12 research outputs found

    Modalités et scénarios d’interaction dans des hypermédias d’apprentissage

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    Cet article propose de distinguer deux niveaux dans la conception d'un outil pédagogique multimédia interactif: celui des modalités d'interaction et celui du scénario d'interaction. Les modalités d'interaction concernent les aspects concrets et matériels de l'interaction de l'utilisateur avec la machine; a priori, rien de spécifique ici au domaine des apprentissages. Le scénario d'interaction concerne les aspects pédagogiques de l'interaction de l'apprenant avec un contenu d'enseignement; a priori, rien de spécifique ici au support utilisé. Le texte illustre la distinction entre ces niveaux en montrant d'abord, à partir d'éléments de la documentation empirique, les effets que peuvent avoir des options prises à chaque niveau sur l'activité de l'utilisateur-apprenant; puis, à partir de leur expérience de concepteurs de cédéroms, les auteurs apportent des exemples de solutions de conception.This article distinguishes between two levels in the development of a multimedia interactive pedagogical tool: that related to modalities of interaction and that related to interactive scenarios. The modalities of interaction include concrete and material aspects of the users interaction with the machine; a priori there is no specificity to the learning domain. The interactive scenarios include the pedagogical aspects of a learner s interaction with the teaching content; a priori there is no specificity to the material targetted. The authors illustrate differences between these levels by demonstrating, based on empirical studies, what effect choices made at each level can have on the user-learner's activity; and, based on experiences in developing CD Roms, the authors offer these examples as solutions in developing these tools.Este artículo propone distinguir dos niveles en la concepción de un instrument pedagógico multimedia interactivo: el de las modalidades de interacción y aquel del escenario de interacción. Las modalidades de interacción conciernen los aspectos concretos y materiales de la interacción del usuario con la máquina; aspectos que no son, a priori, específicos al campo del aprendizaje. El escenario de interacción concierne, por su parte, a los aspectos pedagogicos de la interaccion del alumno con el contenido de la ensenanza; aspectos que también, a priori, no son especificos al soporte físico utilizado. El texto ilustra la distinción entre estos dos niveles, mostrando primero, a partir de elementos de la documentación empírica, los efectos que pueden tener las opciones adoptadas a cada nivel sobre la actividad del usuario-alumno. Luego, y a partir de la propia experiencia como conceptores de discos ópticos, los auto res aportan algunos ejemplos de soluciones de concepción.Dieser Artikel schlägt vor, bei der Konstruktion eines pädagogischen Instrumentes, das interaktiv und multimediabezogen ist, zwei Ebenen zu unterscheiden : das der Interaktionsmodalitäten und das des Interaktionsszenarios. Die Interaktionsmodalitäten beziehen sich auf die konkreten, materiellen Aspekte der Interaktion zwischen dem Benutzer und der Maschine; a priori gibt es hier nichts, was dem Gebiet des Lernens eigen ware. Das Interaktionsszenario bezieht sich auf die pâdagogischen Aspekte der Interaktion zwischen dem Lernenden und dem zu lernenden Stoff; a priori gibt es auch hier nichts, was dem benutzten Mittel eigen ware. Der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Ebenen wird veranschaulicht, zunächst indem die Auswirkungen der auf der jeweiligen Ebene getroffenen Entscheidungen auf das Vorgehen des Benutzers / des Lernenden dargelegt werden, dann indem die Verfasser auf ihre Erfahrung als CDRom-Konzeptoren zuriickgreifen und Beispiele für Läsungen darlegenanfuhren

    Der Einsatz von Farbe bei der Gestaltung von Benutzungsoberflaechen in der Mensch-Computer Interaktion [The Choice of Colour for Designing Configurations in Human-Computer Interaction]

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    To test the effects of colour for presenting animated objects, increasing the transparency of spatial structures, and supporting action-oriented dialogue structures, three experimental investigations were carried out. An advantage of colour measured by performance variables was found only if colour was used to support an action-oriented dialogue structure. The results of another experimental investigation show that in most cases an unconstrained individual choice of colour configuration leads to ergonomically inappropriate solutions. An enquiry among ETH employees shows that nearly all users of colour displays changed the default colour configuration setting. To evaluate the ergonomic quality of a colour configuration setting an evaluation scheme for colour configuration settings was developed and consists of twelve evaluation rules. Design recommendations for colour usage in interface programming are discusse

    Human Factors Criteria for Displays: A Human Factors Design Standard Update of Chapter 5

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    This document contains updates and expands the design criteria and information on displays from the Human Factors Design Standard. A research team of human factors experts evaluated the existing guidelines for relevancy, clarity, and usability. They drafted new guidelines as necessary based on relevant sources, and they reorganized the document to increase usability. This resulted in extensive changes to the original document including the addition of new guidelines, sources, and topic areas

    Assessing visual variables of cartographic text design

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    This dissertation presents a series of usability studies, which examines the usability of the application of visual variables on cartographic text. Labels’ size, shape, orientation, texture, and colour were tested. The study also examines different lettering systems and their impact on cartographic text design. The obtained users’ preference, time measurement, questionnaires and eye tracking data were analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Insights are acquired to improve the quality of map through Improving cartographic text design

    Integrated Web Accessibility Guidelines for Users on the Autism Spectrum - from Specification to Implementation

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    This research presented a compendium of web interface design guidelines and their implementation on a transport-planning website based on the needs and preferences of users on the autism spectrum. Results highlighted the importance of having simple navigation and meaningful headings, icons, labels and text to facilitate understanding and readability; these findings offer guidelines for the design of web user interfaces to continue improving the web experience of autistic users, and therefore of the whole community

    Adaptive interfaces : cognitive styles and personality characteristics as determinants of support.

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    The main purpose of the thesis was to examine the human computer interface from a user-centred viewpoint in order that it adapt to the characteristics of the user in terms of his/her personal style (cognitive and learning styles, personality traits). The relationship between personal style and performance, and comprehension of the system's operations are explored in order to highlight the characteristics that are most likely to predict the type of user that is the most successful learner. The manner in which the interface can support the user was explored in terms of the type of environment best suited to each individual, as was the use of colour (non-qualitative) to provide feedback as to the user's location within a system. Qualitative colour was also examined in relation to performance and the potential of using qualitative colour coding to enhance the user's response. Two methodologies were employed: applied (Studies 1-3) and naturalistic (Studies 4 and 5). The former attempts to simulate an environment which forces the subjects to use information processing strategies as if they were in a naturalistic environment. The findings of Studies 1 and 2 indicated that the Embedded Figures Test (EFT) is a good predictor of success in a simulated word processing environment. Field independent subjects were found to consistently perform better than their field dependent counterparts. In Study 1 it was expected that colour would act as a support to the user and would therefore benefit field dependent users. The results suggested that colour hindered performance but this may be due to overuse. Study 2 also investigated the usefulness of coding information. Colour and shape coding were found to be equally good as cues for remembering over no form of coding. Many of the studies which have investigated the use of colour to enhance performance have relied on redundant colour coding of arbitrary symbols. Study 3 explored the usefulness of qualitative colour coding and meaningful stimuli to determine the effects on performance and the potential of using qualitative colour coding at the interface. The results showed that there are no differences in response time for qualitative colour coding, non-qualitative colour coding and no colour coding. The lack of significant findings suggested that position of the stimuli may have confounded the results. In a naturalistic study (Study 4) it was possible to tentatively predict from the subject's personal style, the type of software environment most suited to him/her through observation of his/her behaviour in addition to the types of problems encountered by subjects and their frequency of occurrence. Study 5 attempted to relate natural language and comprehension to personal style. The findings suggested that question-asking techniques do not appear to be a contributor to successful learning. Additionally, the most efficient learner in terms of the number of tasks that s/he was able to complete and scores on a comprehension test, was the redundant holist and holist. Serialists were found to be slower than holists, and thus the design of the study may have contributed to these findings. Taken together, the studies suggest the type of user who tends to be most successful in interacting with computers in terms of behavioural data such as number of keystrokes, frequency of asking questions, frequency of asking for help, time spent reading the manual etc, in terms of the misunderstandings experienced and in terms of their comprehension of system operations. The use of colour as a support to less able users was not borne out in the study and may be due to the care that is required in employing colour at the interface. Colour as an associative cue maybe effective in comparison to no colour cue. However, other forms of cueing may be equally effective, such as shape coding

    Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines [2006 edition]

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    The new edition of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Research-Based Web Design and Usability Guidelines. These guidelines reflect HHS’ commitment to identifying innovative, research-based approaches that result in highly responsive and easy-to-use Web sites for the public. These guidelines help move us in that direction by providing practical, yet authoritative, guidance on a broad range of Web design and communication issues. Having access to the best available research helps to ensure we make the right decisions the first time around and reduces the possibility of errors and costly mistakes

    Visualizing Evaluative Language in Relation to Constructing Identity in English Editorials and Op-Eds

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    This thesis is concerned with the problem of managing complexity in Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) analyses of language, particularly at the discourse semantics level. To deal with this complexity, the thesis develops AppAnn, a suite of linguistic visualization techniques that are specifically designed to provide both synoptic and dynamic views on discourse semantic patterns in text and corpus. Moreover, AppAnn visualizations are illustrated in a series of explorations of identity in a corpus of editorials and op-eds about the bin Laden killing. The findings suggest that the intriguing intricacies of discourse semantic meanings can be successfully discerned and more readily understood through linguistic visualization. The findings also provide insightful implications for discourse analysis by contributing to our understanding of a number of underdeveloped concepts of SFL, including coupling, commitment, instantiation, affiliation and individuation

    Spatial Displays and Spatial Instruments

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    The conference proceedings topics are divided into two main areas: (1) issues of spatial and picture perception raised by graphical electronic displays of spatial information; and (2) design questions raised by the practical experience of designers actually defining new spatial instruments for use in new aircraft and spacecraft. Each topic is considered from both a theoretical and an applied direction. Emphasis is placed on discussion of phenomena and determination of design principles