47 research outputs found

    Relation between Financial Market Structure and the Real Economy: Comparison between Clustering Methods

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    We quantify the amount of information filtered by different hierarchical clustering methods on correlations between stock returns comparing it with the underlying industrial activity structure. Specifically, we apply, for the first time to financial data, a novel hierarchical clustering approach, the Directed Bubble Hierarchical Tree and we compare it with other methods including the Linkage and k-medoids. In particular, by taking the industrial sector classification of stocks as a benchmark partition, we evaluate how the different methods retrieve this classification. The results show that the Directed Bubble Hierarchical Tree can outperform other methods, being able to retrieve more information with fewer clusters. Moreover, we show that the economic information is hidden at different levels of the hierarchical structures depending on the clustering method. The dynamical analysis on a rolling window also reveals that the different methods show different degrees of sensitivity to events affecting financial markets, like crises. These results can be of interest for all the applications of clustering methods to portfolio optimization and risk hedging.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figure

    Multi-Input data ASsembly for joint Analysis (MIASA): A framework for the joint analysis of disjoint sets of variables

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    The joint analysis of two datasets and that describe the same phenomena (e.g. the cellular state), but measure disjoint sets of variables (e.g. mRNA vs. protein levels) is currently challenging. Traditional methods typically analyze single interaction patterns such as variance or covariance. However, problem-tailored external knowledge may contain multiple different information about the interaction between the measured variables. We introduce MIASA, a holistic framework for the joint analysis of multiple different variables. It consists of assembling multiple different information such as similarity vs. association, expressed in terms of interaction-scores or distances, for subsequent clustering/classification. In addition, our framework includes a novel qualitative Euclidean embedding method (qEE-Transition) which enables using Euclidean-distance/vector-based clustering/classification methods on datasets that have a non-Euclidean-based interaction structure. As an alternative to conventional optimization-based multidimensional scaling methods which are prone to uncertainties, our qEE-Transition generates a new vector representation for each element of the dataset union in a common Euclidean space while strictly preserving the original ordering of the assembled interaction-distances. To demonstrate our work, we applied the framework to three types of simulated datasets: samples from families of distributions, samples from correlated random variables, and time-courses of statistical moments for three different types of stochastic two-gene interaction models. We then compared different clustering methods with vs. without the qEE-Transition. For all examples, we found that the qEE-Transition followed by Ward clustering had superior performance compared to non-agglomerative clustering methods but had a varied performance against ultrametric-based agglomerative methods. We also tested the qEE-Transition followed by supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods and found promising results, however, more work is needed for optimal parametrization of these methods. As a future perspective, our framework points to the importance of more developments and validation of distance-distribution models aiming to capture multiple-complex interactions between different variables

    Text mining without document context

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    We consider a challenging clustering task: the clustering of muti-word terms without document co-occurrence information in order to form coherent groups of topics. For this task, we developed a methodology taking as input multi-word terms and lexico-syntactic relations between them. Our clustering algorithm, named CPCL is implemented in the TermWatch system. We compared CPCL to other existing clustering algorithms, namely hierarchical and partitioning (k-means, k-medoids). This out-of-context clustering task led us to adapt multi-word term representation for statistical methods and also to refine an existing cluster evaluation metric, the editing distance in order to evaluate the methods. Evaluation was carried out on a list of multi-word terms from the genomic field which comes with a hand built taxonomy. Results showed that while k-means and k-medoids obtained good scores on the editing distance, they were very sensitive to term length. CPCL on the other hand obtained a better cluster homogeneity score and was less sensitive to term length. Also, CPCL showed good adaptability for handling very large and sparse matrices

    New Algorithms andMethodology for Analysing Distances

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    Distances arise in a wide variety of di�erent contexts, one of which is partitional clustering, that is, the problem of �nding groups of similar objects within a set of objects.¿ese groups are seemingly very easy to �nd for humans, but very di�cult to �nd for machines as there are two major di�culties to be overcome: the �rst de�ning an objective criterion for the vague notion of “groups of similar objects”, and the second is the computational complexity of �nding such groups given a criterion. In the �rst part of this thesis, we focus on the �rst di�culty and show that even seemingly similar optimisation criteria used for partitional clustering can produce vastly di�erent results. In the process of showing this we develop a new metric for comparing clustering solutions called the assignment metric. We then prove some new NP-completeness results for problems using two related “sum-of-squares” clustering criteria. Closely related to partitional clustering is the problem of hierarchical clustering. We extend and formalise this problem to the problem of constructing rooted edge-weighted X-trees, that is trees with a leafset X. It is well known that an X-tree can be uniquely reconstructed from a distance on X if the distance is an ultrametric. But in practice the complete distance on X may not always be available. In the second part of this thesis we look at some of the circumstances under which a tree can be uniquely reconstructed from incomplete distance information. We use a concept called a lasso and give some theoretical properties of a special type of lasso. We then develop an algorithm which can construct a tree together with a lasso from partial distance information and show how this can be applied to various incomplete datasets

    Multilevel mixed-type data analysis for validating partitions of scrapie isolates

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    The dissertation arises from a joint study with the Department of Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The aim is to investigate and validate the existence of distinct strains of the scrapie disease taking into account the availability of a priori benchmark partition formulated by researchers. Scrapie of small ruminants is caused by prions, which are unconventional infectious agents of proteinaceous nature a ecting humans and animals. Due to the absence of nucleic acids, which precludes direct analysis of strain variation by molecular methods, the presence of di erent sheep scrapie strains is usually investigated by bioassay in laboratory rodents. Data are collected by an experimental study on scrapie conducted at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità by experimental transmission of scrapie isolates to bank voles. We aim to discuss the validation of a given partition in a statistical classification framework using a multi-step procedure. Firstly, we use unsupervised classification to see how alternative clustering results match researchers’ understanding of the heterogeneity of the isolates. We discuss whether and how clustering results can be eventually exploited to extend the preliminary partition elicited by researchers. Then we motivate the subsequent partition validation based on the predictive performance of several supervised classifiers. Our data-driven approach contains two main methodological original contributions. We advocate the use of partition validation measures to investigate a given benchmark partition: firstly we discuss the issue of how the data can be used to evaluate a preliminary benchmark partition and eventually modify it with statistical results to find a conclusive partition that could be used as a “gold standard” in future studies. Moreover, collected data have a multilevel structure and for each lower-level unit, mixed-type data are available. Each step in the procedure is then adapted to deal with multilevel mixed-type data. We extend distance-based clustering algorithms to deal with multilevel mixed-type data. Whereas in supervised classification we propose a two-step approach to classify the higher-level units starting from the lower-level observations. In this framework, we also need to define an ad-hoc cross validation algorithm