353 research outputs found

    Performance and structure of single-mode bosonic codes

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    The early Gottesman, Kitaev, and Preskill (GKP) proposal for encoding a qubit in an oscillator has recently been followed by cat- and binomial-code proposals. Numerically optimized codes have also been proposed, and we introduce new codes of this type here. These codes have yet to be compared using the same error model; we provide such a comparison by determining the entanglement fidelity of all codes with respect to the bosonic pure-loss channel (i.e., photon loss) after the optimal recovery operation. We then compare achievable communication rates of the combined encoding-error-recovery channel by calculating the channel's hashing bound for each code. Cat and binomial codes perform similarly, with binomial codes outperforming cat codes at small loss rates. Despite not being designed to protect against the pure-loss channel, GKP codes significantly outperform all other codes for most values of the loss rate. We show that the performance of GKP and some binomial codes increases monotonically with increasing average photon number of the codes. In order to corroborate our numerical evidence of the cat/binomial/GKP order of performance occurring at small loss rates, we analytically evaluate the quantum error-correction conditions of those codes. For GKP codes, we find an essential singularity in the entanglement fidelity in the limit of vanishing loss rate. In addition to comparing the codes, we draw parallels between binomial codes and discrete-variable systems. First, we characterize one- and two-mode binomial as well as multi-qubit permutation-invariant codes in terms of spin-coherent states. Such a characterization allows us to introduce check operators and error-correction procedures for binomial codes. Second, we introduce a generalization of spin-coherent states, extending our characterization to qudit binomial codes and yielding a new multi-qudit code.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. v3: published version. See related talk at https://absuploads.aps.org/presentation.cfm?pid=1351

    Multi-party quantum private comparison based on entanglement swapping of Bell entangled states within d-level quantum system

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    In this paper, a multi-party quantum private comparison (MQPC) scheme is suggested based on entanglement swapping of Bell entangled states within d-level quantum system, which can accomplish the equality comparison of secret binary sequences from n users via one execution of scheme. Detailed security analysis shows that both the outside attack and the participant attack are ineffective. The suggested scheme needn't establish a private key among n users beforehand through the quantum key distribution (QKD) method to encrypt the secret binary sequences. Compared with previous MQPC scheme based on d-level Cat states and d-level Bell entangled states, the suggested scheme has distinct advantages on quantum resource, quantum measurement of third party (TP) and qubit efficiency.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Multi-party quantum private comparison of size relationship with two third parties based on d-dimensional Bell states

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    In this paper, we put forward a multi-party quantum private comparison (MQPC) protocol with two semi-honest third parties (TPs) by adopting d-dimensional Bell states, which can judge the size relationship of private integers from more than two users within one execution of protocol. Each TP is permitted to misbehave on her own but cannot collude with others. In the proposed MQPC protocol, TPs are only required to apply d-dimensional single-particle measurements rather than d-dimensional Bell state measurements. There are no quantum entanglement swapping and unitary operations required in the proposed MQPC protocol. The security analysis validates that the proposed MQPC protocol can resist both the outside attacks and the participant attacks. The proposed MQPC protocol is adaptive for the case that users want to compare the size relationship of their private integers under the control of two supervisors. Furthermore, the proposed MQPC protocol can be used in the strange user environment, because there are not any communication and pre-shared key between each pair of users.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Intrinsic randomness in non-local theories: quantification and amplification

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    Quantum mechanics was developed as a response to the inadequacy of classical physics in explaining certain physical phenomena. While it has proved immensely successful, it also presents several features that severely challenge our classicality based intuition. Randomness in quantum theory is one such and is the central theme of this dissertation. Randomness is a notion we have an intuitive grasp on since it appears to abound in nature. It a icts weather systems and nancial markets and is explicitly used in sport and gambling. It is used in a wide range of scienti c applications such as the simulation of genetic drift, population dynamics and molecular motion in fluids. Randomness (or the lack of it) is also central to philosophical concerns such as the existence of free will and anthropocentric notions of ethics and morality. The conception of randomness has evolved dramatically along with physical theory. While all randomness in classical theory can be fully attributed to a lack of knowledge of the observer, quantum theory qualitatively departs by allowing the existence of objective or intrinsic randomness. It is now known that intrinsic randomness is a generic feature of hypothetical theories larger than quantum theory called the non-signalling theories. They are usually studied with regards to a potential future completion of quantum mechanics or from the perspective of recognizing new physical principles describing nature. While several aspects have been studied to date, there has been little work in globally characterizing and quantifying randomness in quantum and non-signalling theories and the relationship between them. This dissertation is an attempt to ll this gap. Beginning with the unavoidable assumption of a weak source of randomness in the universe, we characterize upper bounds on quantum and non-signalling randomness. We develop a simple symmetry argument that helps identify maximal randomness in quantum theory and demonstrate its use in several explicit examples. Furthermore, we show that maximal randomness is forbidden within general non-signalling theories and constitutes a quantitative departure from quantum theory. We next address (what was) an open question about randomness ampli cation. It is known that a single source of randomness cannot be ampli ed using classical resources alone. We show that using quantum resources on the other hand allows a full ampli cation of the weakest sources of randomness to maximal randomness even in the presence of supra-quantum adversaries. The signi cance of this result spans practical cryptographic scenarios as well as foundational concerns. It demonstrates that conditional on the smallest set of assumptions, the existence of the weakest randomness in the universe guarantees the existence of maximal randomness. The next question we address is the quanti cation of intrinsic randomness in non-signalling correlations. While this is intractable in general, we identify cases where this can be quanti ed. We nd that in these cases all observed randomness is intrinsic even relaxing the measurement independence assumption. We nally turn to the study of the only known resource that allows generating certi able intrinsic randomness in the laboratory i.e. entanglement. We address noisy quantum systems and calculate their entanglement dynamics under decoherence. We identify exact results for several realistic noise models and provide tight bounds in some other cases. We conclude by putting our results into perspective, pointing out some drawbacks and future avenues of work in addressing these concerns

    Quantum statistical inference and communication

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    This thesis studies the limits on the performances of inference tasks with quantum data and quantum operations. Our results can be divided in two main parts. In the first part, we study how to infer relative properties of sets of quantum states, given a certain amount of copies of the states. We investigate the performance of optimal inference strategies according to several figures of merit which quantifies the precision of the inference. Since we are not interested in obtaining a complete reconstruction of the states, optimal strategies do not require to perform quantum tomography. In particular, we address the following problems: - We evaluate the asymptotic error probabilities of optimal learning machines for quantum state discrimination. Here, a machine receives a number of copies of a pair of unknown states, which can be seen as training data, together with a test system which is initialized in one of the states of the pair with equal probability. The goal is to implement a measurement to discriminate in which state the test system is, minimizing the error probability. We analyze the optimal strategies for a number of different settings, differing on the prior incomplete information on the states available to the agent. - We evaluate the limits on the precision of the estimation of the overlap between two unknown pure states, given N and M copies of each state. We find an asymptotic expansion of a Fisher information associated with the estimation problem, which gives a lower bound on the mean square error of any estimator. We compute the minimum average mean square error for random pure states, and we evaluate the effect of depolarizing noise on qubit states. We compare the performance of the optimal estimation strategy with the performances of other intuitive strategies, such as the swap test and measurements based on estimating the states. - We evaluate how many samples from a collection of N d-dimensional states are necessary to understand with high probability if the collection is made of identical states or they differ more than a threshold according to a motivated closeness measure. The access to copies of the states in the collection is given as follows: each time the agent ask for a copy of the states, the agent receives one of the states with some fixed probability, together with a different label for each state in the collection. We prove that the problem can be solved with O(pNd=2) copies, and that this scaling is optimal up to a constant independent on d;N; . In the second part, we study optimal classical and quantum communication rates for several physically motivated noise models. - The quantum and private capacities of most realistic channels cannot be evaluated from their regularized expressions. We design several degradable extensions for notable channels, obtaining upper bounds on the quantum and private capacities of the original channels. We obtain sufficient conditions for the degradability of flagged extensions of channels which are convex combination of other channels. These sufficient conditions are easy to verify and simplify the construction of degradable extensions. - We consider the problem of transmitting classical information with continuous variable systems and an energy constraint, when it is impossible to maintain a shared reference frame and in presence of losses. At variance with phase-insensitive noise models, we show that, in some regimes, squeezing improves the communication rates with respect to coherent state sources and with respect to sources producing up to two-photon Fock states. We give upper and lower bounds on the optimal coherent state rate and show that using part of the energy to repeatedly restore a phase reference is strictly suboptimal for high energies

    Error-corrected quantum metrology

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    Quantum metrology, which studies parameter estimation in quantum systems, has many applications in science and technology ranging from frequency spectroscopy to gravitational wave detection. Quantum mechanics imposes a fundamental limit on the estimation precision, called the Heisenberg limit (HL), which bears a quadratic enhancement over the standard quantum limit (SQL) determined by classical statistics. The HL is achievable in ideal quantum devices, but is not always achievable in presence of noise. Quantum error correction (QEC), as a standard tool in quantum information science to combat the effect of noise, was considered as a candidate to enhance quantum metrology in noisy environment. This thesis studies metrological limits in noisy quantum systems and proposes QEC protocols to achieve these limits. First, we consider Hamiltonian estimation under Markovian noise and obtain a necessary and sufficient condition called the ``Hamiltonian-not-in-Lindblad-span\u27\u27 condition to achieve the HL. When it holds, we provide ancilla-assisted QEC protocols achieving the HL; when it fails, the SQL is inevitable even using arbitrary quantum controls, but approximate QEC protocols can achieve the optimal SQL coefficient. We generalize the results to parameter estimation in quantum channels, where we obtain the ``Hamiltonian-not-in-Kraus-span\u27\u27 condition and find explicit formulas for asymptotic estimation precision by showing attainability of previously established bounds using QEC protocols. All QEC protocols are optimized via semidefinite programming. Finally, we show that reversely, metrological bounds also restrict the performance of error-correcting codes by deriving a powerful bound in covariant QEC

    Decoherence, control, and encoding of coupled solid-state quantum bits

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    In this thesis the decoherence properties, gate performance, control of solid-state quantum bits (qubits), and novel design proposals for solid-state qubits analogous to quantum optics are investigated. The qubits are realized as superconducting nanocircuits or quantum dot systems. The thesis elucidates both very appealing basic questions, like the generation and detection of deeply nonclassical states of the electromagnetic field, i.e., single photon Fock states, in the solid-state, but also presents a broad range of different strategies to improve the scalability and decoherence properties of solid-state qubit setups

    Quanteninformation und konvexe Optimierung

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    This thesis is concerned with convex optimization problems in quantum information theory. It features an iterative algorithm for optimal quantum error correcting codes, a postprocessing method for incomplete tomography data, a method to estimate the amount of entanglement in witness experiments, and it gives necessary and sufficient criteria for the existence of retrodiction strategies for a generalized mean king problem.Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit konvexen Optimierungsproblemen in der Quanteninformationstheorie. Sie beinhaltet einen iterativen Algorithmus zur Konstruktion optimaler Quantenfehlerkorrekturcodes, eine Methode zur Auswertung unvollständiger Tomographiedaten und eine Methode zur quantitativen Verschränktheitsschätzung in Experimenten mit Verschränktheitszeugen. Zudem werden notwendige und hinreichende Bedingungen für die Existenz von Rückbestimmungsstrategien für ein verallgemeinertes Mean-King-Problem gegeben

    Quantum correlations and quantum key distribution

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