696 research outputs found


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    Automatic detection of fractures from x-ray images is considered as an important process in medical image analysis by both orthopaedic and radiologic point of view. This paper proposes a fusion-classification technique for automatic fracture detection from long bones, in particular the leg bones (Tibia bones). The proposed system has four steps, namely, preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and bone detect ion, which uses an amalgamation of image processing techniques for successful detection of fractures. Three classifiers, Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN), Support Vector Machine Classifiers (SVM) and NaEF;ve Bayes Classifiers (NB) are used during fusion classification. The results from various experiments prove that the proposed system is shows significant improvement in terms of detection rate and speed of classification

    Segmentation and Fracture Detection in CT Images for Traumatic Pelvic Injuries

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    In recent decades, more types and quantities of medical data have been collected due to advanced technology. A large number of significant and critical information is contained in these medical data. High efficient and automated computational methods are urgently needed to process and analyze all available medical data in order to provide the physicians with recommendations and predictions on diagnostic decisions and treatment planning. Traumatic pelvic injury is a severe yet common injury in the United States, often caused by motor vehicle accidents or fall. Information contained in the pelvic Computed Tomography (CT) images is very important for assessing the severity and prognosis of traumatic pelvic injuries. Each pelvic CT scan includes a large number of slices. Meanwhile, each slice contains a large quantity of data that may not be thoroughly and accurately analyzed via simple visual inspection with the desired accuracy and speed. Hence, a computer-assisted pelvic trauma decision-making system is needed to assist physicians in making accurate diagnostic decisions and determining treatment planning in a short period of time. Pelvic bone segmentation is a vital step in analyzing pelvic CT images and assisting physicians with diagnostic decisions in traumatic pelvic injuries. In this study, a new hierarchical segmentation algorithm is proposed to automatically extract multiplelevel bone structures using a combination of anatomical knowledge and computational techniques. First, morphological operations, image enhancement, and edge detection are performed for preliminary bone segmentation. The proposed algorithm then uses a template-based best shape matching method that provides an entirely automated segmentation process. This is followed by the proposed Registered Active Shape Model (RASM) algorithm that extracts pelvic bone tissues using more robust training models than the Standard ASM algorithm. In addition, a novel hierarchical initialization process for RASM is proposed in order to address the shortcoming of the Standard ASM, i.e. high sensitivity to initialization. Two suitable measures are defined to evaluate the segmentation results: Mean Distance and Mis-segmented Area to quantify the segmentation accuracy. Successful segmentation results indicate effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm. Comparison of segmentation performance is also conducted using both the proposed method and the Snake method. A cross-validation process is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the training models. 3D pelvic bone models are built after pelvic bone structures are segmented from consecutive 2D CT slices. Automatic and accurate detection of the fractures from segmented bones in traumatic pelvic injuries can help physicians detect the severity of injuries in patients. The extraction of fracture features (such as presence and location of fractures) as well as fracture displacement measurement, are vital for assisting physicians in making faster and more accurate decisions. In this project, after bone segmentation, fracture detection is performed using a hierarchical algorithm based on wavelet transformation, adaptive windowing, boundary tracing and masking. Also, a quantitative measure of fracture severity based on pelvic CT scans is defined and explored. The results are promising, demonstrating that the proposed method not only capable of automatically detecting both major and minor fractures, but also has potentials to be used for clinical applications

    Case-based fracture image retrieval

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    Purpose: Case-based fracture image retrieval can assist surgeons in decisions regarding new cases by supplying visually similar past cases. This tool may guide fracture fixation and management through comparison of long-term outcomes in similar cases. Methods: A fracture image database collected over 10years at the orthopedic service of the University Hospitals of Geneva was used. This database contains 2,690 fracture cases associated with 43 classes (based on the AO/OTA classification). A case-based retrieval engine was developed and evaluated using retrieval precision as a performance metric. Only cases in the same class as the query case are considered as relevant. The scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) is used for image analysis. Performance evaluation was computed in terms of mean average precision (MAP) and early precision (P10, P30). Retrieval results produced with the GNU image finding tool (GIFT) were used as a baseline. Two sampling strategies were evaluated. One used a dense 40×40 pixel grid sampling, and the second one used the standard SIFT features. Based on dense pixel grid sampling, three unsupervised feature selection strategies were introduced to further improve retrieval performance. With dense pixel grid sampling, the image is divided into 1,600 (40×40) square blocks. The goal is to emphasize the salient regions (blocks) and ignore irrelevant regions. Regions are considered as important when a high variance of the visual features is found. The first strategy is to calculate the variance of all descriptors on the global database. The second strategy is to calculate the variance of all descriptors for each case. A third strategy is to perform a thumbnail image clustering in a first step and then to calculate the variance for each cluster. Finally, a fusion between a SIFT-based system and GIFT is performed. Results: A first comparison on the selection of sampling strategies using SIFT features shows that dense sampling using a pixel grid (MAP = 0.18) outperformed the SIFT detector-based sampling approach (MAP = 0.10). In a second step, three unsupervised feature selection strategies were evaluated. A grid parameter search is applied to optimize parameters for feature selection and clustering. Results show that using half of the regions (700 or 800) obtains the best performance for all three strategies. Increasing the number of clusters in clustering can also improve the retrieval performance. The SIFT descriptor variance in each case gave the best indication of saliency for the regions (MAP = 0.23), better than the other two strategies (MAP = 0.20 and 0.21). Combining GIFT (MAP = 0.23) and the best SIFT strategy (MAP = 0.23) produced significantly better results (MAP = 0.27) than each system alone. Conclusions: A case-based fracture retrieval engine was developed and is available for online demonstration. SIFT is used to extract local features, and three feature selection strategies were introduced and evaluated. A baseline using the GIFT system was used to evaluate the salient point-based approaches. Without supervised learning, SIFT-based systems with optimized parameters slightly outperformed the GIFT system. A fusion of the two approaches shows that the information contained in the two approaches is complementary. Supervised learning on the feature space is foreseen as the next step of this stud

    Applications of pattern classification to time-domain signals

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    Many different kinds of physics are used in sensors that produce time-domain signals, such as ultrasonics, acoustics, seismology, and electromagnetics. The waveforms generated by these sensors are used to measure events or detect flaws in applications ranging from industrial to medical and defense-related domains. Interpreting the signals is challenging because of the complicated physics of the interaction of the fields with the materials and structures under study. often the method of interpreting the signal varies by the application, but automatic detection of events in signals is always useful in order to attain results quickly with less human error. One method of automatic interpretation of data is pattern classification, which is a statistical method that assigns predicted labels to raw data associated with known categories. In this work, we use pattern classification techniques to aid automatic detection of events in signals using features extracted by a particular application of the wavelet transform, the Dynamic Wavelet Fingerprint (DWFP), as well as features selected through physical interpretation of the individual applications. The wavelet feature extraction method is general for any time-domain signal, and the classification results can be improved by features drawn for the particular domain. The success of this technique is demonstrated through four applications: the development of an ultrasonographic periodontal probe, the identification of flaw type in Lamb wave tomographic scans of an aluminum pipe, prediction of roof falls in a limestone mine, and automatic identification of individual Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags regardless of its programmed code. The method has been shown to achieve high accuracy, sometimes as high as 98%