7,377 research outputs found

    On the number of fully packed loop configurations with a fixed associated matching

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    We show that the number of fully packed loop configurations corresponding to a matching with mm nested arches is polynomial in mm if mm is large enough, thus essentially proving two conjectures by Zuber [Electronic J. Combin. 11 (2004), Article #R13].Comment: AnS-LaTeX, 43 pages; Journal versio

    An extension of Tamari lattices

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    For any finite path vv on the square grid consisting of north and east unit steps, starting at (0,0), we construct a poset Tam(v)(v) that consists of all the paths weakly above vv with the same number of north and east steps as vv. For particular choices of vv, we recover the traditional Tamari lattice and the mm-Tamari lattice. Let v←\overleftarrow{v} be the path obtained from vv by reading the unit steps of vv in reverse order, replacing the east steps by north steps and vice versa. We show that the poset Tam(v)(v) is isomorphic to the dual of the poset Tam(v←)(\overleftarrow{v}). We do so by showing bijectively that the poset Tam(v)(v) is isomorphic to the poset based on rotation of full binary trees with the fixed canopy vv, from which the duality follows easily. This also shows that Tam(v)(v) is a lattice for any path vv. We also obtain as a corollary of this bijection that the usual Tamari lattice, based on Dyck paths of height nn, is a partition of the (smaller) lattices Tam(v)(v), where the vv are all the paths on the square grid that consist of n−1n-1 unit steps. We explain possible connections between the poset Tam(v)(v) and (the combinatorics of) the generalized diagonal coinvariant spaces of the symmetric group.Comment: 18 page

    Lattice paths of slope 2/5

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    We analyze some enumerative and asymptotic properties of Dyck paths under a line of slope 2/5.This answers to Knuth's problem \\#4 from his "Flajolet lecture" during the conference "Analysis of Algorithms" (AofA'2014) in Paris in June 2014.Our approach relies on the work of Banderier and Flajolet for asymptotics and enumeration of directed lattice paths. A key ingredient in the proof is the generalization of an old trick of Knuth himself (for enumerating permutations sortable by a stack),promoted by Flajolet and others as the "kernel method". All the corresponding generating functions are algebraic,and they offer some new combinatorial identities, which can be also tackled in the A=B spirit of Wilf--Zeilberger--Petkov{\v s}ek.We show how to obtain similar results for other slopes than 2/5, an interesting case being e.g. Dyck paths below the slope 2/3, which corresponds to the so called Duchon's club model.Comment: Robert Sedgewick and Mark Daniel Ward. Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO)2015, Jan 2015, San Diego, United States. SIAM, 2015 Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO), eISBN 978-1-61197-376-1, pp.105-113, 2015, 2015 Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO

    Moderate Growth Time Series for Dynamic Combinatorics Modelisation

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    Here, we present a family of time series with a simple growth constraint. This family can be the basis of a model to apply to emerging computation in business and micro-economy where global functions can be expressed from local rules. We explicit a double statistics on these series which allows to establish a one-to-one correspondence between three other ballot-like strunctures

    Stammering tableaux

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    The PASEP (Partially Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process) is a probabilistic model of moving particles, which is of great interest in combinatorics, since it appeared that its partition function counts some tableaux. These tableaux have several variants such as permutations tableaux, alternative tableaux, tree- like tableaux, Dyck tableaux, etc. We introduce in this context certain excursions in Young's lattice, that we call stammering tableaux (by analogy with oscillating tableaux, vacillating tableaux, hesitating tableaux). Some natural bijections make a link with rook placements in a double staircase, chains of Dyck paths obtained by successive addition of ribbons, Laguerre histories, Dyck tableaux, etc.Comment: Clarification and better exposition thanks reviewer's report

    The Matrix Ansatz, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Permutations

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    In this paper we outline a Matrix Ansatz approach to some problems of combinatorial enumeration. The idea is that many interesting quantities can be expressed in terms of products of matrices, where the matrices obey certain relations. We illustrate this approach with applications to moments of orthogonal polynomials, permutations, signed permutations, and tableaux.Comment: to appear in Advances in Applied Mathematics, special issue for Dennis Stanto
