5 research outputs found

    How to Measure Teachers' Acceptance of AI-driven Assessment in eLearning

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    The use of AI is becoming a growing reality the educational field. One of the activities in which it is beginning to be implemented is the assessment of student achievement. This way, we can find in the literature an increasing number of investigations focused on the possibilities offered by the adoption of AI-driven assessment. However, the use of AI is also a source of concern that raises suspicions in some sectors of our society. In this context, knowing the position of the teachers towards this topic is critical to guarantee the successful development of the field. This paper intends to fill a research gap in the literature by offering a technology adoption model based on TAM to study the factors that condition the use of AI-driven assessment among teachers. To present this model we offer a background on the use of AI in education and the technology acceptance among teachers, as well as the definition of the eight constructs and the relational hypotheses included. Finally, the possibilities of the model and future lines of research are discussed

    Student's intention to use wikis for Online Collaborative Learning (OCL)

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    Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) is very prominent nowadays. Even though OCL is utilized all over the globe, there are still limitations in evaluating the factors influencing intention to use tools and technologies of online collaborative learning, especially in Malaysia. This study aimed to investigate factors affecting the intention to use Wikis for OCL through the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) has been adopted in designing the theoretical framework for the study. This framework is applied to examine the significant differences between level of study related to factors affecting the intention to use Wikis namely the performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, the features of OCL and intention to use. A survey was used to collect usable data from 233 undergraduate students in a Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used as the technique for data analysis. The results show that all construct was significant predictors of intention to use Wikis. Overall, the proposed model achieves an acceptable fit and explains its variance for 66% of sample. The implications of the study‟s findings for practice and research are discussed, and avenues for future research outlined

    Os recursos das redes sociais e suas potencialidades para a aprendizagem

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    The Social Networks (SN) are a phenomenon between different student profiles. To study the potential use of social networks as a educational environments, provides an opportunity to analyze their different characteristics that may facilitate the process of designing learning strategies. This research has as general objective, to identify resources in social networks, with potential for learning and the integration of these networks on Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), and as the specific objectives: identify the availability of social networks in the virtual environments of learning: analyze the availability of popular Social Networking Sites (SNS) resources, that can be used in the school environment, teaching resources as promoters of learning; up, based on literature, indicators of how research used the social network Facebook in the construction process of learning. The results showed that 54% of software used as VLE by 110 surveyed educational institutions, allow integration with social networks, whether external or internal, however, the majority of educational institutions still opt for not integrating to the SNS because institutional constraints, lack demand or interest. Analyses made on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, show that Facebook and Google+ have five of the teaching resources considered important for learning, not having only the teacher assessment feature. In the case of Facebook, the review of 26 studies showed that 71% of researchers use questionnaires built in other tools to conduct assessments or investigations on the network, and that 50% use similar groups to a learning environment.As redes sociais (RS) são um fenômeno entre os diversos perfis de estudantes. Estudar o potencial de uso das redes sociais, como ambientes educacionais, oferece uma oportunidade de análise de suas diferentes características, podendo facilitar o processo de concepção de estratégias de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral, identificar recursos nas redes sociais, com potencialidades para a aprendizagem e a integração destas redes, aos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA), e como objetivos específicos: identificar a disponibilidade de redes sociais nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagens; analisar a disponibilidade de recursos em sites de redes sociais (RS) populares, que podem ser utilizados no ambiente escolar, como recursos pedagógicos fomentadores da aprendizagem; levantar, à luz da literatura, indicadores sobre a forma como pesquisas utilizaram a rede social Facebook, no processo de construção da aprendizagem. Os resultados mostraram que 54% dos softwares utilizados como AVA pelas 110 instituições de ensino pesquisadas, permitem a integração às redes sociais, sejam externas ou internas, porém, a maioria das instituições de ensino pesquisada ainda opta pela não integração às RS por restrições institucionais, falta de demanda ou de interesse. As análises feitas no Facebook, Google+ e Twitter, mostram que o Facebook e Google+ apresentam cinco dos recursos pedagógicos considerados importantes para a aprendizagem, não tendo apenas o recurso de avaliação docente. No caso do Facebook, a revisão de 26 estudos mostrou que 71% dos pesquisadores utilizam questionários construídos em outras ferramentas para realizar avaliações ou investigações na rede, e que 50% utilizam grupos para similar um ambiente de aprendizagem

    El aporte de los espacios coworking a la capacidad innovadora de las personas. Estudio de caso múltiple en Lima, Perú

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    El crecimiento de una economía depende de su capacidad para innovar, en el caso de Perú, es evidente el interés por mejorarla, en los últimos 3 años la calificación de este atributo ha incrementado en 8%, según el reporte de competitividad global WEF. La capacidad para innovar está directamente relacionada a los recursos, tales como la infraestructura, las personas, etc. Actualmente, se considera al recurso humano como el más importante y por eso, en los últimos años ha aumentado los incentivos a la innovación con concursos promovidos principalmente por PRODUCE y CONCYTEC. Sin embargo, el reto está en mejorar la capacidad innovadora del recurso humano, en este contexto, el reciente surgimiento del coworking representa una oportunidad que mejora el networking y fomenta la libre discusión de ideas con ópticas multidisciplinarias que pueden significar una valiosa contribución a la creación de un emprendimiento. Dado esto, el objetivo de la presente tesis es analizar los factores del coworking que influyen en la capacidad innovadora de las personas, la evaluación será en 5 organizaciones diversas entre sí. El tipo de investigación es un estudio de caso descriptivo y cualitativo. El método que se emplea es la revisión de la literatura y entrevistas semi-estructuradas y análisis cruzado de los casos de organizaciones seleccionadas. La principal pregunta a responder es ¿Por qué participar en un coworking mejora la capacidad innovadora de las personas? El hallazgo de la investigación es que sí hay un impacto de los factores del coworking sobre la innovación. Sin embargo, se debe clasificar el tipo de coworking y develar qué factor específico impacta para provocar un efecto positivo. El coworking de tipo nicho impacta en la innovación a través de los factores de servicio y habilidad. Por el contrario, el coworking joven no tiene un impacto desde ningún factor y el coworking maduro si impacta, pero se especializa en algún factor clave, ya sea colaboración, servicio o habilidad.Tesi