196 research outputs found

    Performance and Reliability Evaluation for DSRC Vehicular Safety Communication

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    <p>Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) is a vital part of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), which has been extensively researched in recent years. Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) is being seriously considered by automotive industry and government agencies as a promising wireless technology for enhancing transportation safety and efficiency of road utilization. In the DSRC based vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), the transportation safety is one of the most crucial features that needs to be addressed. Safety applications usually demand direct vehicle-to-vehicle ad hoc communication due to a highly dynamic network topology and strict delay requirements. Such direct safety communication will involve a broadcast service because safety information can be beneficial to all vehicles around a sender. Broadcasting safety messages is one of the fundamental services in DSRC. In order to provide satisfactory quality of services (QoS) for various safety applications, safety messages need to be delivered both timely and reliably. To support the stringent delay and reliability requirements of broadcasting safety messages, researchers have been seeking to test proposed DSRC protocols and suggesting improvements. A major hurdle in the development of VANET for safety-critical services is the lack of methods that enable one to determine the effectiveness of VANET design mechanism for predictable QoS and allow one to evaluate the tradeoff between network parameters. Computer simulations are extensively used for this purpose. A few analytic models and experiments have been developed to study the performance and reliability of IEEE 802.11p for safety-related applications. In this thesis, we propose to develop detailed analytic models to capture various safety message dissemination features such as channel contention, backoff behavior, concurrent transmissions, hidden terminal problems, channel fading with path loss, multi-channel operations, multi-hop dissemination in 1-Dimentional or 2-Dimentional traffic scenarios. MAC-level and application-level performance metrics are derived to evaluate the performance and reliability of message broadcasting, which provide insights on network parameter settings. Extensive simulations in either Matlab or NS2 are conducted to validate the accuracy of our proposed models.</p>Dissertatio

    Analysis of hidden terminals effect on the performance of vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) based on the IEEE 802.11p standard are receiving increasing attention for road safety provisioning. Hidden terminals, however, demonstrate a serious challenge in the performance of VANETs. In this paper, we investigate the effect of hidden terminals on the performance of one hop broadcast communication. The paper formulates an analytical model to analyze the effect of hidden terminals on the performance metrics such as packet reception probability (PRP), packet reception delay (PRD), and packet reception interval (PRI) for the 2-dimensional (2-D) VANET. To verify the accuracy of the proposed model, the analytical model-based results are compared with NS3 simulation results using 2-D highway scenarios. We also compare the analytical results with those from real vehicular network implemented using the commercial vehicle-to-everything (V2X) devices. The analytical results show high correlation with the results of both simulation and real network.This work was supported in part by IITP Grant through the Korean Government, under the development of wide area driving environment awareness and cooperative driving technology which are based on V2X wireless communication under grant R7117-19- 0164 and in part by the Center for Integrated Smart Sensors funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning as Global Frontier Project, South Korea (CISS-2019)

    Interference in vehicle-to-vehicle communication networks - analysis, modeling, simulation and assessment

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    In wireless vehicular communication networks the periodic transmission of status updates by all vehicles represents a basic service primitive, in particular for safety related applications. Due to the limited communication resources the question raises how much data each node may provide such that the quality of service required by applications can still be guaranteed under realistic interference conditions. Local broadcasts capacity is introduced and analyzed to tackle this open question


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    Saving human lives on road has become the prime objective of Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET). In order to achieve safety, vehicles maintain neighborhood awareness with the help of safety messages. Providing an efficient safety messaging mechanism is a challenging task in V ANET, due to particular characteristics of VANET, i.e. high mobility, limited channel bandwidth, very short communication duration, and highly dynamic topology. In most of the safety messaging schemes proposed so far, Periodic Safety Beacons (PSBs) are generally considered dispensable in comparison with event-driven messages. However in reality, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) PSBs are used to collect critical information required by all the safety messaging schemes and cannot be dispensed. Thus, ensuring optimum QoS for V2V single-hop PSBs is essential for achieving acceptable level of safety. However, thorough performance evaluation ofV2V single-hop PSBs is yet to be carried out. This research comprehensively investigates V2V single-hop periodic safety beaconing in the light of tunable parameters i.e. Beacon Generation Interval (BGI), Safety Beacon Size (SBS), and Communication Range (CR) that govern their behavior. Results from exhaustive simulations show that adjusting tunable parameters solely or combined does not fully satisfY the strict QoS criterion required for safety applications. Overall, an acceptable level of end-to-end delay can be achieved by dynamically adjusting tunable parameters with BGI > 1 OOms, but lower BGI is not suitable with larger SBS. In dense traffic conditions strict PDR criterion of 99% is never achieved beyond lOOm target CR. An exclusive comparison between tunable parameters shows that solely adjusting BGI can attain relatively higher PDR than other tunable parameters while SBS remains the least effective parameter. It is also validated that dynamic adjustment of CR and BGI is necessary for optimal output in terms of PDR. Furthermore, optimal combinations of tunable parameters for different highway service levels with respect to safety application requirements are also presented

    Quality of service aware data dissemination in vehicular Ad Hoc networks

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    Des systĂšmes de transport intelligents (STI) seront Ă©ventuellement fournis dans un proche avenir pour la sĂ©curitĂ© et le confort des personnes lors de leurs dĂ©placements sur les routes. Les rĂ©seaux ad-hoc vĂ©hiculaires (VANETs) reprĂ©sentent l'Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© des STI. Les VANETs sont formĂ©s par des vĂ©hicules qui communiquent entre eux et avec l'infrastructure. En effet, les vĂ©hicules pourront Ă©changer des messages qui comprennent, par exemple, des informations sur la circulation routiĂšre, les situations d'urgence et les divertissements. En particulier, les messages d'urgence sont diffusĂ©s par des vĂ©hicules en cas d'urgence (p.ex. un accident de voiture); afin de permettre aux conducteurs de rĂ©agir Ă  temps (p.ex., ralentir), les messages d'urgence doivent ĂȘtre diffusĂ©s de maniĂšre fiable dans un dĂ©lai trĂšs court. Dans les VANETs, il existe plusieurs facteurs, tels que le canal Ă  pertes, les terminaux cachĂ©s, les interfĂ©rences et la bande passante limitĂ©e, qui compliquent Ă©normĂ©ment la satisfaction des exigences de fiabilitĂ© et de dĂ©lai des messages d'urgence. Dans cette thĂšse, en guise de premiĂšre contribution, nous proposons un schĂ©ma de diffusion efficace Ă  plusieurs sauts, appelĂ© Dynamic Partitioning Scheme (DPS), pour diffuser les messages d'urgence. DPS calcule les tailles de partitions dynamiques et le calendrier de transmission pour chaque partition; Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de la zone arriĂšre de l'expĂ©diteur, les partitions sont calculĂ©es de sorte qu'en moyenne chaque partition contient au moins un seul vĂ©hicule; l'objectif est de s'assurer que seul un vĂ©hicule dans la partition la plus Ă©loignĂ©e (de l'expĂ©diteur) est utilisĂ© pour diffuser le message, jusqu'au saut suivant; ceci donne lieu Ă  un dĂ©lai d'un saut plus court. DPS assure une diffusion rapide des messages d'urgence. En outre, un nouveau mĂ©canisme d'Ă©tablissement de liaison, qui utilise des tonalitĂ©s occupĂ©es, est proposĂ© pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme du problĂšme de terminal cachĂ©. Dans les VANETs, la Multidiffusion, c'est-Ă -dire la transmission d'un message d'une source Ă  un nombre limitĂ© de vĂ©hicules connus en tant que destinations, est trĂšs importante. Par rapport Ă  la diffusion unique, avec Multidiffusion, la source peut simultanĂ©ment prendre en charge plusieurs destinations, via une arborescence de multidiffusion, ce qui permet d'Ă©conomiser de la bande passante et de rĂ©duire la congestion du rĂ©seau. Cependant, puisque les VANETs ont une topologie dynamique, le maintien de la connectivitĂ© de l'arbre de multidiffusion est un problĂšme majeur. Comme deuxiĂšme contribution, nous proposons deux approches pour modĂ©liser l'utilisation totale de bande passante d'une arborescence de multidiffusion: (i) la premiĂšre approche considĂšre le nombre de segments de route impliquĂ©s dans l'arbre de multidiffusion et (ii) la seconde approche considĂšre le nombre d'intersections relais dans l'arbre de multidiffusion. Une heuristique est proposĂ©e pour chaque approche. Pour assurer la qualitĂ© de service de l'arbre de multidiffusion, des procĂ©dures efficaces sont proposĂ©es pour le suivi des destinations et la surveillance de la qualitĂ© de service des segments de route. Comme troisiĂšme contribution, nous Ă©tudions le problĂšme de la congestion causĂ©e par le routage du trafic de donnĂ©es dans les VANETs. Nous proposons (1) une approche de routage basĂ©e sur l’infonuagique qui, contrairement aux approches existantes, prend en compte les chemins de routage existants qui relaient dĂ©jĂ  les donnĂ©es dans les VANETs. Les nouvelles demandes de routage sont traitĂ©es de sorte qu'aucun segment de route ne soit surchargĂ© par plusieurs chemins de routage croisĂ©s. Au lieu d'acheminer les donnĂ©es en utilisant des chemins de routage sur un nombre limitĂ© de segments de route, notre approche Ă©quilibre la charge des donnĂ©es en utilisant des chemins de routage sur l'ensemble des tronçons routiers urbains, dans le but d'empĂȘcher, dans la mesure du possible, les congestions locales dans les VANETs; et (2) une approche basĂ©e sur le rĂ©seau dĂ©fini par logiciel (SDN) pour surveiller la connectivitĂ© VANET en temps rĂ©el et les dĂ©lais de transmission sur chaque segment de route. Les donnĂ©es de surveillance sont utilisĂ©es en entrĂ©e de l'approche de routage.Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be eventually provided in the near future for both safety and comfort of people during their travel on the roads. Vehicular ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), represent the key component of ITS. VANETs consist of vehicles that communicate with each other and with the infrastructure. Indeed, vehicles will be able to exchange messages that include, for example, information about road traffic, emergency situations, and entertainment. Particularly, emergency messages are broadcasted by vehicles in case of an emergency (e.g., car accident); in order to allow drivers to react in time (e.g., slow down), emergency messages must be reliably disseminated with very short delay. In VANETs, there are several factors, such as lossy channel, hidden terminals, interferences and scarce bandwidth, which make satisfying reliability and delay requirements of emergency messages very challenging. In this thesis, as the first contribution, we propose a reliable time-efficient and multi-hop broadcasting scheme, called Dynamic Partitioning Scheme (DPS), to disseminate emergency messages. DPS computes dynamic partition sizes and the transmission schedule for each partition; inside the back area of the sender, the partitions are computed such that in average each partition contains at least a single vehicle; the objective is to ensure that only a vehicle in the farthest partition (from the sender) is used to disseminate the message, to next hop, resulting in shorter one hop delay. DPS ensures fast dissemination of emergency messages. Moreover, a new handshaking mechanism, that uses busy tones, is proposed to solve the problem of hidden terminal problem. In VANETs, Multicasting, i.e. delivering a message from a source to a limited known number of vehicles as destinations, is very important. Compared to Unicasting, with Multicasting, the source can simultaneously support multiple destinations, via a multicast tree, saving bandwidth and reducing overall communication congestion. However, since VANETs have a dynamic topology, maintaining the connectivity of the multicast tree is a major issue. As the second contribution, we propose two approaches to model total bandwidth usage of a multicast tree: (i) the first approach considers the number of road segments involved in the multicast tree and (ii) the second approach considers the number of relaying intersections involved in the multicast tree. A heuristic is proposed for each approach. To ensure QoS of the multicasting tree, efficient procedures are proposed for tracking destinations and monitoring QoS of road segments. As the third contribution, we study the problem of network congestion in routing data traffic in VANETs. We propose (1) a Cloud-based routing approach that, in opposition to existing approaches, takes into account existing routing paths which are already relaying data in VANETs. New routing requests are processed such that no road segment gets overloaded by multiple crossing routing paths. Instead of routing over a limited set of road segments, our approach balances the load of communication paths over the whole urban road segments, with the objective to prevent, whenever possible, local congestions in VANETs; and (2) a Software Defined Networking (SDN) based approach to monitor real-time VANETs connectivity and transmission delays on each road segment. The monitoring data is used as input to the routing approach

    Scaling Laws for Vehicular Networks

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    Equipping automobiles with wireless communications and networking capabilities is becoming the frontier in the evolution to the next generation intelligent transportation systems (ITS). By means of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications, information generated by the vehicle-borne computer, vehicle control system, on-board sensors, or roadside infrastructure, can be effectively disseminated among vehicles/infrastructure in proximity or to vehicles/infrastructure multiple hops away, known as vehicular networks (VANETs), to enhance the situational awareness of vehicles and provide motorist/passengers with an information-rich travel environment. Scaling law for throughput capacity and delay in wireless networks has been considered as one of the most fundamental issues, which characterizes the trend of throughput/delay behavior when the network size increases. The study of scaling laws can lead to a better understanding of intrinsic properties of wireless networks and theoretical guidance on network design and deployment. Moreover, the results could also be applied to predict network performance, especially for the large-scale vehicular networks. However, map-restricted mobility and spatio-temporal dynamics of vehicle density dramatically complicate scaling laws studies for VANETs. As an effort to lay a scientific foundation of vehicular networking, my thesis investigates capacity scaling laws for vehicular networks with and without infrastructure, respectively. Firstly, the thesis studies scaling law of throughput capacity and end-to-end delay for a social-proximity vehicular network, where each vehicle has a restricted mobility region around a specific social spot and services are delivered in a store-carry-and-forward paradigm. It has been shown that although the throughput and delay may degrade in a high vehicle density area, it is still possible to achieve almost constant scaling for per vehicle throughput and end-to-end delay. Secondly, in addition to pure ad hoc vehicular networks, the thesis derives the capacity scaling laws for networks with wireless infrastructure, where services are delivered uniformly from infrastructure to all vehicles in the network. The V2V communication is also required to relay the downlink traffic to the vehicles outside the coverage of infrastructure. Three kinds of infrastructures have been considered, i.e., cellular base stations, wireless mesh backbones (a network of mesh nodes, including one mesh gateway), and roadside access points. The downlink capacity scaling is derived for each kind of infrastructure. Considering that the deployment/operation costs of different infrastructure are highly variable, the capacity-cost tradeoffs of different deployments are examined. The results from the thesis demonstrate the feasibility of deploying non-cellular infrastructure for supporting high-bandwidth vehicular applications. Thirdly, the fundamental impact of traffic signals at road intersection on drive-thru Internet access is particularly studied. The thesis analyzes the time-average throughput capacity of a typical vehicle driving through randomly deployed roadside Wi-Fi networks. Interestingly, we show a significant throughput gain for vehicles stopping at intersections due to red signals. The results provide a quick and efficient way of determining the Wi-Fi deployment scale according to required quality of services. In summary, the analysis developed and the scaling laws derived in the thesis provide should be very useful for understanding the fundamental performance of vehicular networks

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: ‱ Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments‱ Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks‱ Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication‱ Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs‱ Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks‱ Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures‱ Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques‱ Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications‱ Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems‱ Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin

    Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Spatially Correlated Heterogeneous and Vehicular Networks - A Stochastic Geometry Approach

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    Heterogeneous Cellular Networks (HCNs) and vehicular communications are two key ingredients of future 5G communication networks, which aim at providing high data rates on the one former case and high reliability on the latter one. Nevertheless, in these two scenarios, interference is the main limiting factor, which makes achieving the required performance, i.e., data rate or reliability, a challenging task. Hence, in order to cope with such issue, concepts like uplink/downlink (UL/DL) decoupling, Interference-Aware (IA) strategies or cooperative communications with Cloud Radio Access Networks (CRANs) has been introduced for new releases of 4G and future 5G networks. Additionally, for the sake of increasing the data rates, new multiple access schemes like Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) has been proposed for 5G networks. All these techniques and concepts require accurate and tractable mathematical modelling for performance analysis. This analysis allows us to obtain theoretical insights about key performance indicators leading to a deep understanding about the considered techniques. Due to the random and irregular nature that exhibits HCNs, as well as vehicular networks, stochastic geometry has appeared recently as a promising tool for system-level modelling and analysis. Nevertheless, some features of HCNs and vehicular networks, like power control, scheduling or frequency planning, impose spatial correlations over the underlying point process that complicates significantly the mathematical analysis. In this thesis, it has been used stochastic geometry and point process theories to investigate the performance of these aforementioned techniques. Firstly, it is derived a mathematical framework for the analysis of an Interference-Aware Fractional Power Control (IAFPC) for interference mitigation in the UL of HCNs. The analysis reveals that IAFPC outperforms the classical FPC in terms of Spectral Efficiency (SE), average transmitted power, and mean and variance of the interference. Then, it is investigated the performance of a scheduling algorithm where the Mobile Terminals (MTs) may be turned off if they cause a level of interference greater than a given threshold. Secondly, a multi-user UL model to assess the coverage probability of different MTs in each cell is proposed. Then, the coverage probability of cellular systems under Hoyt fading (Nakagami-q) is studied. This fading model, allows us to consider more severe fading conditions than Rayleigh, which is normally the considered fading model for the sake of tractability. Thirdly, a novel NOMA-based scheme for CRANs is proposed, modelled and analyzed. In this scheme, two users are scheduled in the same resources according to NOMA; however the performance of cell-edge users is enhanced by means of coordinated beamforming. Finally, the performance of a decentralized Medium Access Control (MAC) algorithm for vehicular communications is investigated. With this strategy, the cellular network provides frequency and time synchronization for direct Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication, which is based on its geographical information. The analysis demonstrates that there exists an operation regime where the performance is noise-limited. Then, the optimal transmit power that maximizes the Energy Efficiency (EE) of the system subject to a minimum capture probability constraint is derived

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: ‱ Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments‱ Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks‱ Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication‱ Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs‱ Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks‱ Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures‱ Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques‱ Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications‱ Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems‱ Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin
