2,649 research outputs found

    Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Acoustic Interfaces

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    Modern speech communications are evolving towards a new direction which involves users in a more perceptive way. That is the immersive experience, which may be considered as the “last-mile” problem of telecommunications. One of the main feature of immersive communications is the distant-talking, i.e. the hands-free (in the broad sense) speech communications without bodyworn or tethered microphones that takes place in a multisource environment where interfering signals may degrade the communication quality and the intelligibility of the desired speech source. In order to preserve speech quality intelligent acoustic interfaces may be used. An intelligent acoustic interface may comprise multiple microphones and loudspeakers and its peculiarity is to model the acoustic channel in order to adapt to user requirements and to environment conditions. This is the reason why intelligent acoustic interfaces are based on adaptive filtering algorithms. The acoustic path modelling entails a set of problems which have to be taken into account in designing an adaptive filtering algorithm. Such problems may be basically generated by a linear or a nonlinear process and can be tackled respectively by linear or nonlinear adaptive algorithms. In this work we consider such modelling problems and we propose novel effective adaptive algorithms that allow acoustic interfaces to be robust against any interfering signals, thus preserving the perceived quality of desired speech signals. As regards linear adaptive algorithms, a class of adaptive filters based on the sparse nature of the acoustic impulse response has been recently proposed. We adopt such class of adaptive filters, named proportionate adaptive filters, and derive a general framework from which it is possible to derive any linear adaptive algorithm. Using such framework we also propose some efficient proportionate adaptive algorithms, expressly designed to tackle problems of a linear nature. On the other side, in order to address problems deriving from a nonlinear process, we propose a novel filtering model which performs a nonlinear transformations by means of functional links. Using such nonlinear model, we propose functional link adaptive filters which provide an efficient solution to the modelling of a nonlinear acoustic channel. Finally, we introduce robust filtering architectures based on adaptive combinations of filters that allow acoustic interfaces to more effectively adapt to environment conditions, thus providing a powerful mean to immersive speech communications

    Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Acoustic Interfaces

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    Modern speech communications are evolving towards a new direction which involves users in a more perceptive way. That is the immersive experience, which may be considered as the “last-mile” problem of telecommunications. One of the main feature of immersive communications is the distant-talking, i.e. the hands-free (in the broad sense) speech communications without bodyworn or tethered microphones that takes place in a multisource environment where interfering signals may degrade the communication quality and the intelligibility of the desired speech source. In order to preserve speech quality intelligent acoustic interfaces may be used. An intelligent acoustic interface may comprise multiple microphones and loudspeakers and its peculiarity is to model the acoustic channel in order to adapt to user requirements and to environment conditions. This is the reason why intelligent acoustic interfaces are based on adaptive filtering algorithms. The acoustic path modelling entails a set of problems which have to be taken into account in designing an adaptive filtering algorithm. Such problems may be basically generated by a linear or a nonlinear process and can be tackled respectively by linear or nonlinear adaptive algorithms. In this work we consider such modelling problems and we propose novel effective adaptive algorithms that allow acoustic interfaces to be robust against any interfering signals, thus preserving the perceived quality of desired speech signals. As regards linear adaptive algorithms, a class of adaptive filters based on the sparse nature of the acoustic impulse response has been recently proposed. We adopt such class of adaptive filters, named proportionate adaptive filters, and derive a general framework from which it is possible to derive any linear adaptive algorithm. Using such framework we also propose some efficient proportionate adaptive algorithms, expressly designed to tackle problems of a linear nature. On the other side, in order to address problems deriving from a nonlinear process, we propose a novel filtering model which performs a nonlinear transformations by means of functional links. Using such nonlinear model, we propose functional link adaptive filters which provide an efficient solution to the modelling of a nonlinear acoustic channel. Finally, we introduce robust filtering architectures based on adaptive combinations of filters that allow acoustic interfaces to more effectively adapt to environment conditions, thus providing a powerful mean to immersive speech communications

    Combined Sparse Regularization for Nonlinear Adaptive Filters

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    Nonlinear adaptive filters often show some sparse behavior due to the fact that not all the coefficients are equally useful for the modeling of any nonlinearity. Recently, a class of proportionate algorithms has been proposed for nonlinear filters to leverage sparsity of their coefficients. However, the choice of the norm penalty of the cost function may be not always appropriate depending on the problem. In this paper, we introduce an adaptive combined scheme based on a block-based approach involving two nonlinear filters with different regularization that allows to achieve always superior performance than individual rules. The proposed method is assessed in nonlinear system identification problems, showing its effectiveness in taking advantage of the online combined regularization.Comment: This is a corrected version of the paper presented at EUSIPCO 2018 and published on IEEE https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/855295

    Steady-State Performance of an Adaptive Combined MISO Filter Using the Multichannel Affine Projection Algorithm

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    The combination of adaptive filters is an effective approach to improve filtering performance. In this paper, we investigate the performance of an adaptive combined scheme between two adaptive multiple-input single-output (MISO) filters, which can be easily extended to the case of multiple outputs. In order to generalize the analysis, we consider the multichannel affine projection algorithm (APA) to update the coefficients of the MISO filters, which increases the possibility of exploiting the capabilities of the filtering scheme. Using energy conservation relations, we derive a theoretical behavior of the proposed adaptive combination scheme at steady state. Such analysis entails some further theoretical insights with respect to the single channel combination scheme. Simulation results prove both the validity of the theoretical steady-state analysis and the effectiveness of the proposed combined scheme.The work of Danilo Comminiello, Michele Scarpiniti and Aurelio Uncini has been supported by the project: “Vehicular Fog energy-efficient QoS mining and dissemination of multimedia Big Data streams (V-FoG and V-Fog2)”, funded by Sapienza University of Rome Bando 2016 and 2017. The work of Michele Scarpiniti and Aurelio Uncini has been also supported by the project: “GAUChO – A Green Adaptive Fog Computing and networking Architectures” funded by the MIUR Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Bando 2015, grant 2015YPXH4W_004. The work of Luis A. Azpicueta-Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (under grant DAMA (TIN2015-70308-REDT) and grants TEC2014-52289-R and TEC2017-83838-R), and by the European Union

    Connecting mathematical models for image processing and neural networks

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    This thesis deals with the connections between mathematical models for image processing and deep learning. While data-driven deep learning models such as neural networks are flexible and well performing, they are often used as a black box. This makes it hard to provide theoretical model guarantees and scientific insights. On the other hand, more traditional, model-driven approaches such as diffusion, wavelet shrinkage, and variational models offer a rich set of mathematical foundations. Our goal is to transfer these foundations to neural networks. To this end, we pursue three strategies. First, we design trainable variants of traditional models and reduce their parameter set after training to obtain transparent and adaptive models. Moreover, we investigate the architectural design of numerical solvers for partial differential equations and translate them into building blocks of popular neural network architectures. This yields criteria for stable networks and inspires novel design concepts. Lastly, we present novel hybrid models for inpainting that rely on our theoretical findings. These strategies provide three ways for combining the best of the two worlds of model- and data-driven approaches. Our work contributes to the overarching goal of closing the gap between these worlds that still exists in performance and understanding.Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die Zusammenhänge zwischen mathematischen Modellen zur Bildverarbeitung und Deep Learning. Während datengetriebene Modelle des Deep Learning wie z.B. neuronale Netze flexibel sind und gute Ergebnisse liefern, werden sie oft als Black Box eingesetzt. Das macht es schwierig, theoretische Modellgarantien zu liefern und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Im Gegensatz dazu bieten traditionellere, modellgetriebene Ansätze wie Diffusion, Wavelet Shrinkage und Variationsansätze eine Fülle von mathematischen Grundlagen. Unser Ziel ist es, diese auf neuronale Netze zu übertragen. Zu diesem Zweck verfolgen wir drei Strategien. Zunächst entwerfen wir trainierbare Varianten von traditionellen Modellen und reduzieren ihren Parametersatz, um transparente und adaptive Modelle zu erhalten. Außerdem untersuchen wir die Architekturen von numerischen Lösern für partielle Differentialgleichungen und übersetzen sie in Bausteine von populären neuronalen Netzwerken. Daraus ergeben sich Kriterien für stabile Netzwerke und neue Designkonzepte. Schließlich präsentieren wir neuartige hybride Modelle für Inpainting, die auf unseren theoretischen Erkenntnissen beruhen. Diese Strategien bieten drei Möglichkeiten, das Beste aus den beiden Welten der modell- und datengetriebenen Ansätzen zu vereinen. Diese Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum übergeordneten Ziel, die Lücke zwischen den zwei Welten zu schließen, die noch in Bezug auf Leistung und Modellverständnis besteht.ERC Advanced Grant INCOVI

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    A New Class of Efficient Adaptive Filters for Online Nonlinear Modeling

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    Nonlinear models are known to provide excellent performance in real-world applications that often operate in nonideal conditions. However, such applications often require online processing to be performed with limited computational resources. To address this problem, we propose a new class of efficient nonlinear models for online applications. The proposed algorithms are based on linear-in-the-parameters (LIPs) nonlinear filters using functional link expansions. In order to make this class of functional link adaptive filters (FLAFs) efficient, we propose low-complexity expansions and frequency-domain adaptation of the parameters. Among this family of algorithms, we also define the partitioned-block frequency-domain FLAF (FD-FLAF), whose implementation is particularly suitable for online nonlinear modeling problems. We assess and compare FD-FLAFs with different expansions providing the best possible tradeoff between performance and computational complexity. Experimental results prove that the proposed algorithms can be considered as an efficient and effective solution for online applications, such as the acoustic echo cancellation, even in the presence of adverse nonlinear conditions and with limited availability of computational resources

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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