246 research outputs found

    Intelligent signal processing for digital healthcare monitoring

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    Ein gesunder Gang ist ein komplexer Prozess und erfordert ein Gleichgewicht zwischen verschiedenen neurophysiologischen Systemen im Körper und gilt als wesentlicher Indikator für den physischen und kognitiven Gesundheitszustand einer Person. Folglich würden Anwendungen im Bereich der Bioinformatik und des Gesundheitswesens erheblich von den Informationen profitieren, die sich aus einer längeren oder ständigen Überwachung des Gangs, der Gewohnheiten und des Verhaltens von Personen unter ihren natürlichen Lebensbedingungen und bei ihren täglichen Aktivitäten mit Hilfe intelligenter Geräte ergeben. Vergleicht man Trägheitsmess- und stationäre Sensorsysteme, so bieten erstere hervorragende Möglichkeiten für Ganganalyseanwendungen und bieten mehrere Vorteile wie geringe Größe, niedriger Preis, Mobilität und sind leicht in tragbare Systeme zu integrieren. Die zweiten gelten als der Goldstandard, sind aber teuer und für Messungen im Freien ungeeignet. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Zeit und Qualität der Gangrehabilitation nach einer Operation unter Verwendung von Inertialmessgeräten, indem sie eine neuartige Metrik zur objektiven Bewertung des Fortschritts der Gangrehabilitation in realen Umgebungen liefert und die Anzahl der verwendeten Sensoren für praktische, reale Szenarien reduziert. Daher wurden die experimentellen Messungen für eine solche Analyse in einer stark kontrollierten Umgebung durchgeführt, um die Datenqualität zu gewährleisten. In dieser Arbeit wird eine neue Gangmetrik vorgestellt, die den Rehabilitationsfortschritt anhand kinematischer Gangdaten von Aktivitäten in Innen- und Außenbereichen quantifiziert und verfolgt. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie Signalverarbeitung und maschinelles Lernen formuliert und genutzt werden können, um robuste Methoden zur Bewältigung von Herausforderungen im realen Leben zu entwickeln. Es wird gezeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene Ansatz personalisiert werden kann, um den Fortschritt der Gangrehabilitation zu verfolgen. Ein weiteres Thema dieser Arbeit ist die erfolgreiche Anwendung von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens auf die Ganganalyse aufgrund der großen Datenmenge, die von den tragbaren Sensorsystemen erzeugt wird. In dieser Arbeit wird das neuartige Konzept des ``digitalen Zwillings'' vorgestellt, das die Anzahl der verwendeten Wearable-Sensoren in einem System oder im Falle eines Sensorausfalls reduziert. Die Evaluierung der vorgeschlagenen Metrik mit gesunden Teilnehmern und Patienten unter Verwendung statistischer Signalverarbeitungs- und maschineller Lernmethoden hat gezeigt, dass die Einbeziehung der extrahierten Signalmerkmale in realen Szenarien robust ist, insbesondere für das Szenario mit Rehabilitations-Gehübungen in Innenräumen. Die Methodik wurde auch in einer klinischen Studie evaluiert und lieferte eine gute Leistung bei der Überwachung des Rehabilitationsfortschritts verschiedener Patienten. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Prototyp einer mobilen Anwendung zur objektiven Bewertung des Rehabilitationsfortschritts in realen Umgebungen vorgestellt

    Gait analysis in neurological populations: Progression in the use of wearables

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    Gait assessment is an essential tool for clinical applications not only to diagnose different neurological conditions but also to monitor disease progression as it contributes to the understanding of underlying deficits. There are established methods and models for data collection and interpretation of gait assessment within different pathologies. This narrative review aims to depict the evolution of gait assessment from observation and rating scales to wearable sensors and laboratory technologies, and provide possible future directions. In this context, we first present an extensive review of current clinical outcomes and gait models. Then, we demonstrate commercially available wearable technologies with their technical capabilities along with their use in gait assessment studies for various neurological conditions. In the next sections, a descriptive knowledge for existing inertial based algorithms and a sign based guide that shows the outcomes of previous neurological gait assessment studies are presented. Finally, we state a discussion for the use of wearables in gait assessment and speculate the possible research directions by revealing the limitations and knowledge gaps in the literature

    Present and future of gait assessment in clinical practice: Towards the application of novel trends and technologies

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    BackgroundDespite being available for more than three decades, quantitative gait analysis remains largely associated with research institutions and not well leveraged in clinical settings. This is mostly due to the high cost/cumbersome equipment and complex protocols and data management/analysis associated with traditional gait labs, as well as the diverse training/experience and preference of clinical teams. Observational gait and qualitative scales continue to be predominantly used in clinics despite evidence of less efficacy of quantifying gait.Research objectiveThis study provides a scoping review of the status of clinical gait assessment, including shedding light on common gait pathologies, clinical parameters, indices, and scales. We also highlight novel state-of-the-art gait characterization and analysis approaches and the integration of commercially available wearable tools and technology and AI-driven computational platforms.MethodsA comprehensive literature search was conducted within PubMed, Web of Science, Medline, and ScienceDirect for all articles published until December 2021 using a set of keywords, including normal and pathological gait, gait parameters, gait assessment, gait analysis, wearable systems, inertial measurement units, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, insole sensors, electromyography sensors. Original articles that met the selection criteria were included.Results and significanceClinical gait analysis remains highly observational and is hence subjective and largely influenced by the observer's background and experience. Quantitative Instrumented gait analysis (IGA) has the capability of providing clinicians with accurate and reliable gait data for diagnosis and monitoring but is limited in clinical applicability mainly due to logistics. Rapidly emerging smart wearable technology, multi-modality, and sensor fusion approaches, as well as AI-driven computational platforms are increasingly commanding greater attention in gait assessment. These tools promise a paradigm shift in the quantification of gait in the clinic and beyond. On the other hand, standardization of clinical protocols and ensuring their feasibility to map the complex features of human gait and represent them meaningfully remain critical challenges

    Recognition of gait patterns in human motor disorders using a machine learning approach

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Industrial Electronics and Computers EngineeringWith advanced age, the occurrence of motor disturbances becomes more prevalent and can lead to gait pathologies, increasing the risk of falls. Currently, there are many available gait monitoring systems that can aid in gait disorder diagnosis by extracting relevant data from a subject’s gait. This increases the amount of data to be processed in working time. To accelerate this process and provide an objective tool for a systematic clinical diagnosis support, Machine Learning methods are a powerful addition capable of processing great amounts of data and uncover non-linear relationships in data. The purpose of this dissertation is the development of a gait pattern recognition system based on a Machine Learning approach for the support of clinical diagnosis of post-stroke gait. This includes the development of a data estimation tool capable of computing several features from inertial sensors. Four different neural networks were be added to the classification tool: Feed-Forward (FFNN), convolutional (CNN) and two recurrent neural networks (LSTM and CLSTM). The performance of all classification models was analyzed and compared in order to select the most effective method of gait analysis. The performance metric used is Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient. The classifiers that exhibit the best performance where Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), CNN, LSTM and CLSTM, with a Matthew’s correlation coeficient of 1 in the test set. Despite the first two classifiers reaching the same performance of the three neural networks, the later reached this performance systematically and without the need of explicit dimensionality reduction methods.Com o avançar da idade, a ocorrência de distúrbios motores torna-se mais prevalente, conduzindo a patologias na marcha e aumentando o risco de quedas. Atualmente, muitos sistemas de monitorização de marcha extraem grandes quantidades de dados biomecânicos para apoio ao diagnóstico clínico, aumentando a quantidade de dados a ser processados em tempo útil. Para acelerar esse processo e proporcionar uma ferramenta objetiva de apoio sistemático ao diagnóstico clínico, métodos de Machine Learning são uma poderosa adição, processando grandes quantidades de dados e descobrindo relações não-lineares entre dados. Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de desenvolver um sistema de reconhecimento de padrões de marcha com uma abordagem de Machine Learning para apoio ao diagnóstico clínico da marcha de vitimas de AVC. Isso inclui o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de estimação de dados biomecânicos e cálculo de features, a partir de sensores inerciais. Quatro redes neuronais foram implementadas numa ferramenta de classificação: uma rede Feed-Forward (FFNN), uma convolucinal (CNN), e duas redes recorrentes (LSTM e CLSTM). O desempenho de todos os modelos de classificação foi analisado. A métrica de desempenho usada é o coeficiente de correlação de Matthew. Os classificadores com melhor performance foram: Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), CNN, LSTM e CLSTM. Todos com uma performance igual a 1 no conjunto de teste. Apesar de os dois primeiros classificadores atingirem a mesma performance das redes neuronais, estas atingiram esta performance repetidamente e sem necessitar de métodos de redução de dimensionalidade

    Human gait identification and analysis

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Human gait identification has become an active area of research due to increased security requirements. Human gait identification is a potential new tool for identifying individuals beyond traditional methods. The emergence of motion capture techniques provided a chance of high accuracy in identification because completely recorded gait information can be recorded compared with security cameras. The aim of this research was to build a practical method of gait identification and investigate the individual characteristics of gait. For this purpose, a gait identification approach was proposed, identification results were compared by different methods, and several studies about the individual characteristics of gait were performed. This research included the following: (1) a novel, effective set of gait features were proposed; (2) gait signatures were extracted by three different methods: statistical method, principal component analysis, and Fourier expansion method; (3) gait identification results were compared by these different methods; (4) two indicators were proposed to evaluate gait features for identification; (5) novel and clear definitions of gait phases and gait cycle were proposed; (6) gait features were investigated by gait phases; (7) principal component analysis and the fixing root method were used to elucidate which features were used to represent gait and why; (8) gait similarity was investigated; (9) gait attractiveness was investigated. This research proposed an efficient framework for identifying individuals from gait via a novel feature set based on 3D motion capture data. A novel evaluating method of gait signatures for identification was proposed. Three different gait signature extraction methods were applied and compared. The average identification rate was over 93%, with the best result close to 100%. This research also proposed a novel dividing method of gait phases, and the different appearances of gait features in eight gait phases were investigated. This research identified the similarities and asymmetric appearances between left body movement and right body movement in gait based on the proposed gait phase dividing method. This research also initiated an analysing method for gait features extraction by the fixing root method. A prediction model of gait attractiveness was built with reasonable accuracy by principal component analysis and linear regression of natural logarithm of parameters. A systematic relationship was observed between the motions of individual markers and the attractiveness ratings. The lower legs and feet were extracted as features of attractiveness by the fixing root method. As an extension of gait research, human seated motion was also investigated.This study is funded by the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards and Beijing East Gallery Co. Ltd

    Sit-to-Stand Phases Detection by Inertial Sensors

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    The Sit-to-Stand(STS) is defined as the transition from the sitting to standing position. It is commonly adopted in clinical practice because musculoskeletal or neurological degenerative disorders, as well as the natural process of ageing, deter-mine an increased difficulty in rising up from a seated position. This study aimed to detect the Sit To Stand phases using data from inertial sensors. Due to the high variability of this movement, and, consequently the difficulty to define events by thresholds, we used the machine learning. We collected data from 27 participants (13 females,24.37\ub13.32 years old). They wore 10 Inertial Sensors placed on: trunk,back(L4-L5),left and right thigh, tibia, and ankles. The par-ticipants were asked to stand from an height adjustable chair for 10 times. The STS exercises were recorded separately. The starting and ending points of each phase were identified by key events. The pre-processing included phases splitting in epochs. The features extracted were: mean, standard deviation, RMS, Max and min, COV and first derivative. The features were on the epochs for each sensor. To identify the most fitting classifier, two classifier algorithms,K-nearest Neighbours( KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) were trained. From the data recorded, four dataset were created varying the epochs duration, the number of sensors. The validation model used to train the classifier. As validation model, we compared the results of classifiers trained using Kfold and Leave One Subject out (LOSO) models. The classifier performances were evaluated by confusion matrices and the F1 scores. The classifiers trained using LOSO technique as validation model showed higher values of predictive accuracy than the ones trained using Kfold. The predictive accuracy of KNN and SVM were reported below: \u2022 KFold \u2013 mean of overall predictive accuracy KNN: 0.75; F1 score: REST 0.86, TRUNK LEANING 0.35,STANDING 0.60,BALANCE 0.54, SITTING 0.55 \u2013 mean of overall predictive accuracy SVM: 0.75; F1 score: REST 0.89, TRUNK LEANING 0.48,STANDING 0.48,BALANCE 0.59, SITTING 0.62 \u2022 LOSO \u2013 mean of overall predictive accuracy KNN: 0.93; F1 score: REST 0.96, TRUNK LEANING 0.79,STANDING 0.89,BALANCE 0.95, SITTING 0.88 \u2013 mean of overall predictive accuracy SVM: 0.95; F1 score phases: REST 0.98, TRUNK LEANING 0.86,STANDING 0.91,BALANCE 0.98, SIT-TING 0.9

    Rehabilitation Engineering

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    Population ageing has major consequences and implications in all areas of our daily life as well as other important aspects, such as economic growth, savings, investment and consumption, labour markets, pensions, property and care from one generation to another. Additionally, health and related care, family composition and life-style, housing and migration are also affected. Given the rapid increase in the aging of the population and the further increase that is expected in the coming years, an important problem that has to be faced is the corresponding increase in chronic illness, disabilities, and loss of functional independence endemic to the elderly (WHO 2008). For this reason, novel methods of rehabilitation and care management are urgently needed. This book covers many rehabilitation support systems and robots developed for upper limbs, lower limbs as well as visually impaired condition. Other than upper limbs, the lower limb research works are also discussed like motorized foot rest for electric powered wheelchair and standing assistance device

    Wearable Movement Sensors for Rehabilitation: From Technology to Clinical Practice

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    This Special Issue shows a range of potential opportunities for the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation. However, the papers surely do not cover the whole field of physical behavior monitoring in motor rehabilitation. Most studies in this Special Issue focused on the technical validation of wearable sensors and the development of algorithms. Clinical validation studies, studies applying wearable sensors for the monitoring of physical behavior in daily life conditions, and papers about the implementation of wearable sensors in motor rehabilitation are under-represented in this Special Issue. Studies investigating the usability and feasibility of wearable movement sensors in clinical populations were lacking. We encourage researchers to investigate the usability, acceptance, feasibility, reliability, and clinical validity of wearable sensors in clinical populations to facilitate the application of wearable movement sensors in motor rehabilitation

    Proceedings SIAMOC 2019

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    Il congresso annuale della Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica, giunto quest'anno alla sua ventesima edizione, ritorna a Bologna, che già ospitò il terzo congresso nazionale nel 2002. Il legame tra Bologna e l'analisi del movimento è forte e radicato, e trova ampia linfa sia nel contesto accademico che nel ricco panorama di centri clinici d'eccellenza. Il congresso SIAMOC, come ogni anno, è l’occasione per tutti i professionisti dell’ambito clinico, metodologico ed industriale di incontrarsi, presentare le proprie ricerche e rimanere aggiornati sulle più recenti innovazioni nell’ambito dell’applicazione clinica dei metodi di analisi del movimento. Questo ha contribuito, in questi venti anni, a fare avanzare sensibilmente la ricerca italiana nel settore, conferendole un respiro ed un impatto internazionale, e a diffonderne l'applicazione clinica per migliorare la valutazione dei disordini motori, aumentare l'efficacia dei trattamenti attraverso l'analisi quantitativa dei dati e una più focalizzata pianificazione dei trattamenti, ed inoltre per quantificare i risultati delle terapie correnti