181 research outputs found

    Technology and Australia's Future: New technologies and their role in Australia's security, cultural, democratic, social and economic systems

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    Chapter 1. Introducing technology -- Chapter 2. The shaping of technology -- Chapter 3. Prediction of future technologies -- Chapter 4. The impacts of technology -- Chapter 5. Meanings, attitudes and behaviour -- Chapter 6. Evaluation -- Chapter 7. Intervention -- Conclusion - adapt or wither.This report was commisioned by Australian Council of Learned Academies

    Strategic Latency Unleashed: The Role of Technology in a Revisionist Global Order and the Implications for Special Operations Forces

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    The article of record may be found at https://cgsr.llnl.govThis work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in part under Contract W-7405-Eng-48 and in part under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. The views and opinions of the author expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. ISBN-978-1-952565-07-6 LCCN-2021901137 LLNL-BOOK-818513 TID-59693This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in part under Contract W-7405-Eng-48 and in part under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. The views and opinions of the author expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. ISBN-978-1-952565-07-6 LCCN-2021901137 LLNL-BOOK-818513 TID-5969

    Green architecture and sustainability apllied on buildings evaluation systems for"blank" smart cities and "converted" smart cities

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Tecnologias e Gestão da Construção apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutora.O desenvolvimento sucessivo de Cidades Inteligentes pelo mundo, tem criado uma atitude negativa e prejudicial que resulta na dificuldade de atração de habitantes para estes espaços. As novas tecnologias não são suficientemente impulsionadoras para garantir uma taxa de adoção sustentável dentro destas novas cidades. O conceito de Cidades Inteligentes Climáticas visam resolver esta questão tendo em conta aspectos relacionados na base da habitabilidade e da sustentabilidade. Enquanto o papel da arquitetura nas Cidades Inteligentes Climáticas é ainda mais importante do que Cidades Inteligentes, os princípios que se encontram subjacentes na sua concepção e, em última instância, no seu sucesso, não foram ainda sistematicamente estudados e avaliadas. Este trabalho sistematiza e valida as necessidades de Cidades Inteligentes Climáticas e propõe um conjunto de princípios para a sua planificação, concepção e manutenção. As necessidades foram validadas com os casos de estudo da cidade de ‘Songdo City’ em Incheon, na Coreia do Sul, em Ulaanbaatar na Mongólia e em Minsk na Bielorrúsia. Com a definição dos princípios orientadores subjacentes à concepção de Cidades Inteligentes Climáticas, o quadro proposto permitirá que arquitetos, engenheiros, governos, e organizações internacionais afiram soluções a serem implementadas mundialmente. Estes princípios podem ser facilmente implementados em intervenções em cidades europeias, nas cidades emergentes e, em países subdesenvolvidos que estão sujeitos a um mau planeamento estratégico.ABSTRACT: Successive deployments of Smart Cities around the world are hindered by the difficulty in attracting a critical mass of inhabitants. New technology is not enough as a driver to guarantee a sustained adoption rate within the new cities. The concept of Climate Smart City aims at solving this issue by putting aspects related to liveability and sustainability at the centre. While the role of architecture in Climate Smart Cities is even more important than in Smart Cities, the principles that underlie their design and, ultimately, their success, have never been systematically studied and assessed. This research work systematises and validates the needs of Climate Smart Cities and then proposes a framework of principles for their planning, design and maintenance. The needs are validated with field studies of Songdo City in Incheon, South Korea, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and Minsk, Belarus. By defining the guiding principles underlying the design of Climate Smart Cities, the proposed framework will also enable architects, engineers, decision-makers and, international organisations to benchmark the solutions to be implemented. These principles can be readily implemented in interventions planned for European cities, emerging cities and, underdeveloped cities subject to poorly strategic planning.N/

    Data ethics : building trust : how digital technologies can serve humanity

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    Data is the magic word of the 21st century. As oil in the 20th century and electricity in the 19th century: For citizens, data means support in daily life in almost all activities, from watch to laptop, from kitchen to car, from mobile phone to politics. For business and politics, data means power, dominance, winning the race. Data can be used for good and bad, for services and hacking, for medicine and arms race. How can we build trust in this complex and ambiguous data world? How can digital technologies serve humanity? The 45 articles in this book represent a broad range of ethical reflections and recommendations in eight sections: a) Values, Trust and Law, b) AI, Robots and Humans, c) Health and Neuroscience, d) Religions for Digital Justice, e) Farming, Business, Finance, f) Security, War, Peace, g) Data Governance, Geopolitics, h) Media, Education, Communication. The authors and institutions come from all continents. The book serves as reading material for teachers, students, policy makers, politicians, business, hospitals, NGOs and religious organisations alike. It is an invitation for dialogue, debate and building trust! The book is a continuation of the volume “Cyber Ethics 4.0” published in 2018 by the same editors

    Detecting human comprehension from nonverbal behaviour using artificial neural networks

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    Every day, communication between humans is abundant with an array of nonverbal behaviours. Nonverbal behaviours are signals emitted without using words such as facial expressions, eye gaze and body movement. Nonverbal behaviours have been used to identify a person’s emotional state in previous research. With nonverbal behaviour being continuously available and almost unconscious, it provides a potentially rich source of knowledge once decoded. Humans are weak decoders of nonverbal behaviour due to being error prone, susceptible to fatigue and poor at simultaneously monitoring numerous nonverbal behaviours. Human comprehension is primarily assessed from written and spoken language. Existing comprehension assessments tools are inhibited by inconsistencies and are often time-consuming with feedback delay. Therefore, there is a niche for attempting to detect human comprehension from nonverbal behaviour using artificially intelligent computational models such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), which are inspired by the structure and behaviour of biological neural networks such as those found within the human brain. This Thesis presents a novel adaptable system known as FATHOM, which has been developed to detect human comprehension and non-comprehension from monitoring multiple nonverbal behaviours using ANNs. FATHOM’s Comprehension Classifier ANN was trained and validated on human comprehension detection using the errorbackpropagation learning algorithm and cross-validation in a series of experiments with nonverbal datasets extracted from two independent comprehension studies where each participant was digitally video recorded: (1) during a mock informed consent field study and (2) in a learning environment. The Comprehension Classifier ANN repeatedly achieved averaged testing classification accuracies (CA) above 84% in the first phase of the mock informed consent field study. In the learning environment study, the optimised Comprehension Classifier ANN achieved a 91.385% averaged testing CA. Overall, the findings revealed that human comprehension and noncomprehension patterns can be automatically detected from multiple nonverbal behaviours using ANNs

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    You are the controller: the ubiquitous interface and interactive digital media art installations

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    This is the Proceedings Book of the 2nd Interface Politics International Conference (After Post-Truth) organised at BAU College of Design in Barcelona which includes most of papers and keynotes held during the conference that took place in BAU, HANGAR and MACBA on 29, 29 and 30 of November 2018. The conference was organized by GREDITS (Research Group in Design and Social Transformation) with the contribution of HANGAR, MACBA and Artnodes Journal which published a special issue on the Conference. // Interface Politics is an International Conference originally created by GREDITS / BAU in 2016 with the aim of analyzing and discussing the role of interfaces as a communicational and linguistic mechanism, and as a device with political, commercial and labor agency. An interface can be defined as a communication system that serves to translate physical realities into technical languages and viceversa, or to make compatible different technical languages. // The second Conference was devoted to explore the relationships between interfaces and the Post-Truth regime

    AI for Everyone?

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    We are entering a new era of technological determinism and solutionism in which governments and business actors are seeking data-driven change, assuming that Artificial Intelligence is now inevitable and ubiquitous. But we have not even started asking the right questions, let alone developed an understanding of the consequences. Urgently needed is debate that asks and answers fundamental questions about power. This book brings together critical interrogations of what constitutes AI, its impact and its inequalities in order to offer an analysis of what it means for AI to deliver benefits for everyone. The book is structured in three parts: Part 1, AI: Humans vs. Machines, presents critical perspectives on human-machine dualism. Part 2, Discourses and Myths About AI, excavates metaphors and policies to ask normative questions about what is ‘desirable’ AI and what conditions make this possible. Part 3, AI Power and Inequalities, discusses how the implementation of AI creates important challenges that urgently need to be addressed. Bringing together scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and regional contexts, this book offers a vital intervention on one of the most hyped concepts of our times

    Towards data justice unionism? A labour perspective on AI governance

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    We are entering a new era of technological determinism and solutionism in which governments and business actors are seeking data-driven change, assuming that Artificial Intelligence is now inevitable and ubiquitous. But we have not even started asking the right questions, let alone developed an understanding of the consequences. Urgently needed is debate that asks and answers fundamental questions about power. This book brings together critical interrogations of what constitutes AI, its impact and its inequalities in order to offer an analysis of what it means for AI to deliver benefits for everyone. The book is structured in three parts: Part 1, AI: Humans vs. Machines, presents critical perspectives on human-machine dualism. Part 2, Discourses and Myths About AI, excavates metaphors and policies to ask normative questions about what is ‘desirable’ AI and what conditions make this possible. Part 3, AI Power and Inequalities, discusses how the implementation of AI creates important challenges that urgently need to be addressed. Bringing together scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and regional contexts, this book offers a vital intervention on one of the most hyped concepts of our times