58 research outputs found

    Generative Mesh Modeling

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    Generative Modeling is an alternative approach for the description of three-dimensional shape. The basic idea is to represent a model not as usual by an agglomeration of geometric primitives (triangles, point clouds, NURBS patches), but by functions. The paradigm change from objects to operations allows for a procedural representation of procedural shapes, such as most man-made objects. Instead of storing only the result of a 3D construction, the construction process itself is stored in a model file. The generative approach opens truly new perspectives in many ways, among others also for 3D knowledge management. It permits for instance to resort to a repository of already solved modeling problems, in order to re-use this knowledge also in different, slightly varied situations. The construction knowledge can be collected in digital libraries containing domain-specific parametric modeling tools. A concrete realization of this approach is a new general description language for 3D models, the "Generative Modeling Language" GML. As a Turing-complete "shape programming language" it is a basis of existing, primitv based 3D model formats. Together with its Runtime engine the GML permits - to store highly complex 3D models in a compact form, - to evaluate the description within fractions of a second, - to adaptively tesselate and to interactively display the model, - and even to change the models high-level parameters at runtime.Die generative Modellierung ist ein alternativer Ansatz zur Beschreibung von dreidimensionaler Form. Zugrunde liegt die Idee, ein Modell nicht wie üblich durch eine Ansammlung geometrischer Primitive (Dreiecke, Punkte, NURBS-Patches) zu beschreiben, sondern durch Funktionen. Der Paradigmenwechsel von Objekten zu Geometrie-erzeugenden Operationen ermöglicht es, prozedurale Modelle auch prozedural zu repräsentieren. Statt das Resultat eines 3D-Konstruktionsprozesses zu speichern, kann so der Konstruktionsprozess selber repräsentiert werden. Der generative Ansatz eröffnet unter anderem gänzlich neue Perspektiven für das Wissensmanagement im 3D-Bereich. Er ermöglicht etwa, auf einen Fundus bereits gelöster Konstruktions-Aufgaben zurückzugreifen, um sie in ähnlichen, aber leicht variierten Situationen wiederverwenden zu können. Das Konstruktions-Wissen kann dazu in Form von Bibliotheken parametrisierter, Domänen-spezifischer Modellier-Werkzeuge gesammelt werden. Konkret wird dazu eine neue allgemeine Modell-Beschreibungs-Sprache vorgeschlagen, die "Generative Modeling Language" GML. Als Turing-mächtige "Programmiersprache für Form" stellt sie eine echte Verallgemeinerung existierender Primitiv-basierter 3D-Modellformate dar. Zusammen mit ihrer Runtime-Engine erlaubt die GML, - hochkomplexe 3D-Objekte extrem kompakt zu beschreiben, - die Beschreibung innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen auszuwerten, - das Modell adaptiv darzustellen und interaktiv zu betrachten, - und die Modell-Parameter interaktiv zu verändern

    Procedural generation of optimized maps for survival video games

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018The goal of this End-of-Degree project has been to create a random world that adapts to the needs of the developed video game in this project. In the last years, there has been a great stake for random generation techniques in the video game industry. These techniques make it possible for players to feel a different and unpredictable game every time they play. The Unity3D graphics engine has been used for the development of the project. This work has two distinct parts: the procedural generation of the optimized terrain for video games (main theme of the project) and a survival video game where the result of the first part is shown. On the one hand, the generation has been divided into two parts: generation of a mountainous terrain and the generation of game resources throughout the map. On the other hand, the typical video game development process has been followed: writing of the Game Design Document, modeling of the objects and resources of the game and character programming, interactions, mechanics, etc. Finally, a basic and optimized game with a procedurally generated terrain and with the indicated characteristics in Game Design Document has been obtained

    Image processing techniques for mixed reality and biometry

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    2013 - 2014This thesis work is focused on two applicative fields of image processing research, which, for different reasons, have become particularly active in the last decade: Mixed Reality and Biometry. Though the image processing techniques involved in these two research areas are often different, they share the key objective of recognizing salient features typically captured through imaging devices. Enabling technologies for augmented/mixed reality have been improved and refined throughout the last years and more recently they seems to have finally passed the demo stage to becoming ready for practical industrial and commercial applications. To this regard, a crucial role will likely be played by the new generation of smartphones and tablets, equipped with an arsenal of sensors connections and enough processing power for becoming the most portable and affordable AR platform ever. Within this context, techniques like gesture recognition by means of simple, light and robust capturing hardware and advanced computer vision techniques may play an important role in providing a natural and robust way to control software applications and to enhance onthe- field operational capabilities. The research described in this thesis is targeted toward advanced visualization and interaction strategies aimed to improve the operative range and robustness of mixed reality applications, particularly for demanding industrial environments... [edited by Author]XIII n.s

    Software Takes Command

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Software has replaced a diverse array of physical, mechanical, and electronic technologies used before 21st century to create, store, distribute and interact with cultural artifacts. It has become our interface to the world, to others, to our memory and our imagination - a universal language through which the world speaks, and a universal engine on which the world runs. What electricity and combustion engine were to the early 20th century, software is to the early 21st century. Offering the the first theoretical and historical account of software for media authoring and its effects on the practice and the very concept of 'media,' the author of The Language of New Media (2001) develops his own theory for this rapidly-growing, always-changing field. What was the thinking and motivations of people who in the 1960 and 1970s created concepts and practical techniques that underlie contemporary media software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya, Final Cut and After Effects? How do their interfaces and tools shape the visual aesthetics of contemporary media and design? What happens to the idea of a 'medium' after previously media-specific tools have been simulated and extended in software? Is it still meaningful to talk about different mediums at all? Lev Manovich answers these questions and supports his theoretical arguments by detailed analysis of key media applications such as Photoshop and After Effects, popular web services such as Google Earth, and the projects in motion graphics, interactive environments, graphic design and architecture. Software Takes Command is a must for all practicing designers and media artists and scholars concerned with contemporary media

    Software Takes Command

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Software has replaced a diverse array of physical, mechanical, and electronic technologies used before 21st century to create, store, distribute and interact with cultural artifacts. It has become our interface to the world, to others, to our memory and our imagination - a universal language through which the world speaks, and a universal engine on which the world runs. What electricity and combustion engine were to the early 20th century, software is to the early 21st century. Offering the the first theoretical and historical account of software for media authoring and its effects on the practice and the very concept of 'media,' the author of The Language of New Media (2001) develops his own theory for this rapidly-growing, always-changing field. What was the thinking and motivations of people who in the 1960 and 1970s created concepts and practical techniques that underlie contemporary media software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Maya, Final Cut and After Effects? How do their interfaces and tools shape the visual aesthetics of contemporary media and design? What happens to the idea of a 'medium' after previously media-specific tools have been simulated and extended in software? Is it still meaningful to talk about different mediums at all? Lev Manovich answers these questions and supports his theoretical arguments by detailed analysis of key media applications such as Photoshop and After Effects, popular web services such as Google Earth, and the projects in motion graphics, interactive environments, graphic design and architecture. Software Takes Command is a must for all practicing designers and media artists and scholars concerned with contemporary media

    Development of design tools for the evaluation of complex CAD models

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    The goal of this thesis is to invent means to enable 3D-models, created in SOLIDWORKS CAD-software, to be explored in a low-cost head-mounted display device Oculus Rift. Such a design tool would make possible to study 3D CAD-models in Virtual Reality with a very low cost and share design information for people who are not so familiar with CAD-models. As a result this can lower the product development effort for new products enabling, lower working time and improve both the quality of the final product and customer satisfaction. CAD-models as well as exported graphics format from SOLIDWORKS can’t directly be imported to Oculus Rift device. Therefore transformation pipeline need to be invented between the SOLIDWORKS and Oculus Rift. There are some options for this and their issues are studied in this thesis. As a best option it was found to use a conversion plugin tool to SOLIDWORKS which convert CAD-models to FBX-format. This format can be imported to Unity game engine software which is supported by Oculus Rift device. Graphics file conversion process in known to be imperfect. Therefore conversion of three SOLIDWORKS CAD-models have been analyzed; a Crane, a Pipe system, and a Hydraulic cylinder. This testing gave a good overview of possibilities and limitations of the graphics pipeline. It was found that ordinary CAD-models can be transferred to Oculus Rift without problems. However, there are some special features in CAD models which cause problems for in graphics file conversion

    Representing archaeological uncertainty in cultural informatics

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    This thesis sets out to explore, describe, quantify, and visualise uncertainty in a cultural informatics context, with a focus on archaeological reconstructions. For quite some time, archaeologists and heritage experts have been criticising the often toorealistic appearance of three-dimensional reconstructions. They have been highlighting one of the unique features of archaeology: the information we have on our heritage will always be incomplete. This incompleteness should be reflected in digitised reconstructions of the past. This criticism is the driving force behind this thesis. The research examines archaeological theory and inferential process and provides insight into computer visualisation. It describes how these two areas, of archaeology and computer graphics, have formed a useful, but often tumultuous, relationship through the years. By examining the uncertainty background of disciplines such as GIS, medicine, and law, the thesis postulates that archaeological visualisation, in order to mature, must move towards archaeological knowledge visualisation. Three sequential areas are proposed through this thesis for the initial exploration of archaeological uncertainty: identification, quantification and modelling. The main contributions of the thesis lie in those three areas. Firstly, through the innovative design, distribution, and analysis of a questionnaire, the thesis identifies the importance of uncertainty in archaeological interpretation and discovers potential preferences among different evidence types. Secondly, the thesis uniquely analyses and evaluates, in relation to archaeological uncertainty, three different belief quantification models. The varying ways that these mathematical models work, are also evaluated through simulated experiments. Comparison of results indicates significant convergence between the models. Thirdly, a novel approach to archaeological uncertainty and evidence conflict visualisation is presented, influenced by information visualisation schemes. Lastly, suggestions for future semantic extensions to this research are presented through the design and development of new plugins to a search engine

    SVG 3D Graphical Presentation for Web-based Applications

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    Due to the rapid developments in the field of computer graphics and computer hardware, web-based applications are becoming more and more powerful, and the performance distance between web-based applications and desktop applications is increasingly closer. The Internet and the WWW have been widely used for delivering, processing, and publishing 3D data. There is increasingly demand for more and easier access to 3D content on the web. The better the browser experience, the more potential revenue that web-based content can generate for providers and others. The main focus of this thesis is on the design, develop and implementation of a new 3D generic modelling method based on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for web-based applications. While the model is initialized using classical 3D graphics, the scene model is extended using SVG. A new algorithm to present 3D graphics with SVG is proposed. This includes the definition of a 3D scene in the framework, integration of 3D objects, cameras, transformations, light models and textures in a 3D scene, and the rendering of 3D objects on the web page, allowing the end-user to interactively manipulate objects on the web page. A new 3D graphics library for 3D geometric transformation and projection in the SVG GL is design and develop. A set of primitives in the SVG GL, including triangle, sphere, cylinder, cone, etc. are designed and developed. A set of complex 3D models in the SVG GL, including extrusion, revolution, Bezier surface, and point clouds are designed and developed. The new Gouraud shading algorithm and new Phong Shading algorithm in the SVG GL are proposed, designed and developed. The algorithms can be used to generate smooth shading and create highlight for 3D models. The new texture mapping algorithms for the SVG GL oriented toward web-based 3D modelling applications are proposed, designed and developed. Texture mapping algorithms for different 3D objects such as triangle, plane, sphere, cylinder, cone, etc. will also be proposed, designed and developed. This constitutes a unique and significant contribution to the disciplines of web-based 3D modelling, as well as to the process of 3D model popularization