85 research outputs found

    Guideline-based decision support in medicine : modeling guidelines for the development and application of clinical decision support systems

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    Guideline-based Decision Support in Medicine Modeling Guidelines for the Development and Application of Clinical Decision Support Systems The number and use of decision support systems that incorporate guidelines with the goal of improving care is rapidly increasing. Although developing systems that are both effective in supporting clinicians and accepted by them has proven to be a difficult task, of the systems that were evaluated by a controlled trial, the majority showed impact. The work, described in this thesis, aims at developing a methodology and framework that facilitates all stages in the guideline development process, ranging from the definition of models that represent guidelines to the implementation of run-time systems that provide decision support, based on the guidelines that were developed during the previous stages. The framework consists of 1) a guideline representation formalism that uses the concepts of primitives, Problem-Solving Methods (PSMs) and ontologies to represent guidelines of various complexity and granularity and different application domains, 2) a guideline authoring environment that enables guideline authors to define guidelines, based on the newly developed guideline representation formalism, and 3) a guideline execution environment that translates defined guidelines into a more efficient symbol-level representation, which can be read in and processed by an execution-time engine. The described methodology and framework were used to develop and validate a number of guidelines and decision support systems in various clinical domains such as Intensive Care, Family Practice, Psychiatry and the areas of Diabetes and Hypertension control

    Assessing an ontology for the representation of clinical protocols in decision support systems

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    In order to assess the expressiveness of the CompGuide ontology for Clinical Practice Guidelines, a study was conducted with fourteen students of the Integrated Masters in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Minho in Portugal to whom it was proposed the representation of multiple guidelines according to the ontology. They were then asked to evaluate the ontology through a questionnaire and written reports. Although the results seem promising, there is the need for significant improvements mainly in: the representation of medication prescriptions, the tasks used to retrieve information from the patient, the diversity of actions offered by the ontology, the expressiveness of conditions regarding the state of a patient, and temporal constraints.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologiainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conflict resolution in clinical treatments

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaCurrently, in the health area, there is a need for systems that provide support for the decision of health professionals through specific recommendations for each patient based on Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for automatic interpretation. CPGs are documents that have enormous importance in the daily life of health professionals, playing a key role in reducing variations in medical practice, improving the quality of health care, and reducing health care costs. These documents reflect knowledge about how best to diagnose and treat diseases in the form of a list of clinical recommendations. However, there may be conflicts and interactions in the application of these clinical recommendations, that which in their maximum exponent may impair the patient’s clinical condition. These conflicts are transported to decision support systems, creating the need to develop computational methods to solve these same conflicts. In the case of multimorbid patients, this resolution of conflicts can be very problematic because these patients suffer from several pathologies at the same time, and that the use of a drug for one particular pathology may have a detrimental effect on the application of another drug in another pathology. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation topic is the determination of conflicts and interactions between drugs and the determination of these same alternatives.Atualmente na área da saúde, existe uma necessidade de existirem sistemas que forneçam apoio à decisão dos profissionais de saúde através de recomendações específicas para cada paciente com base em protocolos clínicos para interpretação automática. Os protocolos clínicos são documentos que têm enorme importância no dia-a-dia dos profissionais de saúde, desempenhando um papel fundamental na redução das variações na prática médica, na melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde e na redução dos custos de saúde. Estes documentos reflectem o conhecimento sobre a melhor forma de diagnosticar e tratar doenças na forma de uma lista de recomendações clínicas. Contudo, podem existir conflitos e interações na aplicação destas recomendações clínicas, que no seu expoente máximo poderão levar a um agravamento do estado clínico do paciente, nomeadamente no caso da aplicação de diferentes fármacos. Estes conflitos são transportados para os sistemas de apoio à decisão, criando a necessidade de desenvolver métodos computacionais de resolução destes mesmos conflitos. No caso dos pacientes multimórbidos esta resolução de conflitos pode ser bastante problemática devido ao facto destes pacientes sofrerem de várias patologias ao mesmo tempo, e que a utilização de um fármaco para uma determinada patologia possa vir a ter um efeito nocivo na aplicação de outro fármaco noutra patologia. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste tema de dissertação é a determinação dos conflitos e interações entre fármacos e a determinação dessas mesmas alternativas

    A comprehensive clinical guideline model and a reasoning mechanism for AAL systems

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    The progressive ageing of population combined with the need for comfort in situations of disease and disability are pushing healthcare organizations and governments to find new solutions to enable people to live longer in their preferred environment, while having access to quality healthcare services. iGenda is an Ambient Assisted Living platform that provides constant monitoring to people with this type of needs. The use of a Computer-Interpretable Guideline model for decision making is one of the features of this platform. The model used to represent Clinical Practice Guidelines gathers a set of features that make guidelines more dynamic and easily implementable. The model is defined using Ontology Web Language, profiting from the existing constructors provided by this language. It is based on a set of primitive tasks, namely Plans, Actions, Questions and Decisions. Focusing on decision support, a method for dealing with incomplete information about the clinical parameters of a health record is presented. The objective is to keep a continuous flow of information through the decision process and assuring that an outcome is always achieved. The usefulness of the integration of guideline recommendations with a reason mechanism capable of handling incomplete information is demonstrated through a case study about the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.(undefined

    Proceedings of VVSS2007 - verification and validation of software systems, 23rd March 2007, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    Using conceptual graphs for clinical guidelines representation and knowledge visualization

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    The intrinsic complexity of the medical domain requires the building of some tools to assist the clinician and improve the patient’s health care. Clinical practice guidelines and protocols (CGPs) are documents with the aim of guiding decisions and criteria in specific areas of healthcare and they have been represented using several languages, but these are difficult to understand without a formal background. This paper uses conceptual graph formalism to represent CGPs. The originality here is the use of a graph-based approach in which reasoning is based on graph-theory operations to support sound logical reasoning in a visual manner. It allows users to have a maximal understanding and control over each step of the knowledge reasoning process in the CGPs exploitation. The application example concentrates on a protocol for the management of adult patients with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state in the Intensive Care Unit

    A Scalable Architecture for Incremental Specification and Maintenance of Procedural and Declarative Clinical Decision-Support Knowledge

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    Clinical guidelines have been shown to improve the quality of medical care and to reduce its costs. However, most guidelines exist in a free-text representation and, without automation, are not sufficiently accessible to clinicians at the point of care. A prerequisite for automated guideline application is a machine-comprehensible representation of the guidelines. In this study, we designed and implemented a scalable architecture to support medical experts and knowledge engineers in specifying and maintaining the procedural and declarative aspects of clinical guideline knowledge, resulting in a machine comprehensible representation. The new framework significantly extends our previous work on the Digital electronic Guidelines Library (DeGeL) The current study designed and implemented a graphical framework for specification of declarative and procedural clinical knowledge, Gesher. We performed three different experiments to evaluate the functionality and usability of the major aspects of the new framework: Specification of procedural clinical knowledge, specification of declarative clinical knowledge, and exploration of a given clinical guideline. The subjects included clinicians and knowledge engineers (overall, 27 participants). The evaluations indicated high levels of completeness and correctness of the guideline specification process by both the clinicians and the knowledge engineers, although the best results, in the case of declarative-knowledge specification, were achieved by teams including a clinician and a knowledge engineer. The usability scores were high as well, although the clinicians’ assessment was significantly lower than the assessment of the knowledge engineers

    Proceedings of VVSS2007 - verification and validation of software systems, 23rd March 2007, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    The role of ontologies and decision frameworks in computer-interpretable guideline execution

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    Computer-Interpretable Guidelines (CIGs) are machine readable representations of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) that serve as the knowledge base in many knowledge-based systems oriented towards clinical decision support. Herein we disclose a comprehensive CIG representation model based on Web Ontology Language (OWL) along with its main components. Additionally, we present results revealing the expressiveness of the model regarding a selected set of CPGs. The CIG model then serves as the basis of an architecture for an execution system that is able to manage incomplete information regarding the state of a patient through Speculative Computation. The architecture allows for the generation of clinical scenarios when there is missing information for clinical parameters.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/85291/ 2012)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio