34,399 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving collaborative recommendations based on random perturbations

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd Collaborative recommender systems offer a solution to the information overload problem found in online environments such as e-commerce. The use of collaborative filtering, the most widely used recommendation method, gives rise to potential privacy issues. In addition, the user ratings utilized in collaborative filtering systems to recommend products or services must be protected. The purpose of this research is to provide a solution to the privacy concerns of collaborative filtering users, while maintaining high accuracy of recommendations. This paper proposes a multi-level privacy-preserving method for collaborative filtering systems by perturbing each rating before it is submitted to the server. The perturbation method is based on multiple levels and different ranges of random values for each level. Before the submission of each rating, the privacy level and the perturbation range are selected randomly from a fixed range of privacy levels. The proposed privacy method has been experimentally evaluated with the results showing that with a small decrease of utility, user privacy can be protected, while the proposed approach offers practical and effective results

    A method for privacy-preserving collaborative filtering recommendations

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    With the continuous growth of the Internet and the progress of electronic commerce the issues of product recommendation and privacy protection are becoming increasingly important. Recommender Systems aim to solve the information overload problem by providing accurate recommendations of items to users. Collaborative filtering is considered the most widely used recommendation method for providing recommendations of items or users to other users in online environments. Additionally, collaborative filtering methods can be used with a trust network, thus delivering to the user recommendations from both a database of ratings and from users who the person who made the request knows and trusts. On the other hand, the users are having privacy concerns and are not willing to submit the required information (e.g., ratings for products), thus making the recommender system unusable. In this paper, we propose (a) an approach to product recommendation that is based on collaborative filtering and uses a combination of a ratings network with a trust network of the user to provide recommendations and (b) “neighbourhood privacy” that employs a modified privacy-aware role-based access control model that can be applied to databases that utilize recommender systems. Our proposed approach (1) protects user privacy with a small decrease in the accuracy of the recommendations and (2) uses information from the trust network to increase the accuracy of the recommendations, while, (3) providing privacy-preserving recommendations, as accurate as the recommendations provided without the privacy-preserving approach or the method that increased the accuracy applied

    Data Privacy Preservation in Collaborative Filtering Based Recommender Systems

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    This dissertation studies data privacy preservation in collaborative filtering based recommender systems and proposes several collaborative filtering models that aim at preserving user privacy from different perspectives. The empirical study on multiple classical recommendation algorithms presents the basic idea of the models and explores their performance on real world datasets. The algorithms that are investigated in this study include a popularity based model, an item similarity based model, a singular value decomposition based model, and a bipartite graph model. Top-N recommendations are evaluated to examine the prediction accuracy. It is apparent that with more customers\u27 preference data, recommender systems can better profile customers\u27 shopping patterns which in turn produces product recommendations with higher accuracy. The precautions should be taken to address the privacy issues that arise during data sharing between two vendors. Study shows that matrix factorization techniques are ideal choices for data privacy preservation by their nature. In this dissertation, singular value decomposition (SVD) and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) are adopted as the fundamental techniques for collaborative filtering to make privacy-preserving recommendations. The proposed SVD based model utilizes missing value imputation, randomization technique, and the truncated SVD to perturb the raw rating data. The NMF based models, namely iAux-NMF and iCluster-NMF, take into account the auxiliary information of users and items to help missing value imputation and privacy preservation. Additionally, these models support efficient incremental data update as well. A good number of online vendors allow people to leave their feedback on products. It is considered as users\u27 public preferences. However, due to the connections between users\u27 public and private preferences, if a recommender system fails to distinguish real customers from attackers, the private preferences of real customers can be exposed. This dissertation addresses an attack model in which an attacker holds real customers\u27 partial ratings and tries to obtain their private preferences by cheating recommender systems. To resolve this problem, trustworthiness information is incorporated into NMF based collaborative filtering techniques to detect the attackers and make reasonably different recommendations to the normal users and the attackers. By doing so, users\u27 private preferences can be effectively protected

    Symbiotic data mining for personalized spam filtering

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    Unsolicited e-mail (spam) is a severe problem due to intrusion of privacy, online fraud, viruses and time spent reading unwanted messages. To solve this issue, Collaborative Filtering (CF) and Content-Based Filtering (CBF) solutions have been adopted. We propose a new CBF-CF hybrid approach called Symbiotic Data Mining (SDM), which aims at aggregating distinct local filters in order to improve filtering at a personalized level using collaboration while preserving privacy. We apply SDM to spam e-mail detection and compare it with a local CBF filter (i.e. Naive Bayes). Several experiments were conducted by using a novel corpus based on the well known Enron datasets mixed with recent spam. The results show that the symbiotic strategy is competitive in performance when compared to CBF and also more robust to contamination attacks.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/EIA/64541/2006

    A hybrid strategy for privacy-preserving recommendations for mobile shopping

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    To calculate recommendations, recommender systems col-lect and store huge amounts of users ’ personal data such as preferences, interaction behavior, or demographic infor-mation. If these data are used for other purposes or get into the wrong hands, the privacy of the users can be com-promised. Thus, service providers are confronted with the challenge of o↵ering accurate recommendations without the risk of dissemination of sensitive information. This paper presents a hybrid strategy combining collaborative filtering and content-based techniques for mobile shopping with the primary aim of preserving the customer’s privacy. Detailed information about the customer, such as the shopping his-tory, is securely stored on the customer’s smartphone and locally processed by a content-based recommender. Data of individual shopping sessions, which are sent to the store backend for product association and comparison with simi-lar customers, are unlinkable and anonymous. No uniquely identifying information of the customer is revealed, making it impossible to associate successive shopping sessions at the store backend. Optionally, the customer can disclose demo-graphic data and a rudimentary explicit profile for further personalization

    Privacy enhanced recommender system

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    Recommender systems are widely used in online applications since they enable personalized service to the users. The underlying collaborative filtering techniques work on user’s data which are mostly privacy sensitive and can be misused by the service provider. To protect the privacy of the users, we propose to encrypt the privacy sensitive data and generate recommendations by processing them under encryption. With this approach, the service provider learns no information on any user’s preferences or the recommendations made. The proposed method is based on homomorphic encryption schemes and secure multiparty computation (MPC) techniques. The overhead of working in the encrypted domain is minimized by packing data as shown in the complexity analysis
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