586 research outputs found

    Single event upset hardened embedded domain specific reconfigurable architecture

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    Embedded electronic systems driven by run-time reconfigurable hardware

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    Abstract This doctoral thesis addresses the design of embedded electronic systems based on run-time reconfigurable hardware technology –available through SRAM-based FPGA/SoC devices– aimed at contributing to enhance the life quality of the human beings. This work does research on the conception of the system architecture and the reconfiguration engine that provides to the FPGA the capability of dynamic partial reconfiguration in order to synthesize, by means of hardware/software co-design, a given application partitioned in processing tasks which are multiplexed in time and space, optimizing thus its physical implementation –silicon area, processing time, complexity, flexibility, functional density, cost and power consumption– in comparison with other alternatives based on static hardware (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). The design flow of such technology is evaluated through the prototyping of several engineering applications (control systems, mathematical coprocessors, complex image processors, etc.), showing a high enough level of maturity for its exploitation in the industry.Resumen Esta tesis doctoral abarca el diseño de sistemas electrónicos embebidos basados en tecnología hardware dinámicamente reconfigurable –disponible a través de dispositivos lógicos programables SRAM FPGA/SoC– que contribuyan a la mejora de la calidad de vida de la sociedad. Se investiga la arquitectura del sistema y del motor de reconfiguración que proporcione a la FPGA la capacidad de reconfiguración dinámica parcial de sus recursos programables, con objeto de sintetizar, mediante codiseño hardware/software, una determinada aplicación particionada en tareas multiplexadas en tiempo y en espacio, optimizando así su implementación física –área de silicio, tiempo de procesado, complejidad, flexibilidad, densidad funcional, coste y potencia disipada– comparada con otras alternativas basadas en hardware estático (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). Se evalúa el flujo de diseño de dicha tecnología a través del prototipado de varias aplicaciones de ingeniería (sistemas de control, coprocesadores aritméticos, procesadores de imagen, etc.), evidenciando un nivel de madurez viable ya para su explotación en la industria.Resum Aquesta tesi doctoral està orientada al disseny de sistemes electrònics empotrats basats en tecnologia hardware dinàmicament reconfigurable –disponible mitjançant dispositius lògics programables SRAM FPGA/SoC– que contribueixin a la millora de la qualitat de vida de la societat. S’investiga l’arquitectura del sistema i del motor de reconfiguració que proporcioni a la FPGA la capacitat de reconfiguració dinàmica parcial dels seus recursos programables, amb l’objectiu de sintetitzar, mitjançant codisseny hardware/software, una determinada aplicació particionada en tasques multiplexades en temps i en espai, optimizant així la seva implementació física –àrea de silici, temps de processat, complexitat, flexibilitat, densitat funcional, cost i potència dissipada– comparada amb altres alternatives basades en hardware estàtic (MCU, DSP, GPU, ASSP, ASIC, etc.). S’evalúa el fluxe de disseny d’aquesta tecnologia a través del prototipat de varies aplicacions d’enginyeria (sistemes de control, coprocessadors aritmètics, processadors d’imatge, etc.), demostrant un nivell de maduresa viable ja per a la seva explotació a la indústria

    Power and Energy Aware Heterogeneous Computing Platform

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    During the last decade, wireless technologies have experienced significant development, most notably in the form of mobile cellular radio evolution from GSM to UMTS/HSPA and thereon to Long-Term Evolution (LTE) for increasing the capacity and speed of wireless data networks. Considering the real-time constraints of the new wireless standards and their demands for parallel processing, reconfigurable architectures and in particular, multicore platforms are part of the most successful platforms due to providing high computational parallelism and throughput. In addition to that, by moving toward Internet-of-Things (IoT), the number of wireless sensors and IP-based high throughput network routers is growing at a rapid pace. Despite all the progression in IoT, due to power and energy consumption, a single chip platform for providing multiple communication standards and a large processing bandwidth is still missing.The strong demand for performing different sets of operations by the embedded systems and increasing the computational performance has led to the use of heterogeneous multicore architectures with the help of accelerators for computationally-intensive data-parallel tasks acting as coprocessors. Currently, highly heterogeneous systems are the most power-area efficient solution for performing complex signal processing systems. Additionally, the importance of IoT has increased significantly the need for heterogeneous and reconfigurable platforms.On the other hand, subsequent to the breakdown of the Dennardian scaling and due to the enormous heat dissipation, the performance of a single chip was obstructed by the utilization wall since all cores cannot be clocked at their maximum operating frequency. Therefore, a thermal melt-down might be happened as a result of high instantaneous power dissipation. In this context, a large fraction of the chip, which is switched-off (Dark) or operated at a very low frequency (Dim) is called Dark Silicon. The Dark Silicon issue is a constraint for the performance of computers, especially when the up-coming IoT scenario will demand a very high performance level with high energy efficiency. Among the suggested solution to combat the problem of Dark-Silicon, the use of application-specific accelerators and in particular Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) are the main motivation of this thesis work.This thesis deals with design and implementation of Software Defined Radio (SDR) as well as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) application-specific accelerators for computationally intensive kernels and data-parallel tasks. One of the most important data transmission schemes in SDR due to its ability of providing high data rates is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). This research work focuses on the evaluation of Heterogeneous Accelerator-Rich Platform (HARP) by implementing OFDM receiver blocks as designs for proof-of-concept. The HARP template allows the designer to instantiate a heterogeneous reconfigurable platform with a very large amount of custom-tailored computational resources while delivering a high performance in terms of many high-level metrics. The availability of this platform lays an excellent foundation to investigate techniques and methods to replace the Dark or Dim part of chip with high-performance silicon dissipating very low power and energy. Furthermore, this research work is also addressing the power and energy issues of the embedded computing systems by tailoring the HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing models. In this context, the instantaneous power dissipation and therefore the heat dissipation of HARP are mitigated on FPGA/ASIC by using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) to minimize the dark/dim part of the chip. Upgraded HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing can be utilized as an energy-efficient general-purpose transceiver platform that is cognitive to many radio standards and can provide high throughput while consuming as little energy as possible. The evaluation of HARP has shown promising results, which makes it a suitable platform for avoiding Dark Silicon in embedded computing platforms and also for diverse needs of IoT communications.In this thesis, the author designed the blocks of OFDM receiver by crafting templatebased CGRA devices and then attached them to HARP’s Network-on-Chip (NoC) nodes. The performance of application-specific accelerators generated from templatebased CGRAs, the performance of the entire platform subsequent to integrating the CGRA nodes on HARP and the NoC traffic are recorded in terms of several highlevel performance metrics. In evaluating HARP on FPGA prototype, it delivers a performance of 0.012 GOPS/mW. Because of the scalability and regularity in HARP, the author considered its value as architectural constant. In addition to showing the gain and the benefits of maximizing the number of reconfigurable processing resources on a platform in comparison to the scaled performance of several state-of-the-art platforms, HARP’s architectural constant ensures application-independent figure of merit. HARP is further evaluated by implementing various sizes of Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) and Discrete Sine Transform (DST) dedicated for HEVC standard, which showed its ability to sustain Full HD 1080p format at 30 fps on FPGA. The author also integrated self-aware computing model in HARP to mitigate the power dissipation of an OFDM receiver. In the case of FPGA implementation, the total power dissipation of the platform showed 16.8% reduction due to employing the Feedback Control System (FCS) technique with Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS). Furthermore, by moving to ASIC technology and scaling both frequency and voltage simultaneously, significant dynamic power reduction (up to 82.98%) was achieved, which proved the DFS/DVFS techniques as one step forward to mitigate the Dark Silicon issue

    Synthesis Techniques for Semi-Custom Dynamically Reconfigurable Superscalar Processors

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    The accelerated adoption of reconfigurable computing foreshadows a computational paradigm shift, aimed at fulfilling the need of customizable yet high-performance flexible hardware. Reconfigurable computing fulfills this need by allowing the physical resources of a chip to be adapted to the computational requirements of a specific program, thus achieving higher levels of computing performance. This dissertation evaluates the area requirements for reconfigurable processing, an important yet often disregarded assessment for partial reconfiguration. Common reconfigurable computing approaches today attempt to create custom circuitry in static co-processor accelerators. We instead focused on a new approach that synthesized semi-custom general-purpose processor cores. Each superscalar processor core's execution units can be customized for a particular application, yet the processor retains its standard microprocessor interface. We analyzed the area consumption for these computational components by studying the synthesis requirements of different processor configurations. This area/performance assessment aids designers when constraining processing elements in a fixed-size area slot, a requirement for modern partial reconfiguration approaches. Our results provide a more deterministic evaluation of performance density, hence making the area cost analysis less ambiguous when optimizing dynamic systems for coarse-grained parallelism. The results obtained showed that even though performance density decreases with processor complexity, the additional area still provides a positive contribution to the aggregate parallel processing performance. This evaluation of parallel execution density contributes to ongoing efforts in the field of reconfigurable computing by providing a baseline for area/performance trade-offs for partial reconfiguration and multi-processor systems

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability

    Field Programmable Gate Arrays and Reconfigurable Computing in Automatic Control

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    New combustion engine principles increase the demands on feedback combustion control, at the same time economical considerations currently enforce the usage of low-end control hardware limiting implementation possibilities. Significant development is simultaneously and continuously carried out within the field of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). In recent years FPGAs have developed, from being a device mainly used to implement grids of 'glue-logic' to something of a flexible 'dream device' in cost and performance sensitive applications. It is not solely the development of FPGA devices which has made the FPGA the promising implementation platform it is, development of software tool sets and design methodologies is as important as the device as such. This thesis describes the nature of FPGAs, how they work, which programming environments that are available and which design methodologies that can be used on different levels. Focus is set on implementing control and feedback control on FPGAs in general terms. There are a lot of practical considerations differing between the FPGA environment and the well-known micro-controller environment and those are discussed from the view of the literature available in the different areas. The potential application of FPGAs is described and illustrated with application examples found in the literature, both general applications and control applications are discussed. The intended application is control of internal combustion engines and one FPGA implementation of a modeling algorithm commonly used within automotive control is described and discussed. The intention is to illustrate the usefulness in automotive control applications. Finally a suggestion of a suitable FPGA based automotive-control development environment is treat

    Low power digital signal processing

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    A Methodology to Design Pipelined Simulated Annealing Kernel Accelerators on Space-Borne Field-Programmable Gate Arrays

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    Increased levels of science objectives expected from spacecraft systems necessitate the ability to carry out fast on-board autonomous mission planning and scheduling. Heterogeneous radiation-hardened Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) with embedded multiplier and memory modules are well suited to support the acceleration of scheduling algorithms. A methodology to design circuits specifically to accelerate Simulated Annealing Kernels (SAKs) in event scheduling algorithms is shown. The main contribution of this thesis is the low complexity scoring calculation used for the heuristic mapping algorithm used to balance resource allocation across a coarse-grained pipelined data-path. The methodology was exercised over various kernels with different cost functions and problem sizes. These test cases were benchedmarked for execution time, resource usage, power, and energy on a Xilinx Virtex 4 LX QR 200 FPGA and a BAE RAD 750 microprocessor

    Approximate Computing for Energy Efficiency

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