156 research outputs found

    Survey of Spectrum Sharing for Inter-Technology Coexistence

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    Increasing capacity demands in emerging wireless technologies are expected to be met by network densification and spectrum bands open to multiple technologies. These will, in turn, increase the level of interference and also result in more complex inter-technology interactions, which will need to be managed through spectrum sharing mechanisms. Consequently, novel spectrum sharing mechanisms should be designed to allow spectrum access for multiple technologies, while efficiently utilizing the spectrum resources overall. Importantly, it is not trivial to design such efficient mechanisms, not only due to technical aspects, but also due to regulatory and business model constraints. In this survey we address spectrum sharing mechanisms for wireless inter-technology coexistence by means of a technology circle that incorporates in a unified, system-level view the technical and non-technical aspects. We thus systematically explore the spectrum sharing design space consisting of parameters at different layers. Using this framework, we present a literature review on inter-technology coexistence with a focus on wireless technologies with equal spectrum access rights, i.e. (i) primary/primary, (ii) secondary/secondary, and (iii) technologies operating in a spectrum commons. Moreover, we reflect on our literature review to identify possible spectrum sharing design solutions and performance evaluation approaches useful for future coexistence cases. Finally, we discuss spectrum sharing design challenges and suggest future research directions

    Cellular networks for smart grid communication

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    The next-generation electric power system, known as smart grid, relies on a robust and reliable underlying communication infrastructure to improve the efficiency of electricity distribution. Cellular networks, e.g., LTE/LTE-A systems, appear as a promising technology to facilitate the smart grid evolution. Their inherent performance characteristics and well-established ecosystem could potentially unlock unprecedented use cases, enabling real-time and autonomous distribution grid operations. However, cellular technology was not originally intended for smart grid communication, associated with highly-reliable message exchange and massive device connectivity requirements. The fundamental differences between smart grid and human-type communication challenge the classical design of cellular networks and introduce important research questions that have not been sufficiently addressed so far. Motivated by these challenges, this doctoral thesis investigates novel radio access network (RAN) design principles and performance analysis for the seamless integration of smart grid traffic in future cellular networks. Specifically, we focus on addressing the fundamental RAN problems of network scalability in massive smart grid deployments and radio resource management for smart grid and human-type traffic. The main objective of the thesis lies on the design, analysis and performance evaluation of RAN mechanisms that would render cellular networks the key enabler for emerging smart grid applications. The first part of the thesis addresses the radio access limitations in LTE-based networks for reliable and scalable smart grid communication. We first identify the congestion problem in LTE random access that arises in large-scale smart grid deployments. To overcome this, a novel random access mechanism is proposed that can efficiently support real-time distribution automation services with negligible impact on the background traffic. Motivated by the stringent reliability requirements of various smart grid operations, we then develop an analytical model of the LTE random access procedure that allows us to assess the performance of event-based monitoring traffic under various load conditions and network configurations. We further extend our analysis to include the relation between the cell size and the availability of orthogonal random access resources and we identify an additional challenge for reliable smart grid connectivity. To this end, we devise an interference- and load-aware cell planning mechanism that enhances reliability in substation automation services. Finally, we couple the problem of state estimation in wide-area monitoring systems with the reliability challenges in information acquisition. Using our developed analytical framework, we quantify the impact of imperfect communication reliability in the state estimation accuracy and we provide useful insights for the design of reliability-aware state estimators. The second part of the thesis builds on the previous one and focuses on the RAN problem of resource scheduling and sharing for smart grid and human-type traffic. We introduce a novel scheduler that achieves low latency for distribution automation traffic while resource allocation is performed in a way that keeps the degradation of cellular users at a minimum level. In addition, we investigate the benefits of Device-to-Device (D2D) transmission mode for event-based message exchange in substation automation scenarios. We design a joint mode selection and resource allocation mechanism which results in higher data rates with respect to the conventional transmission mode via the base station. An orthogonal resource partition scheme between cellular and D2D links is further proposed to prevent the underutilization of the scarce cellular spectrum. The research findings of this thesis aim to deliver novel solutions to important RAN performance issues that arise when cellular networks support smart grid communication.Las redes celulares, p.e., los sistemas LTE/LTE-A, aparecen como una tecnología prometedora para facilitar la evolución de la próxima generación del sistema eléctrico de potencia, conocido como smart grid (SG). Sin embargo, la tecnología celular no fue pensada originalmente para las comunicaciones en la SG, asociadas con el intercambio fiable de mensajes y con requisitos de conectividad de un número masivo de dispositivos. Las diferencias fundamentales entre las comunicaciones en la SG y la comunicación de tipo humano desafían el diseño clásico de las redes celulares e introducen importantes cuestiones de investigación que hasta ahora no se han abordado suficientemente. Motivada por estos retos, esta tesis doctoral investiga los principios de diseño y analiza el rendimiento de una nueva red de acceso radio (RAN) que permita una integración perfecta del tráfico de la SG en las redes celulares futuras. Nos centramos en los problemas fundamentales de escalabilidad de la RAN en despliegues de SG masivos, y en la gestión de los recursos radio para la integración del tráfico de la SG con el tráfico de tipo humano. El objetivo principal de la tesis consiste en el diseño, el análisis y la evaluación del rendimiento de los mecanismos de las RAN que convertirán a las redes celulares en el elemento clave para las aplicaciones emergentes de las SGs. La primera parte de la tesis aborda las limitaciones del acceso radio en redes LTE para la comunicación fiable y escalable en SGs. En primer lugar, identificamos el problema de congestión en el acceso aleatorio de LTE que aparece en los despliegues de SGs a gran escala. Para superar este problema, se propone un nuevo mecanismo de acceso aleatorio que permite soportar de forma eficiente los servicios de automatización de la distribución eléctrica en tiempo real, con un impacto insignificante en el tráfico de fondo. Motivados por los estrictos requisitos de fiabilidad de las diversas operaciones en la SG, desarrollamos un modelo analítico del procedimiento de acceso aleatorio de LTE que nos permite evaluar el rendimiento del tráfico de monitorización de la red eléctrica basado en eventos bajo diversas condiciones de carga y configuraciones de red. Además, ampliamos nuestro análisis para incluir la relación entre el tamaño de celda y la disponibilidad de recursos de acceso aleatorio ortogonales, e identificamos un reto adicional para la conectividad fiable en la SG. Con este fin, diseñamos un mecanismo de planificación celular que tiene en cuenta las interferencias y la carga de la red, y que mejora la fiabilidad en los servicios de automatización de las subestaciones eléctricas. Finalmente, combinamos el problema de la estimación de estado en sistemas de monitorización de redes eléctricas de área amplia con los retos de fiabilidad en la adquisición de la información. Utilizando el modelo analítico desarrollado, cuantificamos el impacto de la baja fiabilidad en las comunicaciones sobre la precisión de la estimación de estado. La segunda parte de la tesis se centra en el problema de scheduling y compartición de recursos en la RAN para el tráfico de SG y el tráfico de tipo humano. Presentamos un nuevo scheduler que proporciona baja latencia para el tráfico de automatización de la distribución eléctrica, mientras que la asignación de recursos se realiza de un modo que mantiene la degradación de los usuarios celulares en un nivel mínimo. Además, investigamos los beneficios del modo de transmisión Device-to-Device (D2D) en el intercambio de mensajes basados en eventos en escenarios de automatización de subestaciones eléctricas. Diseñamos un mecanismo conjunto de asignación de recursos y selección de modo que da como resultado tasas de datos más elevadas con respecto al modo de transmisión convencional a través de la estación base. Finalmente, se propone un esquema de partición de recursos ortogonales entre enlaces celulares y D2Postprint (published version

    A Performance-to-Cost Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC With 802.15.4e MAC Modes

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    [EN] The IEEE 802.15.4 standard is one of the widely adopted networking specification for Internet of Things (IoT). It defines several physical layer (PHY) options and medium access control (MAC) sub-layer protocols for interconnection of constrained wireless devices. These devices are usually battery-powered and need to support requirements like low-power consumption and low-data rates. The standard has been revised twice to incorporate new PHY layers and improvements learned from implementations. Research in this direction has been primarily centered around improving the energy consumption of devices. Recently, to meet specific Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements of different industrial applications, the IEEE 802.15.4e amendment was released that focuses on improving reliability, robustness and latency. In this paper, we carry out a performance-to-cost analysis of Deterministic and Synchronous Multi-channel Extension (DSME) and Time-slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) MAC modes of IEEE 802.15.4e with 802.15.4 MAC protocol to analyze the trade-off of choosing a particular MAC mode over others. The parameters considered for performance are throughput and latency, and the cost is quantified in terms of energy. A Markov model has been developed for TSCH MAC mode to compare its energy costs with 802.15.4 MAC. Finally, we present the applicability of different MAC modes to different application scenarios.This work was supported in part by the SERB, DST, Government of India under Grant ECRA/2016/001651.Choudhury, N.; Matam, R.; Mukherjee, M.; Lloret, J. (2020). A Performance-to-Cost Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC With 802.15.4e MAC Modes. IEEE Access. 8:41936-41950. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976654S4193641950

    Enabling Technologies for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications: From PHY and MAC Layer Perspectives

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    © 1998-2012 IEEE. Future 5th generation networks are expected to enable three key services-enhanced mobile broadband, massive machine type communications and ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC). As per the 3rd generation partnership project URLLC requirements, it is expected that the reliability of one transmission of a 32 byte packet will be at least 99.999% and the latency will be at most 1 ms. This unprecedented level of reliability and latency will yield various new applications, such as smart grids, industrial automation and intelligent transport systems. In this survey we present potential future URLLC applications, and summarize the corresponding reliability and latency requirements. We provide a comprehensive discussion on physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layer techniques that enable URLLC, addressing both licensed and unlicensed bands. This paper evaluates the relevant PHY and MAC techniques for their ability to improve the reliability and reduce the latency. We identify that enabling long-term evolution to coexist in the unlicensed spectrum is also a potential enabler of URLLC in the unlicensed band, and provide numerical evaluations. Lastly, this paper discusses the potential future research directions and challenges in achieving the URLLC requirements

    An efficient multichannel wireless sensor networks MAC protocol based on IEEE 802.11 distributed co-ordinated function.

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    This research aimed to create new knowledge and pioneer a path in the area relating to future trends in the WSN, by resolving some of the issues at the MAC layer in Wireless Sensor Networks. This work introduced a Multi-channel Distributed Coordinated Function (MC-DCF) which takes advantage of multi-channel assignment. The backoff algorithm of the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) was modified to invoke channel switching, based on threshold criteria in order to improve the overall throughput for wireless sensor networks. This work commenced by surveying different protocols: contention-based MAC protocols, transport layer protocols, cross-layered design and multichannel multi-radio assignments. A number of existing protocols were analysed, each attempting to resolve one or more problems faced by the current layers. The 802.15.4 performed very poorly at high data rate and at long range. Therefore 802.15.4 is not suitable for sensor multimedia or surveillance system with streaming data for future multichannel multi-radio systems. A survey on 802.11 DCF - which was designed mainly for wireless networks –supports and confirm that it has a power saving mechanism which is used to synchronise nodes. However it uses a random back-off mechanism that cannot provide deterministic upper bounds on channel access delay and as such cannot support real-time traffic. The weaknesses identified by surveying this protocol form the backbone of this thesis The overall aim for this thesis was to introduce multichannel with single radio as a new paradigm for IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordinated Function (DCF) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that is used in a wide range of applications, from military application, environmental monitoring, medical care, smart buildings and other industry and to extend WSNs with multimedia capability which sense for instance sounds or motion, video sensor which capture video events of interest. Traditionally WSNs do not need high data rate and throughput, since events are normally captured periodically. With the paradigm shift in technology, multimedia streaming has become more demanding than data sensing applications as such the need for high data rate protocol for WSN which is an emerging technology in this area. The IEEE 802.11 can support data rates up to 54Mbps and 802.11 DCF was designed specifically for use in wireless networks. This thesis focused on designing an algorithm that applied multichannel to IEEE 802.11 DCF back-off algorithm to reduce the waiting time of a node and increase throughput when attempting to access the medium. Data collection in WSN tends to suffer from heavy congestion especially nodes nearer to the sink node. Therefore, this thesis proposes a contention based MAC protocol to address this problem from the inspiration of the 802.11 DCF backoff algorithm resulting from a comparison of IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 for Future Green Multichannel Multi-radio Wireless Sensor Networks

    Channel parameter tuning in a hybrid Wi-Fi-Dynamic Spectrum Access Wireless Mesh Network

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    This work addresses Channel Assignment in a multi-radio multi-channel (MRMC) Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) using both Wi-Fi and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) spectrum bands and standards. This scenario poses new challenges because nodes are spread out geographically so may have differing allowed channels and experience different levels of external interference in different channels. A solution must meet two conflicting requirements simultaneously: 1) avoid or minimise interference within the network and from external interference sources, and 2) maintain connectivity within the network. These two requirements must be met while staying within the link constraints and the radio interface constraints, such as only assigning as many channels to a node as it has radios. This work's original contribution to the field is a unified framework for channel optimisation and assignment in a WMN that uses both DSA and traditional Wi-Fi channels for interconnectivity. This contribution is realised by providing and analysing the performance of near-optimal Channel Assignment (CA) solutions using metaheuristic algorithms for the MRMC WMNs using DSA bands. We have created a simulation framework for evaluating the algorithms. The performance of Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, Differential Evolution, and Particle Swarm Optimisation algorithms have been analysed and compared for the CA optimisation problem. We introduce a novel algorithm, used alongside the metaheuristic optimisation algorithms, to generate feasible candidate CA solutions. Unlike previous studies, this sensing and CA work takes into account the requirement to use a Geolocation Spectrum Database (GLSD) to get the allowed channels, in addition to using spectrum sensing to identify and estimate the cumulative severity of both internal and external interference sources. External interference may be caused by other secondary users (SUs) in the vicinity or by primary transmitters of the DSA band whose emissions leak into adjacent channels, next-toadjacent, or even into further channels. We use signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) as the optimisation objective. This incorporates any possible source or type of interference and makes our method agnostic to the protocol or technology of the interfering devices while ensuring that the received signal level is high enough for connectivity to be maintained on as many links as possible. To support our assertion that SINR is a reasonable criterion on which to base the optimisation, we have carried out extensive outdoor measurements in both line-of-sight and wooded conditions in the television white space (TVWS) DSA band and the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band. These measurements show that SINR is useful as a performance measure, especially when the interference experienced on a link is high. Our statistical analysis shows that SINR effectively differentiates the performance of different channels and that SINR is well correlated with throughput and is thus a good predictor of end-user experience, despite varying conditions. We also identify and analyse the idle times created by Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) contention-based Medium Access Control (MAC) operations and propose the use of these idle times for spectrum sensing to measure the SINR on possible channels. This means we can perform spectrum sensing with zero spectrum sensing delay experienced by the end user. Unlike previous work, this spectrum sensing is transparent and can be performed without causing any disruption to the normal data transmission of the network. We conduct Markov chain analysis to find the expected length of time of a sensing window. We also derive an efficient minimum variance unbiased estimator of the interference plus noise and show how the SINR can be found using this estimate. Our estimation is more granular, accurate, and appropriate to the problem of Secondary User (SU)-SU coexistence than the binary hypothesis testing methods that are most common in the literature. Furthermore, we construct confidence intervals based on the probability density function derived for the observations. This leads to finding and showing the relationships between the number of sampling windows and sampling time, the interference power, and the achievable confidence interval width. While our results coincide with (and thus are confirmed by) some key previous recommendations, ours are more precise, granular, and accurate and allow for application to a wider range of operating conditions. Finally, we present alterations to the IEEE 802.11k protocol to enable the reporting of spectrum sensing results to the fusion or gateway node and algorithms for distributing the Channel Assignment once computed. We analyse the convergence rate of the proposed procedures and find that high network availability can be maintained despite the temporary loss of connectivity caused by the channel switching procedure. This dissertation consolidates the different activities required to improve the channel parameter settings of a multi-radio multi-channel DSA-WMN. The work facilitates the extension of Internet connectivity to the unconnected or unreliably connected in rural or peri-urban areas in a more cost-effective way, enabling more meaningful and affordable access technologies. It also empowers smaller players to construct better community networks for sharing local content. This technology can have knock-on effects of improved socio-economic conditions for the communities that use it

    Performance analysis of contending customer equipment in wireless networks

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    NoInitial ranging is the primary and important process in wireless networks for the customer premise equipments (CPEs) to access the network and establish their connections with the base station. Contention may occur during the initial ranging process. To avoid contention, the mandatory solution defined in the standards is based on a truncated binary exponential random backoff (TBERB) algorithm with a fixed initial contention window size. However, the TBERB algorithm does not take into account the possibility that the number of contended CPEs may change dynamically over time, leading to a dynamically changing collision probability. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to address this issue. There are three major contributions presented in this paper. First, a comprehensive analysis of initial ranging mechanisms in wireless networks is provided and initial ranging request success probability is derived based on number of contending CPEs and the initial contention window size. Second, the average ranging success delay is derived for the maximum backoff stages. It is found that the collision probability is highly dependent on the size of the initial contention window and the number of contending CPEs. To achieve the higher success probability or to reduce the collision probability among CPEs, the BS needs to adjust the initial contention window size. To keep the collision probability at a specific value for the particular number of contending CPEs, it is necessary for the BS to schedule the required size of the initial contention window to facilitate the maximum number of CPEs to establish their connections with reasonable delay. In our third contribution, the initial window size is optimized to provide the least upper bound that meets the collision probability constraint for a particular number of contending CPEs. The numerical results validate our analysis

    Cognition-inspired 5G cellular networks: a review and the road ahead

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    Despite the evolution of cellular networks, spectrum scarcity and the lack of intelligent and autonomous capabilities remain a cause for concern. These problems have resulted in low network capacity, high signaling overhead, inefficient data forwarding, and low scalability, which are expected to persist as the stumbling blocks to deploy, support and scale next-generation applications, including smart city and virtual reality. Fifth-generation (5G) cellular networking, along with its salient operational characteristics - including the cognitive and cooperative capabilities, network virtualization, and traffic offload - can address these limitations to cater to future scenarios characterized by highly heterogeneous, ultra-dense, and highly variable environments. Cognitive radio (CR) and cognition cycle (CC) are key enabling technologies for 5G. CR enables nodes to explore and use underutilized licensed channels; while CC has been embedded in CR nodes to learn new knowledge and adapt to network dynamics. CR and CC have brought advantages to a cognition-inspired 5G cellular network, including addressing the spectrum scarcity problem, promoting interoperation among heterogeneous entities, and providing intelligence and autonomous capabilities to support 5G core operations, such as smart beamforming. In this paper, we present the attributes of 5G and existing state of the art focusing on how CR and CC have been adopted in 5G to provide spectral efficiency, energy efficiency, improved quality of service and experience, and cost efficiency. This main contribution of this paper is to complement recent work by focusing on the networking aspect of CR and CC applied to 5G due to the urgent need to investigate, as well as to further enhance, CR and CC as core mechanisms to support 5G. This paper is aspired to establish a foundation and to spark new research interest in this topic. Open research opportunities and platform implementation are also presented to stimulate new research initiatives in this exciting area