6,820 research outputs found

    X-Ray Image Processing and Visualization for Remote Assistance of Airport Luggage Screeners

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    X-ray technology is widely used for airport luggage inspection nowadays. However, the ever-increasing sophistication of threat-concealment measures and types of threats, together with the natural complexity, inherent to the content of each individual luggage make x-ray raw images obtained directly from inspection systems unsuitable to clearly show various luggage and threat items, particularly low-density objects, which poses a great challenge for airport screeners. This thesis presents efforts spent in improving the rate of threat detection using image processing and visualization technologies. The principles of x-ray imaging for airport luggage inspection and the characteristics of single-energy and dual-energy x-ray data are first introduced. The image processing and visualization algorithms, selected and proposed for improving single energy and dual energy x-ray images, are then presented in four categories: (1) gray-level enhancement, (2) image segmentation, (3) pseudo coloring, and (4) image fusion. The major contributions of this research include identification of optimum combinations of common segmentation and enhancement methods, HSI based color-coding approaches and dual-energy image fusion algorithms —spatial information-based and wavelet-based image fusions. Experimental results generated with these image processing and visualization algorithms are shown and compared. Objective image quality measures are also explored in an effort to reduce the overhead of human subjective assessments and to provide more reliable evaluation results. Two application software are developed − an x-ray image processing application (XIP) and a wireless tablet PC-based remote supervision system (RSS). In XIP, we implemented in a user-friendly GUI the preceding image processing and visualization algorithms. In RSS, we ported available image processing and visualization methods to a wireless mobile supervisory station for screener assistance and supervision. Quantitative and on-site qualitative evaluations for various processed and fused x-ray luggage images demonstrate that using the proposed algorithms of image processing and visualization constitutes an effective and feasible means for improving airport luggage inspection

    Pixel-level Image Fusion Algorithms for Multi-camera Imaging System

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    This thesis work is motivated by the potential and promise of image fusion technologies in the multi sensor image fusion system and applications. With specific focus on pixel level image fusion, the process after the image registration is processed, we develop graphic user interface for multi-sensor image fusion software using Microsoft visual studio and Microsoft Foundation Class library. In this thesis, we proposed and presented some image fusion algorithms with low computational cost, based upon spatial mixture analysis. The segment weighted average image fusion combines several low spatial resolution data source from different sensors to create high resolution and large size of fused image. This research includes developing a segment-based step, based upon stepwise divide and combine process. In the second stage of the process, the linear interpolation optimization is used to sharpen the image resolution. Implementation of these image fusion algorithms are completed based on the graphic user interface we developed. Multiple sensor image fusion is easily accommodated by the algorithm, and the results are demonstrated at multiple scales. By using quantitative estimation such as mutual information, we obtain the experiment quantifiable results. We also use the image morphing technique to generate fused image sequence, to simulate the results of image fusion. While deploying our pixel level image fusion algorithm approaches, we observe several challenges from the popular image fusion methods. While high computational cost and complex processing steps of image fusion algorithms provide accurate fused results, they also makes it hard to become deployed in system and applications that require real-time feedback, high flexibility and low computation abilit

    Fully-automatic inverse tone mapping algorithm based on dynamic mid-level tone mapping

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    High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays can show images with higher color contrast levels and peak luminosities than the common Low Dynamic Range (LDR) displays. However, most existing video content is recorded and/or graded in LDR format. To show LDR content on HDR displays, it needs to be up-scaled using a so-called inverse tone mapping algorithm. Several techniques for inverse tone mapping have been proposed in the last years, going from simple approaches based on global and local operators to more advanced algorithms such as neural networks. Some of the drawbacks of existing techniques for inverse tone mapping are the need for human intervention, the high computation time for more advanced algorithms, limited low peak brightness, and the lack of the preservation of the artistic intentions. In this paper, we propose a fully-automatic inverse tone mapping operator based on mid-level mapping capable of real-time video processing. Our proposed algorithm allows expanding LDR images into HDR images with peak brightness over 1000 nits, preserving the artistic intentions inherent to the HDR domain. We assessed our results using the full-reference objective quality metrics HDR-VDP-2.2 and DRIM, and carrying out a subjective pair-wise comparison experiment. We compared our results with those obtained with the most recent methods found in the literature. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the-art of simple inverse tone mapping methods and its performance is similar to other more complex and time-consuming advanced techniques

    Multimodal breast imaging: Registration, visualization, and image synthesis

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    The benefit of registration and fusion of functional images with anatomical images is well appreciated in the advent of combined positron emission tomography and x-ray computed tomography scanners (PET/CT). This is especially true in breast cancer imaging, where modalities such as high-resolution and dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and F-18-FDG positron emission tomography (PET) have steadily gained acceptance in addition to x-ray mammography, the primary detection tool. The increased interest in combined PET/MRI images has facilitated the demand for appropriate registration and fusion algorithms. A new approach to MRI-to-PET non-rigid breast image registration was developed and evaluated based on the location of a small number of fiducial skin markers (FSMs) visible in both modalities. The observed FSM displacement vectors between MRI and PET, distributed piecewise linearly over the breast volume, produce a deformed Finite-Element mesh that reasonably approximates non-rigid deformation of the breast tissue between the MRI and PET scans. The method does not require a biomechanical breast tissue model, and is robust and fast. The method was evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively on patients and a deformable breast phantom. The procedure yields quality images with average target registration error (TRE) below 4 mm. The importance of appropriately jointly displaying (i.e. fusing) the registered images has often been neglected and underestimated. A combined MRI/PET image has the benefits of directly showing the spatial relationships between the two modalities, increasing the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of diagnosis. Additional information on morphology and on dynamic behavior of the suspicious lesion can be provided, allowing more accurate lesion localization including mapping of hyper- and hypo-metabolic regions as well as better lesion-boundary definition, improving accuracy when grading the breast cancer and assessing the need for biopsy. Eight promising fusion-for-visualization techniques were evaluated by radiologists from University Hospital, in Syracuse, NY. Preliminary results indicate that the radiologists were better able to perform a series of tasks when reading the fused PET/MRI data sets using color tables generated by a newly developed genetic algorithm, as compared to other commonly used schemes. The lack of a known ground truth hinders the development and evaluation of new algorithms for tasks such as registration and classification. A preliminary mesh-based breast phantom containing 12 distinct tissue classes along with tissue properties necessary for the simulation of dynamic positron emission tomography scans was created. The phantom contains multiple components which can be separately manipulated, utilizing geometric transformations, to represent populations or a single individual being imaged in multiple positions. This phantom will support future multimodal breast imaging work

    A novel automated approach of multi-modality retinal image registration and fusion

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    Biomedical image registration and fusion are usually scene dependent, and require intensive computational effort. A novel automated approach of feature-based control point detection and area-based registration and fusion of retinal images has been successfully designed and developed. The new algorithm, which is reliable and time-efficient, has an automatic adaptation from frame to frame with few tunable threshold parameters. The reference and the to-be-registered images are from two different modalities, i.e. angiogram grayscale images and fundus color images. The relative study of retinal images enhances the information on the fundus image by superimposing information contained in the angiogram image. Through the thesis research, two new contributions have been made to the biomedical image registration and fusion area. The first contribution is the automatic control point detection at the global direction change pixels using adaptive exploratory algorithm. Shape similarity criteria are employed to match the control points. The second contribution is the heuristic optimization algorithm that maximizes Mutual-Pixel-Count (MPC) objective function. The initially selected control points are adjusted during the optimization at the sub-pixel level. A global maxima equivalent result is achieved by calculating MPC local maxima with an efficient computation cost. The iteration stops either when MPC reaches the maximum value, or when the maximum allowable loop count is reached. To our knowledge, it is the first time that the MPC concept has been introduced into biomedical image fusion area as the measurement criteria for fusion accuracy. The fusion image is generated based on the current control point coordinates when the iteration stops. The comparative study of the presented automatic registration and fusion scheme against Centerline Control Point Detection Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, RMSE objective function, and other existing data fusion approaches has shown the advantage of the new approach in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and novelty

    Satellite Image Fusion in Various Domains

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    In order to find out the fusion algorithm which is best suited for the panchromatic and multispectral images, fusion algorithms, such as PCA and wavelet algorithms have been employed and analyzed. In this paper, performance evaluation criteria are also used for quantitative assessment of the fusion performance. The spectral quality of fused images is evaluated by the ERGAS and Q4. The analysis indicates that the DWT fusion scheme has the best definition as well as spectral fidelity, and has better performance with regard to the high textural information absorption. Therefore, as the study area is concerned, it is most suited for the panchromatic and multispectral image fusion. an image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform is proposed for Multispectral and panchromatic satellite image by using fusion in spatial and transform domains. In the proposed scheme, the images to be processed are decomposed into sub-images with the same resolution at same levels and different resolution at different levels and then the information fusion is performed using high-frequency sub-images under the Multi-resolution image fusion scheme based on wavelets produces better fused image than that by the MS or WA schemes

    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection

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    Vision Sensors and Edge Detection book reflects a selection of recent developments within the area of vision sensors and edge detection. There are two sections in this book. The first section presents vision sensors with applications to panoramic vision sensors, wireless vision sensors, and automated vision sensor inspection, and the second one shows image processing techniques, such as, image measurements, image transformations, filtering, and parallel computing
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