8,108 research outputs found

    New results on stabbing segments with a polygon

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    We consider a natural variation of the concept of stabbing a set of segments with a simple polygon: a segment s is stabbed by a simple polygon P if at least one endpoint of s is contained in P, and a segment set S is stabbed by P if P stabs every element of S. Given a segment set S, we study the problem of finding a simple polygon P stabbing S in a way that some measure of P (such as area or perimeter) is optimized. We show that if the elements of S are pairwise disjoint, the problem can be solved in polynomial time. In particular, this solves an open problem posed by Loftier and van Kreveld [Algorithmica 56(2), 236-269 (2010)] [16] about finding a maximum perimeter convex hull for a set of imprecise points modeled as line segments. Our algorithm can also be extended to work for a more general problem, in which instead of segments, the set S consists of a collection of point sets with pairwise disjoint convex hulls. We also prove that for general segments our stabbing problem is NP-hard. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Rational quintics in the real plane

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    Dimers and cluster integrable systems

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    We show that the dimer model on a bipartite graph on a torus gives rise to a quantum integrable system of special type - a cluster integrable system. The phase space of the classical system contains, as an open dense subset, the moduli space of line bundles with connections on the graph. The sum of Hamiltonians is essentially the partition function of the dimer model. Any graph on a torus gives rise to a bipartite graph on the torus. We show that the phase space of the latter has a Lagrangian subvariety. We identify it with the space parametrizing resistor networks on the original graph.We construct several discrete quantum integrable systems.Comment: This is an updated version, 75 pages, which will appear in Ann. Sci. EN

    Multi-qubit stabilizer and cluster entanglement witnesses

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    One of the problems concerning entanglement witnesses (EWs) is the construction of them by a given set of operators. Here several multi-qubit EWs called stabilizer EWs are constructed by using the stabilizer operators of some given multi-qubit states such as GHZ, cluster and exceptional states. The general approach to manipulate the multi-qubit stabilizer EWs by exact(approximate) linear programming (LP) method is described and it is shown that the Clifford group play a crucial role in finding the hyper-planes encircling the feasible region. The optimality, decomposability and non-decomposability of constructed stabilizer EWs are discussed.Comment: 57 pages, 2 figure

    Fast Fencing

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    We consider very natural "fence enclosure" problems studied by Capoyleas, Rote, and Woeginger and Arkin, Khuller, and Mitchell in the early 90s. Given a set SS of nn points in the plane, we aim at finding a set of closed curves such that (1) each point is enclosed by a curve and (2) the total length of the curves is minimized. We consider two main variants. In the first variant, we pay a unit cost per curve in addition to the total length of the curves. An equivalent formulation of this version is that we have to enclose nn unit disks, paying only the total length of the enclosing curves. In the other variant, we are allowed to use at most kk closed curves and pay no cost per curve. For the variant with at most kk closed curves, we present an algorithm that is polynomial in both nn and kk. For the variant with unit cost per curve, or unit disks, we present a near-linear time algorithm. Capoyleas, Rote, and Woeginger solved the problem with at most kk curves in nO(k)n^{O(k)} time. Arkin, Khuller, and Mitchell used this to solve the unit cost per curve version in exponential time. At the time, they conjectured that the problem with kk curves is NP-hard for general kk. Our polynomial time algorithm refutes this unless P equals NP