1,018 research outputs found

    Distributed Simulation of Heterogeneous and Real-time Systems

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    This work describes a framework for distributed simulation of cyber-physical systems (CPS). Modern CPS comprise large numbers of heterogeneous components, typically designed in very different tools and languages that are not or not easily composeable. Evaluating such large systems requires tools that integrate all components in a systematic, well-defined manner. This work leverages existing frameworks to facilitate the integration offers validation by simulation. A framework for distributed simulation is the IEEE High-Level Architecture (HLA) compliant tool CERTI, which provides the infrastructure for co-simulation of models in various simulation environments as well as hardware components. We use CERTI in combination with Ptolemy II, an environment for modeling and simulating heterogeneous systems. In particular, we focus on models of a CPS, including the physical dynamics of a plant, the software that controls the plant, and the network that enables the communication between controllers. We describe the Ptolemy extensions for the interaction with HLA and demonstrate the approach on a flight control system simulation

    Concurrent Design of Embedded Control Software

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    Embedded software design for mechatronic systems is becoming an increasingly time-consuming and error-prone task. In order to cope with the heterogeneity and complexity, a systematic model-driven design approach is needed, where several parts of the system can be designed concurrently. There is however a trade-off between concurrency efficiency and integration efficiency. In this paper, we present a case study on the development of the embedded control software for a real-world mechatronic system in order to evaluate how we can integrate concurrent and largely independent designed embedded system software parts in an efficient way. The case study was executed using our embedded control system design methodology which employs a concurrent systematic model-based design approach that ensures a concurrent design process, while it still allows a fast integration phase by using automatic code synthesis. The result was a predictable concurrently designed embedded software realization with a short integration time

    Analysis and identification of possible automation approaches for embedded systems design flows

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    Sophisticated and high performance embedded systems are present in an increasing number of application domains. In this context, formal-based design methods have been studied to make the development process robust and scalable. Models of computation (MoC) allows the modeling of an application at a high abstraction level by using a formal base. This enables analysis before the application moves to the implementation phase. Different tools and frameworks supporting MoCs have been developed. Some of them can simulate the models and also verify their functionality and feasibility before the next design steps. In view of this, we present a novel method for analysis and identification of possible automation approaches applicable to embedded systems design flow supported by formal models of computation. A comprehensive case study shows the potential and applicability of our method11212

    Model-Based Engineering for the support of Models of Computation: The Cometa Approach

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    The development of Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) increasingly requires the integration of several parts with different purposes. Consequently, the heterogeneous appearance of such systems creates a need to manage their growing complexity mainly due to the difficulty to interconnect the different parts composing them. Model-Based Engineering (MBE) has significantly participated in recent decades to find solutions in terms of methodologies and technical support tailored to the design of RTES. Indeed, several models are used to represent different aspects of the system. However, the interconnection of different modeling paradigms is still a difficult challenge. The handling of such problems requires a clear definition of the execution and interconnection semantics of the different models composing the system. Indeed, the abstraction of the execution semantics of machines or Models of Computation (MoC) can highlight properties for the whole system’s execution. In this paper, we propose an approach that captures these semantics at the earliest modeling phases with the aim of exhibiting properties that ease the design space exploration and performance analysis of systems. Our approach extends the Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems profile (MARTE) by providing means to express communication semantics of models. We also review existing approaches for defining such execution semantics

    Distributed Simulation of Heterogeneous and Real-time Systems

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    This work describes a framework for distributed simulation of cyber-physical systems (CPS). Modern CPS comprise large numbers of heterogeneous components, typically designed in very different tools and languages that are not or not easily composeable. Evaluating such large systems requires tools that integrate all components in a systematic, well-definedmanner. This work leverages existing frameworks to facilitatethe integration offers validation by simulation. A framework for distributed simulation is the IEEE High-Level Architecture (HLA) compliant tool CERTI, which provides the infrastructure for co-simulation of models in various simulation environments as well as hardware components. We use CERTI in combination with Ptolemy II, an environment for modeling and simulating heterogeneous systems. In particular, we focus on models of a CPS, including the physical dynamics of a plant, the software that controls the plant, and the network that enables the communication between controllers. We describe the Ptolemy extensions for the interaction with HLA and demonstrate the approach on a flight control system simulation

    Co-simulation of Event-B and Ptolemy II Models via FMI

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    In the framework of model-based design formal modelling, verification and simulation of safety-critical systems are supported by several methods and tools. Interfacing these tools often becomes challenging for heterogeneous systems. The FMI standard enables integration of different simulation tools through artefacts called Functional Mockup Units (FMU) [1]. The FMI standard is mainly based on the concept of scalability of the simulation as it deals with heterogeneous cyber-physical systems. The combination of discrete behaviour and continuous-time environment is a common case study in hybrid simulation. Moreover, another aspect of the FMI is to enhance the capability of the tools. Thus, a collaborative simulation between the Rodin [2] and Ptolemy [3] is leveraged by both platforms. While Event-B is enhanced by new models of computation of Ptolemy,Ptolemy leverages the expressivity and properties validation (theorem/invariant proofs) implemented by Event-B. The main rationale of the co-simulation between Event-B and Ptolemy relies on the intention of dissimilarity and complementarity of the modelling viewpoints. Event-B provides formal modelling by specifying conditions, actions and properties that manage discrete event behaviour, whereas Ptolemy gives a structural viewpoint in terms of actors, components or functions with relation to concerned behaviour. Thus, the association of Ptolemy and Event-B puts together structural and formal aspects.This paper focuses on the collaborative simulation of models supported by both Ptolemy II and Event-B. The ongoing work consists of the design of a diagrammatic co-simulation surface and its application to a controller case study

    On mixed abstraction, languages and simulation approach to refinement with SystemC AMS

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    Executable specifications and simulations arecornerstone to system design flows. Complex mixed signalembedded systems can be specified with SystemC AMSwhich supports abstraction and extensible models of computation. The language contains semantics for moduleconnections and synchronization required in analog anddigital interaction. Through the synchronization layer, user defined models of computation, solvers and simulators can be unified in the SystemC AMS simulator for achieving low level abstraction and model refinement. These improvements assist in amplifying model aspects and their contribution to the overall system behavior. This work presents cosimulating refined models with timed data flow paradigm of SystemC AMS. The methodology uses Cbased interaction between simulators. An RTL model ofdata encryption standard is demonstrated as an example.The methodology is flexible and can be applied in earlydesign decision trade off, architecture experimentation and particularly for model refinement and critical behavior analysis

    Models of Architecture

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    The current trend in high performance and embedded computing consists of designing increasingly complex heterogeneous hardware architectures with non-uniform communication resources. In order to take hardware and software design decisions, early evaluations of the system non-functional properties are needed. These evaluations of system efficiency require high-level information on both the algorithms and the architecture. In state of the art Model Driven Engineering (MDE) methods, different communities have developed custom architecture models associated to languages of substantial complexity. This fact contrasts with Models of Computation (MoCs) that provide abstract representations of an algorithm behavior as well as tool interoperability.In this report, we define the notion of Model of Architecture (MoA) and study the combination of a MoC and an MoA to provide a design space exploration environment for the study of the algorithmic and architectural choices. An MoA provides reproducible cost computation for evaluating the efficiency of a system. A new MoA called Linear System-Level Architecture Model (LSLA) is introduced and compared to state of the art models. LSLA aims at representing hardware efficiency with a linear model. The computed cost results from the mapping of an application, represented by a model conforming a MoC on an architecture represented by a model conforming an MoA. The cost is composed of a processing-related part and a communication-related part. It is an abstract scalar value to be minimized and can represent any non-functional requirement of a system such as memory, energy, throughput or latency