38 research outputs found

    Free constructions and coproducts of d-frames

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    A general theory of presentations for d-frames does not yet exist. We review the difficulties and give sufficient conditions for when they can be overcome. As an application we prove that the category of d-frames is closed under coproducts

    Expressive Logics for Coinductive Predicates

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    The classical Hennessy-Milner theorem says that two states of an image-finite transition system are bisimilar if and only if they satisfy the same formulas in a certain modal logic. In this paper we study this type of result in a general context, moving from transition systems to coalgebras and from bisimilarity to coinductive predicates. We formulate when a logic fully characterises a coinductive predicate on coalgebras, by providing suitable notions of adequacy and expressivity, and give sufficient conditions on the semantics. The approach is illustrated with logics characterising similarity, divergence and a behavioural metric on automata

    Final Coalgebras from Corecursive Algebras

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    Coalgebra Learning via Duality

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    Automata learning is a popular technique for inferring minimal automata through membership and equivalence queries. In this paper, we generalise learning to the theory of coalgebras. The approach relies on the use of logical formulas as tests, based on a dual adjunction between states and logical theories. This allows us to learn, e.g., labelled transition systems, using Hennessy-Milner logic. Our main contribution is an abstract learning algorithm, together with a proof of correctness and termination

    A doctrinal approach to modal/temporal Heyting logic and non-determinism in processes

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    The study of algebraic modelling of labelled non-deterministic concurrent processes leads us to consider a category LB , obtained from a complete meet-semilattice B and from B-valued equivalence relations. We prove that, if B has enough properties, then LB presents a two-fold internal logical structure, induced by two doctrines definable on it: one related to its families of subobjects and one to its families of regular subobjects. The first doctrine is Heyting and makes LB a Heyting category, the second one is Boolean. We will see that the difference between these two logical structures, namely the different behaviour of the negation operator, can be interpreted in terms of a distinction between non-deterministic and deterministic behaviours of agents able to perform computations in the context of the same process. Moreover, the sorted first-order logic naturally associated with LB can be extended to a modal/temporal logic, again using the doctrinal setting. Relations are also drawn to other computational model

    Free Constructions and Coproducts of d-Frames

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    A general theory of presentations for d-frames does not yet exist. We review the difficulties and give sufficient conditions for when they can be overcome. As an application we prove that the category of d-frames is closed under coproducts

    Many-Valued Coalgebraic Logic: From Boolean Algebras to Primal Varieties

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    We study many-valued coalgebraic logics with primal algebras of truth-degrees. We describe a way to lift algebraic semantics of classical coalgebraic logics, given by an endofunctor on the variety of Boolean algebras, to this many-valued setting, and we show that many important properties of the original logic are inherited by its lifting. Then, we deal with the problem of obtaining a concrete axiomatic presentation of the variety of algebras for this lifted logic, given that we know one for the original one. We solve this problem for a class of presentations which behaves well with respect to a lattice structure on the algebra of truth-degrees

    Steps and Traces

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    Functorial Coalgebraic Logic: The Case of Many-Sorted Varieties

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    Following earlier work, a modal logic for T-coalgebras is a functor L on a suitable variety. Syntax and proof system of the logic are given by presentations of the functor. This paper makes two contributions. First, a previous result characterizing those functors that have presentations is generalized from endofunctors on one-sorted varieties to functors between many-sorted varieties. This yields an equational logic for the presheaf semantics of higher-order abstract syntax. As another application, we show how the move to functors between many-sorted varieties allows to modularly combine syntax and proof systems of different logics. Second, we show how to associate to any set-functor T a complete (finitary) logic L consisting of modal operators and Boolean connectives

    Bisimulation for Weakly Expressive Coalgebraic Modal Logics

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    Research on the expressiveness of coalgebraic modal logics with respect to semantic equivalence notions has so far focused mainly on finding logics that are able to distinguish states that are not behaviourally equivalent (such logics are said to be expressive). In other words, the notion of behavioural equivalence is taken as the starting point, and the expressiveness of the logic is evaluated against it. However, for some applications, modal logics that are not expressive are of independent interest. Such an example is given by contingency logic. We can now turn the question of expressiveness around and ask, given a modal logic, what is a suitable notion of semantic equivalence? In this paper, we propose a notion of Lambda-bisimulation which is parametric in a collection Lambda of predicate liftings. We study the basic properties of Lambda-bisimilarity, and prove as our main result a Hennessy-Milner style theorem, which shows that (for finitary functors) Lambda-bisimilarity exactly matches the expressiveness of the coalgebraic modal logic arising from Lambda