17 research outputs found

    Patterns of Iran’s Research Collaboration in the field of Pharmacology and Pharmacy: A Bibliometric Study

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    Purpose: This research aims to analyze and visualize the structure of Iranian scholarly networks in the field of “pharmacology and pharmacy”. This study includes an overview of co-authorship, efficiency and ranking of the researches, visualizing the co-authorship network, changes in the main core of the publications and macro and micro-level metrics such as social influence. Methods: This research utilizes social network analysis (SNA). The preliminary data of this research includes all the Iran’s documents in Web of Science in “Pharmacology and Pharmacy” during the period of 2005 to 2016. After the preprocessing of 6204 records and creating relational matrix, a combination of bibliometric software (including UCINET, NetDraw, HistCite and VOSviewer) were used to analyze and uncover network features. Results: Results indicated that most papers are multi-authored. Four-authored articles are the main common authorship pattern. Some measures such as author frequency, multi-authored papers, and single-authored papers in each time interval are ascending. Moreover, “density” reduction of the scientific collaborations indicates that fragmentation level has increased based on the “clustering coefficient” in each period. Besides, Iranian researchers of the field has the most collaboration with the scholars of England (%2.85), U.S.A. (2.61%) and Canada (1.76%), respectively. Conclusions: Fragile structure and low closeness of the network imply low maturity of Iran’s research in the field of “pharmacology and pharmacy”. Also, test of the correlation coefficients indicates that with increasing “degree centrality” and “betweenness centrality”, the “number of articles” increases as well. However, there is no correlation between “closeness centrality” and “number of articles”

    Social Network Analysis of the ISPIM Innovation Management Community in 2009 - 2011

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    Scientific communities are bound together by common purpose and interests, and tangible evidence of the structure of such communities may be found by investigating co-authorship networks. We utilise social network analysis to examine the network structure of ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management), using co-authorship data from six ISPIM events during the years 2009-2011. We find interesting evidence of the network structure, illustrating vividly the central authors and sub-components of the network. Related to this, results reveal surprisingly tight clustering based on geographical and institutional boundaries. We also find evidence of high performing authors which span these boundaries via significantly different strategies. Overall, the results help to uncover the underlying structure of the scholarly network behind ISPIM, which helps to better understand the key contributors and their networks, and also the development points and promising research collaboration opportunities

    Mapping collaboration networks in talent management research

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    Purpose Despite the popularity of talent management (TM), very little has been published on the community of scholars that contribute to the knowledge base of the field. The purpose of this paper is to disclose the dynamics in TM research through a detailed analysis of its evolving collaboration networks (i.e. research communities) in order to identify key authors and major topics covered. Design/methodology/approach A total of 225 co-authored articles published on TM from 2001 to May 2016 were retrieved from the Web of Science and Scopus and then analyzed and mapped using social network analysis methods. Findings The authors identified two major scientific communities (one of 63 authors and the other one of 24 authors). Both communities not only have different characteristics and structure, but also focus on different topics. The authors identified key players within each community and offer a dynamic view on the main topics studied. Practical implications This paper may help practitioners and newcomers to the field to rapidly identify key players and main topics studied in the TM field. It may assist academic institutions and journal editorial teams in better assessing and identifying key scholars in this field. Originality/value This paper offers the first analysis of TM collaborative research networksPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Abandono en servicios - Una revisión bibliométrica

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    [EN] The purpose of this article is to identify the most impactful research on customer churn and to map the conceptual and intellectual structure of its field of study. Data were collected from the WoS database, comprising 338 articles published between 1995 and 2020. Several bibliometric techniques were applied, including analysis of co-words, co-citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-authorship networks. R software and the Bibliometrix/Biblioshiny package were used to perform the analyses. The results identify the most active and influential authors, articles, and journals on the topic. More specifically, through co-citations and bibliographic coupling, it was possible to map the oldest articles (retrospective analysis) and the current research front (prospective analysis). The retrospective analysis, based on co-citations, revealed that the foundations of this research field are constructs such as quality of service, satisfaction, loyalty, and changing behaviors. The prospective analysis, performed through bibliographic coupling, revealed that current research is embedded in predictive analysis, clusters, data mining, and algorithms. The results provide robust guidance for further investigation in this field.[ES] El objetivo de este artículo es identificar las investigaciones más impactantes sobre la pérdida de clientes y trazar la estructura conceptual e intelectual de su campo de estudio. Los datos han sido recogidos de la base de datos WoS, que comprenden 338 artículos publicados entre 1995 y 2020. Varias técnicas bibliométricas fueron aplicadas, incluyendo el análisis de co-palabras, cocitaciones, acoplamiento bibliográfico y redes de coautoría. Para realizar los análisis se utilizaron el software R y el Bibliometrix/Biblioshiny. Los resultados identifican los autores, artículos y revistas más influyentes y activos sobre el tema. Más específicamente, a través de las cocitaciones y el acoplamiento bibliográfico, fue posible mapear los artículos más antiguos (análisis retrospectivo) y la investigación más actual (análisis prospectivo). El análisis retrospectivo, basado en las cocitaciones, reveló que los fundamentos de este campo de investigación son constructos como la calidad del servicio, la satisfacción, la lealtad y el cambio de comportamientos. El análisis prospectivo, realizado a través del acoplamiento bibliográfico, reveló que la investigación actual está inmersa en el análisis predictivo, los conglomerados, la minería de datos y los algoritmos. Los resultados proporcionan una sólida orientación para seguir investigando en este campo

    Stakeholder theory and management: Understanding longitudinal collaboration networks

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    This paper explores the evolution of research collaboration networks in the 'stakeholder theory and management' (STM) discipline and identifies the longitudinal effect of co-authorship networks on research performance, i.e., research productivity and citation counts. Research articles totaling 6,127 records from 1989 to 2020 were harvested from the Web of Science Database and transformed into bibliometric data using Bibexcel, followed by applying social network analysis to compare and analyze scientific collaboration networks at the author, institution and country levels. This work maps the structure of these networks across three consecutive sub-periods (t1: 1989-1999; t2: 2000-2010; t3: 2011-2020) and explores the association between authors' social network properties and their research performance. The results show that authors collaboration network was fragmented all through the periods, however, with an increase in the number and size of cliques. Similar results were observed in the institutional collaboration network but with less fragmentation between institutions reflected by the increase in network density as time passed. The international collaboration had evolved from an uncondensed, fragmented and highly centralized network, to a highly dense and less fragmented network in t3. Moreover, a positive association was reported between authors' research performance and centrality and structural hole measures in t3 as opposed to ego-density, constraint and tie strength in t1. The findings can be used by policy makers to improve collaboration and develop research programs that can enhance several scientific fields. Central authors identified in the networks are better positioned to receive government funding, maximize research outputs and improve research community reputation. Viewed from a network's perspective, scientists can understand how collaborative relationships influence research performance and consider where to invest their decision and choices

    Mapping the Emerging Field of Service Science: Insights from a Citation Network and Cocitation Network Analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to comprehensively map the recent additions to the body of knowledge in the service science discipline. Previous literature analyses insufficiently account for these developments or refrain from applying tool-based bibliographic analysis techniques. Following the introduction of the software tool CiteBridge, a citation network and a cocitation network are constructed based on 3,783 articles and 6,775 citations. Subsequently, both networks are analyzed (a) to map the scope and structure of the discipline, (b) to identify the most authoritative papers and literature review papers, (c) to discover clusters of research in the discipline, and (d) to explore if the service dominant logic of marketing has evolved into an overarching philosophical foundation for service research. The findings are intended to provide researchers with a sound orientation about the recent developments in the field and to further shape the evolution of service science as a research discipline

    Impact of Financial Inclusion on SME Growth: A Bibliometric Analysis of OIC and Non-OIC Countries

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    Financial inclusion (FI) is perceived as an imperative tool for reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth. In particular, FI provides access to capital and financial services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and enables them to manage their finances, mitigate risks, expand operations, facilitate innovation, and drive job creation. SMEs are considered the backbone of an economy regardless of the level of development of that economy. However, their potential is not fully tapped yet and is hindered due to several constraints. Among its constraints, the unavailability of financial resources is considered a major barrier to SME growth. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) evidenced that 40% of formal SMEs in emerging economies suffer from unmet yearly financial needs of USD 5.2 trillion. Despite all the advantages of FI, it is argued that FI is contingent upon various factors such as structural and policy-related factors and cannot be achieved in isolation. The effectiveness of FI requires collective effort. On the other hand, information and communication technology (ICT) is considered a key enabler of FI. The existing literature has been debated the relationship between FI and SME growth; nonetheless, a lack of consensus exists for the role of FI in SMEs' performance and/or growth. It is also evidenced that the level of FI varies among countries as well as within a country. Therefore, this chapter reviews the academic literature on FI in SMEs by employing bibliometric analysis methods. A total of 62 publications related to FI in SMEs between 2206 and 2024 were identified from a widely recognised Scopus online database. Using VOSviewer software, the analysis established how research has evolved in this area. The authors identified main current themes, emerging trends, and gaps for future research directions

    Tecnologias aplicadas à educação: investigação da rede de coautoria em mestrados profissionais em Educação /Technologies applied to education: research of the network of co-authorship in professional masters in Education

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    O desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico é influenciado pelos relacionamentos entre instituições e pesquisadores. A observação da estrutura de relações entre pesquisadores em um campo científico permite entender de que forma essa conhecimento é construído e disseminado.  A  análise de redes sociais possibilita examinar o conjunto de relações entre os pesquisadores em um determinado campo ou área de investigação por meio da produção científica compartilhada. O conhecimento da estrutura e da evolução dessa rede pode ser estratégico para os agentes inseridos nesse campo, não somente pesquisadores, mas também as instituições e programas de pesquisa. Neste trabalho, avaliamos a rede de coautoria entre docentes membros de programas de mestrado profissional em educação, especificamente em linhas de pesquisas voltadas às tecnologias de informação aplicadas à educação. A análise da rede de coautoria em publicações de artigos entre os docentes mostrou que a rede é esparsa, com pouca produção conjunta. Essa produção, quando ocorre, limita-se a envolver docentes do mesmo programa. A análise em diferentes momentos no tempo não mostra mudança nos resultados apontados