378 research outputs found

    Modularization of biochemical networks based on classification of Petri net t-invariants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Structural analysis of biochemical networks is a growing field in bioinformatics and systems biology. The availability of an increasing amount of biological data from molecular biological networks promises a deeper understanding but confronts researchers with the problem of combinatorial explosion. The amount of qualitative network data is growing much faster than the amount of quantitative data, such as enzyme kinetics. In many cases it is even impossible to measure quantitative data because of limitations of experimental methods, or for ethical reasons. Thus, a huge amount of qualitative data, such as interaction data, is available, but it was not sufficiently used for modeling purposes, until now. New approaches have been developed, but the complexity of data often limits the application of many of the methods. Biochemical Petri nets make it possible to explore static and dynamic qualitative system properties. One Petri net approach is model validation based on the computation of the system's invariant properties, focusing on t-invariants. T-invariants correspond to subnetworks, which describe the basic system behavior.</p> <p>With increasing system complexity, the basic behavior can only be expressed by a huge number of t-invariants. According to our validation criteria for biochemical Petri nets, the necessary verification of the biological meaning, by interpreting each subnetwork (t-invariant) manually, is not possible anymore. Thus, an automated, biologically meaningful classification would be helpful in analyzing t-invariants, and supporting the understanding of the basic behavior of the considered biological system.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here, we introduce a new approach to automatically classify t-invariants to cope with network complexity. We apply clustering techniques such as UPGMA, Complete Linkage, Single Linkage, and Neighbor Joining in combination with different distance measures to get biologically meaningful clusters (t-clusters), which can be interpreted as modules. To find the optimal number of t-clusters to consider for interpretation, the cluster validity measure, Silhouette Width, is applied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We considered two different case studies as examples: a small signal transduction pathway (pheromone response pathway in <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>) and a medium-sized gene regulatory network (gene regulation of Duchenne muscular dystrophy). We automatically classified the t-invariants into functionally distinct t-clusters, which could be interpreted biologically as functional modules in the network. We found differences in the suitability of the various distance measures as well as the clustering methods. In terms of a biologically meaningful classification of t-invariants, the best results are obtained using the Tanimoto distance measure. Considering clustering methods, the obtained results suggest that UPGMA and Complete Linkage are suitable for clustering t-invariants with respect to the biological interpretability.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose a new approach for the biological classification of Petri net t-invariants based on cluster analysis. Due to the biologically meaningful data reduction and structuring of network processes, large sets of t-invariants can be evaluated, allowing for model validation of qualitative biochemical Petri nets. This approach can also be applied to elementary mode analysis.</p

    Modeling of dynamic systems with Petri nets and fuzzy logic

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    Aktuelle Methoden zur dynamischen Modellierung von biologischen Systemen sind fĂŒr Benutzer ohne mathematische Ausbildung oft wenig verstĂ€ndlich. Des Weiteren fehlen sehr oft genaue Daten und detailliertes Wissen ĂŒber Konzentrationen, Reaktionskinetiken oder regulatorische Effekte. Daher erfordert eine computergestĂŒtzte Modellierung eines biologischen Systems, mit Unsicherheiten und grober Information umzugehen, die durch qualitatives Wissen und natĂŒrlichsprachliche Beschreibungen zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt wird. Der Autor schlĂ€gt einen neuen Ansatz vor, mit dem solche BeschrĂ€nkungen ĂŒberwunden werden können. Dazu wird eine Petri-Netz-basierte graphische Darstellung von Systemen mit einer leistungsstarken und dennoch intuitiven Fuzzy-Logik-basierten Modellierung verknĂŒpft. Der Petri Netz und Fuzzy Logik (PNFL) Ansatz erlaubt eine natĂŒrlichsprachlich-basierte Beschreibung von biologischen EntitĂ€ten sowie eine Wenn-Dann-Regel-basierte Definition von Reaktionen. Beides kann einfach und direkt aus qualitativem Wissen abgeleitet werden. PNFL verbindet damit qualitatives Wissen und quantitative Modellierung.Current approaches in dynamic modeling of biological systems often lack comprehensibility,n especially for users without mathematical background. Additionally, exact data or detailed knowledge about concentrations, reaction kinetics or regulatory effects is missing. Thus, computational modeling of a biological system requires dealing with uncertainty and rough information provided by qualitative knowledge and linguistic descriptions. The author proposes a new approach to overcome such limitations by combining the graphical representation provided by Petri nets with the modeling of dynamics by powerful yet intuitive fuzzy logic based systems. The Petri net and fuzzy logic (PNFL) approach allows natural language based descriptions of biological entities as well as if-then rule based definitions of reactions, both of which can be easily and directly derived from qualitative knowledge. PNFL bridges the gap between qualitative knowledge and quantitative modeling

    A diversity-aware computational framework for systems biology

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    In-silico-Systemanalyse von Biopathways

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    Chen M. In silico systems analysis of biopathways. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2004.In the past decade with the advent of high-throughput technologies, biology has migrated from a descriptive science to a predictive one. A vast amount of information on the metabolism have been produced; a number of specific genetic/metabolic databases and computational systems have been developed, which makes it possible for biologists to perform in silico analysis of metabolism. With experimental data from laboratory, biologists wish to systematically conduct their analysis with an easy-to-use computational system. One major task is to implement molecular information systems that will allow to integrate different molecular database systems, and to design analysis tools (e.g. simulators of complex metabolic reactions). Three key problems are involved: 1) Modeling and simulation of biological processes; 2) Reconstruction of metabolic pathways, leading to predictions about the integrated function of the network; and 3) Comparison of metabolism, providing an important way to reveal the functional relationship between a set of metabolic pathways. This dissertation addresses these problems of in silico systems analysis of biopathways. We developed a software system to integrate the access to different databases, and exploited the Petri net methodology to model and simulate metabolic networks in cells. It develops a computer modeling and simulation technique based on Petri net methodology; investigates metabolic networks at a system level; proposes a markup language for biological data interchange among diverse biological simulators and Petri net tools; establishes a web-based information retrieval system for metabolic pathway prediction; presents an algorithm for metabolic pathway alignment; recommends a nomenclature of cellular signal transduction; and attempts to standardize the representation of biological pathways. Hybrid Petri net methodology is exploited to model metabolic networks. Kinetic modeling strategy and Petri net modeling algorithm are applied to perform the processes of elements functioning and model analysis. The proposed methodology can be used for all other metabolic networks or the virtual cell metabolism. Moreover, perspectives of Petri net modeling and simulation of metabolic networks are outlined. A proposal for the Biology Petri Net Markup Language (BioPNML) is presented. The concepts and terminology of the interchange format, as well as its syntax (which is based on XML) are introduced. BioPNML is designed to provide a starting point for the development of a standard interchange format for Bioinformatics and Petri nets. The language makes it possible to exchange biology Petri net diagrams between all supported hardware platforms and versions. It is also designed to associate Petri net models and other known metabolic simulators. A web-based metabolic information retrieval system, PathAligner, is developed in order to predict metabolic pathways from rudimentary elements of pathways. It extracts metabolic information from biological databases via the Internet, and builds metabolic pathways with data sources of genes, sequences, enzymes, metabolites, etc. The system also provides a navigation platform to investigate metabolic related information, and transforms the output data into XML files for further modeling and simulation of the reconstructed pathway. An alignment algorithm to compare the similarity between metabolic pathways is presented. A new definition of the metabolic pathway is proposed. The pathway defined as a linear event sequence is practical for our alignment algorithm. The algorithm is based on strip scoring the similarity of 4-hierarchical EC numbers involved in the pathways. The algorithm described has been implemented and is in current use in the context of the PathAligner system. Furthermore, new methods for the classification and nomenclature of cellular signal transductions are recommended. For each type of characterized signal transduction, a unique ST number is provided. The Signal Transduction Classification Database (STCDB), based on the proposed classification and nomenclature, has been established. By merging the ST numbers with EC numbers, alignments of biopathways are possible. Finally, a detailed model of urea cycle that includes gene regulatory networks, metabolic pathways and signal transduction is demonstrated by using our approaches. A system biological interpretation of the observed behavior of the urea cycle and its related transcriptomics information is proposed to provide new insights for metabolic engineering and medical care

    Aligning observed and modeled behavior

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    Multi-scale genetic network inference based on time series gene expression profiles

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    This work integrates multi-scale clustering and short-time correlation to estimate genetic networks with different time resolutions and detail levels. Gene expression data are noisy and large scale. Clustering is widely used to group genes with similar pattern. The cluster centers can be used to infer the genetic networks among these clusters. This work introduces the Multi-scale Fuzzy K-means clustering algorithm to uncover groups of coregulated genes and capture the networks in different levels of detail.;Time series expression profiles provide dynamic information for inferring gene regulatory relationships. Large scale network inference, identifying the transient interactions and feedback loops as well as differentiating direct and indirect interactions are among the major challenges of genetic network inference. Time correlation can estimate the time delay and edge direction. Partial correlation and directed-separation theory help differentiate direct and indirect interactions and identify feedback loops. This work introduces the constraint-based time-correlation (CBTC) network inference algorithm that combines these methods with time correlation estimation to more fully characterize genetic networks. Gene expression regulation can happen in specific time periods and conditions instead of across the whole expression profile. Short-time correlation can capture transient interactions.;The network discovery algorithm was mainly validated using yeast cell cycle data. The algorithm successfully identified the yeast cell cycle development stages, cell cycle and negative feedback loops, and indicated how the networks dynamically changes over time. The inferred networks reflect most interactions previously identified by genome-wide location analysis and match the extant literature. At detailed network level, the inferred networks provide more detailed information about genes (or clusters) and the interactions among them. Interesting genes, clusters and interactions were identified, which match the literature and the gene ontology information and provide hypotheses for further studies
