25,080 research outputs found

    Mejorar la adquisición de la lengua extranjera a través de STEAM y las inteligencias múltiples en Educación Infantil

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    In recent years, the rapid pace of social change and increasing globalization have made it necessary to prepare new generations to deal with the world’s issues through critical thinking, effective communication, and cooperation. Therefore, this project intends to investigate STEAM, which stands for stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics; and Multiple Intelligences (MI), approaches that focus on the mentioned issues, and combining them as a way to foreign language acquisition in Infant Education. In order to do so, the project contains a suggested proposal design whose main goal is enhancing foreign language acquisition through STEAM and Multiple Intelligences in Infant Education. The proposal follows the project topic “wild animals” and aims to approach the oral use of the foreign language in communicative situations in the classroom.En los últimos años la rapidez en los cambios sociales y la creciente globalización han hecho necesario preparar a las nuevas generaciones para afrontar los problemas del mundo mediante el pensamiento crítico, la comunicación eficaz y la cooperación. Por ello, este trabajo pretende investigar STEAM, que significa Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte, y Matemáticas; y las Inteligencias Múltiples, métodos que se centran en los temas mencionados, combinándolos como una vía para la adquisición de la lengua extranjera en Educación Infantil. Para ello, el trabajo contiene una sugerencia de propuesta cuyo objetivo principal es potenciar la adquisición de la lengua extranjera a través de STEAM y las Inteligencias Múltiples en Educación Infantil. La propuesta sigue el tema “animales salvajes” y pretende abordar el uso de la lengua extranjera en situaciones comunicativas en el aula.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Participation : young spice

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    A brilliant companion to the critically acclaimed 'Spice it Up'. Fun participation activities for the under 11's

    Official Rebrand and the Importance of Queer Adornment

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    In altering and regenerating, I strip clothes from gendered confines. This reuse explores the value of originality and reinterpretation. This action is also one of empowerment in its disregard for the typical sanctity of consumer products. Furthermore, renewing old clothing references the psychological, political, and environmental consequences of excessive accumulation and consumption. The parallel practices of art and fashion in my work inform each other in both their material and the contemplation of fashion\u27s function. My fascination with the meaning behind personal style derives from how what we wear signifies, particularly within the queer communities of which I am a part. Style can subvert social constraints such as gender norms and socioeconomic stratification. Style can veil a troubled mentality or festively externalize one\u27s interior--a celebration that, outside of safe spaces, is subject to attack. Style can present a problematic dichotomy between necessary self-expression and superficial judgement within a classist culture. This thesis is for anyone who wears clothes and wants to contemplate the significance of clothing as more than just a social and climatological necessity

    Current Trends in Game-Based Learning

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    A myriad of technological options can be used to support digital game-based learning. One popular technology in this context is the mobile device, considering its high penetration rate in our societies, even among young people. These can be combined with other technologies, such as Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), to increase students’ motivation and engagement in learning processes.Due to this, there is an emergent need to know and promote good practices in the development and implementation of game-based learning approaches in educational settings. This was the motto for the proposal of the Education Sciences (ISSN: 2227-7102) Special Issue “Current Trends in Game-Based Learning”. This book is a reprint of this Special Issue, collecting a set of five papers that illustrate the contribution of innovative approaches to education, specifically the ones exploring the motivational factors associated with playing games and the technology that may support them

    Gender Differences in Influencer Advertisements on Instagram: A Multimodal Perspective

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    Congruent with the rapid development of internet users worldwide, social media advertising has been mushrooming on various social network platforms, including Instagram. Among the many forms of advertising that marketers have relied on is influencer advertising, which pertains to hiring popular Instagram influencers to endorse particular products or services on their Instagram accounts. This study explores how these Instagram influencers use both texts and images to convey their advertising messages. Further, the study explores the differences in how male and female influencers construct their endorsement posts. A total of 20 advertisement posts were collected from 10 influencers and were analyzed from the multimodal approach integrated with the concepts of linguistic metafunctions in Systemic Functional Linguistics. Then, the gender differences in texts and images were elaborated. It is shown that interpersonal language dominates the language used in the captions, despite the specific differences in the linguistic items used by men and women. Likewise, in the images, the influencers seem to consistently put the spotlight on themselves rather than on the products to captivate the followers' attention. The findings of this study will eventually contribute to the literature on advertising language and multimodal analysis.

    Mapping Multimodal Literacy Practices through Mediated Discourse Analysis: Identity Revision in What Not To Wear

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    In this conceptual paper, I examine the exaggerated revision critique in one “makeover” television program to illustrate how MDA’s filtering process pinpoints practices of identity revision that are so essential to makeovers, whether in reality television episodes or in schooling. To suggest MDA’s potential for revealing the identity-building accomplished through physical activity with objects, I analyze multimodal practices in one television episode of What Not to Wear, concluding with connections to familiar embodied literacy practices in classrooms. The dramatized and edited excerpts provide vivid examples of gatekeeping that make this fashion makeover program an apt choice for illustrating how the MDA process uncovers identity-building activity

    Infusing the Multiple Intelligences into Fifth Grade Curriculum

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    Howard Gardner\u27s theory of Multiple Intelligences involves eight different ways to learn (linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal). These categories of intelligence, along with the guidelines of Washington State\u27s Essential Academic Leaming Requirements, were applied to thirty lessons that were derived from the fifth grade curriculum at Tieton Middle School in Tieton, Washington. The lessons reflect the fields of reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies and health/fitness

    Counter strike 1.6 calls to play: a multimodal analysis of the game couver

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2010Vídeo jogos, considerados um fenômeno de entretenimento de massa contemporâneo, vem sendo estudados e utilizados nas mais diversas áreas. Na Educação, cada vez mais docentes se aderem a esta prática como um meio de interação com as tecnologias de informação (Aarseth, 1997, Lemke, 2002) e os utilizam como uma ferramenta potencial para promover pensamento crítico (Frasca, 2001). No Brasil, o uso de vídeo jogos na Educação é ainda uma prática nova e restrita. Contudo, o rico conteúdo semiótico destes jogos e a familiaridade generalizada dos estudantes com este meio fazem com que sejam incluídos entre as fontes de material para o multiletramento (Unsworth, 2007, 2001; Christie, 2005; Gee, 2005; Jenkins & Squire, 2003). Esta situação levanta questões referentes às representações semióticas dos vídeo jogos, como assim também, à criação de aplicativos adequados ao multiletramento. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender e interpretar a representação multimodal do discurso de guerra como entretenimento, na capa do jogo de tiro Counter Strike 1.6. O estudo, baseado principalmente nos trabalhos de Kress e van Leeuwen (1996), Unsworth (2001; 2006) e Machin e van Leeuwen (2009), revela que: 1) o propósito ou função da capa sugere ter influenciado nas escolhas feitas para a composição da mesma. Nela se dá ênfase à representação glamurizada do soldado da força antiterrorista e são abstraídas possíveis representações explicitas de guerra; 2) as funções Representacional, Interativa e Composicional (GDV) articulam-se através dos modos de representação e realizam o trabalho conjunto de tentar fundir, visualmente falando, as fronteiras entre a representação da guerra na realidade da vida e na realidade do jogo; 3) efeitos de áudio e som contextualizam o jogo em um determinado gênero como assim também, a espacialização dos ambientes criados em mapas locais; 4) o tipo de letra escolhido para facilitar a compreensão de textos enquanto se joga sob pressão de tempo, pode espelhar uma mudança nos hábitos de leitura na era da computação. Concluo o presente trabalho refletindo sobre o uso de vídeo jogos, mesmo quando o tema for controvertido, e, sugiro possíveis atividades que incluam vídeo jogos como material para uma abordagem critica ao letramento multimodal