629 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of packet video schemes

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    Reflecting the two tasks proposed for the current year, namely a feasibility study of simulating the NASA network, and a study of progressive transmission schemes, are presented. The view of the NASA network, gleaned from the various technical reports made available to use, is provided. Also included is a brief overview of how the current simulator could be modified to accomplish the goal of simulating the NASA network. As the material in this section would be the basis for the actual simulation, it is important to make sure that it is an accurate reflection of the requirements on the simulator. Brief descriptions of the set of progressive transmission algorithms selected for the study are contained. The results available in the literature were obtained under a variety of different assumptions, not all of which are stated. As such, the only way to compare the efficiency and the implementational complexity of the various algorithms is to simulate them

    A fast algorithm for the computation of 2-D forward and inverse MDCT

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    International audienceA fast algorithm for computing the two-dimensional (2-D) forward and inverse modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT and IMDCT) is proposed. The algorithm converts the 2-D MDCT and IMDCT with block size M N into four 2-D discrete cosine transforms (DCTs) with block size ðM=4Þ ðN=4Þ. It is based on an algorithm recently presented by Cho et al. [An optimized algorithm for computing the modified discrete cosine transform and its inverse transform, in: Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON, vol. A, 21–24 November 2004, pp. 626–628] for the efficient calculation of onedimensional MDCT and IMDCT. Comparison of the computational complexity with the traditional row–column method shows that the proposed algorithm reduces significantly the number of arithmetic operations

    Data compression for full motion video transmission

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    Clearly transmission of visual information will be a major, if not dominant, factor in determining the requirements for, and assessing the performance of the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) communications systems. Projected image/video requirements which are currently anticipated for SEI mission scenarios are presented. Based on this information and projected link performance figures, the image/video data compression requirements which would allow link closure are identified. Finally several approaches which could satisfy some of the compression requirements are presented and possible future approaches which show promise for more substantial compression performance improvement are discussed

    Number theoretic techniques applied to algorithms and architectures for digital signal processing

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    Many of the techniques for the computation of a two-dimensional convolution of a small fixed window with a picture are reviewed. It is demonstrated that Winograd's cyclic convolution and Fourier Transform Algorithms, together with Nussbaumer's two-dimensional cyclic convolution algorithms, have a common general form. Many of these algorithms use the theoretical minimum number of general multiplications. A novel implementation of these algorithms is proposed which is based upon one-bit systolic arrays. These systolic arrays are networks of identical cells with each cell sharing a common control and timing function. Each cell is only connected to its nearest neighbours. These are all attractive features for implementation using Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). The throughput rate is only limited by the time to perform a one-bit full addition. In order to assess the usefulness to these systolic arrays a 'cost function' is developed to compare them with more conventional techniques, such as the Cooley-Tukey radix-2 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The cost function shows that these systolic arrays offer a good way of implementing the Discrete Fourier Transform for transforms up to about 30 points in length. The cost function is a general tool and allows comparisons to be made between different implementations of the same algorithm and between dissimilar algorithms. Finally a technique is developed for the derivation of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) algorithms from the Winograd Fourier Transform Algorithm. These DCT algorithms may be implemented by modified versions of the systolic arrays proposed earlier, but requiring half the number of cells

    Algebraic Signal Processing Theory: Cooley-Tukey Type Algorithms for DCTs and DSTs

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    This paper presents a systematic methodology based on the algebraic theory of signal processing to classify and derive fast algorithms for linear transforms. Instead of manipulating the entries of transform matrices, our approach derives the algorithms by stepwise decomposition of the associated signal models, or polynomial algebras. This decomposition is based on two generic methods or algebraic principles that generalize the well-known Cooley-Tukey FFT and make the algorithms' derivations concise and transparent. Application to the 16 discrete cosine and sine transforms yields a large class of fast algorithms, many of which have not been found before.Comment: 31 pages, more information at http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~smar

    Inference and Regeneration of Programs that Manipulate Relational Databases

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    We present a new technique that infers models of programs that manipulate relational databases. This technique generates test databases and input commands, runs the program, then observes the resulting outputs and updated databases to infer the model. Because the technique works only with the externally observable inputs, outputs, and databases, it can infer the behavior of programs written in arbitrary languages using arbitrary coding styles and patterns. We also present a technique for automatically regenerating an implementation of the program based on the inferred model. The regenerator can produce a translated implementation in a different language and systematically include relevant security and error checks. We present results that illustrate the use of the technique to eliminate SQL injection vulnerabilities and the translation of applications from Java and Ruby on Rails to Python

    Colour image coding with wavelets and matching pursuit

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    This thesis considers sparse approximation of still images as the basis of a lossy compression system. The Matching Pursuit (MP) algorithm is presented as a method particularly suited for application in lossy scalable image coding. Its multichannel extension, capable of exploiting inter-channel correlations, is found to be an efficient way to represent colour data in RGB colour space. Known problems with MP, high computational complexity of encoding and dictionary design, are tackled by finding an appropriate partitioning of an image. The idea of performing MP in the spatio-frequency domain after transform such as Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is explored. The main challenge, though, is to encode the image representation obtained after MP into a bit-stream. Novel approaches for encoding the atomic decomposition of a signal and colour amplitudes quantisation are proposed and evaluated. The image codec that has been built is capable of competing with scalable coders such as JPEG 2000 and SPIHT in terms of compression ratio

    The Automation of the Extraction of Evidence masked by Steganographic Techniques in WAV and MP3 Audio Files

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    Antiforensics techniques and particularly steganography and cryptography have become increasingly pressing issues that affect the current digital forensics practice, both techniques are widely researched and developed as considered in the heart of the modern digital era but remain double edged swords standing between the privacy conscious and the criminally malicious, dependent on the severity of the methods deployed. This paper advances the automation of hidden evidence extraction in the context of audio files enabling the correlation between unprocessed evidence artefacts and extreme Steganographic and Cryptographic techniques using the Least Significant Bits extraction method (LSB). The research generates an in-depth review of current digital forensic toolkit and systems and formally address their capabilities in handling steganography-related cases, we opted for experimental research methodology in the form of quantitative analysis of the efficiency of detecting and extraction of hidden artefacts in WAV and MP3 audio files by comparing standard industry software. This work establishes an environment for the practical implementation and testing of the proposed approach and the new toolkit for extracting evidence hidden by Cryptographic and Steganographic techniques during forensics investigations. The proposed multi-approach automation demonstrated a huge positive impact in terms of efficiency and accuracy and notably on large audio files (MP3 and WAV) which the forensics analysis is time-consuming and requires significant computational resources and memory. However, the proposed automation may occasionally produce false positives (detecting steganography where none exists) or false negatives (failing to detect steganography that is present) but overall achieve a balance between detecting hidden data accurately along with minimising the false alarms.Comment: Wires Forensics Sciences Under Revie

    Analysis of Speech Recognition Techniques

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    Speech recognition has been an intregral part of human life acting as one of the five senses of human body, because of which application developed on the basis of speech recognition has high degree of acceptance. Here in this project we tried to analyse the different steps involved in artificial speech recognition by man-machine interface. The various steps we followed in speech recognition are feature extraction, distance calculation, dynamic time wrapping. We have tried to find out an approach which is both simple and efficient so that it can be utilised in embedded systems. After analysing the steps above we realised the process using small programs using MATLAB which is able to do small no. of isolated word recognition