336 research outputs found

    Extended Object Tracking: Introduction, Overview and Applications

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    This article provides an elaborate overview of current research in extended object tracking. We provide a clear definition of the extended object tracking problem and discuss its delimitation to other types of object tracking. Next, different aspects of extended object modelling are extensively discussed. Subsequently, we give a tutorial introduction to two basic and well used extended object tracking approaches - the random matrix approach and the Kalman filter-based approach for star-convex shapes. The next part treats the tracking of multiple extended objects and elaborates how the large number of feasible association hypotheses can be tackled using both Random Finite Set (RFS) and Non-RFS multi-object trackers. The article concludes with a summary of current applications, where four example applications involving camera, X-band radar, light detection and ranging (lidar), red-green-blue-depth (RGB-D) sensors are highlighted.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    Robust real-time tracking in smart camera networks

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    Exploring space situational awareness using neuromorphic event-based cameras

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    The orbits around earth are a limited natural resource and one that hosts a vast range of vital space-based systems that support international systems use by both commercial industries, civil organisations, and national defence. The availability of this space resource is rapidly depleting due to the ever-growing presence of space debris and rampant overcrowding, especially in the limited and highly desirable slots in geosynchronous orbit. The field of Space Situational Awareness encompasses tasks aimed at mitigating these hazards to on-orbit systems through the monitoring of satellite traffic. Essential to this task is the collection of accurate and timely observation data. This thesis explores the use of a novel sensor paradigm to optically collect and process sensor data to enhance and improve space situational awareness tasks. Solving this issue is critical to ensure that we can continue to utilise the space environment in a sustainable way. However, these tasks pose significant engineering challenges that involve the detection and characterisation of faint, highly distant, and high-speed targets. Recent advances in neuromorphic engineering have led to the availability of high-quality neuromorphic event-based cameras that provide a promising alternative to the conventional cameras used in space imaging. These cameras offer the potential to improve the capabilities of existing space tracking systems and have been shown to detect and track satellites or ‘Resident Space Objects’ at low data rates, high temporal resolutions, and in conditions typically unsuitable for conventional optical cameras. This thesis presents a thorough exploration of neuromorphic event-based cameras for space situational awareness tasks and establishes a rigorous foundation for event-based space imaging. The work conducted in this project demonstrates how to enable event-based space imaging systems that serve the goals of space situational awareness by providing accurate and timely information on the space domain. By developing and implementing event-based processing techniques, the asynchronous operation, high temporal resolution, and dynamic range of these novel sensors are leveraged to provide low latency target acquisition and rapid reaction to challenging satellite tracking scenarios. The algorithms and experiments developed in this thesis successfully study the properties and trade-offs of event-based space imaging and provide comparisons with traditional observing methods and conventional frame-based sensors. The outcomes of this thesis demonstrate the viability of event-based cameras for use in tracking and space imaging tasks and therefore contribute to the growing efforts of the international space situational awareness community and the development of the event-based technology in astronomy and space science applications

    Predicting Multiple Target Tracking Performance for Applications on Video Sequences

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    This dissertation presents a framework to predict the performance of multiple target tracking (MTT) techniques. The framework is based on the mathematical descriptors of point processes, the probability generating functional (p.g.fl). It is shown that conceptually the p.g.fls of MTT techniques can be interpreted as a transform that can be marginalized to an expression that encodes all the information regarding the likelihood model as well as the underlying assumptions present in a given tracking technique. In order to use this approach for tracker performance prediction in video sequences, a framework that combines video quality assessment concepts and the marginalized transform is introduced. The multiple hypothesis tracker (MHT), Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA), Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) data association, and the Probability Hypothesis Density filter (PHD) are used as a test cases. We introduce their transforms and perform a numerical comparison to predict their performance under identical conditions. We also introduce the concepts that present the base for estimation in general and for applications in computer vision

    Suivi Multi-Locuteurs avec des Informations Audio-Visuelles pour la Perception des Robots

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    Robot perception plays a crucial role in human-robot interaction (HRI). Perception system provides the robot information of the surroundings and enables the robot to give feedbacks. In a conversational scenario, a group of people may chat in front of the robot and move freely. In such situations, robots are expected to understand where are the people, who are speaking, or what are they talking about. This thesis concentrates on answering the first two questions, namely speaker tracking and diarization. We use different modalities of the robot’s perception system to achieve the goal. Like seeing and hearing for a human-being, audio and visual information are the critical cues for a robot in a conversational scenario. The advancement of computer vision and audio processing of the last decade has revolutionized the robot perception abilities. In this thesis, we have the following contributions: we first develop a variational Bayesian framework for tracking multiple objects. The variational Bayesian framework gives closed-form tractable problem solutions, which makes the tracking process efficient. The framework is first applied to visual multiple-person tracking. Birth and death process are built jointly with the framework to deal with the varying number of the people in the scene. Furthermore, we exploit the complementarity of vision and robot motorinformation. On the one hand, the robot’s active motion can be integrated into the visual tracking system to stabilize the tracking. On the other hand, visual information can be used to perform motor servoing. Moreover, audio and visual information are then combined in the variational framework, to estimate the smooth trajectories of speaking people, and to infer the acoustic status of a person- speaking or silent. In addition, we employ the model to acoustic-only speaker localization and tracking. Online dereverberation techniques are first applied then followed by the tracking system. Finally, a variant of the acoustic speaker tracking model based on von-Mises distribution is proposed, which is specifically adapted to directional data. All the proposed methods are validated on datasets according to applications.La perception des robots joue un rôle crucial dans l’interaction homme-robot (HRI). Le système de perception fournit les informations au robot sur l’environnement, ce qui permet au robot de réagir en consequence. Dans un scénario de conversation, un groupe de personnes peut discuter devant le robot et se déplacer librement. Dans de telles situations, les robots sont censés comprendre où sont les gens, ceux qui parlent et de quoi ils parlent. Cette thèse se concentre sur les deux premières questions, à savoir le suivi et la diarisation des locuteurs. Nous utilisons différentes modalités du système de perception du robot pour remplir cet objectif. Comme pour l’humain, l’ouie et la vue sont essentielles pour un robot dans un scénario de conversation. Les progrès de la vision par ordinateur et du traitement audio de la dernière décennie ont révolutionné les capacités de perception des robots. Dans cette thèse, nous développons les contributions suivantes : nous développons d’abord un cadre variationnel bayésien pour suivre plusieurs objets. Le cadre bayésien variationnel fournit des solutions explicites, rendant le processus de suivi très efficace. Cette approche est d’abord appliqué au suivi visuel de plusieurs personnes. Les processus de créations et de destructions sont en adéquation avecle modèle probabiliste proposé pour traiter un nombre variable de personnes. De plus, nous exploitons la complémentarité de la vision et des informations du moteur du robot : d’une part, le mouvement actif du robot peut être intégré au système de suivi visuel pour le stabiliser ; d’autre part, les informations visuelles peuvent être utilisées pour effectuer l’asservissement du moteur. Par la suite, les informations audio et visuelles sont combinées dans le modèle variationnel, pour lisser les trajectoires et déduire le statut acoustique d’une personne : parlant ou silencieux. Pour experimenter un scenario où l’informationvisuelle est absente, nous essayons le modèle pour la localisation et le suivi des locuteurs basé sur l’information acoustique uniquement. Les techniques de déréverbération sont d’abord appliquées, dont le résultat est fourni au système de suivi. Enfin, une variante du modèle de suivi des locuteurs basée sur la distribution de von-Mises est proposée, celle-ci étant plus adaptée aux données directionnelles. Toutes les méthodes proposées sont validées sur des bases de données specifiques à chaque application

    Object Tracking

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    Object tracking consists in estimation of trajectory of moving objects in the sequence of images. Automation of the computer object tracking is a difficult task. Dynamics of multiple parameters changes representing features and motion of the objects, and temporary partial or full occlusion of the tracked objects have to be considered. This monograph presents the development of object tracking algorithms, methods and systems. Both, state of the art of object tracking methods and also the new trends in research are described in this book. Fourteen chapters are split into two sections. Section 1 presents new theoretical ideas whereas Section 2 presents real-life applications. Despite the variety of topics contained in this monograph it constitutes a consisted knowledge in the field of computer object tracking. The intention of editor was to follow up the very quick progress in the developing of methods as well as extension of the application

    Tracking of Animals Using Airborne Cameras

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    Fusion of Data from Heterogeneous Sensors with Distributed Fields of View and Situation Evaluation for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    In order to develop a driver assistance system for pedestrian protection, pedestrians in the environment of a truck are detected by radars and a camera and are tracked across distributed fields of view using a Joint Integrated Probabilistic Data Association filter. A robust approach for prediction of the system vehicles trajectory is presented. It serves the computation of a probabilistic collision risk based on reachable sets where different sources of uncertainty are taken into account

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2015

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems Engineering and Management, Operational Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering Physics