1,109 research outputs found

    Using Cultural Coevolution for Learning in General Game Playing

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    Traditionally, the construction of game playing agents relies on using pre-programmed heuristics and architectures tailored for a specific game. General Game Playing (GGP) provides a challenging alternative to this approach, with the aim being to construct players that are able to play any game, given just the rules. This thesis describes the construction of a General Game Player that is able to learn and build knowledge about the game in a multi-agent setup using cultural coevolution and reinforcement learning. We also describe how this knowledge can be used to complement UCT search, a Monte-Carlo tree search that has already been used successfully in GGP. Experiments are conducted to test the effectiveness of the knowledge by playing several games between our player and a player using random moves, and also a player using standard UCT search. The results show a marked improvement in performance when using the knowledge

    Coevolutionary Approaches to Generating Robust Build-Orders for Real-Time Strategy Games

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    We aim to find winning build-orders for Real-Time Strategy games. Real-Time Strategy games provide a variety of challenges, from short-term control to longer term planning. We focus on a longer-term planning problem; which units to build and in what order to produce the units so a player successfully defeats the opponent. Plans which address unit construction scheduling problems in Real-Time Strategy games are called build-orders. A robust build-order defeats many opponents, while a strong build-order defeats opponents quickly. However, no single build-order defeats all other build-orders, and build-orders that defeat many opponents may still lose against a specific opponent. Other researchers have only investigated generating build-orders that defeat a specific opponent, rather than finding robust, strong build-orders. Additionally, previous research has not applied coevolutionary algorithms towards generating build-orders. In contrast, our research has three main contributions towards finding robust, strong build-orders. First, we apply a coevolutionary algorithm towards finding robust build-orders. Compared to exhaustive search, a genetic algorithm finds the strongest build-orders while a coevolutionary algorithm finds more robust build-orders. Second, we show that case-injection enables coevolution to learn from specific opponents while maintaining robustness. Build-orders produced with coevolution and case-injection learn to defeat or play like the injected build-orders. Third, we show that coevolved build-orders benefit from a representation which includes branches and loops. Coevolution will utilize multiple branches and loops to create build-orders that are stronger than build-orders without loops and branches. We believe this work provides evidence that coevolutionary algorithms may be a viable approach to creating robust, strong build-orders for Real-Time Strategy games

    Preference Learning for Move Prediction and Evaluation Function Approximation in Othello

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    This paper investigates the use of preference learning as an approach to move prediction and evaluation function approximation, using the game of Othello as a test domain. Using the same sets of features, we compare our approach with least squares temporal difference learning, direct classification, and with the Bradley-Terry model, fitted using minorization-maximization (MM). The results show that the exact way in which preference learning is applied is critical to achieving high performance. Best results were obtained using a combination of board inversion and pair-wise preference learning. This combination significantly outperformed the others under test, both in terms of move prediction accuracy, and in the level of play achieved when using the learned evaluation function as a move selector during game play

    Human action recognition and mobility assessment in smart environments with RGB-D sensors

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    openQuesta attività di ricerca è focalizzata sullo sviluppo di algoritmi e soluzioni per ambienti intelligenti sfruttando sensori RGB e di profondità. In particolare, gli argomenti affrontati fanno riferimento alla valutazione della mobilità di un soggetto e al riconoscimento di azioni umane. Riguardo il primo tema, l'obiettivo è quello di implementare algoritmi per l'estrazione di parametri oggettivi che possano supportare la valutazione di test di mobilità svolta da personale sanitario. Il primo algoritmo proposto riguarda l'estrazione di sei joints sul piano sagittale utilizzando i dati di profondità forniti dal sensore Kinect. La precisione in termini di stima degli angoli di busto e ginocchio nella fase di sit-to-stand viene valutata considerando come riferimento un sistema stereofotogrammetrico basato su marker. Un secondo algoritmo viene proposto per facilitare la realizzazione del test in ambiente domestico e per consentire l'estrazione di un maggior numero di parametri dall'esecuzione del test Timed Up and Go. I dati di Kinect vengono combinati con quelli di un accelerometro attraverso un algoritmo di sincronizzazione, costituendo un setup che può essere utilizzato anche per altre applicazioni che possono beneficiare dell'utilizzo congiunto di dati RGB, profondità ed inerziali. Vengono quindi proposti algoritmi di rilevazione della caduta che sfruttano la stessa configurazione del Timed Up and Go test. Per quanto riguarda il secondo argomento affrontato, l'obiettivo è quello di effettuare la classificazione di azioni che possono essere compiute dalla persona all'interno di un ambiente domestico. Vengono quindi proposti due algoritmi di riconoscimento attività i quali utilizzano i joints dello scheletro di Kinect e sfruttano un SVM multiclasse per il riconoscimento di azioni appartenenti a dataset pubblicamente disponibili, raggiungendo risultati confrontabili con lo stato dell'arte rispetto ai dataset CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D.This research activity is focused on the development of algorithms and solutions for smart environments exploiting RGB and depth sensors. In particular, the addressed topics refer to mobility assessment of a subject and to human action recognition. Regarding the first topic, the goal is to implement algorithms for the extraction of objective parameters that can support the assessment of mobility tests performed by healthcare staff. The first proposed algorithm regards the extraction of six joints on the sagittal plane using depth data provided by Kinect sensor. The accuracy in terms of estimation of torso and knee angles in the sit-to-stand phase is evaluated considering a marker-based stereometric system as a reference. A second algorithm is proposed to simplify the test implementation in home environment and to allow the extraction of a greater number of parameters from the execution of the Timed Up and Go test. Kinect data are combined with those of an accelerometer through a synchronization algorithm constituting a setup that can be used also for other applications that benefit from the joint usage of RGB, depth and inertial data. Fall detection algorithms exploiting the same configuration of the Timed Up and Go test are therefore proposed. Regarding the second topic addressed, the goal is to perform the classification of human actions that can be carried out in home environment. Two algorithms for human action recognition are therefore proposed, which exploit skeleton joints of Kinect and a multi-class SVM for the recognition of actions belonging to publicly available datasets, achieving results comparable with the state of the art in the datasets CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D.INGEGNERIA DELL'INFORMAZIONECippitelli, EneaCippitelli, Ene

    Human action recognition and mobility assessment in smart environments with RGB-D sensors

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    Questa attività di ricerca è focalizzata sullo sviluppo di algoritmi e soluzioni per ambienti intelligenti sfruttando sensori RGB e di profondità. In particolare, gli argomenti affrontati fanno riferimento alla valutazione della mobilità di un soggetto e al riconoscimento di azioni umane. Riguardo il primo tema, l'obiettivo è quello di implementare algoritmi per l'estrazione di parametri oggettivi che possano supportare la valutazione di test di mobilità svolta da personale sanitario. Il primo algoritmo proposto riguarda l'estrazione di sei joints sul piano sagittale utilizzando i dati di profondità forniti dal sensore Kinect. La precisione in termini di stima degli angoli di busto e ginocchio nella fase di sit-to-stand viene valutata considerando come riferimento un sistema stereofotogrammetrico basato su marker. Un secondo algoritmo viene proposto per facilitare la realizzazione del test in ambiente domestico e per consentire l'estrazione di un maggior numero di parametri dall'esecuzione del test Timed Up and Go. I dati di Kinect vengono combinati con quelli di un accelerometro attraverso un algoritmo di sincronizzazione, costituendo un setup che può essere utilizzato anche per altre applicazioni che possono beneficiare dell'utilizzo congiunto di dati RGB, profondità ed inerziali. Vengono quindi proposti algoritmi di rilevazione della caduta che sfruttano la stessa configurazione del Timed Up and Go test. Per quanto riguarda il secondo argomento affrontato, l'obiettivo è quello di effettuare la classificazione di azioni che possono essere compiute dalla persona all'interno di un ambiente domestico. Vengono quindi proposti due algoritmi di riconoscimento attività i quali utilizzano i joints dello scheletro di Kinect e sfruttano un SVM multiclasse per il riconoscimento di azioni appartenenti a dataset pubblicamente disponibili, raggiungendo risultati confrontabili con lo stato dell'arte rispetto ai dataset CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D.This research activity is focused on the development of algorithms and solutions for smart environments exploiting RGB and depth sensors. In particular, the addressed topics refer to mobility assessment of a subject and to human action recognition. Regarding the first topic, the goal is to implement algorithms for the extraction of objective parameters that can support the assessment of mobility tests performed by healthcare staff. The first proposed algorithm regards the extraction of six joints on the sagittal plane using depth data provided by Kinect sensor. The accuracy in terms of estimation of torso and knee angles in the sit-to-stand phase is evaluated considering a marker-based stereometric system as a reference. A second algorithm is proposed to simplify the test implementation in home environment and to allow the extraction of a greater number of parameters from the execution of the Timed Up and Go test. Kinect data are combined with those of an accelerometer through a synchronization algorithm constituting a setup that can be used also for other applications that benefit from the joint usage of RGB, depth and inertial data. Fall detection algorithms exploiting the same configuration of the Timed Up and Go test are therefore proposed. Regarding the second topic addressed, the goal is to perform the classification of human actions that can be carried out in home environment. Two algorithms for human action recognition are therefore proposed, which exploit skeleton joints of Kinect and a multi-class SVM for the recognition of actions belonging to publicly available datasets, achieving results comparable with the state of the art in the datasets CAD-60, KARD, MSR Action3D

    PSO-based coevolutionary Game Learning

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    Games have been investigated as computationally complex problems since the inception of artificial intelligence in the 1950’s. Originally, search-based techniques were applied to create a competent (and sometimes even expert) game player. The search-based techniques, such as game trees, made use of human-defined knowledge to evaluate the current game state and recommend the best move to make next. Recent research has shown that neural networks can be evolved as game state evaluators, thereby removing the human intelligence factor completely. This study builds on the initial research that made use of evolutionary programming to evolve neural networks in the game learning domain. Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) is applied inside a coevolutionary training environment to evolve the weights of the neural network. The training technique is applied to both the zero sum and non-zero sum game domains, with specific application to Tic-Tac-Toe, Checkers and the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (IPD). The influence of the various PSO parameters on playing performance are experimentally examined, and the overall performance of three different neighbourhood information sharing structures compared. A new coevolutionary scoring scheme and particle dispersement operator are defined, inspired by Formula One Grand Prix racing. Finally, the PSO is applied in three novel ways to evolve strategies for the IPD – the first application of its kind in the PSO field. The PSO-based coevolutionary learning technique described and examined in this study shows promise in evolving intelligent evaluators for the aforementioned games, and further study will be conducted to analyse its scalability to larger search spaces and games of varying complexity.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2005.Computer Scienceunrestricte

    Home Country Effects on Internationalization: Chinese Agrifood Investment in Advanced Economies

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    Home country effects on internationalization has been conventionally conceived as a contrast to the pull of host countries determinants. While scholarship acknowledges that home country support matters more to internationalizing emerging market multinational enterprises, the focus of extant literature has been underpinned by assumptions of stable macro-level and unidirectional institutional support for the internationalization of firms. This thesis contrasts with previous studies by repositioning the conversation to incorporate the temporal dimension, and investigate the multi-level relationships across institutions, industries and markets in the home country and the varied effects on internationalization. Chinese agrifood investment to advanced economies from 2008 to 2017 against the backdrop of rebalancing and consumption-led growth economy is the phenomenon and research context. The overarching research question is “How do home country effects shape the internationalization of Chinese firms?”. This is addressed in four contextual and case study chapters. Drawing on interdisciplinary literature and applying an abductive research process, I developed a dynamic home country relational model to study the internationalization process of Chinese firms that enriches existing process and institutional frameworks. There are four central findings presented in this thesis. First, home country support engenders different meanings constructed by heterogeneous dispensers and recipients who adopt discretionary selection in a competitive environment. Second, experienced agrifood firms have learned to deliberately avoid controversial farmland purchases and targeted downstream businesses in advanced economies to access resources and gain management skills. Third, wealthy non-agricultural Chinese groups lacking in specialized industry knowledge, face compounded challenges diversifying into agrifood sector and internationalizing simultaneously. Fourth, risk perception and risk mitigation have accentuated as internationalization of Chinese firms evolved, shifting from self-checking to tightening of regulatory controls and reinforced by businesses’ confirmation of support. This study has enhanced the understanding of evolving institutions, and the nuances and irregularity of internationalization processes through the explanation of complex interactions and responses from the perspective of home country actors