11 research outputs found

    Heuristics for Routing and Spiral Run-time Task Mapping in NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSOCs

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    This paper describes a new Spiral Dynamic Task Mapping heuristic for mapping applications onto NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoC. The heuristic proposed in this paper attempts to map the tasks of an applications that are most related to each other in spiral manner and to find the best possible path load that minimizes the communication overhead. In this context, we have realized a simulation environment for experimental evaluations to map applications with varying number of tasks onto an 8x8 NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoCs platform, we demonstrate that the new mapping heuristics with the new modified dijkstra routing algorithm proposed are capable of reducing the total execution time and energy consumption of applications when compared to state-of the-art run-time mapping heuristics reported in the literature

    Mapeo estático y dinámico de tareas en sistemas multiprocesador, basados en redes en circuito integrado

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    RESUMEN: Las redes en circuito integrado (NoC) representan un importante paradigma de uso creciente para los sistemas multiprocesador en circuito integrado (MPSoC), debido a su flexibilidad y escalabilidad. Las estrategias de tolerancia a fallos han venido adquiriendo importancia, a medida que los procesos de manufactura incursionan en dimensiones por debajo del micrómetro y la complejidad de los diseños aumenta. Este artículo describe un algoritmo de aprendizaje incremental basado en población (PBIL), orientado a optimizar el proceso de mapeo en tiempo de diseño, así como a encontrar soluciones de mapeo óptimas en tiempo de ejecución, para hacer frente a fallos de único nodo en la red. En ambos casos, los objetivos de optimización corresponden al tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones y al ancho de banda pico que aparece en la red. Las simulaciones se basaron en un algoritmo de ruteo XY determinístico, operando sobre una topología de malla 2D para la NoC. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores. El algoritmo propuesto exhibe un desempeño superior a otras técnicas reportadas cuando el tamaño del problema aumenta.ABSTARCT: Due to its scalability and flexibility, Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a growing and promising communication paradigm for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) design. As the manufacturing process scales down to the deep submicron domain and the complexity of the system increases, fault-tolerant design strategies are gaining increased relevance. This paper exhibits the use of a Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) algorithm aimed at finding the best mapping solutions at design time, as well as to finding the optimal remapping solution, in presence of single-node failures on the NoC. The optimization objectives in both cases are the application completion time and the network's peak bandwidth. A deterministic XY routing algorithm was used in order to simulate the traffic conditions in the network which has a 2D mesh topology. Obtained results are promising. The proposed algorithm exhibits a better performance, when compared with other reported approaches, as the problem size increases

    Heuristics for Routing and Spiral Run-time Task Mapping in NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSOCs

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    Abstract This paper describes a new Spiral Dynamic Task Mapping heuristic for mapping applications onto NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoC. The heuristic proposed in this paper attempts to map the tasks of an applications that are most related to each other in spiral manner and to find the best possible path load that minimizes the communication overhead. In this context, we have realized a simulation environment for experimental evaluations to map applications with varying number of tasks onto an 8x8 NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoCs platform, we demonstrate that the new mapping heuristics with the new modified dijkstra routing algorithm proposed are capable of reducing the total execution time and energy consumption of applications when compared to state-of the-art run-time mapping heuristics reported in the literature

    Communication-aware heuristics for run-time task mapping on NoC-based MPSoC platforms

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    10.1016/j.sysarc.2010.04.007Journal of Systems Architecture567242-255JSAR


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    Modern high performance computing applications such as personal computing, gaming, numerical simulations require application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that comprises of many cores. Performance for these applications depends mainly on latency of interconnects which transfer data between cores that implement applications by distributing tasks. Time-to-market is a critical consideration while designing ASICs for these applications. Therefore, to reduce design cycle time, predicting system performance accurately at an early stage of design is essential. With process technology in nanometer era, physical phenomena such as crosstalk, reflection on the propagating signal have a direct impact on performance. Incorporating these effects provides a better performance estimate at an early stage. This work presents a methodology for better performance prediction at an early stage of design, achieved by mapping system specification to a circuit-level netlist description. At system-level, to simplify description and for efficient simulation, SystemVerilog descriptions are employed. For modeling system performance at this abstraction, queueing theory based bounded queue models are applied. At the circuit level, behavioral Input/Output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) models can be used for analyzing effects of these physical phenomena on on-chip signal integrity and hence performance. For behavioral circuit-level performance simulation with IBIS models, a netlist must be described consisting of interacting cores and a communication link. Two new netlists, IBIS-ISS and IBIS-AMI-ISS are introduced for this purpose. The cores are represented by a macromodel automatically generated by a developed tool from IBIS models. The generated IBIS models are employed in the new netlists. Early performance prediction methodology maps a system specification to an instance of these netlists to provide a better performance estimate at an early stage of design. The methodology is scalable in nanometer process technology and can be reused in different designs

    On Dynamic Monitoring Methods for Networks-on-Chip

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    Rapid ongoing evolution of multiprocessors will lead to systems with hundreds of processing cores integrated in a single chip. An emerging challenge is the implementation of reliable and efficient interconnection between these cores as well as other components in the systems. Network-on-Chip is an interconnection approach which is intended to solve the performance bottleneck caused by traditional, poorly scalable communication structures such as buses. However, a large on-chip network involves issues related to congestion problems and system control, for instance. Additionally, faults can cause problems in multiprocessor systems. These faults can be transient faults, permanent manufacturing faults, or they can appear due to aging. To solve the emerging traffic management, controllability issues and to maintain system operation regardless of faults a monitoring system is needed. The monitoring system should be dynamically applicable to various purposes and it should fully cover the system under observation. In a large multiprocessor the distances between components can be relatively long. Therefore, the system should be designed so that the amount of energy-inefficient long-distance communication is minimized. This thesis presents a dynamically clustered distributed monitoring structure. The monitoring is distributed so that no centralized control is required for basic tasks such as traffic management and task mapping. To enable extensive analysis of different Network-on-Chip architectures, an in-house SystemC based simulation environment was implemented. It allows transaction level analysis without time consuming circuit level implementations during early design phases of novel architectures and features. The presented analysis shows that the dynamically clustered monitoring structure can be efficiently utilized for traffic management in faulty and congested Network-on-Chip-based multiprocessor systems. The monitoring structure can be also successfully applied for task mapping purposes. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the presented in-house simulation environment is flexible and practical tool for extensive Network-on-Chip architecture analysis.Siirretty Doriast

    Improving Model-Based Software Synthesis: A Focus on Mathematical Structures

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    Computer hardware keeps increasing in complexity. Software design needs to keep up with this. The right models and abstractions empower developers to leverage the novelties of modern hardware. This thesis deals primarily with Models of Computation, as a basis for software design, in a family of methods called software synthesis. We focus on Kahn Process Networks and dataflow applications as abstractions, both for programming and for deriving an efficient execution on heterogeneous multicores. The latter we accomplish by exploring the design space of possible mappings of computation and data to hardware resources. Mapping algorithms are not at the center of this thesis, however. Instead, we examine the mathematical structure of the mapping space, leveraging its inherent symmetries or geometric properties to improve mapping methods in general. This thesis thoroughly explores the process of model-based design, aiming to go beyond the more established software synthesis on dataflow applications. We starting with the problem of assessing these methods through benchmarking, and go on to formally examine the general goals of benchmarks. In this context, we also consider the role modern machine learning methods play in benchmarking. We explore different established semantics, stretching the limits of Kahn Process Networks. We also discuss novel models, like Reactors, which are designed to be a deterministic, adaptive model with time as a first-class citizen. By investigating abstractions and transformations in the Ohua language for implicit dataflow programming, we also focus on programmability. The focus of the thesis is in the models and methods, but we evaluate them in diverse use-cases, generally centered around Cyber-Physical Systems. These include the 5G telecommunication standard, automotive and signal processing domains. We even go beyond embedded systems and discuss use-cases in GPU programming and microservice-based architectures

    A Probabilistic Approach for the System-Level Design of Multi-ASIP Platforms

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