative and efficient effort in Internet link and metadata collection building. The open-source software and projects discussed represent appropriate technologies and sustainable strategies that we believe will help Internet portals, digital libraries, virtual libraries, library catalogs-with-portal-like-capabilities (IPDVLCs), and related collection-building efforts in academia to better scale and more accurately anticipate and meet the needs of scholarly and educational users.published or submitted for publicatio


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    This article will talk about solidarity formed by grous society, whe they have same goal to build a social programs and mobilizing the community to care about potential threats Tsunami disaster in Sarongan Village. This research uses research methods qualitative by using a case study approach, as well as using techniques in-depth interviews for the data collection process. Based on the results research shows that there are resources found in group a society where they consolidate each other by building relationships cooperation betweencommunity groups based on social ideology humanity. A social program carried out by the Sarongan community group formed on the basis of te factor of similarity of beliefs seen in conciousness people who care about disasters. The formation of the latter social mobilizing resources, giving rise to disaster response social programs aimed at tackling potential disaster. Social grup such as, Coral Taruna, PKK, and several Village Institutions work together for latter carry out a collective action in Tsunami disaster management as well forming a Disaster Risk Management Forum with the aim of to be a responsive forum in the process of socializing disaster for people public. This is where community’s Working Group was formed then by BNPB formed Destana where It’s membership consists of representative of village community group management Sarongan. Keywords: Disaster, Resource Mobilization, Solidarity, Tsunam


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan permasalahan ketertinggalan masyarakat perdesaan dibandingkan masyarakat perkotaan. Untuk meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat perdesaan, dibutuhkan pembinaan dan pemberdayaan untuk memiliki kecakapan vokasional sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup tanpa bergantung dari sumber lain. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan keterampilan adalah dengan membentuk desa vokasi. Khususnya bidang non pertanian karena bidang non pertanian masih sedikit ditemukan. Contoh desa vokasi non pertanian adalah bidang arsitektur. Bidang arsitekur dipilih karena lapangan pekerjaannya luas dan masih banyak terdapat di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian sesuai dengan program Kemdikbud mengenai pembentukan desa vokasi. Fokus penelitian dilakukan di Desa Sudalarang Kabupaten Garut yang sebagian besar penduduknya bermatapencaharian sebagai pekerja bangunan. Pembangunan Perdesaan dan desa vokasi menjadi solusi untuk mencapai target tersebut. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara terstruktur dan diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD). Temuan penelitian tentang karakteristik desa vokasi bidang arsitektur menurut Kemidikbud adalah desa dapat diberdayakan; memiliki potensi sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia dan pasar jasa; mempunyai keterampilan yang relevan dan adanya tingkat permintaan desa. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa Desa Sudalarang memiliki potensi untuk menjadi desa vokasi karena sumber daya manusia yang secara mandiri mengelola dan melakukan pembangunan desa, serta membentuk komunitas pekerja bangunan.;---This study is based on backwardness of rural community compare to urban community. To improve job skills of rural community, founding and empowerment are needed so they could have vocational skills to fulfill their daily needs without depending on other sources. One of solution to increase the skills of rural community is develop a vocational village. Especially in sector non agriculture because it is rarely found in Indonesia. Architecture has been chosen because field of construction workers are still a lot. Purpose of this study in accordance to Ministry of Education and Culture about the establishment of vocational village. Focus of the study at Desa Sudalarang in Kabupaten Garut because majority of their jobs are building workers. Vocational village is a solution for it. Research method is descriptive qualitative with interview and focus group discussion as the data collection techniques. Research findings about the characteristic of rural vocational fields of architecture is the rural can be empowered; have natural resource, human resource and service markets; have relevant skills and request from the rural community. It founded that Desa Sudalarang has the potential to become a vocational village because of human resources that independently manage and do rural development and had established a community for building workers

    Community Development Evaluation Storymap and Legend

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    Community based organizations, funders, and intermediary organizations working in the community development field have a shared interest in building stronger organizations and stronger communities. Through evaluation these organizations can learn how their programs and activities contribute to the achievement of these goals, and how to improve their effectiveness and the well-being of their communities. Yet, evaluation is rarely seen as part of a non-judgemental organizational learning process. Instead, the term "evaluation" has often generated anxiety and confusion. The Community Development Storymap project is a response to those concerns.Illustrations found in this document were produced by Grove Consultants

    Report of the FAO/CRFM/MALMR Regional Workshop on the Collection of Demographic Information on Coastal Fishing Communities and its Use in Community-Based Fisheries and Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Caribbean

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    One part of the two-part Science-to-Action Guidebook. The other part was intended for scientists, and this part is for decision-makers. Recognizing the importance of informed decisions and the differences between the scientific and decision-making processes, this guidebook provides practical tips on how to best bring these worlds together. In doing so, this guidebook emphasizes the roles of facilitating, synthesizing, translating, and communicating science to inform conservation action. It is geared toward the perspective of decision-makers working in tropical developing nations and focusing on marine resource management issues. However, the concepts are applicable to a broad range of scientists and decision-makers worldwide

    Collaborative Governance Process in Supporting Smart Living in Pekanbaru City

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    This research is motivated by the background of waste management in the city of Pekanbaru, where waste handling has not been optimally carried out. The waste problem can have an impact on social, economic, health and environmental aspects and even cause the greenhouse effect which is the cause of climate change. This condition is exacerbated by the government's inability to provide environmental management facilities, low awareness and participation of the community, involvement of the private sector, human resource issues, budget and compliance with regulations. Overcoming this, the Collaborative Governance process is carried out in creating a clean environment, this is a form of one of the pillars of the smart city of Pekanbaru City, namely smart living. The purpose of this research is to find out the process of collaborative governance in supporting smart living in the city of Pekanbaru. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in this study based on the results of interviews, observations, and documentation. While the data analysis technique consists of several stages, namely data transcription, categorization, verification, as well as interpretation and description. This research was conducted at the Pekanbaru City Environment and Sanitation Service and PT. PJB Ubjom Tenayanraya, Pekanbaru. The results of this study indicate that the collaborative governance process carried out is quite well implemented in an effort to handle waste management in Pekanbaru City based on the collaboration process cycle according to Ansel and Gash called face to face dialogue, building trust, building commitment, sharing understanding, and intermediate outcomes
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