214 research outputs found

    On the Role of Canonicity in Bottom-up Knowledge Compilation

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    We consider the problem of bottom-up compilation of knowledge bases, which is usually predicated on the existence of a polytime function for combining compilations using Boolean operators (usually called an Apply function). While such a polytime Apply function is known to exist for certain languages (e.g., OBDDs) and not exist for others (e.g., DNNF), its existence for certain languages remains unknown. Among the latter is the recently introduced language of Sentential Decision Diagrams (SDDs), for which a polytime Apply function exists for unreduced SDDs, but remains unknown for reduced ones (i.e. canonical SDDs). We resolve this open question in this paper and consider some of its theoretical and practical implications. Some of the findings we report question the common wisdom on the relationship between bottom-up compilation, language canonicity and the complexity of the Apply function

    Planning and learning under uncertainty

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    Automated Planning is the component of Artificial Intelligence that studies the computational process of synthesizing sets of actions whose execution achieves some given objectives. Research on Automated Planning has traditionally focused on solving theoretical problems in controlled environments. In such environments both, the current state of the environment and the outcome of actions, are completely known. The development of real planning applications during the last decade (planning fire extinction operations (Castillo et al., 2006), planning spacecraft activities (Nayak et al., 1999), planning emergency evacuation actions (Muñoz-Avila et al., 1999) has evidenced that these two assumptions are not true in many real-world problems. The planning research community is aware of this issue and during the last years, it has multiply its efforts to find new planning systems able to address these kinds of problems. All these efforts have created a new field in Automated Planning called planning under uncertainty. Nevertheless, the new systems suffer from two limitations. (1) They precise accurate action models, though the definition by hand of accurate action models is frequently very complex. (2) They present scalability problems due to the combinatorial explosion implied by the expressiveness of its action models. This thesis defines a new planning paradigm for building, in an efficient and scalable way, robust plans in domains with uncertainty though the action model is incomplete. The thesis is that, the integration of relational machine learning techniques with the planning and execution processes, allows to develop planning systems that automatically enrich their initial knowledge about the environment and therefore find more robust plans. An empirical evaluation illustrates these benefits in comparison with state-of-the-art probabilistic planners which use static actions models. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------La Planificación Automática es la rama de la Inteligencia Artificial que estudia los procesos computacionales para la síntesis de conjuntos de acciones cuya ejecución permita alcanzar unos objetivos dados. Históricamente, la investigación en esta rama ha tratado de resolver problemas teóricos en entornos controlados en los que conocía tanto el estado actual del entorno como el resultado de ejecutar acciones en él. En la última década, el desarrollo de aplicaciones de planificación (gestión de las tareas de extinción de incendios forestales (Castillo et al., 2006), control de las actividades de la nave espacial Deep Space 1 (Nayak et al., 1999), planificación de evacuaciones de emergencia (Muñoz-Avila et al., 1999) ha evidenciado que tales supuestos no son ciertos en muchos problemas reales. Consciente de ello, la comunidad investigadora ha multiplicado sus esfuerzos para encontrar nuevos paradigmas de planificación que se ajusten mejor a este tipo de problemas. Estos esfuerzos han llevado al nacimiento de una nueva área dentro de la Planificación Automática, llamada planificación con incertidumbre. Sin embargo, los nuevos planificadores para dominios con incertidumbre aún presentan dos importantes limitaciones: (1) Necesitan modelos de acciones detallados que contemplen los posibles resultados de ejecutar cada acción. En la mayoría de problemas reales es difícil obtener modelos de este tipo. (2) Presentan fuertes problemas de escalabilidad debido a la explosión combinatoria que provoca la complejidad de los modelos de acciones que manejan. En esta Tesis se define un paradigma de planificación capaz de generar, de forma eficiente y escalable, planes robustos en dominios con incertidumbre aunque no se disponga de modelos de acciones completamente detallados. La Tesis que se defiende es que la integración de técnicas de aprendizaje automático relacional con los procesos de decisión y ejecución permite desarrollar sistemas de planificación capaces de enriquecer automáticamente su modelo de acciones con información adicional que les ayuda a encontrar planes más robustos. Los beneficios de esta integración son evaluados experimentalmente mediante una comparación con planificadores probabilísticos del estado del arte los cuales no modifican su modelo de acciones

    Probabilistic Planning via Heuristic Forward Search and Weighted Model Counting

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    We present a new algorithm for probabilistic planning with no observability. Our algorithm, called Probabilistic-FF, extends the heuristic forward-search machinery of Conformant-FF to problems with probabilistic uncertainty about both the initial state and action effects. Specifically, Probabilistic-FF combines Conformant-FFs techniques with a powerful machinery for weighted model counting in (weighted) CNFs, serving to elegantly define both the search space and the heuristic function. Our evaluation of Probabilistic-FF shows its fine scalability in a range of probabilistic domains, constituting a several orders of magnitude improvement over previous results in this area. We use a problematic case to point out the main open issue to be addressed by further research

    The Language of Search

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    This paper is concerned with a class of algorithms that perform exhaustive search on propositional knowledge bases. We show that each of these algorithms defines and generates a propositional language. Specifically, we show that the trace of a search can be interpreted as a combinational circuit, and a search algorithm then defines a propositional language consisting of circuits that are generated across all possible executions of the algorithm. In particular, we show that several versions of exhaustive DPLL search correspond to such well-known languages as FBDD, OBDD, and a precisely-defined subset of d-DNNF. By thus mapping search algorithms to propositional languages, we provide a uniform and practical framework in which successful search techniques can be harnessed for compilation of knowledge into various languages of interest, and a new methodology whereby the power and limitations of search algorithms can be understood by looking up the tractability and succinctness of the corresponding propositional languages

    A Quantitative Flavour of Robust Reachability

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    Many software analysis techniques attempt to determine whether bugs are reachable, but for security purpose this is only part of the story as it does not indicate whether the bugs found could be easily triggered by an attacker. The recently introduced notion of robust reachability aims at filling this gap by distinguishing the input controlled by the attacker from those that are not. Yet, this qualitative notion may be too strong in practice, leaving apart bugs which are mostly but not fully replicable. We aim here at proposing a quantitative version of robust reachability, more flexible and still amenable to automation. We propose quantitative robustness, a metric expressing how easily an attacker can trigger a bug while taking into account that he can only influence part of the program input, together with a dedicated quantitative symbolic execution technique (QRSE). Interestingly, QRSE relies on a variant of model counting (namely, functional E-MAJSAT) unseen so far in formal verification, but which has been studied in AI domains such as Bayesian network, knowledge representation and probabilistic planning. Yet, the existing solving methods from these fields turn out to be unsatisfactory for formal verification purpose, leading us to propose a novel parametric method. These results have been implemented and evaluated over two security-relevant case studies, allowing to demonstrate the feasibility and relevance of our ideas

    Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Risk-Aware Stochastic Physical Search

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    We consider an intelligent agent seeking to obtain an item from one of several physical locations, where the cost to obtain the item at each location is stochastic. We study risk-aware stochastic physical search (RA-SPS), where both the cost to travel and the cost to obtain the item are taken from the same budget and where the objective is to maximize the probability of success while minimizing the required budget. This type of problem models many task-planning scenarios, such as space exploration, shopping, or surveillance. In these types of scenarios, the actual cost of completing an objective at a location may only be revealed when an agent physically arrives at the location, and the agent may need to use a single resource to both search for and acquire the item of interest. We present exact and heuristic algorithms for solving RA-SPS problems on complete metric graphs. We first formulate the problem as mixed integer linear programming problem. We then develop custom branch and bound algorithms that result in a dramatic reduction in computation time. Using these algorithms, we generate empirical insights into the hardness landscape of the RA-SPS problem and compare the performance of several heuristics

    ADDMC: Weighted Model Counting with Algebraic Decision Diagrams

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    We present an algorithm to compute exact literal-weighted model counts of Boolean formulas in Conjunctive Normal Form. Our algorithm employs dynamic programming and uses Algebraic Decision Diagrams as the primary data structure. We implement this technique in ADDMC, a new model counter. We empirically evaluate various heuristics that can be used with ADDMC. We then compare ADDMC to state-of-the-art exact weighted model counters (Cachet, c2d, d4, and miniC2D) on 1914 standard model counting benchmarks and show that ADDMC significantly improves the virtual best solver.Comment: Presented at AAAI 202

    Conformant plans and beyond: Principles and complexity

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    AbstractConformant planning is used to refer to planning for unobservable problems whose solutions, like classical planning, are linear sequences of operators called linear plans. The term ‘conformant’ is automatically associated with both the unobservable planning model and with linear plans, mainly because the only possible solutions for unobservable problems are linear plans. In this paper we show that linear plans are not only meaningful for unobservable problems but also for partially-observable problems. In such case, the execution of a linear plan generates observations from the environment which must be collected by the agent during the execution of the plan and used at the end in order to determine whether the goal had been achieved or not; this is the typical case in problems of diagnosis in which all the actions are knowledge-gathering actions.Thus, there are substantial differences about linear plans for the case of unobservable or fully-observable problems, and for the case of partially-observable problems: while linear plans for the former model must conform with properties in state space, linear plans for partially-observable problems must conform with properties in belief space. This differences surface when the problems are allowed to express epistemic goals and conditions using modal logic, and place the plan-existence decision problem in different complexity classes.Linear plans is one extreme point in a discrete spectrum of solution forms for planning problems. The other extreme point is contingent plans in which there is a branch point for every possible observation at each time step, and thus the number of branch points is not bounded a priori. In the middle of the spectrum, there are plans with a bounded number of branch points. Thus, linear plans are plans with zero branch points and contingent plans are plans with unbounded number of branch points.In this work, we lay down foundations and principles for the general treatment of linear plans and plans of bounded branching, and provide exact complexity results for novel decision problems. We also show that linear plans for partially-observable problems are not only of theoretical interest since some challenging real-life problems can be dealt with them

    Knowledge compilation for online decision-making : application to the control of autonomous systems = Compilation de connaissances pour la décision en ligne : application à la conduite de systèmes autonomes

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    La conduite de systèmes autonomes nécessite de prendre des décisions en fonction des observations et des objectifs courants : cela implique des tâches à effectuer en ligne, avec les moyens de calcul embarqués. Cependant, il s'agit généralement de tâches combinatoires, gourmandes en temps de calcul et en espace mémoire. Réaliser ces tâches intégralement en ligne dégrade la réactivité du système ; les réaliser intégralement hors ligne, en anticipant toutes les situations possibles, nuit à son embarquabilité. Les techniques de compilation de connaissances sont susceptibles d'apporter un compromis, en déportant au maximum l'effort de calcul avant la mise en situation du système. Ces techniques consistent à traduire un problème dans un certain langage, fournissant une forme compilée de ce problème, dont la résolution est facile et la taille aussi compacte que possible. La traduction peut être très longue, mais n'est effectuée qu'une seule fois, hors ligne. Il existe de nombreux langages-cible de compilation, notamment le langage des diagrammes de décision binaires (BDDs), qui ont été utilisés avec succès dans divers domaines (model-checking, configuration, planification). L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier l'application de la compilation de connaissances à la conduite de systèmes autonomes. Nous nous sommes intéressés à des problèmes réels de planification, qui impliquent souvent des variables continues ou à grand domaine énuméré (temps ou mémoire par exemple). Nous avons orienté notre travail vers la recherche et l'étude de langages-cible de compilation assez expressifs pour permettre de représenter de tels problèmes.Controlling autonomous systems requires to make decisions depending on current observations and objectives. This involves some tasks that must be executed online-with the embedded computational power only. However, these tasks are generally combinatory; their computation is long and requires a lot of memory space. Entirely executing them online thus compromises the system's reactivity. But entirely executing them offline, by anticipating every possible situation, can lead to a result too large to be embedded. A tradeoff can be provided by knowledge compilation techniques, which shift as much as possible of the computational effort before the system's launching. These techniques consists in a translation of a problem into some language, obtaining a compiled form of the problem, which is both easy to solve and as compact as possible. The translation step can be very long, but it is only executed once, and offline. There are numerous target compilation languages, among which the language of binary decision diagrams (BDDs), which have been successfully used in various domains of artificial intelligence, such as model-checking, configuration, or planning. The objective of the thesis was to study how knowledge compilation could be applied to the control of autonomous systems. We focused on realistic planning problems, which often involve variables with continuous domains or large enumerated domains (such as time or memory space). We oriented our work towards the search for target compilation languages expressive enough to represent such problems