1,175 research outputs found

    Common Spatial Pattern revisited by Riemannian Geometry

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    International audienceThis paper presents a link between the well known Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) algorithm and Riemannian geometry in the context of Brain Computer Interface (BCI). It will be shown that CSP spatial filtering and Log variance features extraction can be resumed as a computation of a Riemann distance in the space of covariances matrices. This fact yields to highlight several approximations with respect to the space topology. According to these conclusions, we propose an improvement of classical CSP method

    Extrinsic Methods for Coding and Dictionary Learning on Grassmann Manifolds

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    Sparsity-based representations have recently led to notable results in various visual recognition tasks. In a separate line of research, Riemannian manifolds have been shown useful for dealing with features and models that do not lie in Euclidean spaces. With the aim of building a bridge between the two realms, we address the problem of sparse coding and dictionary learning over the space of linear subspaces, which form Riemannian structures known as Grassmann manifolds. To this end, we propose to embed Grassmann manifolds into the space of symmetric matrices by an isometric mapping. This in turn enables us to extend two sparse coding schemes to Grassmann manifolds. Furthermore, we propose closed-form solutions for learning a Grassmann dictionary, atom by atom. Lastly, to handle non-linearity in data, we extend the proposed Grassmann sparse coding and dictionary learning algorithms through embedding into Hilbert spaces. Experiments on several classification tasks (gender recognition, gesture classification, scene analysis, face recognition, action recognition and dynamic texture classification) show that the proposed approaches achieve considerable improvements in discrimination accuracy, in comparison to state-of-the-art methods such as kernelized Affine Hull Method and graph-embedding Grassmann discriminant analysis.Comment: Appearing in International Journal of Computer Visio

    A Brain-Switch using Riemannian Geometry

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the issue of asynchronous brain-switch. The detection of a specific brain pattern from the ongoing EEG activity is achieved by using the Riemannian geometry, which offers an interesting framework for EEG mental task classification, and is based on the fact that spatial covariance matrices obtained on short-time EEG segments contain all the desired information. Such a brain-switch is valuable as it is easy to set up and robust to artefacts. The performances are evaluated offline using EEG recordings collected on 6 subjects in our laboratory. The results show a good precision (Positive Predictive Value) of 92% with a sensitivity (True Positive Rate) of 91%

    Classification of covariance matrices using a Riemannian-based kernel for BCI applications

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    International audienceThe use of spatial covariance matrix as a feature is investigated for motor imagery EEG-based classification in Brain-Computer Interface applications. A new kernel is derived by establishing a connection with the Riemannian geometry of symmetric positive definite matrices. Different kernels are tested, in combination with support vector machines, on a past BCI competition dataset. We demonstrate that this new approach outperforms significantly state of the art results, effectively replacing the traditional spatial filtering approach

    Recent advances in directional statistics

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    Mainstream statistical methodology is generally applicable to data observed in Euclidean space. There are, however, numerous contexts of considerable scientific interest in which the natural supports for the data under consideration are Riemannian manifolds like the unit circle, torus, sphere and their extensions. Typically, such data can be represented using one or more directions, and directional statistics is the branch of statistics that deals with their analysis. In this paper we provide a review of the many recent developments in the field since the publication of Mardia and Jupp (1999), still the most comprehensive text on directional statistics. Many of those developments have been stimulated by interesting applications in fields as diverse as astronomy, medicine, genetics, neurology, aeronautics, acoustics, image analysis, text mining, environmetrics, and machine learning. We begin by considering developments for the exploratory analysis of directional data before progressing to distributional models, general approaches to inference, hypothesis testing, regression, nonparametric curve estimation, methods for dimension reduction, classification and clustering, and the modelling of time series, spatial and spatio-temporal data. An overview of currently available software for analysing directional data is also provided, and potential future developments discussed.Comment: 61 page

    Multiclass Brain-Computer Interface Classification by Riemannian Geometry

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new classification framework for brain-computer interface (BCI) based on motor imagery. This framework involves the concept of Riemannian geometry in the manifold of covariance matrices. The main idea is to use spatial covariance matrices as EEG signal descriptors and to rely on Riemannian geometry to directly classify these matrices using the topology of the manifold of symmetric and positive definite (SPD) matrices. This framework allows to extract the spatial information contained in EEG signals without using spatial filtering. Two methods are proposed and compared with a reference method [multiclass Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)] on the multiclass dataset IIa from the BCI Competition IV. The first method, named minimum distance to Riemannian mean (MDRM), is an implementation of the minimum distance to mean (MDM) classification algorithm using Riemannian distance and Riemannian mean. This simple method shows comparable results with the reference method. The second method, named tangent space LDA (TSLDA), maps the covariance matrices onto the Riemannian tangent space where matrices can be vectorized and treated as Euclidean objects. Then, a variable selection procedure is applied in order to decrease dimensionality and a classification by LDA is performed. This latter method outperforms the reference method increasing the mean classification accuracy from 65.1% to 70.2%

    Motor Imagery Classification Based on Bilinear Sub-Manifold Learning of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices

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    In motor imagery brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), the symmetric positive-definite (SPD) covariance matrices of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals carry important discriminative information. In this paper, we intend to classify motor imagery EEG signals by exploiting the fact that the space of SPD matrices endowed with Riemannian distance is a high-dimensional Riemannian manifold. To alleviate the overfitting and heavy computation problems associated with conventional classification methods on high-dimensional manifold, we propose a framework for intrinsic sub-manifold learning from a high-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Considering a special case of SPD space, a simple yet efficient bilinear sub-manifold learning (BSML) algorithm is derived to learn the intrinsic sub-manifold by identifying a bilinear mapping that maximizes the preservation of the local geometry and global structure of the original manifold. Two BSML-based classification algorithms are further proposed to classify the data on a learned intrinsic sub-manifold. Experimental evaluation of the classification of EEG revealed that the BSML method extracts the intrinsic sub-manifold approximately 5× faster and with higher classification accuracy compared with competing algorithms. The BSML also exhibited strong robustness against a small training dataset, which often occurs in BCI studies

    Channel Selection Procedure using Riemannian distance for BCI applications

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    International audienceThis article describes a new algorithm to select a subset of electrodes in BCI experiments. It is illustrated on a two-class motor imagery paradigm. The proposed approach is based on the Riemannian distance between spatial covariance matrices which allows to indirectly assess the discriminability between classes. Sensor selection is automatically done using a backward elimination principle. The method is tested on the dataset IVa from BCI competition III. The identified subsets are both consistent with neurophysiological principles and effective, achieving optimal performances with a reduced number of channels