11 research outputs found

    Use of information sources in outbound travel planning: case of the Netherlands and Belgium

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    In the Information Age travellers have a wide range of information that can be accessed by a variety of channels. The kind of information search travellers undertake and acquire will have significant consequences for the purchases they will make. There is a need for repeated studies to track possible changes in tourist behaviour for information search patterns as use of information sources and their combination evolve over the time. Understanding tourists’ information search peculiarities can be of use for tourism scholars and practitioners in the marketing planning process. Majority of European citizens are travelling mainly within their home country (Eurobarometer, 2014) still small countries of Central Europe are among the most active international travellers (Eurostat, 2018). The aim of the research is to study the usage of sources of information and their combinations in outbound travel planning for Dutch and Belgian travellers. The research is based on the data of a survey of travelling population carried out in different cities of the Netherlands and Belgium in the summer 2018. 502 valid questionnaires were obtained. MS Excel, SPSS and R network visualization visNetwork software tools were used for analysing the data applying following methods - descriptive statistics, crosstabulation and network analysis method concept as network diagram. The conclusions and recommendations of the study are addressed to marketing organizations of tourism destinations and companies, whose target market is tourists from Belgium and the Netherlands

    Can we use big data analytics to leverage tourism in rural tourism destinations?

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    Tourism is an increasingly important global economic activity. The proliferation of technology-based mechanisms applied to this activity, has been prompted by a growing number of more demanding consumers, well informed and receptive to new tools to access information and also by the fact that tourism is an information-intensive activity. However, in what concerns peripheral rural tourism destinations, which are to a large extend made up of micro and small enterprises, there is a lack of evidence that the maturity of data that is captured, processed and maintained, by tourism organizations, has a sufficient level of maturity to support the application of Big Data Analytics techniques. This paper, which intends to examine peripheral and mainly rural tourism destinations, analyses the key issues about technology on tourism and proposes a matrix so that we can gauge if the data currently available, and its maturity level, are sufficient to support the use of Big Data Analytics, with all the inherent benefits that rural tourism destinations could arise from its use.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. .info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    LoA-editorial team-naskah IJOSH 2023

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    The case of TUI : sailing into a bright future or sinking like Thomas Cook?

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    In the rapidly changing environment of the tourism industry, it becomes crucial for its players to adapt to exogenous factors in order to stay competitive and profitable in the long run. As an increasing number of tourists were individually booking their holidays through online booking portals, the business model of pure tour operators was being undermined. While some players, like TUI, saw the digitalization as an opportunity to change its business model, others, like Thomas Cook, failed to adapt. The case of TUI, one of the largest tourism groups worldwide, serves as an example of a successful strategic change and fit to environmental and organizational contingencies. The case demonstrates how TUI transformed its business model from a traditional tour operator towards a fully vertically integrated provider of holiday experiences. The new management introduced a strategic initiative in 2013, which involved the important merger of the parent company TUI AG with its subsidiary TUI Travel to reach full vertical integration. Thereafter, TUI highly invested in assets in terms of hotels and cruise ships as well as destination experiences. It illustrates, that the management made use of Dynamic Capabilities and changed the company’s resource base through the corporate strategy of vertical integration, in particular in the form of taper integration. Although the strategic change had proven to be successful, the vertical integration exposed the group to enormous financial challenges, when the corona pandemic brought the world to a standstill in 2020.Num ambiente em rápida mudança, como o da indústria do turismo, torna-se crucial que as empresas se adaptem a fatores exógenos para permanecerem competitivas e lucrativas a longo prazo. Com um número crescente de turistas a reservar as suas férias individualmente on-line, o modelo de negócios dos operadores turísticos puros foi posto em causa. Enquanto alguns players, como a TUI, viram a digitalização como uma oportunidade para mudar o seu modelo de negócios, outros, como a Thomas Cook, não conseguiram adaptar-se. O caso da TUI, um dos maiores grupos turísticos do mundo, serve como exemplo de uma mudança estratégica bem-sucedida e adequada às contingências ambientais e organizacionais. O caso demonstra como a TUI transformou o seu modelo de negócios, de uma operadora de turismo tradicional para um fornecedor de experiências de férias totalmente integrado verticalmente. A nova administração introduziu, em 2013, uma iniciativa estratégica que envolveu a importante fusão da empresa-mãe TUI AG com a sua subsidiária TUI Travel para alcançar uma integração vertical completa. Posteriormente, a TUI investiu muito em ativos, tais como hotéis e navios de cruzeiro, bem como em experiências nos destinos de férias. O caso ilustra como a gestão de topo utilizou as dynamic capabilities para mudar a base de recursos da empresa por meio duma estratégia corporativa de integração vertical, em particular na forma duma ‘taper integration’. Embora a mudança estratégica tenha sido bem-sucedida, a integração vertical expôs o grupo a enormes desafios financeiros, quando a pandemia causada pelo coronavírus parou o mundo em 2020

    Visitantes internacionais dos Passadiços do Paiva: motivação, experiência, satisfação e canais de distribuição

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    Objetivo – Inaugurados em 2015, os Passadiços do Paiva deram um forte impulso à dinâmica turística de Arouca. No entanto, esta atração turística carece de estudos científicos, no âmbito do turismo. Assim, desenvolveu-se um estudo acerca da motivação turística, experiência turística, satisfação e canais de distribuição utilizados pelos visitantes internacionais desta infraestrutura, no ano de 2017. O objetivo principal desta investigação é compreender a relação entre as motivações, a avaliação da experiência e o grau de satisfação, na visita dos turistas internacionais aos Passadiços do Paiva e os objetivos específicos são compreender os fatores que influenciam as motivações da visita aos Passadiços do Paiva (fatores Push & Pull); compreender se as motivações influenciam a avaliação da experiência turística e compreender os fatores que influenciam a satisfação. Metodologia - Recorreu-se a uma metodologia quantitativa através do inquérito por questionário, enviado via email aos 3639 contactos constantes na base de dados referente às reservas efetuadas online. Este inquérito englobou 16 questões, 12 questões de resposta única, com lista de hipóteses e 4 questões de escala de Likert de cinco pontos, tendo sido obtidas 204 respostas. Resultados – Os resultados das hipóteses demonstram as seguintes relações: motivação e características da viagem (fatores pull); motivação e canais de distribuição; motivação e experiência, e satisfação e experiência (domínios Estético e Entretenimento). Não se verificou relação entre a motivação e o perfil individual do visitante assim como, contrariamente à revisão da literatura, não se verificou relação com a satisfação. Uma vez que a motivação push não se relaciona com os Passadiços do Paiva, apenas após a utilização canais de distribuição e melhor conhecimento do destino é que o indivíduo decide visitar esta infraestrutura. Conclui-se, então, que os atributos dos Passadiços do Paiva (fatores pull) estão relacionados com a motivação. Este estudo também permite verificar quais os principais canais de distribuição utilizados para dar a conhecer esses atributos ao visitante. De entre estes canais destacam-se os canais digitais, nomeadamente o site oficial dos Passadiços do Paiva e outros sites com informação acerca desta atração. Conforme revisão da literatura, há uma relação entre a motivação e a experiência, no entanto, a satisfação apenas se relaciona com os domínios Estético e Entretenimento. Isto confirma a dimensão estética desta infraestrutura assim como o seu enquadramento na paisagem, bem conseguido. No que concerne à dimensão Entretenimento, ressalva-se o ano atipicamente quente que se fez sentir, em 2017, o que aumentou a época balnear e o usufruto das praias fluviais próximas ao percurso. De salientar a ausência da relação entre a satisfação e o domínio Entretenimento uma vez que este território está classificado na Rede Natura 2000 e Geopark. Limitações e implicações – Tendo em conta o número de visitantes dos Passadiços do Paiva, em 2017, o número de respostas obtidas é relativamente reduzido e os resultados não devem ser generalizados. Implicações práticas – Os resultados apresentados permitirão os gestores do destino terem perceção das variáveis aqui estudadas e criarem estratégias de marketing adequadas. Originalidade/valor – A diferenciação deste estudo prende-se com a área geográfica e a atração turística em questão por não existirem, à data, estudos na área de turismo neste contexto.Abstract propose – Opened in 2015, the Paiva Walkways gave a strong impulse to the tourism dynamic of Arouca. However, this tourist attraction lacks scientific studies, in the context of tourism. Thus, it was developed a study about the tourist motivation, tourist experience, satisfaction and distribution channels used by international visitors of this infrastructure, in the year 2017. The main goal of this research is to understand the relationship between the motivations, the assessment of the experience and the degree of satisfaction of international tourists on the visit to the Paiva Walkways. The specific objectives are to understand the factors that influence the motivations of the visit to the Paiva Walkways (Push & Pull factors); to understand if the motivations influence the evaluation of the tourist experience and to understand the factors that influence the satisfaction. Methodology - It was used a quantitative methodology through survey by questionnaire, sent via e-mail to 3639 contacts contained in the database relating to the reservations that were made online. This survey included 16 questions, 12 questions to single response, with a list of hypotheses and 4 questions of five points Likert scale and the number of responses obtained was 204. Results – The results of the hypotheses show the following relation: motivation and trip characteristics (pull factors); motivation and distribution channels; motivation and experience, and satisfaction and experience (Aesthetic and Entertainment areas). It didn't occur a relation between motivation and the visitor individual profile as well as, in opposition to the literature review, there was no relation with satisfaction. Since the push motivation does not relate to the Walkways of Paiva, only after the use of distribution channels and a better knowledge of the destination is when the subject decides to visit this infrastructure. It can be concluded, then, that the attributes of the Walkways of the Paiva (pull factors) are related with the motivation. This study also allows verifying which is the main distribution channels used to publicize these attributes to the visitor. Among these channels the digital channels are the ones that stand out the most, particularly the official website of the Walkways of the Paiva and other websites with information about this attraction. According to literature review, there is a relation between the motivation and the experience, however, the satisfaction only relates to aesthetics and entertainment domains. This confirms the aesthetic dimension of this infrastructure as well as its framing in the landscape, well achieved. Regarding the Entertainment dimension, caveat-if the atypically warm year that made itself feels, in 2017, which increased the summer season and the enjoyment of the river beaches close to the route. To point out the absence of a relation between the satisfaction and the Entertainment domain since this area is classified as Rede Natura 2000 and Geopark. Limitations and implications – Considering the number of visitors to the Walkways of Paiva, in 2017, the number of answers obtained is relatively small and the results should not be generalized. Practical implications – The results presented will enable the managers of the destination to have a perception of the variables studied here and create appropriate marketing strategies. Originality/value – The differentiation of this study relates to the geographical area and the tourist attraction in question since, to date, there are no studies in tourism, in this context.N/

    Combination of Information Sources in Travel Planning A Cross-national Study

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    This paper presents results from a study about the Internet as an information source for travel planning based on interviews with travelers in 13 countries in 2005. In 1997, a similar large scale survey was carried out in 15 European countries. The study shows a dramatic but well known change in information sources used by travelers since 1997. The Internet has become the most preferred information source by approximately 50% of the travelers. Travelers using the Internet as their primary source of information mostly combine it with other sources such as friends and relatives, brochures, guidebooks, and travel agents. A logistic regression analysis was performed in order to study the significance of demographics and countries on the preference of Internet as the first information source

    Combination of Information Sources in Travel Planning A Cross-national Study

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    This paper presents results from a study about the Internet as an information source for travel planning based on interviews with travelers in 13 countries in 2005. In 1997, a similar large scale survey was carried out in 15 European countries. The study shows a dramatic but well known change in information sources used by travelers since 1997. The Internet has become the most preferred information source by approximately 50% of the travelers. Travelers using the Internet as their primary source of information mostly combine it with other sources such as friends and relatives, brochures, guidebooks, and travel agents. A logistic regression analysis was performed in order to study the significance of demographics and countries on the preference of Internet as the first information source

    Determinantes da implementação de uma estratégia de negócio eletrónico por parte das organizações de gestão de destinos turísticos

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    Doutoramento em TurismoA presente tese foca-se na adoção tecnológica por parte das organizações de gestão de destinos turísticos uma vez que estas organizações exercem um papel preponderante na gestão dos destinos turísticos. Os sistemas de gestão de destinos são considerados uma infraestrutura tecnológica crucial destas organizações. Contudo na literatura não está claro quais são os fatores que promovem a implementação destes sistemas, nem quais os fatores que contribuem para o seu sucesso. A presente tese pretende propor e testar dois modelos de investigação para colmatar algumas limitações da literatura ao nível dos determinantes da implementação e sucesso dos sistemas de gestão de destinos. O primeiro modelo refere-se às determinantes da implementação dos sistemas de gestão de destinos, equacionando a influência dos fatores relacionados com a gestão do destino e com as características das organizações de gestão de destinos. O segundo modelo diz respeito às determinantes do sucesso dos referidos sistemas pretendendo analisar-se a influência das características dos sistemas de gestão de destinos no sucesso destes mesmos sistemas. O teste das hipóteses subjacentes aos modelos de investigação propostos permitiu retirar conclusões que constituem o principal contributo da presente tese. No que diz respeito aos fatores que promovem a implementação destes sistemas destaca-se a importância da diversidade de parcerias que o setor privado estabelece no destino, da existência de uma estrutura de governança no destino que maximize as vantagens da gestão do destino, e ainda, o envolvimento dos parceiros nas funções da organização de gestão de destinos. No que diz respeito aos fatores que favorecem o sucesso dos sistemas destaca-se a importância da implementação faseada, de um elevado número de funcionalidades ter um impacto negativo no sucesso, e ainda, a importância da existência de um modelo de receita que permita suportar os custos de financiamento e operacionalização do sistema. A tese fornece importantes contributos teóricos e práticos para a implementação com sucesso de sistemas de gestão de destinos por parte das organizações de gestão de destinos.The present study focus on the technology adoption by destination management organizations considered key in destination management. Destination management systems have been considered a crucial technological infrastructure of these organizations. However, in the literature, it is not clear what are the factors that promote the implementation of these systems, neither what are the factors that contribute to their success. The present thesis aims to propose and test two research models that permit to overcome some limitations of the literature regarding the determinants of implementation and success of destination management systems. The first model refers to the determinants of the implementation of destination management systems, equating the influence of factors related to the destination management and to the characteristics of the destination management organizations. The second model deals with the determinants of the success of those systems, aiming to analyze the influence of the characteristics of the management information systems in the success of these systems. The test of the hypotheses underlying the research models proposed made possible to draw some conclusions that are the main contributions of this thesis. In what concerns the factors promoting the implementation of these systems we remark the importance of the diversity of partnerships that the private sector establishes in the destination, of the existence of a governance structure in the destination that could maximize the destination management advantages, and of the involvement of partners in the functions of the destination management organization. In what concerns the factors that promote the success of these systems we highlight the importance of a phased implementation, the fact that a high number of functionalities in the system prevents it from success, and the importance of having a revenue model that could support financing and operating costs. The thesis provides important theoretical and practical contributions to the successful implementation of destination management systems by destination management organizations