148 research outputs found

    Temporal Analysis of Static Priority Preemptive Scheduled Cyclic Streaming Applications using CSDF Models

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    Real-time streaming applications with cyclic data dependencies that are executed on multiprocessor systems with processor sharing usually require a temporal analysis to give guarantees on their temporal behavior at design time. Current accurate analysis techniques for cyclic applications that are scheduled with Static Priority Preemptive (SPP) schedulers are however limited to the analysis of applications that can be expressed with Homogeneous Synchronous Dataflow (HSDF) models, i.e. in which all tasks operate at a single rate. Moreover, it is required that both input and output buffers synchronize atomically at the beginnings and finishes of task executions, which is difficult to realize on many existing hardware platforms.\ud \ud This paper presents a temporal analysis approach for cyclic real-time streaming applications executed on multiprocessor systems with processor sharing and SPP scheduling that can be expressed using Cyclo-Static Dataflow (CSDF) models. This allows to model tasks with multiple phases and changing rates and furthermore resolves the problematic restriction that buffer synchronization must occur atomically at the boundaries of task executions. For that purpose a joint interference characterization over multiple phases is introduced, which realizes a significant accuracy improvement compared to an isolated consideration of interference.\ud \ud Applicability, efficiency and accuracy of the presented approach are evaluated in a case study using a WLAN 802.11p transceiver application. Thereby different use-cases of CSDF modeling are discussed, including a CSDF model relaxing the requirement of atomic synchronization

    Integrating dataflow and non-dataflow real-time application models on multi-core platforms

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    Ferry Jules. Facultés des sciences. Rapports sur les travaux personnels des professeurs. In: Bulletin administratif de l'instruction publique. Tome 24 n°465, 1881. pp. 529-531

    Response-Time Analysis for Task Chains with Complex Precedence and Blocking Relations

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    For the development of complex software systems, we often resort to component-based approaches that separate the different concerns, enhance verifiability and reusability, and for which microkernel-based implementations are a good fit to enforce these concepts. Composing such a system of several interacting software components will, however, lead to complex precedence and blocking relations, which must be taken into account when performing latency analysis. When modelling these systems by classical task graphs, some of these effects are obfuscated and tend to render such an analysis either overly pessimistic or even optimistic. We therefore firstly present a novel task (meta-)model that is more expressive and accurate w.r.t. these (functional) precedence and mutual blocking relations. Secondly, we apply the busy-window approach and formulate a modular response-time analysis on task-chain level suitable but not restricted to static-priority scheduled systems. We show that the conjunction of both concepts allows the calculation of reasonably tight latency bounds for scenarios not adequately covered by related work

    Schedulability analysis and optimization of time-partitioned distributed real-time systems

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    RESUMEN: La creciente complejidad de los sistemas de control modernos lleva a muchas empresas a tener que re-dimensionar o re-diseñar sus soluciones para adecuarlas a nuevas funcionalidades y requisitos. Un caso paradigmático de esta situación se ha dado en el sector ferroviario, donde la implementación de las aplicaciones de señalización se ha llevado a cabo empleando técnicas tradicionales que, si bien ahora mismo cumplen con los requisitos básicos, su rendimiento temporal y escalabilidad funcional son sustancialmente mejorables. A partir de las soluciones propuestas en esta tesis, además de contribuir a la validación de sistemas que requieren certificación de seguridad funcional, también se creará la tecnología base de análisis de planificabilidad y optimización de sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos generales y también basados en particionado temporal, que podrá ser aplicada en distintos entornos en los que los sistemas ciberfísicos juegan un rol clave, por ejemplo en aplicaciones de Industria 4.0, en los que pueden presentarse problemas similares en el futuro.ABSTRACT:he increasing complexity of modern control systems leads many companies to have to resize or redesign their solutions to adapt them to new functionalities and requirements. A paradigmatic case of this situation has occurred in the railway sector, where the implementation of signaling applications has been carried out using traditional techniques that, although they currently meet the basic requirements, their time performance and functional scalability can be substantially improved. From the solutions proposed in this thesis, besides contributing to the assessment of systems that require functional safety certification, the base technology for schedulability analysis and optimization of general as well as time-partitioned distributed real-time systems will be derived, which can be applied in different environments where cyber-physical systems play a key role, for example in Industry 4.0 applications, where similar problems may arise in the future

    An Abstraction-Refinement Theory for the Analysis and Design of Real-Time Systems

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    Component-based and model-based reasonings are key concepts to address the increasing complexity of real-time systems. Bounding abstraction theories allow to create efficiently analyzable models that can be used to give temporal or functional guarantees on non-deterministic and non-monotone implementations. Likewise, bounding refinement theories allow to create implementations that adhere to temporal or functional properties of specification models. For systems in which jitter plays a major role, both best-case and worst-case bounding models are needed. In this paper we present a bounding abstraction-refinement theory for real-time systems. Compared to the state-of-the-art TETB refinement theory, our theory is less restrictive with respect to the automatic lifting of properties from component to graph level and does not only support temporal worst-case refinement, but evenhandedly temporal and functional, best-case and worst-case abstraction and refinement

    Image Processing Using FPGAs

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    This book presents a selection of papers representing current research on using field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for realising image processing algorithms. These papers are reprints of papers selected for a Special Issue of the Journal of Imaging on image processing using FPGAs. A diverse range of topics is covered, including parallel soft processors, memory management, image filters, segmentation, clustering, image analysis, and image compression. Applications include traffic sign recognition for autonomous driving, cell detection for histopathology, and video compression. Collectively, they represent the current state-of-the-art on image processing using FPGAs

    Compilation de systèmes temps réel

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    I introduce and advocate for the concept of Real-Time Systems Compilation. By analogy with classical compilation, real-time systems compilation consists in the fully automatic construction of running, correct-by-construction implementations from functional and non-functional specifications of embedded control systems. Like in a classical compiler, the whole process must be fast (thus enabling a trial-and-error design style) and produce reasonably efficient code. This requires the use of fast heuristics, and the use of fine-grain platform and application models. Unlike a classical compiler, a real-time systems compiler must take into account non-functional properties of a system and ensure the respect of non-functional requirements (in addition to functional correctness). I also present Lopht, a real-time systems compiler for statically-scheduled real-time systems we built by combining techniques and concepts from real-time scheduling, compilation, and synchronous languages


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    Real-time scheduling analysis is crucial for time-critical systems, in which provable timing guarantees are more important than observed raw performance. Techniques for real-time scheduling analysis initially targeted uniprocessor platforms but have since evolved to encompass multiprocessor platforms. However, work directed at multiprocessors has largely focused on symmetric platforms, in which every processor is identical. Today, it is common for a multiprocessor to include heterogeneous processing elements, as this offers advantages with respect to size, weight, and power (SWaP) limitations. As a result, realizing modern real-time systems on asymmetric multiprocessor platforms is an inevitable trend. Unfortunately, principles and mechanisms regarding real-time scheduling on such platforms are relatively lacking. The goal of this dissertation is to enrich such principles and mechanisms, by bridging existing analysis for symmetric multiprocessor platforms to asymmetric ones and by developing new techniques that are unique for asymmetric multiprocessor platforms. The specific contributions are threefold. First, for a platform consisting of processors that differ with respect to processing speeds only, this dissertation shows that the preemptive global earliest-deadline-first (G-EDF) scheduler is optimal for scheduling soft real-time (SRT) task systems. Furthermore, it shows that semi-partitioned scheduling, which is a hybrid of conventional global and partitioned scheduling approaches, can be applied to optimally schedule both hard real-time (HRT) and SRT task systems. Second, on platforms that consist of processors with different functionalities, tasks that belong to different functionalities may process the same source data consecutively and therefore have producer/consumer relationships among them, which are represented by directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). End-to-end response-time bounds for such DAGs are derived in this dissertation under a G-EDF-based scheduling approach, and it is shown that such bounds can be improved by a linear-programming-based deadline-setting technique. Third, processor virtualization can lead a symmetric physical platform to be asymmetric. In fact, for a designated virtual-platform capacity, there exist an infinite number of allocation schemes for virtual processors and a choice must be made. In this dissertation, a particular asymmetric virtual-processor allocation scheme, called minimum-parallelism (MP) form, is shown to dominate all other schemes including symmetric ones.Doctor of Philosoph
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