73 research outputs found

    Analysis and design of multiagent systems using MAS-CommonKADS

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    This article proposes an agent-oriented methodology called MAS-CommonKADS and develops a case study. This methodology extends the knowledge engineering methodology CommonKADSwith techniquesfrom objectoriented and protocol engineering methodologies. The methodology consists of the development of seven models: Agent Model, that describes the characteristics of each agent; Task Model, that describes the tasks that the agents carry out; Expertise Model, that describes the knowledge needed by the agents to achieve their goals; Organisation Model, that describes the structural relationships between agents (software agents and/or human agents); Coordination Model, that describes the dynamic relationships between software agents; Communication Model, that describes the dynamic relationships between human agents and their respective personal assistant software agents; and Design Model, that refines the previous models and determines the most suitable agent architecture for each agent, and the requirements of the agent network

    Synthesis of behavioral models from scenarios

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    Designing precise and flexible graphical modelling languages for software development

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    Model-driven approaches to software development involve building computerized models of software and the environment in which it is intended to operate. This thesis offers a selection of the author’s work over the last three decades that addresses the design of precise and flexible graphical modelling languages for use in model-driven software development. The primary contributions of this work are: • Syntropy: the first published object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) method to fully integrate formal and graphical modelling techniques. • The creation of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) and its integration into the Unified Modeling Language (UML) specification. • The identification of requirements and mechanisms for increasing the flexibility of the UML specification. • The design and implementation of tools for implementing graphical Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). The starting point was the author’s experience with formal specification techniques contrasted with the lack of precision of published object-oriented analysis and design methods. This led to a desire to fully integrate these two topics – formal specification and object-orientation - into a coherent discipline. The Syntropy approach, created in 1994 by this author and John Daniels, was the first published complete attempt to do this. Much of the author’s subsequent published work concerns the Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML represented a welcome unification of earlier OOAD approaches, but suffered badly from inflexibility and lack of precision. A significant part of the work included in this thesis addresses the drawbacks of the UML and proposes improvements to the precision of its definition, including through the invention of Object Constraint Language (OCL) and its incorporation into the UML specification, and the consideration of UML as source material for the definition of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs). Several of the author’s published works in this thesis concern mechanisms for the creation of DSLs, both within a UML framework and separately

    Rigorous object-oriented analysis

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    Object-oriented methods for analysis, design and programming are commonly used by software engineers. Formal description techniques, however, are mainly used in a research environment. We have investigated how rigour can be introduced into the analysis phase of the software development process by combining object-oriented analysis (OOA) methods with formal description techniques. The main topics of this investigation are a formal interpretation of the OOA constructs using LOTOS, a mathematical definition of the basic OOA concepts using a simple denotational semantics and a new method for object- oriented analysis that we call the Rigorous Object-Oriented Analysis method (ROOA). The LOTOS interpretation of the OOA concepts is an intrinsic part of the ROOA method. It was designed in such a way that software engineers with no experience in LOTOS, can still use ROOA. The denotational semantics of the concepts of object-oriented analysis illuminates the formal syntactic transformations within ROOA and guarantees that the basic object- oriented concepts can be understood independently of the specification language we use. The ROOA method starts from a set of informal requirements and an object model and produces a formal object-oriented analysis model that acts as a requirements specification. The resulting formal model integrates the static, dynamic and functional properties of a system in contrast to existing OOA methods which are informal and produce three separate models that are difficult to integrate and keep consistent. ROOA provides a systematic development process, by proposing a set of rules to be followed during the analysis phase. During the application of these rules, auxiliary structures are created to help in tracing the requirements through to the final formal model. As LOTOS produces executable specifications, prototyping can be used to check the conformance of the specification against the original requirements and to detect inconsistencies, omissions and ambiguities early in the development process

    Executable Model Synthesis and Property Validation for Message Sequence Chart Specifications

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    Message sequence charts (MSC’s) are a formal language for the specification of scenarios in concurrent real-time systems. The thesis addresses the synthesis of executable object-oriented design-time models from MSC specifications. The synthesis integrates with the software development process, its purpose being to automatically create working prototypes from specifications without error and create executable models on which properties may be validated. The usefulness of existing algorithms for the synthesis of ROOM (Real-Time Object Oriented Modeling) models from MSC’s has been evaluated from the perspective of an applications programmer ac-cording to various criteria. A number of new synthesis features have been proposed to address them, and applied to a telephony call management system for illustration. These include the specification and construction of hierarchical structure and behavior of ROOM actors, views, multiple containment, replication, resolution of non-determinism and automatic coordination. Generalizations and algorithms have been provided. The hierarchical actor structure, replication, FSM merging, and global coordinator algorithms have been implemented in the Mesa CASE tool. A comparison is made to other specification and modeling languages and their synthesis, such as SDL, LSC’s, and statecharts. Another application of synthesis is to generate a model with support for the automated validation of safety and liveness properties. The Mobility Management services of the GSM digital mobile telecommunications system were specified in MSC’s. A Promela model of the system was then synthesized. A number of optimizations have been proposed to reduce the complexity of the model in order to successfully perform a validation of it. Properties of the system were encoded in Linear Temporal Logic, and the Promela model was used to automatically validate a number of identified properties using the model checker Spin. A ROOM model was then synthesized from the validated MSC specification using the proposed refinement features

    Component-based control system development for agile manufacturing machine systems

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    It is now a common sense that manufactures including machine suppliers and system integrators of the 21 st century will need to compete on global marketplaces, which are frequently shifting and fragmenting, with new technologies continuously emerging. Future production machines and manufacturing systems need to offer the "agility" required in providing responsiveness to product changes and the ability to reconfigure. The primary aim for this research is to advance studies in machine control system design, in the context of the European project VIR-ENG - "Integrated Design, Simulation and Distributed Control of Agile Modular Machinery"

    UML as a system level design methodology with application to software radio

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    Incorporating Aspects into the Software Development Process in Context of Aspect-Oriented Programming

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    Aspect-oriented programming is a relatively new approach to programming that is design to resolve issues of separation of concerns. Rather than focusing on commonality of objects, as in object-oriented programming, aspect –oriented programming focuses on commonality of concerns, or more precisely as described by experts in the field, of cross-cutting concerns. These are aspects that cut across different modules of a program, such as security and authentication issues. While much research in the area has focused on developing programming languages, little attention has been given to dealing with aspects in the software development process and the Unified Modeling Language. This thesis will examine how aspects are created during the software development process and how they can be modeled in the UML